Fit and Fun 60 day Challenge!!



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    guys just throwing at idea out: what about doing a 5K together one day next week? i never did one and i always wanted to do one- if youre up for it then let me know- also how many miles is a 5k? we could compare times, etc- let me know if your interested or if i should post it as a site wide challenge? for me monday or thursday would work best.
    i like the idea of total minutes -
    I was thinking that this would be simpler to view/comment if i started a BLOG for each week- so i will start the blog- u should recieve the link in ur newsfeed- i hope!
    ****weigh in is tomorrow morning! dont forgget to weigh urselves and check-in*****
    (last chance workout tonight-lol!)
    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Whaaaaa?? Sorry if I missed a thread, but I thought weigh-ins were Sunday mornings! Did that change?

    And 5K is 3.1 miles. And my schedule varies so much week to week that I can't really say what day is better--but I'd try to work it in somehow.
    I like the blog idea. Sometimes a long discussion gets kinda hard to follow
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Oops sorry about that mixup- I forgot that were doing it on Sunday because I used to do it Friday but actually that works out well for me cuz i don't think I lost weight yet so check out the blog n weigh in on Sunday- my apologies ;-)
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    A pretty good day for me, I got in my water, my fruit, my veggies and my mile + so I am happy it is really working into a routine.
    I do need to get more veggies and fruit tomorrow.
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Hi please check out my blog and post comments there!!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Sorry about being MIA. Between work and dealing with my daughter's stomach. She had an endoscopy done today which came back normal. She has a nuclear medicine test on Monday where they see if her stomach empties correctly. Her GI doctor called me in for a consult after the endoscopy and told me if feels that her problem is all psychological. She's lost weight starting the end of summer and is now down to size 0's, which are too big for her in the waist. We've been going to a nutritionist, who has suggested that it is disordered eating (her way of saying eating disorder). My daughter refuses to think that's what it is. The GI doctor said that it's not that bad now, but it could spiral out of control pretty quickly. He said to not only take her to the nutritionist, but to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. My husband and I have decided to wait until after her test on Monday to have a sit down talk with her. She has her next appointment with the nutritionist on Wednesday.

    Sorry to have just unloaded, it just makes me very nervous..

    Anyway -- back to me. :) I didn't get my veggies in today but I did get my fruit and most of my water. I do have a treadmill at home. I do not belong to a gym. Doing the calories burned sounds like an excellent challenge for us to strive for along with keeping up with our water, fruits & veggies.

    Take care everyone,

  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Crazy day, ate too much friday night but it was good... so good!
    I didn't get any exercise in Friday but I am going to hop on the treadmill and get a few hundered calories gone! I have been doing pretty well on getting my fruits and veggies in as well as my water. I really need to pick up some more fruit... I keep forgetting.
  • jAdorelife
    weight in tomorrow!! (well later today haha) good luck everybody!