SAHM 1/24 to 1/30



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    KatieM7, good luck starting your job! That sounds like fun. And good luck with the hubby away from home. I hope the week flies by for you all.

    Nicole, how much flour do you get at one time? Is it a super long drive?

    I'm not super concerned about Z's hearing. I mean, I want to get it solved, but right now I'm not in panic mode because I kind of expected him to have problems, just due to his allergies and his complaints about his ears "beeping." The nurse believes it's from fluid buildup, and I think the same thing. He'll either need medication or tubes, most likely, and then hopefully the problem will be solved. I don't like the choice between meds or surgery, but at least either way it should be temporary.

    I did get my workout in. It wasn't anything intense, but it felt nice to move. I may have overdone it because then my butt felt like lead and I couldn't do anything for like an hour. :laugh: Oh well. I earned myself a little more dinner, and that's always welcome. I have noticed though that ever since I stopped eating around the clock, I *think* about food around the clock. :ohwell: That can't be good. I exercise because I know I'll get to eat more if I do. I suppose any motivation is better than none, but I didn't realize how dependent I had become on food. Looking back, I'm really surprised I didn't put on more than 30 pounds, as much as I was eating. It's kind of depressing to think about it. But hopefully I can change that dependency, find something else to obsess over. :) Maybe my new obsession should be YOGA!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Barb- That is great news! Please keep us posted!

    AJ- 75 lbs worth. Sorghum, brown rice, and tapioca flour all in 25 lb bags. It was about 3hours and 15 minutes one way. I could get them shipped, but it's fun to drive there. An adventure! Good for you for getting in your workout! I alwys like the extra cals. I too think about food most of the day. I plan my meals in my head all day long. That is why I told myself that I will log my food with MFP for the rest of my life!:tongue: I also obsess about running, so at least there is one positive thing that I obsess about!

    in store for today- A run, and then house cleaning, we are having our neighbors over for dinner tonight!

    BTW- Our guinea hen is doing much better. Each day there is huge progress! She is getting back to her ornery self!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Well I took the day "off" of MFP yesterday. Still logged my cals and was under. But I've been looking at all of the "not chores" I had around the house that I wanted and needed to get done. I've been really good with my workouts. One in the morning then one at "quiet time" It doesn't leave me anytime to get anything else done. SO I'm thinking about getting a better burn in and go down to 4 days a week instead of 5. Leaving me a non-exercise day with husband at work. Actually got some paperwork done. Got some scrapbooking done....from 2009 ( so behind! ) Starting to wrap my head around the vacation plans.

    *off topic-I'm needing some "not the normal" ideas for my almost 3 year old for a 4 hr flight!!! My older one will be completely fine, but my little one doesn't like crowded areas. So the closer I get the more nervous it makes me. I'm going to have the normal "keep them busy kit" but thinking all you mom's have some out of the box ideas.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Wow! The breastfeeding stuff is great to know considering we are trying to get preggo!

    no WE aren't:noway:


    I am not amused by this statement .....:frown:

    SO SO SO sorry! I wasn't trying to be snarky and definitely not trying to hurt anyones feelings! I just started this post this week and don't know anyones history...I know better...I wasn't thinking. My deepest apologies! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow! The breastfeeding stuff is great to know considering we are trying to get preggo!

    no WE aren't:noway:


    I am not amused by this statement .....:frown:

    SO SO SO sorry! I wasn't trying to be snarky and definitely not trying to hurt anyones feelings! I just started this post this week and don't know anyones history...I know better...I wasn't thinking. My deepest apologies! :flowerforyou:

    Appology accepted! :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Nicole, that's a lot of flour! But it sounds like a fun trip. Sometimes it's just nice to get out of the house once in a while! I have also decided that I'm going to log with MFP forever, because since I've been logging I've actually been eating what I NEED rather than what I CRAVE. Huge difference there. I don't have a good memory (kids drained my brain!:laugh:) so it's good to have a visual representation of what I'm eating. Have fun on your run!

    DJ, good idea to give yourself that day "off" every week. You need time to do stuff just for you. I don't know about the flight -- does your little one like music? My kids love listening to my MP3 player through the headphones because it's something different. That might help with the stress of being in a crowd. You could play "I Spy" when you're in the airport, looking for people with different colored shirts or things like that, to make the crowd fun. Good luck!

    I learned something this morning about breakfast. A hash brown patty has like twice as many calories as one serving of shredded hash browns (the kinds I buy, anyway). And I like the shredded ones better. I think I'll still buy the patties because the kids love them, and heaven knows they can use the calories, but I'll stick with the shredded for me. Today on my agenda, I have to do the laundry that piled up while I was sick, the dishes that piled up while I was sick, the vacuuming that piled up while I was sick... you get the picture. :laugh: And even though my husband is home, I'm going to get in my workout sometime today. We talked about it last weekend and he said he would be willing to go play a game in our bedroom, or just promise not to watch me or make fun of me while I work out. Not that he typically makes fun of me, but I don't know. It's something I'm self-conscious about. So he said he'd respect my boundaries on that, but that if I wanted to work out when he's here, I should just do it. So I will. :) Have a great Saturday everybody! I hope you have a fantastic start to your weekend!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member

    DJ, good idea to give yourself that day "off" every week. You need time to do stuff just for you. I don't know about the flight -- does your little one like music? My kids love listening to my MP3 player through the headphones because it's something different. That might help with the stress of being in a crowd. You could play "I Spy" when you're in the airport, looking for people with different colored shirts or things like that, to make the crowd fun. Good luck!

    And even though my husband is home, I'm going to get in my workout sometime today. We talked about it last weekend and he said he would be willing to go play a game in our bedroom, or just promise not to watch me or make fun of me while I work out. Not that he typically makes fun of me, but I don't know. It's something I'm self-conscious about. So he said he'd respect my boundaries on that, but that if I wanted to work out when he's here, I should just do it. So I will. :) Have a great Saturday everybody! I hope you have a fantastic start to your weekend!

    He does like my Ipod. I've already started downloading free cartoons and a whole album of random kids singing nursery rhymes. I completely forgot about "I spy" good call. Thanks.

    I don't exercise when my husband is here either. Its just weird to have someone...anyone (other than kids) sitting on the couch while you're doing cardio.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    I have had a very busy day- running around this morning that included buying new shoes for my oldest, I swear he goes threw tennis shoes like crazy & then I ended up buying a pair for my 3 year old to because they were cute & on sale, then the grocery store to get necessities. Came home and have been cleaning like a crazy lady- bathrooms, which is my absolute least favorite, kitchen, vacuuming, finishing laundry, saving the downstairs bathroom & the floors to be swept & mopped after the middle two are in bed. I did fit in my workout even though it was suppose to be my off day because hubby comes home tomorrow so I know I won't get in one then so that will be my off day instead. Anyways I said all that to say I am going to be way under my calories for the day. It is already 6:45pm and I'm only up to like 745 calories and then when you add my workout & all the cleaning my net calories are at like 45 right now. I know not good but that is how I use to be all the time before getting on MFP. I would always be so busy and forget to eat. That just shows how much better I have gotten since I am actually keeping track of everything I eat I am making sure to reach those 1200 atleast. So it wasn't a great day calorie wise but I burned some good calories, haha!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~Glad to hear about the hen. You should def try out the tea it has been a big difference for me. Not only was I so darn moody before I started to drink it but I was retaining so much water I felt like an over-sized water balloon. :tongue:

    Aj~I know how you feel about the exercise and I can say that they hubby would make fun when I first started to exercise (almost 4 ya). Can't say I blame him though it was funny the part he poked fun at. Windsor pilates "seal" not sure if you know what that is but you are sitting on a mat and have you arms on the outside of legs holding on to feet and you roll back and then tap your feet together and then roll back to sitting. :laugh: After that I wouldn't let him come downstairs when I would exercise. He caught me one time doing a dance video and said I looked hot doing it. I have gotten used to the idea of him seeing me now but still get uncomfortable when he walks in while I am "pumping it" with Turbo Jam! :laugh:

    So the hubby and I went to the store yesterday to get something to eat for dinner and of course with how late it was it had to be something quick. Well before the frozen section of the store held a lot of dinners for us and NOTHING appealed to me and ended up have to force myself to eat so that I would have something. Just another one of those little triumphs! This morning was a cleaning day for us too. It has been nice to have the house clean other than my oldest still didn't get his chores done he has been struggling with getting them done and been fighting us on doing them. I am at a loss on how to get him to do them. I am at my wits end with him! :tongue: All the other kids have been doing their chores just fine but him. Even my kids that are not as inclined to help out have done whats asked of them. Is it like preteen crap because man I don't know that I will survive if it is! :tongue:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Christi, you did have a busy day! Sheesh! I hope you can take it easier today. On the days that you're running around like that, could you carry a snack pack of nuts or something to make sure you're able to eat? Or at least a water bottle so you can stay hydrated? I know you feel like it's ok (I used to do the same thing), but if you keep your body fueled you'll get through those days even better.

    Katie, that's awesome! About dinner, I mean. Not so much with the uncooperative kid. I don't have any advice, since mine are still young. Maybe go back to the basics with a sticker chart? If he gets all his stickers for the week, he gets a reward, and if he doesn't, he loses a privilege? I hope he gets back on track soon.

    We are spending the day out and about. Not sure where yet. I'm going to try to pick up EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii -- it's on sale at GameStop. :happy: If they're out of it, I'm going to order it -- Amazon also has it on sale with free shipping. Just a tip if anybody's looking to buy it. I hope they have it in-store so I can try it tomorrow. Something about Mondays makes me want to start a new thing. If I start in the middle of the week, it's anybody's guess whether I'll stick with it. Don't know why that is. :huh:

    I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    sorta caught up on posts. barb, glad to read that the surgery went ok. hope you've been able to talk with her.

    kris--congrats on dh's job! awesome!!

    aj--that's great that you stayed on top of the problem, didn't ignore his difficulty. good luck deciding on the right/most effective treatment.

    nicole--glad to know that the hen is recovering nicely.

    katiem--my exercise was off this week. rested more days than exercised. but this am i zumba'd (20min) and did walk/jog with leslie.

    also, i must confess--friday afternoon the cookie monster returned. she ate 2 brownies, welcome home bars, and then on saturday night pnut butt cookies from albertson's with our friends. NOT my best moments.
    BUT i will say that i ate LESS of all this stuff than before.
    i lasted 2 weeks and today is starting over. have not eaten any more of the available cookies or chips or nada.

    thanks for all your kind words. i will do this. goal is 30 days without. and i have to take it day by day.

    enjoy the rest of the weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    A quick update on my mom. I finally got a chance to talk to my mom for a very short time, but she sounded pretty good and is doing good. She said she should be getting moved out of the ICU room tonight or in the morning and be in a regular room tomorrow and she would give me a call later tomorrow so I should know more tomorrow. Thanks for all your support!

    Well, tomorrow is the end of the month and I have a feeling I didn't make my goal :grumble: Oh well, I got close, just means I need to work harder next month.

    Not a lot to report, it was ok of a weekend.

    Well, getting ready for bed, hubby has to do his physical in the morning for his CDL.....

    Have a good night, everyone!