This is a bit embarrassing but I have to ask



  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I'll take the advice given here and I'm going to increase my calorie intake cos this is frustrating the both of us. Maybe take a couple of breaks from training here and there. Thanks guys!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    :love: definitely the opposite! more confidence....more endorphins....more want for sex! haha
  • hellojaxs
    hellojaxs Posts: 4 Member
    It may be that your body is simply fatigued due to the increase in exercise. Give it some time and maybe get a little more rest, I am sure it will either return or begin to increase as time goes on and your body adjust. If not, see you doctor as it may be a sign of something else.
  • Hotlips69
    I know mine goes up increasingly! Maybe get a quick blood test maybe you are low in something or maybe hormone level is off!
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    I feel awsome about myself and mine has Sky Rocketed, worried about what will happen when i reach my goal , look
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Quite the opposite for me....hubby is very happy :bigsmile:
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    During the week absolutely!! I work 11 hour days, go straight to the gym, come home and cook a nutritious meal for me and my fiance, pack our lunches and then I'm lucky to sit for an hour before bed! Not to mention the constant planning of what I'm eating, how much I need to exercise, stressing if I'm over, wondering how to tell my friends I do not want to go to our favourite restaurant and have 10 martinis!! Starting a lifestyle change is exhausting sometimes!

    My fiance's also coming the gym with me and there has been an increase in his libido :embarassed:
  • cjeani
    cjeani Posts: 8
    I have not had this problem myself, but in one of my biology classes, we studied the connection between hormone and testosterone levels during exercise. Actually, exercise is suppose to increase the libido, as it increases the release of these hormones, however, it varies from person to person. In your case, you want to consider that moderation is a factor too. Because too much of any thing is not good for you, even a good thing.