What's the worst diet/fitness advice you've received?



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Oh and if you don't log it, the calories don't count (actually that is what I tell people).
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    "Working out will make you hungrier so don't work out and then you'll eat less."

    Actually working out has made me leaner (and I'd swear taller if I knew it wasn't possible!) and stronger than the waifs I see starving themselves.

    Strengthening your core can help your posture which could make you appear taller!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Strengthening your core can help your posture which could make you appear taller!

    wait, are you saying this is bad advice? It's not, it's actually true. Your core includes all the muscles in your lower back, when stronger they straighten your spine, giving you better posture, making you stand up straighter and look taller.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    "Working out will make you hungrier so don't work out and then you'll eat less."

    Actually working out has made me leaner (and I'd swear taller if I knew it wasn't possible!) and stronger than the waifs I see starving themselves.

    Strengthening your core can help your posture which could make you appear taller!

    That's possible. My legs seem longer too -- I think just because they're a lot more shaplier than before. I think I walk a little taller now too because I know I look better :happy:
  • bayba792
    bayba792 Posts: 21 Member
    I was told "you can eat what ever you want like a double double and french fries from in-n-out and as long as you work out you can eat anything!" If it was only that simple!
  • HawkeyeGuy
    One word - Atkins.
    It's a tie between:

    Don't eat fruit, it has too much sugar


    Avoid carbohydrates and eat super high protein.

  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    One word - Atkins.

    Here, here!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Low weight and high reps for long, lean muscles. LOL!

    Yep especially for women b/c women don't want to "bulk up"!

    This one drives me crazy! To build muscle you have to challenge the muscles AND women aren't genetically made to get HUGE like men.

    There's a quite plausible theory that this myth was orginated and then spread by bodybuilders who were on severe calorie restricted pre contest diets. Given that they were in a weaker state they couldn't lift as heavy as before. They erroneously explained they were using lighter weight and higher reps to cut rather than correlating dietary compliance to the lowering of body fat.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    You went for a run you can eat that massive fudge brownie and icecream (or whatever) as though exercise protects you from ANY calories.

    Don't do weights you'll turn into one of those crazy body building women
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Low weight and high reps for long, lean muscles. LOL!

    Yep especially for women b/c women don't want to "bulk up"!

    This one drives me crazy! To build muscle you have to challenge the muscles AND women aren't genetically made to get HUGE like men.

    There's a quite plausible theory that this myth was orginated and then spread by bodybuilders who were on severe calorie restricted pre contest diets. Given that they were in a weaker state they couldn't lift as heavy as before. They erroneously explained they were using lighter weight and higher reps to cut rather than correlating dietary compliance to the lowering of body fat.

    I saw something the other day (when J LaLanne died) that indicated this myth was started or continued in the early 1900s because athletes were told to NEVER lift weights, as that would make them "bulk up" and was thought to make them slower and have less flexibility. This was at a time when women were of course expected to be quite thin (think flappers) and were thus told to also NEVER lift weights or they would become bulky.

    Sad how those things have a life of their own, no matter how much we try to kill them! :laugh:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member

    Strengthening your core can help your posture which could make you appear taller!

    wait, are you saying this is bad advice? It's not, it's actually true. Your core includes all the muscles in your lower back, when stronger they straighten your spine, giving you better posture, making you stand up straighter and look taller.

    No, that was the reply when I said that working out has made me leaner and feel taller (for people who say "why bother working out if you're just going to eat your exercise calories?") than just eating less and not working out. The core strength might be why I feel taller!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Strengthening your core can help your posture which could make you appear taller!

    wait, are you saying this is bad advice? It's not, it's actually true. Your core includes all the muscles in your lower back, when stronger they straighten your spine, giving you better posture, making you stand up straighter and look taller.

    No, that was the reply when I said that working out has made me leaner and feel taller (for people who say "why bother working out if you're just going to eat your exercise calories?") than just eating less and not working out. The core strength might be why I feel taller!

    Ahh, I gotcha. Good stuff!
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    When I was pregnant - "You're eating for 2 so you can eat as much as you want." And then later I told myself this, "No reason to lose this baby weight, I'm just gonna have another kid in a few years anyway!" And that's why I ened up on MFP!

    "You work out all the time so you can eat/drink whatever you want." Yep, if that was true I'd be like a size 4 or something:)
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    I heard a trainer once tell her class "You can't get fat if you don't eat"
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I heard a trainer once tell her class "You can't get fat if you don't eat"

  • brunettebetty
    Geeze, such irresponsibility! :explode:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Low weight and high reps for long, lean muscles. LOL!

    Yep especially for women b/c women don't want to "bulk up"!

    This one drives me crazy! To build muscle you have to challenge the muscles AND women aren't genetically made to get HUGE like men.

    There's a quite plausible theory that this myth was orginated and then spread by bodybuilders who were on severe calorie restricted pre contest diets. Given that they were in a weaker state they couldn't lift as heavy as before. They erroneously explained they were using lighter weight and higher reps to cut rather than correlating dietary compliance to the lowering of body fat.

    I saw something the other day (when J LaLanne died) that indicated this myth was started or continued in the early 1900s because athletes were told to NEVER lift weights, as that would make them "bulk up" and was thought to make them slower and have less flexibility. This was at a time when women were of course expected to be quite thin (think flappers) and were thus told to also NEVER lift weights or they would become bulky.

    Sad how those things have a life of their own, no matter how much we try to kill them! :laugh:

    There is truth to bulking up reducing speed and flexibility. Flexibility can be maintained by, well, exercises to increase it like Yoga. Speed depends on speed of what? Running, swinging a bat or racket, etc. Bulking up also affects musicians negatively. Motor Learning Science is very interesting and provides scientific fact that sports drills and things like swinging a bat with a weight donut affect performance negatively. The only thing that improves a motor skill is practicing the skill exactly as it would be used in the sport.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Low weight and high reps for long, lean muscles. LOL!

    Yep especially for women b/c women don't want to "bulk up"!

    This one drives me crazy! To build muscle you have to challenge the muscles AND women aren't genetically made to get HUGE like men.

    There's a quite plausible theory that this myth was orginated and then spread by bodybuilders who were on severe calorie restricted pre contest diets. Given that they were in a weaker state they couldn't lift as heavy as before. They erroneously explained they were using lighter weight and higher reps to cut rather than correlating dietary compliance to the lowering of body fat.

    I saw something the other day (when J LaLanne died) that indicated this myth was started or continued in the early 1900s because athletes were told to NEVER lift weights, as that would make them "bulk up" and was thought to make them slower and have less flexibility. This was at a time when women were of course expected to be quite thin (think flappers) and were thus told to also NEVER lift weights or they would become bulky.

    Sad how those things have a life of their own, no matter how much we try to kill them! :laugh:

    There is truth to bulking up reducing speed and flexibility. Flexibility can be maintained by, well, exercises to increase it like Yoga. Speed depends on speed of what? Running, swinging a bat or racket, etc. Bulking up also affects musicians negatively. Motor Learning Science is very interesting and provides scientific fact that sports drills and things like swinging a bat with a weight donut affect performance negatively. The only thing that improves a motor skill is practicing the skill exactly as it would be used in the sport.

    Of course, there is often an effect on speed and flexibility with higher muscle mass. But to turn that into athletes or women (or anyone else) should NEVER use weight training? I mean, clearly, most athletes, depending on sport, don't want to have the limitations that being muscle-bound will entail, or look like Arnie. But where does the idea come from that that is only logical end point of limited/modest lifting weights/weight training? Not exactly a reasoned conclusion.
  • LivingFree
    An old hairdresser told me once I'd be prettier if I lost a few pounds and that I should do it they way she does, drink coffee and smoke. She sounded like Marg Simpson's sisters..... kinda looked like them too as I recall.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    "Try a cleanse.

    Take herbal supplements to lose weight."

    I really think these are worthless. You starve yourself on a cleanseand basically loose water weight. I think the human body is efficient enough. Also, most herbal supplements really haven't been proven to help you lose weight. If they worked, don't you think doctor's would be prescribing them rather than giving people nutrition and fitness or surgery pamphlets?:-P


    This is absolutely the one that drives me completely insane.
    Cleanse yourself of what, exactly? "Toxins"? What is the precise toxic compound? Where are the studies proving that your pill or cleansing mechanism is ridding me of this compound? Where are the studies proving this compound is actually "toxic" for me?

    I think that any company that choses to market herbal supplements should be subject to the same kind of scientific rigour that regular medicines are.
    You know, the ones that are tested to make sure they're not lethal and to determine what health effects they have on the body? They also WORK.

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH! It should be illegal to market things that could actually harm us if we consume it. You can't do that with drugs, unless a doctor monitors you (or in some cases, it's illegal), so why should herbal supplements be any different? I think they should monitored just as much as the FDA monitors medications.

    I don't buy into the cleans and toxins bit. If you're worried about toxins, go organic. Your body can cleanse itself.!:-P I think it's all a gimmick. Even if you DO lose, it's just water weight and it doesn't stay off.
