What's the worst diet/fitness advice you've received?



  • gjohns13
    gjohns13 Posts: 4 Member
    I jokingly gave bad advice to some drumline students I was teaching during band camp. One student complained of sweating too much and I told him to not drink water and he wouldn't sweat. (Which is true). I quickly told all of them to never follow that advice and gave them a water break.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Cut calories. Don't eat breakfast or lunch, and have a small dinner. A 6oz piece of steak or chicken and a salad with no dressing.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I got several variations of the same one. Go on the "Slim Faster" diet, do "Jenny Crank", try the "2week" method. For those not in the illicit substance game, it's all tweaker talk for smoking crystal meth.

    No lie. It was literal advice.

    I don't know of a worse one than that. Haha.

    What's sad is I've met people who admitted they started smoking crystal meth to lose weight. After seeing that I can totally believe people giving advice like that out. Sad but true.

    Crystal meth, eh?? So it works then?? :laugh:

    Yeah, for a while. But then that high-starch prison diet undoes all your hard work. Damn! :laugh:
  • redruthie
    Oh and if you don't log it, the calories don't count (actually that is what I tell people).

    You crack me up!!! :laugh:
  • TMack3
    TMack3 Posts: 5 Member
    Catherine 1979- Cleansing was an actual ritual in my house growing up... if anyone is familiar with castor oil my mom had my siblings and I drink it to cleanse our system (yuck).

    I spent a few of my precious childhood Saturdays in the bathroom thanks to this ritual.....lol.