Is a 'perfect' body worth it?



  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Not worth it. How sad to not have some ice cream in your life or have alittle fun with food. I am at a great weight and have 4 kids, I feel like yes I want to lose 5 to 10 more but I am not going to starve or feel deptived to do it and I am where your at I would have to get rid of all carbs and everything no way will I be able to teach aerobic classes and keep up with 4 kids without carbs.

  • sixpackgoal
    Great Topic. I am far from this goal but perhaps planned cheating may work calorie wise. Can you bank a few calories and splurge on a forbidden snack when the urge strikes? Or if your a runner and have a long run of ten miles.....can you eat an extra 1000 calories of something non healthy cause you have the calorie spread covered? You can do both and tsay within your calorie cap.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    My perfect body is seeing nothing jiggle where its not suppose too, I want everything very toned. Its so worth it even if its for a couple of years. I dont want to be average I want to stand out. You can have tons of fun without having to grub on crap. I want to live for a long time not cut my time, so eating right is not just about having a perfect body is to be healthy, no sick days, no diseases..etc....
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Great Topic. I am far from this goal but perhaps planned cheating may work calorie wise. Can you bank a few calories and splurge on a forbidden snack when the urge strikes? Or if your a runner and have a long run of ten miles.....can you eat an extra 1000 calories of something non healthy cause you have the calorie spread covered? You can do both and tsay within your calorie cap.

    In some ways weight loss is as simple as calories in - versus calories out. So if you want to look at it in that really simple way, you could do what some people do, and deprive yourself during the week so you can "treat" your body to some nice junk on your "cheat" day.

    Your example of long distance runners is interesting as I know quite a few of them. Those that are very dedicated to their training are actually very particular about what they eat, because good food is exactly what enables them to train and race well. People don't run marathons so they can go to MacDonalds afterwards. My boyfriend is an ultra marathon runner (distances beyond 26.2 miles - his longest race so far was 50 miles). Do you honestly think you could fuel that level of effort on junk?