*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Weigh-In #5 1/28/11



  • MichelleOnTrack
    UGGGHHH!!! 226 when I started, 222 last week, 224 up 2 pounds this week...body is preparing for TOM next week.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    down by 1 lb this week..
    started at 205 and as of yesterday's weigh in I was 195
    so I am 10 lbs less!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    I have stayed the same this week :( Can't tell if it is just water weight from adding exercise back in since I was sick the previous week and didnt. I guees time will tell. If I have the same problem this week something isnt right. I ate very well this week but perhaps I did not eat enough on the days I worked out really hard. This is all part of the journey. Trying to figure out what it takes to get you closer to your goal. Congrats to everyone who lost, to those who didnt like me lets start fresh we can do this.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Down .2 since last Friday; up .4 from last saturday. What the crap.
  • lorabethdavidson
    lorabethdavidson Posts: 20 Member
    245 no weight loss for me this week :(
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    200, which is one pound since last Friday, but I fluctuated like crazy all week (thank you TOM) and am just relieved the scale wasn't showing a gain on Friday. I'm with you guys, I really need to get better at not weighing myself every time I go in the bathroom! lol
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    I weighed in at 353 today, making me lose 3 pounds last week. I re-lost the 2 pounds gained and an additional pound to make my total weight loss this month 11 pounds. I just want to maintain this loss for the last weigh in because I have a busy weekend with eating out. I will make good selections but I don't think I will be able to squeeze in any exercise. We will see. I want to get in 40 more min to reach my 360 min a week goal.

    Congrats on all the awesome weight lost this week!!! Keep up the good work all maintainers! Even though a maintain is not a loss it is so much better than a gain.

    Hang in their gainers! This is a journey and their will be up and down and be encoraged. This is a new week and another day. Enjoy your weekend!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Down by 1.2 pounds. A little is better than none! Congratulations to everyone who showed a loss and to all those that are still hanging in there!
  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    Well only down 0.5 lbs this week. Weighing in at 167.5. Gotta luv the monthly!!! ugh
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    I will weigh-in tomorrow morning; didn't do it on Friday because I've been sick with the flu.
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    Happy 1st month guys! :love:

    I posted a progress post for this week that explains the colors on the spreadsheet. Also, since we have over 115 members, I broke it down into nerdily named teams (lol) based on how much we each lost. Want to move up into the group above you? Just lose more weight this week! :bigsmile:

  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    sorry so late! only lost .6lbs this week. bummed. gonna hopefully lose more this week! january was a slow month for my weight loss. hoping february is WAY better!

    SW: 229.8
    LW: 225
    CW: 224.4
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm down 1 pound. Hopefully next week, I will lose more than two. I want to eat some good food though. This is tough.
    prettykonvinced... Remember the bigger picture! (Or should I say, SLIMMER!)
    I am losing weight so slow! I doubt I will make it to 40lbs by June :( but I'll keep trying until I get kicked out of the group. lol. :)
    sweetcheeks... I'm losing slow too! Just stick with it!!

    robynrae_... CONGRATS!!