Monday weigh in group! Let's get one started!



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums, but I've been using myfitnesspal to track calories for about 3 months! I started off participating in a weightloss challenge hosted by one of my friends - I lost 30 lbs over the course of 3 months! Now that his challenge is over, I'm looking for a new group of people to hold me accountable. This group sounds exactly perfect, because I've been weighing in on mondays anway!

    This morning I weighed in at 174.0 (down 3 from 177)

    Man, our bodies are mysterious... I'd been on a two week plateau with perfect exercise and diet regime - then my birthday rolled around, and I went out for two big dinners (burger one day, pasta another), had drinks, haven't worked out for 3 days, got sick, been just lying around, and wallah, loose 3 lbs. LOL. When I get over this damn cold, my goal will be to eat a little more than I have been (up to 1200 again, instead of 1000), and spread it into 5 small snack type meals.

    I look forward to getting to know everybody!!!
  • Bogditzy
    Bogditzy Posts: 110 Member
    After being sick 2 weeks, I am back on track and here are my details so far :D

    1st Week : 195lbs
    2nd Week: 188lbs
    3rd Week : Cold and couldn't exercise
    4th Week : Still sick and cold - couldn't exercise

    This monday : 181.lbs :D

    Btw, I am stll eating 6 meals a day, around 1300 calories all together and after lose some ~500 at the gym :P

    Yay. Can't wait for the next Monday. Back & running :p Felt good yesterday ;)
  • Sarahclarke82
    Sarahclarke82 Posts: 27 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I've had a static week this week :( still at 143lbs.

    I was expecting a slow down as the weight dropped off the last 2 or 3 weeks and that seems to be how my body does it.

    Hopefully it will start to move again this week as I would love to be down to 140lbs for my birthday which is 27th of this month and if I can do that then I'll be within sniffing distance of my target and will be ok to blow all my birthday pennies on new clothes :D
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Monday, April 4: 177 lbs
    Today, April 11: 174.1 lbs

    I am now at my lowest so far AND i overcame the 3 pounds I had put back on! Huzzah!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Mon April 4: 174.0
    Today: 172.8

    Would've liked to have seen a little more of a drop... I'm salivating to get below that brick wall that is 170!!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    well, they have me on a buttload of steroids for this stupid spider bite, which makes me starveing all day, among other things. i woke up with it monday and got distracted so i didn't weigh in. i'm really not looking forward to weighing in next monday, either.
  • Sarahclarke82
    Sarahclarke82 Posts: 27 Member
    Morning All!

    A 2lb drop this week from 143 to 141.

    Bring on that mini goal of 140lbs then just 7 more to go after that to my target :D
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    it could have been way worse. after vampirespider attacked my neck (i should put pics up. way scary) and they had to put me on the highest dose of steroid possible, i "only" gained 2.2 pounds last week. again, it could have been worse. those steroids not only make you ravenous, but they mess with your system completely. on top of that, of course, there was the down time from the actual bite, etc. etc. so back on track to get those gone again, and hopefully down some more in the next few weeks. i'm not happy being in the 170's when i worked so hard to be in the 160's.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    planning to skip this week's weight in! sad but true!
  • Sarahclarke82
    Sarahclarke82 Posts: 27 Member
    We all seem to have forgotten about Monday weigh in's the past couple of weeks! I was off work for a week and it was my birthday so my routine went out of the window (not the eating part but the weighing in etc).

    Despite it being my birthday and my Mum's 60th I've managed to get the scales to go down! My last weigh in was 141lbs on 18th April and I'm weighing in today at 138lbs. Only 5 to go to goal weight :)
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Yeah...thread's kind of go in fits and starts. As people tend to as well! We all falter, be what matters is that we pick ourselves back up and start up again.

    I've been gone for a few months. Packing on the pounds along the way! But I'm back. So I'll try to post this coming monday and add to the reinvigoration of the thread!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Just primin' the pump!

    Its Saturday, and we have a Monday weigh-in coming up. I have to confess that I've been on that freakin' scale almost every day this week, but Monday is my official day, so I'm looking forward to logging it in...and then hopefully trying to stay off of it for at least half a week, if not the entire week!

    Hope you all are having nice weather like I am. Its the first break in the rain we've had in a week!

    See you Monday!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I weighed in at 116 this morning. I simply love that honeymoon period of the first week. I'm down 6 lbs. I've come to really believe in a set point. I gained weight in my little hiatus, and it's as if my body was more than willing to let it go. I say this because prior to gaining he weight, I had been stuck at a plateau for a works with me to lose to get to this point, but it fights me every step of the way after this point! Gotta keep working to move that set point.

    Goals for the week:
    To keep with the running program
    To stay steadfast with my diet
    To add in 2 days of strength training...doesn't matter what
    Stay off the scale until Friday
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Alright, I get it. The thread is dead. See you all on other threads!