Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    @Melissa: it's so great that your race has the kids marathon option. I'm sure you and your daughter are going to have so much fun preparing for it and running it!!

    Thanks!!! It is so fun (and quite comical) watching her run-she has no athletic ability!!! She :heart:'s getting the certificates and medals...and we always take pic's of the 2 of us together with our bibs on and she has made a little photo album with the pics...
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    Melissa- YAY for signing up for the half and LOVE that your daughter is excited about doing her run! No worries about the gain you deserved a fun night and it was a conscious choice!

    Thanks!!! Almost back to normal with the weight...thinking it was all water weight?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Kan - Love the long post! :laugh: Maybe it makes me feel a little better about bogarting all the space on this board most days! haha

    Great job making the meeting and sticking with your commitment to yourself. That's #1. And appreciate the rant. We definitely all need to give ourselves a break once in a while, especially with the time and hard work we're all putting in. We kick *kitten* and need to be our own best coaches and motivators - not our biggest critics. It's easier said than done of course so it's great to have a groups of ladies here that will shake some sense back into us when we can't just *relax* on our own! Big ups for the internet filling that gap when it counts :drinker: haha

    As for running/shin splints/feeling discouraged - There are a few reasons you may have gotten shin splints when you started running and there are number of ways to mitigate for them in the future if you want to give running another go. I know plenty of people (Gonks, where are you girl - back me up!) that started out with awful shin splints and have worked around them with stretching, making sure they have the right shoes, making sure they take it slow and listen to their bodies, and being diligent with maintaining good running form. It IS possible to work around them if you want to run, but you are right - running through the pain is BAD NEWS. It's good that you stopped before doing any major damage, but you can definitely look into solutions for it if you want to try it again.

    I know that a good portion of the time running is just too difficult for people that still have more than 25lbs or so to lose, because of the added stress and impact, so maybe just wait until you're lighter and give it another go? Those would be my suggestions to anyone, really... Running is SUCH a positive force in my life and is probably the single most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself. I really just wish that I could share that with everyone!

    Another extremely rewarding and positive force in my life? This group! Man! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I love this place and every month when I see how much good people are getting from it, and all the messages I get from women saying how inspiring it is (not to mention reaping the benefits myself), really makes me feel fortunate to have e-met all of your wonderful ladies and started up this group with a few of you veterans those many months ago. Really feeling lots of love for you all today :heart: (/mushy lame after school special blathering)

    Not sure if I'll be able to get my workouts in today but I know that it's beyond my control. Feels like -27C (-16F) out right now and that's just WAY too cold to be running in the wind. It's a fact. I'm going to try and get some nerdfitness done, perhaps. An old-y but a good-y, since I can't make it to Bootcamp this morning without a car. Kind of a bummer since I have a 21 hour day today, with a shift at work tonight, and that means a LOT of eating... Going to NOT stress about it and if I go over, so be it! Hope everyone else is having more luck with their workouts!
    Meag :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    First I want to say I love all the support I get on here. I really feel better about everything having like-minded people to talk to about stuff. It is hard when you get so busy and don't have a lot of time for a close circle of friends. This gives me that outlet that I need :) Love you guys!

    Kancrav- Thanks for the encouraging words, I know all too well that it is harder to practice what I preach but it is getting better with time. I have been at this weight loss journey for 2 years now and I am not going to stop because I had an off week or day!

    AFM- I weighed myself today and it was only up .5 lbs. I am not going to let it get to me. I have been doing so well these past 2 months and I am going to continue to fight. .5 up after losing between .8 and 1.8 the last 3 weeks is really not that bad. I am not going to let it get to me. I am still down about 4 pounds since January. I had a good run yesterday at training. We did stairs again and my knee was a little upset again. I think all the biking this weekend made it extra sensitive. Even with a bum knee and after doing 24 minutes of running stairs I was able to do a 10:45 mile so I am feeling proud. I woke up this morning and I could not sleep. I considered going to the gym to try the strength class, or try to swim but it was 5am and I went to bed at 11. I decided to do 25 minutes of Jillian Michaels and I am glad I did. I have a dinner date tonight so I need to plan my meal ahead of time. I am taking tomorrow off since my race is Saturday. i am excited/nervous. I know I can do it and I am going to Kick *kitten*!!

    I put some chicken, brown rice, can of diced tomatoes, black beans and seasoning in the crockpot last night so I would have something yummy for lunch with no stress! Figuring this out one day at a time heh.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    LAST selfish-ish post (hopefully) got the new webstick last night and the hubby reinstalled it so pending me getting all my stuff done in a timely fashion I should have some time to respond to all of you! I have been doing much better and am pretty much back to my pre-dinner and superbowl weight...thinking most of it was due to the increased amount of adult beverages that I consumed!!!

    Didn't get to run on Tuesday...did the whole roller skating bit with my daughter. I forgot how much I enjoyed roller skating! My daughter was pretty hilarious on skates! But we had fun-that's what counts! Making up for the lost 4 miles throughout the week!

    Thanks for all the well wishes on the 1/2 and signing my daughter up too. I wouldn't say that she will stick with it...she is pretty unathletic...but just the mere fact that she has taken an interest in something that I LOVE makes me happy-I think she does it partly because it's time spent together :heart:

    Was supposed to run 40 min tempo yesterday-added another mile to make up for it. Supposed to run 3 miles and strength tonight-going to try to do 4...we shal see!!!

    KanCrav-totally agree with you on the pressure!!! I think now we all know we can do this and we expect WAY to much from ourselves and get down with the slightest slip up!!! I remind myself daily I didn't lose the weight is a lifestyle change not a fad!!!

    Tj-great job on getting everything in and the loss!!!

    Love ya all!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning! And this time it is good! I made a concious decision to have a good day today! Guess what- it's working :).

    Got on the treadmill and did W5D1 of C25K this morning- and rocked it! It felt really good and I think I am going to do the following workouts for the next week:

    Friday: Spin Class
    Saturday: Rest (visitng my friends new born baby :))
    Sunday: W5D1 C25K
    Monday: W5D2 C25K
    Tuesday: Spin Class
    Wednesday: W5D2 C25K
    Thursday: Boot camp
    Friday: W5D3 C25K
    Saturday: W5D3 C25K
    Sunday: Rest

    So that will have me hitting my 2 miles non-stop by the end of Feb on Feb. 12! Which would be awesome. I think by doing each day twice it will help.

    For those of you who have done C25K I know a lot of people repeat weeks, but have any of you ever done repeats in this manner?

    Any who- Like I said at the beginning, with a concious effort to be in a good mood I am feeling way better and proud of myself. Yippee!

    I hope all of you ladies are too and thank you so much for the support. I think everyone has been right- to much stress/pressure on ourselves makes it easy for disappointment to creep in. No more creeping!

    Have a kick *kitten* day!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Megan - I LOVE your plan and I think it's a brilliant idea to repeat the runs in that manner... Slowly working your way up. Just make sure that you aren't running too much. It's recommended that beginners run not more than 3 times a week, max 4. So just be aware of your body and ease off a bit if red flags start going up. You are really making huge advancements and I'd hate to see them stifled by pushing too hard too fast. Rest days and variety are important so that your body doesn't feel too overworked. I only just recently (Jan) started running 5X per week and I am finding that to be a LOT of running, even after nearly a full year of training. Anyway, just a cautionary piece of advice. You know what's best for you and honestly, I love the plan! Doubling up on your training and extending your weeks to 10-14 days is a great way to a) log extra exercise, b) steadily increase your endurance, and c) keep yourself motivated by making small gains and repeating runs you KNOW you can finish. Yay! :drinker:

    Melissa - Your running is just crazy, woman :noway: You amaze me! I definitely love being able to look to you for inspiration and motivation when I am not feeling 100% about running. You are such an all-star runner and your commitment is really admirable. And I love that your daughter is giving it her best, even though you claim she's not very athletic -- I was terribly unathletic my WHOLE life; I have horrible balance, I'm incredibly awkward, no coordination, and really an awful runner (I looked so goofy as a child playing soft ball because my running was so pathetic). Things change and she's young! You never know :wink: You are definitely instilling a pretty positive attitude about health + fitness now and maybe that will carry through to her adolescence.

    Aly - Sounds like a great lunch - The crock pot is wonderful for easy, cheap meals when you are pressed for time. I'd recommend tossing in some chopped veggies to get the most of your meal though. Seems like a hassle to cut up veggies, and definitely takes some prep work, but it makes for a more balanced meal for sure and it bumps up the serving size to keep you fuller longer. It's also help to increase the fiber content and nutritional profile of your dish. Plus it's just yummy! Carrots, onions, bell peppers, or whatever else you have on hand would be great - low cal and adds another dimension to your dish. With chicken, rice, tomatoes and beans it makes a perfectly balanced meal! :bigsmile:

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag= I added onions last night and i have a bell pepper at work I am going to throw in it when I heat it up. We have a carrot too I didn't think about it last night at 10 when I was soo tired and had just gotten home from training. I will keep in mind and if anything bring the veggies with me to throw in when I microwave it to warm it up :)
  • What a wonderful thread to wake up to! Kancrav- Your words were so wonderful and so true!! We are always willing to help *pick someone up* when they're feeling down, and right there with encouraging words/congratulations for every little (but really big in the big picture) accopmlishment....why can't we be a little kinder to ourselves?!?!? Great food for thought! I personally know that pressure has been in my life in one form or another since I can remember....which has brought about stress/anxiety issues that I can also recall for about as long as I can this in our DNA?? Ha ha :laugh: Anyways I know it doesn't need repeating but I am so grateful for all of you :flowerforyou: Everyday I look forward to logging on and seeing how great everyone has done, catching up with the good and the bad and this really is a wonderful group....we are some pretty fanstastic ladies!!

    I have been reading about this C25K program and then saw that someone also mentioned it on here. I would love to be able to run...I live in Green Bay and there is a 10K annual run/walk called the Bellin here. It's huge and I'm thinking long term goal I would love to participate in June. I'm ok with even being a walker because I know that all my hard work between now and then will help give me the confidence to actually sign up. I'm even getting better at the gym!

    Speaking of the gym I have to share a little rant....:mad: I have a SIL that is thin, she runs 1/2 marathons and is very active. I have been working out and doing this for over a month now. On my own, and quietly (well as quietly as I can, but still speaking up for healthy options while dining with family etc. ) this is about me not everyone else. Well my SIL doesn't feel the same...she runs 1/2's and everyone needs to know about it....there are also some other small rather annoying issues but I she now has joined the Y where I go and has been trying to 'team up' with me and I'm not interested. First I am doing this for me...the gym is my new therapy and it's a party of 1 secondly I don't really think that my big (soon to be littler) behind would feel very good about myself sweating away next to skinny mcgee...also I don't work out so I can talk about it to everyone I see...that just isn't my style...I share with you all because this is a safe space to talk, ask, question, encourage etc. So last night I get home from water aerobics and my husbands family is over for dinner and she starts talking about oh my gosh I was at the gym at the same time as you, how was your class, what do you do, do you feel like you really get a work out in? I did the elliptical and lifted....' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't know how to deal with this. I totally shut down at dinner and then all night my husband kept asking what was wrong, if I was upset and did I feel ok. She makes me feel like sh*# :ohwell: She isn't my favorite person to begin sometimes I know I magnify things that she says....but it hurt my feelings and ticked me off. Then at the end of dinner she offered to make seafood alfredo lasagna...what a nice and supportive sister...I felt my rear-end get bigger just hearing about the recipe.
    Sorry for the rant but this one of the only safe places that I could really set that free......

    Happy Thursday!:tongue:
  • Ok so here is a cool quote for everyone something about it just resonates with me:

    "Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand- relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it" Osho

    ok a little cheesy but it just reminds me to let life happen sometimes and not try to control everything so much (definitely something I want to work on more)


    I like this quote...even if it is a little cheesy :tongue: I am trying to find quotes that I can have in my office that will inspire me in different ways! This one made the board!!!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Ok so here is a cool quote for everyone something about it just resonates with me:

    "Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand- relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it" Osho

    ok a little cheesy but it just reminds me to let life happen sometimes and not try to control everything so much (definitely something I want to work on more)


    I like this quote...even if it is a little cheesy :tongue: I am trying to find quotes that I can have in my office that will inspire me in different ways! This one made the board!!!

    Jbars- check out the one on the ohsheglows blog link I put up yesterday right before the post about this quote. I think that will be a good one for you also :bigsmile:
  • @jbars - The SIL situation sounds very frustrating. (I even felt a bit of frustration for you just reading it!) I am definitely a "party of 1" workout kind of gal myself. Unless it's a group class when I enjoy a bit of moral support! It's especially hard because it sounds like she really defines herself by how good of an "exerciser" she is. Boo. I wish I had any real advice but I don't so I will just tell you that I think you are right to be frustrated about it and I hope that you find a way to deal with it! If only there was a way to effectively avoid her while Good luck!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Okay going to try and reply to a lot of the posts! I was working yesterday with no time to get on here! I will prolly do 2 threads as my computer likes to randomly mess up and delete everything I have posted!

    tjradd- Great job on the weight loss! You are doing an awesome job meeting your goals!

    Meggonkgonk- Good job on the workouts and getting back into distance runs. I'm working to do the same and I am feeling the soreness!

    Melissa- My daughter is definitely old enough. She will be 8 in April. The gym I go to has an indoor family track, and she loves running there. I will have to look for some things in our area for runs with children. We used to also think our daughter was not really athletic. When she was little we put her in a dance/gymnastics class for some fun activity. She totally took off in the gymnastics part. So she started taking gymnastics. She loves it and it has really helped with her strength, and balance. She was a very clumsy child. (She comes by it honestly.) We just took a break from it because we are doing swim at our gym. Has your daughter tried any activities like that?

    Meredith- how do you make hummus?

    Cait- Great workout plan once again! I don't know that much about weights. I might work on picking up a routine after I finish the 30 day shred.

    Nancy- I'm sorry to you are feeling down. I know my mom struggled with feeling depressed over a lack of friends. She was a SAHM with 5 children. We are happy to be your friends here! I agree with Meag's idea about joining a workout class and trying to make some friends with some people there.

    Kbellnurse- I work in a Women's Center. We do labor/delivery, postpartum, nursery, and gyn surgery/medical patients. I love what I do. Most of the time I get to be involved with people at one of the happiest moments of their lives. Unfortunately it can also be one of the saddest moments, too. I try to offer support for both. The gyn patients help me keep on my med/surg skills. I hope you find a job that you enjoy as much as I do mine!

    Guamgrly-sounds like yesterday was a good day!

    Jbars-congrats on your weight loss! That's wonderful your husband is so supportive in your healthy eating. Sorry to hear about your sister in law.

    Shelsab- Glad you had a good week. I would love to go somewhere with warm weather! Have you tried checking in with your food diary when you develop a migraine? I know a lot people discover trigger foods that bring on migraines. If you can discover them it might help you to have less of them. :)

    lostalykat- Hope you keep doing better and focus on relaxing and giving yourself some breaks both physically and mentally. I loved doing yoga because of how relaxed I felt afterwards. Sounds perfect for you!

    Spellbinder- Sorry to hear about the back pain. When you are running are you running on a treadmill or outside? If you are running on a treadmill are you running at an incline? I only ask because a couple years ago I went to a physical therapist related to some pregnancy hip/back pain, and they discovered I don't have any extension in my legs. I'm not sure why??? They said that I shouldn't run uphill as I could injure my lower back that way. I'm not sure how common that is, but I run flat on the treadmill and then add in resistance on the elliptical and haven't had any trouble.

    Kandace- sounds like a good meeting. Great advice for all of us, thanks!
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone :glasses:

    So I am going to attempt to respond to more posts today so here goes…

    -Megan: I hope your Thursday is going better than yesterday. Just think tommorow is Friday. Whoo!

    -Guam: Thanks for the support. Way to go on planning ahead for your workout. I need some of that motivation.

    -Jbars11: Congrats on the loss!

    -Aly: Hopefully you are able to get in some RR, you deserve it!

    -spellbinder: how is the back feeling today? any better?

    -tjradd: thanks for the support. Awesome job on the weigh in and your other goals!

    -Meag: I defiantly need to get myself out there. How can I make friends if I don’t put myself out there?

    -Kan: Great Post this morning!

    -Rachel: I have battled with depression for years now and I know it will get better. It just really sucks sometimes.

    AFM: I didn’t get my workout in last night. I came home to an injured husband and well he wanted to lie on the couch and watch movies and I didn’t protest. I need to work on giving in so easily. I did pretty good eating wise yesterday so that is a plus. I am in a better mood today. I woke up to an optimistic husband, who was telling me about how things are going to change soon and that I will be able to do what I am interested in soon. (We are planning on moving to a new city in September  )

    Best Wishes to All!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Meag- I'm glad you are working hard not to stress too much about your eating habits. Glad you had a better day yesterday as well. I know that we all look up to your healthy eating and work outs, but your right. Just because you do such a good job doesn't mean you don't struggle with your own journey. Thanks for reminding us it is a constant journey.

    What is the C25K program? I'm looking to start a running program. I've noticed lately looking at my journal I'm not getting enough calories in the AM and afternoon, especially with my increasing my cardio so much lately. This leads me to try and play catch up at the end of the day and then I have to eat a lot right before bedtime. So I am working on increasing the calories earlier in the day. Today I added half and avocado to my morning egg/veggie scramble. It was delicious and helped up the calories. Unfortunately it's almost lunch time and still not hungry. So I will work on making myself some extra food for lunch. :)

    I have a question about activity level. I work as a nurse full time, which MFP has as lightly active. I work 3 12 hour shifts a week, and I work on a very large, spread out unit. I'm on my feet all day long. Other nurses who have done pedometers have easily walked 8 miles on a light day at work. Not to mention we don't have aids, so I am carrying trays, turning large patients, doing baths, and basic cares all day long. I tried to do a pedometer on my phone, but had to turn it off after only 2 hours as it was running the battery down on my phone. When I turned it off it already had over 1 mile on it. I kept my level as lightly active as the other 4 days a week I don't want to go over. Any ideas? I don't want to eat extra calories if I don't earn them, but I also want to make sure I'm not accidently eating way under. I'm thinking a HRM maybe the only accurate way to figure this out.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Nancy - A fresh start in a new city could be great for you! :happy: Definitely work on pushing yourself to be more outgoing, talk to people, and find some buddies at an exercise class. It's great for your fitness, will be a good motivator to get to the gym, and will also help with your emotional and mental well-being. Even if they aren't "friends for life" or people you socialize with outside of the gym, that added human interaction will have a positive impact on you emotionally. We all need that human contact -- I feel ya! I had a few very lonely months when I left school, left the city, and was basically on my own without a job or anywhere to meet new people. It can be extremely lonely and very depressing. You just have to make the change for yourself and not expect things to "just happen" :smile:

    Rachel - Thanks!! C25K is a free online training program (complete with free podcasts you can download if you have the technology for it) to help you get from Couch to a 5K race in 9 weeks! Check it out: There are plenty of women on here at all different stages and there are loads of C25K support groups in the forum section too, if you are looking to find people just starting out. Or start your own topic! I bet you could EASILY find 5 or 6 other women wanting to start it TODAY! :bigsmile: Just have to make the decision and jump in!

    jbars - I am very much a solo-runner -- I can't stand working out with others because I don't like having to constantly worry about their pace, their burn, their practice, etc. I want to push myself as hard as I can at MY level and on my time. I also consider exercise "me time". I don't want to talk and socialize when I'm running or doing anything else. I just want to focus on me, de-stress, and be alone in my thoughts. Maybe just explain this to her and tell her it's you own thing and while you appreciate her support and encouragement (maybe she's just trying to be there for you and her intentions aren't as underhanded as you think?) you'd rather just do it on your own. Sometimes people just don't know where we're coming from. Try not to let it get to you and just keep reminding yourself that you are doing it for you! :happy: You're doing fab!

    AFM: Got in a good NerdFitness workout today that I added a bunch of stuff to - crunches, shoulder press, tricep kick-backs plus all the good stuff already in the workout. Ended up being 29 mins of solid burn, including 45 push-ups, a whole bunch of weighted squats and lunges, planks, rows, and some jumping jacks for good measure :wink: Not bad! Hoping to get a run in at some point but I may not have the time or motivation to run in -25C winds... We'll see what happens!

    On the food agenda today is an experimental warm salad (which I love, conceptually) -- Warm Cabbage, Roasted Squash and Black Bean Salad. I cooked the beans yesterday with a little jalapeno, and I'm going to roast some squash and red onion today in the oven. Toss it all together with some stir-fried cabbage, red pepper, and a lime/cilantro/cumin dressing. Hoping it turns out! Also going to poach some chicken for lunches throughout the weekend and I think we're having Hot & Sour Soup for dinner. Yummy day for sure! :bigsmile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- Great burn! I was happy to do a bunch of strength this morning too, great minds think alike :)

    Jbars- I was not sure how to respond to this issues about you SIL. I can see where both of you are coming from. I know I am most likely really annoying to people who are not as into fitness as I am. I do like to talk about my races a lot and I might be obnoxious because I am very proud of what I have accomplished so I wouldn't take it so personally. On the other hand I understand not wanting to workout with someone who is not a, at your level and b, you just don't click with. I am personally someone who thrives on social interaction, I love running and working out with other people. I always push myself harder than I would alone and it makes me feel good to have another person suffering. I would just say look at it at both sides, but do what feels right. If you don't even want to give it a try working out with her then don't. She might just want to have a bond with her SIL and this is something you both have in common. Just listen to your heart is all I can say.

    AFM- I started off the morning ok, waking up all early to that workout was ok but I quickly went into a very self conscious mood afterwards. I have been super busy lately and I feel like I don't have time for anything. My bf or decent planning schedule. This makes me feel guilty about so many things. I was worried that my bf and I are turning into roomates because we don't have a lot of time for romantic stuff, and I am so damn tired most of the time I don't even feel like I am "in the mood" This made me feel extremely self conscious and that I am in the wrong place in my life with the wrong guy. After a while of negative thoughts jumping around in my head, I decided to take a deep breath and remember what i love in my life and what makes me truely happy. Stress is going to happen, negative thoughts are going to happen. LIFE HAPPENS! and it will not always be sunshine and rainbows. I am still trying to figure this whole thing out and I know I want my bf in my life right now. I need to keep myself in check and not let my feelings get too overwhelmed. I feel a little better talking about this, sorry for the selfish rant. I guess maybe gaining .05 really messed with my mood more than I thought it would. Thank god I have a friend date tonight!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Rachel... I would def say that you should be more than "light" active. But what everyone has taught me here is to listen to your body. The only thing that changing to 'very active" is that you will have more calories allowed (if I am not mistaken) so If you are ok with the amount you are eating now and you are loosing weight, then I say stick with it. But if you feel like you are going over alot or are hungry all the time, then you should start out allowing yourself a few more. Listen to what your body is telling you!

    ~Aly... Im sorry you had a stressful morning. Its really awesome to see that you pulled yoursefl out of it before you let it ruin your day though. Good Job!~!... just think.. theres a weekend creeping up on us slowly!! If you keep yourself from stressing out so much, I am sure you can find a few min to do something special with your BF. Even a half hour doing something different or romantic can get that fun back.

    ~Meag... Great workout!! I am so jealous everytime I read what your workouts contain. I hope you take that as a compliment!!! One of these days my monthly goal is going to be "do half of meags workout" Im so glad I found you!~!

    ~AFM.... great meeting tonight. Feeling refreshed and ready for the weekend. My husband has off tomorrow so I feel like its already friday. I have alot of things to do in the morning but I am not stressed out about it and that makes me very happy! I didnt get to the gym today but my goal was 3 times this week.. So I can still get there with one day to spare. I am going to weigh again in the morning. I need to get back into Friday weighing. I was up 2 pounds so I am hoping to be back to normal so I can start on the 6 I wanted to loose this month. I should be more scared that I am not going to make it, but something tells me I will be just fine. Hmm? I think you all are sending me good luck vibes....
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Rachel - How active are you on your days off? I'd say lightly active is probably your best bet, since you don't want to over-estimate your burn and MFP exercise burns are very generous to begin with. I have my lifestyle set to "sedentary" because although my job is physical I only work 2-3 shifts a week and I spend a lot of the rest of my time sitting at my computer. I'd leave it at lightly active unless you are having problems losing or you're starving alllll the time, in which case I would consider re-assessing. Just my $0.02.

    Kan - Thanks! I definitely take it as a compliment. I try to work as hard as I can and give it 110% while I'm working out, so that when I stop I can rest and recover without any regrets. During a hard workout I always remind myself that it'll be over soon and I want to feel like I can rest without any guilt, knowing I pushed as hard as I could during that short amount of time. Gotta make it count - Might as well, if I'm going to bother with it either way!

    Made a STELLAR salad today. Recipe forthcoming. Also, weigh-in tomorrow morning after tonight's shift at work, which I am sure will be horrendous since it's minus a kazillion degrees here. Fun!

    OHHHH and Rachel (I think?) or whoever asked for my chili recipe... HAH! I went back into recipes and realized that my chili (which was frozen leftovers from Christmas) was from a batch on 30 servings that my mother made for a huge family function - Since I seriously doubt you want a recipe for 2 HUGE pots of chili, I'll go through it when I have some time and cut it down to make 8 servings and then you can freeze 1/2 of it. It's such a yummy recipe so I am definitely wanting to share. I just need some time to actually get around to organizing it... Promise I haven't forgotten! :bigsmile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Guam- Sounds like you are making the right plans to get your groove back! I’m so excited for you!

    Jbars- way to stick to your guns! I find that to be the hardest thing. Not because my friends aren’t supportive but they have amazing metabolisms and don’t need to worry like I do. It also helps that one of them is a marathon runner- and surprisingly she has been the most changed of my friends about this. She has said that I am motivating her to get out and be healthier and that she needs to just work harder. Made me so proud!

    Shelsab- I am so glad you are having an amazing week and that your visit was awesome! I need a vacation so badly! I have been working nonstop between grad school and starting my job in May of 2010 that I haven’t had time off since Summer of 2007. VACAY PLEASE!

    Spellbinder- have you tried a chiropractor? I had a lower back injury a while ago and they have really helped. Either way I hope you feel better! Don’t stress about getting a workout in because you don’t want to make things worse and then miss more then needed.

    Cait- I love quotes no matter how cheesy and its funny that you put that out there because yesterday I googled motivational quotes to help get me out of my funk!

    Meag- I think everyone agrees that you are allowed to have selfish posts! You always reply to everyone which is awesome, but I totally get the need to just let things out sometimes! I’m glad you are doing better and I think 99% of the battles is noticing something is going on and trying to make it better. So yeah for you! And thanks for the running advice : ) I am trying very hard to stay motivated and show that I really can do it! I know I can I just want to get there!

    Echoic- I have had some scale not budging times too and what I remember is that 1) I’m getting more fit 2) my body is changing and 3) I’ve probably dropped inches- Keep all this in mind and hopefully it won’t bother you too much when the scale doesn’t change.

    Tj- yeah!!! You are already 1/3 to your goal! That is amazing! And I know you always challenge yourself to drink your water and you are killing that one! So happy for you!

    Melissa- Don’t worry about not getting in your run- like you said you are making up for it, but you spent time with your daughter which is way more important! And you did it while roller skating which is exercise!! YEAH!

    Kbell- I hope you got a lot accomplished on your paper. I know how stressful school work can be after 3 years of grad school!
    Rachel- Like Meag said C25K is couch to 5k. It has really helped me in accomplishing a lot of my running goals. I think it’s a great tool. I am repeating workouts and possibly weeks as well so that I know I can really accomplish it. So I think its great to be able to take it at your own pace!

    Aly- Like you said- deep breaths are key! That was totally me yesterday with letting one little thing get in my head and ruin my day. This morning I decided nope not gonna happen and today has been a good day! Its crazy how much making a mental effort to change it really works. I’m sure you’ll get out of your funk- HANG IN THERE<3

    Kan- I love your positive attitude. I am so grateful that you have been open with us about everything you are going through. I think you should be very proud of yourself for your efforts and try and remember that changes take time but with your positive attitude you can do anything you want! Keep up the awesome work!!

    Yeah! Tomorrow is Friday!!

    Megan :)
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