Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Wow this thread has really moved fast since last night!! I'm just on my iPhone so it's hard to respOnd to everyone, but for The record that was not my dad, that was just a joke I'd read while waiting for my latte. It made me laugh so I thought I'd share it. Glad it made some of you laugh too :)

    Anyways sorry for always having to be selfish, I wish there were more hours in a day so I could get more involved on here and respOnd to everyone, but currently it would mean sacrificing sleep which we all know is a big weight loss no no!!

    AFM - ended up going over my calls a bit yesterday but considering how tired I was I'm just happy I didn't go on an all put eating frenzy. I also forced myself to do my interval trainIng run. I expected to go horribly but I actually felt like I cruised through it. I slipped on the ice and fell hard on my *kitten* at one point, perfect excuse to quit, but I didn't want to :) ahh runners high I love you!!

    Boo bus rides over, work time :( Kick some *kitten* today ladies!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Aly - That duathlon sounds awesome! I'd love to do a run-bike-run sometime... Swimming just isn't my thing, esp in open in water. I'm going to try and get my cycling upto par this summer with Tyler's help and maybe I can find a race like that locally for the fall. Sounds like such a nice change and a great work-out! I am pretty jealous! And thanks for thinking we're adorable :bigsmile: I couldn't agree more! hahaha

    QOTD- What is your mantra for working out? what do you put in your brain to keep you going?

    Don't quit. Make yourself proud. Push, reach your goals, and rest when you're dead. :happy:

    Honestly, I know I can do whatever I set my mind to. The only reason I ever stop before finishing is because I allow my negative self-talk to stop me from finishing what I start. But that isn't the person I want to be anymore - I want to meet my goals and make myself proud in every facet of my life and that's what I tell myself on every run, every class, every rep/set. My whole life I only ever made it to 90% before quitting and that landed me overweight and unhappy - That's NOT who I want to be anymore. Whenever I feel like quitting i remind myself of that. I love this new version of me and this new "me" isn't about to quit when things get hard. I am worth so much more than that and I know how amazing it feels to push myself and finish something that was truly a challenge of my mental and physical limits. That feeling is really worth every extra step and bead of sweat -- sooo, so sweet :bigsmile:

    Ran my 4.03 miles in the bitter cold today and I might be crazy but it actually didn't feel that unbearable. I ran at my pace today finally and it wasn't on the TM so I was able to run steady without any walk breaks (the TM is way too boring for that) - 4.03 miles in 41:32, so about 5.8mph average, with neg splits every mile. Despite the cold I still :heart: love :heart: running outside and miss it so much after so many runs at the gym. It's making me PINE for the summer and being able to feel the sun against my skin. I actually don't remember what that feels like anymore... :ohwell: Bring on the sun screen and the 30*C+ weather, please! I'm ready for it!

    I have actually perfected the art of the green monster. FACT. My GM today was the best GM to date, and I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise. Super chocolate-y, very thick, enormous and filling and amazingly healthy. This is my final recipe and will be my Go-To from now on...

    1 cup almond milk
    1 scoop chocolate whey isolate
    1 Tbsp PB
    1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (for an extra choc kick)
    2 handfuls baby spinach
    6 frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries

    Process and enjoy. Makes a full protein shake container worth of awesome and fills me up nicely after a long run. The fruit/sugar helps my body absorb the extra protein and the added healthy fat of the PB is both yummy and nutritious. The cocoa is just an extra because I love chocolate everything. I dare you to try it. If you don't have protein powder and want to cut cals, omit the powder and add more cocoa and something sweet. For added protein without the whey isolate, add 1/4cup of pasteurized egg whites or use 1/2 cup almond milk and 1/2 cup greek or plain yogurt.

    Have a great day everyone :bigsmile: Keep up all your hard work!
  • SeeCrystal
    Morning everyone!!!! I love the energy on this site. I went to workout lastnight and did some good weight lifing and cardio my legs and arms felt like bricks this morning.

    @ tjradd73 @ finncmh I eating right and drinking water nothing extra with my weight loss. Years ago i was doing diet pills and that just made me sick . So eating and excersing is going to get me down to a smaller size. Thanks for asking though
  • SeeCrystal
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I don't have a ton of time to update, but wanted to get in a quick post. Did another spin workout this morning- love love love it!! And I can tell how much better I am since the day I took my first class! Tomorrow is the 1.5 miler. Thank you ladies for all of your support! I will be sure to have all of you cheering in the back of my head as I am doing the run tomorrow am- and I will definitely keep everyone update on how it goes.

    The pup has been doing great so far, I promise as soon as I get a chance to post a pic or too! I am hoping that she will enjoy jogs outside and will be a good running companion. Fingers crossed!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • jbars11
    Just getting in a quick post...I have not been doing so hot since the weekend. Thank good ness it's a double work out night water aerobics and some cardio before hand...I feel like I'm procrastinating lately about just about everything...literally this morning cancelled a group for work that I would have had to travel 45 minutes to get to. I do them bi-weekly and I just work up and felt like I had it in my head that I didn't want to go and I caved to that...I also had Big Apple Bagels for breakfast since I wasn't in a hurry to get to my group....after entering it I feel even more blue and depressed then I did when I woke up...not sure what's up with me lately but I have to kick these blahs. I know for me I have issues with emotional eating related to stress, anger, frustration, happiness, celebrating, etc. I was frustrated last week feeling like my work out time was not as valuable as my husbands and struggling to find the balance to fulltime job, wife, mommy.....I had a great plan last week for the 30 day shred leading up to my birthday and I was psyched to get started, but I can't seem to get my butt moving on it since my original plan was foiled.....You get the idea...not sure how to get out of my funk. I'm sure the gym will help tonight! Very excited to get back :smile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    New blog post, plus there is a post about my journey if your interested.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    jbars - The work-out tonight is going to be a 180 for you! Working out and giving 110% at the gym always improves my mood. Just go in thinking you're going to leave it all on the gym floor and work as hard as you can to make up for any transgression over the last few days. Then leave the gym and leave any guilt or negative feeling about your eating or time spent exercising behind. It's not worth the stress!!

    Aly- Thanks for sharing :bigsmile: You look gorgeous, per usual!

    Megan - Can't waitttt to see the pup! Good luck on the run tomorrow!!:drinker:

    SeeCrystal - Keep it up! Those legs feeling like a ton of bricks is surprisingly a very good sign! hehe
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Meag – Thanks for the advice. I run/jog @5mph right & don’t want to go any slower, unless of course I realize my body’s not being able to take it. But I’ll definitely keep your advice in mind. I’ll know it’ll come handy like your past advices have :)

    Nadine – Nice idea – take only enough change for exactly what you need! I tend to order extra stuff even if I’ve pre-decided what I need & keep telling myself not to order anything else :(

    Tara – you are awesome girl!! AFM, I lost 0.8 lbs since my last weigh-in 2 weeks back. I’m happy seeing a decent loss. I actually wouldn’t have been surprised if there was a gain :D

    Jnlynch – Good to know you are feeling better!

    Cait – Wow!! I don’t know what most of those exercises are. WTG!!

    Megteg – Great job with your C25K!! I’ve also being doing that program for a while…took longer than I thought I would but every run makes you push further & feel so good about yourself.

    Melissa – I didn’t know they had such races for kids too. It is so nice & you are such a good Mom…keep it up!!

    KanCrav – Don’t feel disappointed. A few days here & there will not ruin anything. Start afresh tomorrow. Take inspiration from people on this thread & forum. On days that I feel low & just want to eat junk and/or not exercise for no reason. I read through a few posts & it always motivates me to go to the gym, even if it’s for a shorter period of time.

    Guam – Yayyy for making it to the gym when you didn’t want to & starting C25K!! Keep at it girl. C25K is fun & will help you stay on track with your food too.

    Mkingraham – Good luck for your run tomorrow. You will do it!!

    Jbars11 – If your original plan did not work, come up with a new one and get started right away. If not, sometimes it just helps to stop thinking, get up & start exercising. And, you know the workout will make you feel so much better :)

    AFM – A few friends are coming over for dinner tonight. It got planned about an hour ago & I’m a little mad because, though I don’t mind socializing on weekdays, I hate messing my schedule last minute. A friend is going out of the country for 2 months & wanted to meet before he left. He’s leaving tomorrow, so I wonder why he couldn’t have told us earlier & met us on the weekend…grrr!! Anyway, I didn’t want to go out because I don’t want to spend too much right now & eating at our place would be a healthier option. Thankfully, I have a very supportive hubby who will take care of most of the cooking.

    On the brighter side, I weighed-in last night after 2 weeks & I’ve lost 0.8 lbs – not bad considering how my past 2 weeks have been.
  • kbellnurse
    @meagalayne: I can't say what the benefit of a short walk of fasted cardio would be - haha. Based on my "research" (google) it seems that there isn't really much benefit to fasted cardio period unless you are very lean or very obese. I am basically using it as an opportunity to fit an extra 3 (short) cardio sessions a week. Since I tend to feel sick if I exercise anytime shorter than two hours after eating there otherwise isn't time in the morning. (unless I got up at about 4am!) I'm going to try it out tomorrow morning. :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    My Mantras- Singing eye of the tiger when swimming my races, saying I am strong and I am beautiful. Thinking about the struggle cancer survivors go through in just a day, and how they wish they could be able to do races like I can. O I am sure there are more.
  • CaptainJim157
    Phew, sorry girls! Been very hectic, my babcia passed away last week, so we had the funeral & visitation and all that, but alas, I am back today! :D Babcia would want me to stick to this ^^
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    tjradd- great job making your ab workout goal.

    jnlynch- glad you are feeling better! Do you have a job lined up after graduation?

    finncmh- awesome weight routine

    kbellnurse- even nurses need advice, so thank you! What field do you want to work in after graduation?

    Meredith- the brownies with cream cheese sounds good please give us the recipe.

    Melissa- that's awesome to be able to do a run with your daughter! Can I ask her age? I would love to do something like that with my daughter, but I worry she might be too young...

    Meag- I love looking at your diary for suggestions. I think you are a great inspiration for those of us just starting on here. I would love the recipe for your turkey and 5 bean chili. Do you use a HRM? I would like a good one that does heart rate and distance.
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Kandace- I also over did it at the superbowl. I used it as inspiration to run farther the next day. You can do this!

    lostalykat- half ironman is impressive! I would love to one day be in good enough shape to consider that!

    guamgrly- Nice training schedule.

    Nadine- I agree love the runners high. Great job getting up and continuing the run!

    mkingraham- spin class is a great workout!

    jbars- you deserve to take the time to take care of yourself. I just started the 30day shred. We can do it together!

    spellbinder25- congrats on the weight loss!

    So today I went to the gym with my sister in law. I was really excited to get to work out with her. She is just starting so we did the treadmill for a little while and then the elliptical. My mom came to the gym with me yesterday and worked out as well. It makes me happy to think I'm helping to improve the health of those I love! :) Tonight 30 day shred again after my daughter's piano lessons!

    mantra- I can do this, but mainly I focus on the beat of the music and the view out the window and focus on how excited I am to be taking steps to improve my health! Not even kidding when I finished running yesterday I was sweating, red, and smiling! :happy:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rachel-thanks!! and I dont know about taking the 2 togethor either (and I am in the healthfield too...RT though!) I am pretty sure that a few of the girls at work take them both at the same time though..I will do some investigating tonight!! LOL

    jnlynch-you betcha!! LOL with my first weigh-in of the month tomorrow I will post all of my weekly goal "stats" but i feel like I kicked it this week!!

    Cait-girly...that looks like an awesome WO!! how do your legs feel now?!?!?

    hilhall-welcome to the group!! you are gonna LOVE it here!!

    Meredith-I feel ya on that pizza...I haven't had any since my son's b-day i the middle of December!! come to think of it...I haven't had ANY fast food type food since Septemeber period!!!

    Melissa-that is such an awesome idea with the kids and the marathon...I wonder if they have soething like that here?? I will definately check into it! My son is in the 6th grade this year and part of their requirements for getting an A this year is to run "jaws", which is 2 mile laps, every Wednesday!! so I am excited for him!

    Kandace-everyone has their "bad" days on occassion...whether it be with food, working out, or having a few drinks!! Just stay focused, get to the meeting, and you will get it done :) you are a strong person and can do this!

    Guam-nice to see ya again!! Great workout goals this will kick it!!

    Spell-thanks!! and great job on the loss!!

    Captain-nice to see you back :) hope all is well.

    QOTD-in my yoga the instructors have you meditate and say "I am strong, I can do this, no one can stop me!" that seems to helps keep me focused...otherwise any music makes me focus (I love love love music), and also thinking about my new bf right now seems to keep me motivated!! LOL

    AFM-my weigh-in is tomorrow and i am super excited!!!! I will post tomorrow afternoon along with all of my weekly goals and how I did!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Megan- great to hear that you are enjoying spin class! And I hope the dog continues to be much fun! Can’t wait for pics!

    Jbars- I would say ease into working out and keep yourself flexible- too much pressure will just cause you to feel guilty and sabotage all of your hard work. If you have to choose a focus, choose diet and staying in your calories. I hope the gym helps!

    Aly- great blog post!

    Spellbinder- great way to lose during a tough time! I definitely know how annoying it is to reschedule/change your schedule around dodgey friends and such- glad the hubster is such a help!

    QOTD: I don’t really feel like I have a mantra- not like something I say to myself to spur myself on. I just make the plan and try to do it as best I can. When I’m running I just try to find that rhythm- the one where I know my body is doing everything it wants and can do and just focus on that feeling and the beat of my music.

    Mike- good to see you again. So sorry for your loss. We’ll be here for you when you get up to regular posting again. What’s your goal(s) for Feb?

    Rachel- those sound like some kick workouts! Way to get the fam involved

    Tara- Can’t wait to see your WI!!

    AFM- not a lot on the weight/fitness front. Sore as hell for getting back into the working out. I’m thinking this week will be all mid-mile runs to get back into the distance. But I’ve done my push ups so far this week and got in a full strength/toning workout in this morning, so pretty happy about that! Gotta run though- got a submission today that might actually be worth the paper it’s not printed on ;-)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    Melissa- that's awesome to be able to do a run with your daughter! Can I ask her age? I would love to do something like that with my daughter, but I worry she might be too young...

    Meag- I love looking at your diary for suggestions. I think you are a great inspiration for those of us just starting on here. I would love the recipe for your turkey and 5 bean chili. Do you use a HRM? I would like a good one that does heart rate and distance.

    She is 5. In Michigan there are a lot of kids races that are around a mile or so. She LOVES them! She loves running with me, getting the cool shirts, and the certificates or medals.

    I also have and HRM. A Garmin and I LOVE it! It doesn't work on the treadmill or for circuit or strength without a footpod...which I need to get. I find it to be quite accurate.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    jbars - I completely know how you feel! I am a single mom to 2 kids, work full-time, and go to school full-time. My mom also fell recently so I am having to take her to appointments and make sure the entire household is taken care of, rather than just my kids and myself. Food has always been my go-to for everything. I can't say that I have a lot of friends or even a few close friends that I can count on no matter what but food was always there so I always ate. I want to become fit and healthy sooooo bad but it means staying focused. I have been in this group for a few months now and it has been great for me but when I start to slip up then I disappear because I don't feel that I can add to the group. The added pressures of having to take care of the entire household and lack of income has completely thrown me off course once again. Tonight turned into an epic fail...I had a great day food-wise until I got home. Had planned on going to the gym and should have just dropped my mom off after her appt and gone like I always do but I decided to pick up my daughter early and come home and feed her. Once I get home, I get in my comfort zone and its hard getting me out of it. Perhaps we can offer each other some encouragement. I don't have much of a support system at home. I have to fit in working out when I have time without putting the kids or homework on the sidelines and also when I can afford to put the kids in the kids club at the gym.

    Wow...sorry for the rant!! Apparently I needed to get that off my chest.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    @Melissa: it's so great that your race has the kids marathon option. I'm sure you and your daughter are going to have so much fun preparing for it and running it!!

    @Meag: there's not too many details to give. He's a boy, not "the boy." We met at the end of last semester and stayed in touch over my school's epic long winter break, and last night was the first time that we got to hang out since spring semester started. He feels bad that he's going to be missing my birthday (which is this weeked!!:bigsmile: ) so he said he'd take me out to dinner the day after - which just so happens to be Valentine's Day, so we'll see what happens :tongue:
    @Meag@Rachel: So the brownies were a complete experiment that went really well. I got the idea from KatySteele on page 5ish of this thread. Baking is not really my forte either - but I used box brownie mix, so it's pretty hard to screw that up I think!!
    1)Take a box of brownie mix and instead of adding the water/oil/egg to turn it into batter, add a can of (rinsed!) black beans that have been blended or food processed.
    *The box that I used had a recipe for black and white cupcakes - which mixed the brownie mix with a cream cheese mix so I used that.
    2) Cream cheese mix: 8oz light cream cheese, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp vanilla. Combine all those ingredients (I used the same food processor since it was already out and dirty. The cream cheese mix ends up pretty liquidy
    3) Spread the black bean brownie mix in a 9X13 pan. Pour the cream cheese mix over the brownie mix and spread it evenly. I tried to marble the two mixes together, but it didn't work too well because of the difference in the consistancies. A little bit of the chocolate got mixed in with the cream cheese though, which was what I was trying to do.
    4) Bake according to box instructions!

    @Rachel: It's great that you're helping those you love to embrace a healthier lifestyle with you. And you get some workout buddies on top of that wonderful feeling!

    @Guam: Yay!! Welcome back! Just saw your most recent post - and it sounds like you fully deserve that rant! We're here to listen and to cheer you on when you have days like that. I do the same thing when I slip up, I disappear from this group because I don't want to drag anyone else down with me. I've found that I do feel better if I come to this group and admit how I've been slipping up and then make a small and specific goal for how I'm going to make up for that slip. that way, I feel accountable to this kick *kitten* crew and I also stay in touch.

    @Mkingraham: good luck on that run tomorrow!! and yay for the new puppy fitting in so well!! can't wait for pics :smile:

    @Spellbinder: congrats on the loss!! especially after all that traveling. and yay for your supporting-cooking hubby!

    @Tj: Good luck on your WI!!! And WTG on giving up the fast food back in September :drinker:

    AFM: Didn't get a workout in today. It's the first week of classes for the Spring semester, so everything's still a little up in the air schedule wise. Also a friend told me that there was a line out the door for the gym at 11AM. They only let someone in when someone else left. I will be so happy when that craziness dies down!! Tomorrow though I have my yoga class in the morning, and then I plan to go to the gym after (and I won't have to wait in line because the yoga classroom is inside the gym.... mwwwahahahaha). I'm looking forward to a good workout!)

    Ate really well today though. And made another batch of hummus :happy: - my sandwiches are just so sad without hummus. I need to get back into the habit of making frozen veggies for meals. It was working so well - and I haven't been doing it for about a week. That's the goal for tomorrow!

    :heart: Meredith
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    selfish post peeps- feeling a little bummed about my swim it didn't go so well. I managed to half-*kitten* 30 minutes but I am just tired. I am feeling like I am putting so much pressure on myself and it has been constant since june. I think I might need to take a few months off "training" after lavaman. I need a break mentally and physically... I am also so worried that I will gain weight or be depressed if I do that. Sorry guys just not feeling great tonight :(