Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    SeeCrystal- great loss- agree with TJ as long as you are doing it healthy you know your body best!

    Jnlynch- LOVE your ideal Saturday! Our bodies are funny things. Give it some time to adjust to everything before you start taking stuff. Sometimes its just a matter of it getting used to the new routine

    Melissa- mmmmm yummy date night… but what sounds even more amazing is smoked brisket…. Mmm!!!!

    Megan- YAY for the puppy. I demand pictures!!!! Hehe it will definitely take a while for her to get settled and for you guys to get settled with her but it is SOOO worth it! Great loss- keep up with it lady you got this! Gotta try and get my long run in this week on Wednesday and see where I am at!

    Meag- didn’t anyone tell you aren’t allowed to have selfish posts… SHEESH! Silly lady- you of all people should have them more often with all of us crazies getting selfish all the time. So glad you had such a great time and are enjoying the happy high! And yes those pictures will suffice- ADORABLE!!!! On another note, I am really glad that you are focusing on you and trying to find a better balance. Its so hard because many times in order to lose weight you need to be have a certain level of control and strictness over yourself, but that isn’t realistic for the rest of our lives. The next step is to be able to step back from berating ourselves for certain choices without falling totally back in to our bad eating habits. You will figure it out! I know you will- you are a smart, strong, confident, amazing women and you deserve to just enjoy this new lifestyle you have created for yourself and not obsess on it. PS- cant wait to go and read the newest oh she glows blog. LOVE her! And yes I like the idea about posting more positive choices!

    Kbellnurse- good luck with your goals this week! Keep us updated on them!

    Nadine- crazy day yesterday!!! Holy moly woman! Glad you had fun!!!!

    Rachellynch83- you got this 30DS girl! Let us know how it starts tonight!

    AFM- not a whole lot new to report. Lifting tonight with some low key walk/running. Will keep you all updated
  • jbars11
    Happy Monday Morning!

    Forgive the LONG post...but I was MIA for a couple of days and I have lots to catch up on....

    @lolahippie- good luck with your car troubles...I remember it feeling so overwhelming because if you're lost without a car (no accessible/reliable public transportation) it can be terrible!! Hang in there!!

    @jnlynch- oh my gosh good to know what I have to look forward to with the Shred!!! Hope you had some good recovery time, but then I read on it sounds like you're super sick....Feel Better soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Kbellnurse- I'm fascinated with the eyebrow tattooing business...what does that mean exactly?? Tattoo to enhance your eyebrows you already have?? Shave them off and start over??? What kind of nursing program are you in? Full-time?? I would love to go into nursing, but I already have a bachelors and I need to work full-time...or at least I think I do. Not sure what it would do to hubby, baby and I if I didn't, plus we want to buy a house so too many balls in the air are not a good thing...but I'm curious!!

    @tjradd73- Thanks bunches for the advice!! I so appreciate it!!!

    @wardimelissa- what an awesome watiress!! that must have been a pretty exciting and proud moment for you!! Kuddos :happy:

    @meggonkgonk- thank you thank you thank you. Your post was exactly what I needed to read today. I woke up feeling defeated from the get go...This is weekend was challenge, but I tried my best and definitely got some good practice with decision making...I was feeling helpless but you helped me realize that bouncing back is just what I have to do...and two days does not cancel out all of my hard work, gym time and calorie counting up until now! I've lost 15 pounds and I'm not letting a couple of not so hot days talk me into falling back into old habits....thank you thank you thank you!!! :happy:

    @megteg- NOrth Dakota Martini, that is too funny!! I love olives so I'm already convinced with is something I will love :love:

    So my weekend wasn't too bad...but I don't like the fact that I can't participate in message boards from my itouch. I'm a busy mom on the weekends and my itouch is my lifeline. I do everything on there...emails, posts, etc. I don't really have the time to sit down at the computer and log in, so the touch helps me stay connected on the go....just wish I had total access to mfp from it. Although I'm still happy that I saw the encouraging words and awesome advice this morning when I go to my office! Much needed and much appreciated!!! I just got awesome news from my boss that I can take some personal time today and head home. My hubby (a teacher) has a personal day today and is home with our son, I am so happy that I'll get some quality family time in!! AND I will admit to be VERY HAPPY to get an extra water aerobics class in and treadmil time!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I'm stopping to buy a measuring tape this afternoon to take my measurements before the shred starts....I'm going to post them and keep track of my progress....

    One last thing that has been on my mind that needs venting. I have always been a big girl...even when I was little I remember being told to 'suck it in' and that I've been bigger than classmates and friends my whole like. I felt like my lot in life was to be the 'fat girl' 'fat friend' 'girl with a pretty face' you're getting the idea. Well I fell in love when I found MFP and this thread and the supportive friends, and I'm making this change for good, but there is one thing that I'm not loving. I'm finding that some people would rather I stay fat. It's fascinating to me that my healthy changes make others uncomfortable. I can tell that some people don't know how to react to my commitment to these changes...some people still ask if I want to order pizza, go out to lunch, etc. I honestly feel like some people would rather sabotage than support.... I'm finding it upsetting and truly fascinating....that there isn't always support in places where you thought there would be.....
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ok - FOOD ALERT: Meag just saw the recipe for Rustic Chocolate Chip Banana Oat Cake with Peanut Butter Banana Glaze on Ohsheglows ( This is an AMBER ALERT. I need to find 8-10 people to feed this to, or else I MAY eat the entire effing cake myself.... I LOVE oats! And chocolate! And PB! Eeeekkkk :bigsmile: This is SO getting made for a special treat in the very near future!!

    Cait - We are totally adorable and ridiculously good-looking - I know! :laugh: Thank you for your support and all your kind words. I know I deserve to enjoy the journey and to learn to stop obsessing and just love myself. It's my mission for 2011 - Work on me and learn to be truly happy with everything I've accomplished. I really hope that all the ladies in this wonderful group are able to do the same over this year as well. I'm all for supporting each other in that endeavour :bigsmile:

    Nadine - I am tired just thinking about your day yesterday :noway: You are a mad woman! 4 hours of snowboarding, arms and shoulders, AND an 11km run? Wow. You are CRAZY. I would have definitely needed more than a biscotti after that! I hope you ate back your weight in healthy calories to make up for everything you burned. Otherwise you're going to be wasting away!

    Megan - Fabulous loss, girl! 5lbs is HUGE. Keep at it, work hard, and you'll definitely continue to see that kind of incredible progress. I'm so glad that this site is working for ya and keeping you motivated. You can totally run the 1.5mi continuous. Set the goal, go in with the mentality that you CAN do it and don't let yourself quit. You'll be amazing!

    Rachel & Lynch - Our bodies are definitely funny things (as Cait said) and it's usually a good idea to make steady, incremental chances to allow them time to adjust. Increasing your fiber intake by 30g/day is definitely going to shock the hell out of your digestive system and so it's not a big surprise that you're feeling bloated and probably like your intestines are filled with cement. I eat about 40-45g of fiber a day, myself, and I find that my body has managed to regulate it pretty well once it adapted. Part of the problem could be that you are eating really high-fiber and really low-fat -- this makes our bodies VERY unhappy. We need *some* healthy fat in our diets to help keep things moving (I know - TMI). Try eating at least 3-4 servings of fruit a day, some healthy fats in the form of seeds, nut butter, avocado, nuts, and fish, and getting lots of water. Also, try to make sure the fiber you are getting is digestible - from unprocessed whole foods instead of breads, pastas, and other wheat products. Fiber from lentils, beans, vegetables and fruit are the easiest for our bodies to use and dispel. Not all fiber is created equal. Hope this helps. My $0.02 -- A good fruit smoothie every day would probably do you some good :happy:

    Kbell - You are trying not to eat your exercise cals? Do your best to make sure you are netting 1200 calories a day - If you are not eating enough and exercising a lot (plus working on your feet) you may be stalling your weight loss inadvertently. Your body needs enough food to know that there isn't a famine and it can safely shed some lbs without having to worry about survival. Great goals though - Love that you are being your own best coach and motivator! That's what this is all about :happy:

    Those pics made me so giddy and happy to look at. I love that I have found someone so wonderful and such a perfect fit for me - knowing we can share every part of our lives with one another and take so much joy and fulfillment out of seeing each other strive and succeed is really rewarding and makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever. Really makes all my obsessing over food choices seem absurd and insignificant, in the long run. It's also shocking still to see myself in those pics because I don't think I realize how fit and lean I have actually become... That's definitely *not* how I picture myself in my head - although I know I am thinner now I tend to see the chubby mid-section, lose skin, and inactive Meag of old and forget how much my running and *kitten*-kicking in the gym has changed my body for the better. It's crazy but I hardly even recognize myself. Especially the shape of my face. It has changed SO much since last year... Crazy :noway:

    Today's an easy day for me - Stretch and strengthen. I'm going to do a Body Flex class tonight and then possibly follow that with a YogaFit class, unless I am just feeling like getting home and I'll just come back and stretch it out here. Here's my workout schedule for the week:

    Monday - 1h Body Flex + 1h YogaFit
    Tuesday - 4mi run
    Wednesday - 1h YogaFit + 40mins tempo run
    Thursday - 1h Bootcamp + 3mi run
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - 3mi pace easy (not in my training schedule, but I'll likely run anyway)
    Sunday - 10K DIY "race" - I'll use the same exactly course that I ran my 10K on in Oct unless the path is too dangerous

    OK I better get going. Still tons to catch up with. Love yas :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    jbars- Ohhh friends + sabotage. girl... *head shake* get used to it. In a perfect world, the people we surround ourselves with would always be truly happy for us in all our successes, but friends and family are sometimes the greatest obstacle to reaching our goals. Women, especially, have a difficult time being supportive of the life changes of their friends and family members when those changes make them feel guilty about their own lifestyle and habits. We aren't all at the same places in life and while you have made a commitment to change for the better, not everyone is there yet, and so sometimes others can feel intimidated or judged just by being around you -- this has NOTHING to do with you or your choices. It has everything to do with how people, and women specifically, think about themselves and view their own health, fitness, and bodies (generally in quite a negative light - which is unfortunate but very true).

    Do your best to keep things in perspective and remind yourself why you are making these changes (for you!) and why they are important to you. In many instances, your friends and family don't realize that their actions are affecting you negatively and see it instead as trying to "not make a big deal about your weight" and treat you no differently than always. If all of a sudden they only ever offered you salad w/o dressing, you might be similarly be offended :tongue: A few tips to make the process a little easier:

    1) Tell your really close friends exactly what you need from them to make this lifestyle easier - friends are there to help but a lot of times have no idea how their words and actions affect you. If you need their support, ask for it. If you need them to offer healthy alternatives, or at least be amenable to having an alternative present for you to opt in/out of, then tell them that. If you want them to try to be a part of your new active lifestyle, try to get them involved.
    2) Explain thoroughly WHY you are working towards changing your habits and attitudes toward food and fitness and how the emotional and mental journey is challenging you - We all need emotional support during this journey because weight loss is a major endeavour. It's *hard* work. Helping them to understand what you're going through will also help you start thinking about how you feel about yourself and your choices every day.
    3) Use us! If you feel like you're not getting enough support, there are plenty of women here that are in the same (or similar) place as you are and we understand!! That's what is so great about MFP and this group - People in our RL often are not at the same place as us and it can be really hard to find women that are 100% supportive of our choices. This group can help to fill that gap, so use it. And whatever other resources you have at your disposal.
    4) Be your own best coach and motivator - I can't stress this enough! You know what works for you, what's healthy, what keeps you happy and what choices are going to make you feel good about you at the end of the day. Don't compromise your feelings and journey for others. Sure, flexibility is important, but remember that ultimately you need to be happy with you in order to give yourself fully to others and be the best mom/wife/friend/daughter/etc you can be. So listen to yourself when someone is trying to sabotage and do what YOU want to do. No regrets :bigsmile:

    Hope this helps. Family/friend sabotage is probably one of the more difficult parts of this journey - it can stall our progress but most of all it can really affect how we feel about our relationships with others, our relationship with food/exercise and our relationship with ourselves. The best you can do is to do what's right for you and hope that your loved ones will come around to providing you the support that you need in order to be the best you possible :happy: Good luck!
  • kbellnurse
    @nadine - you're a machine!! I loove those days when you're just on the go non stop! I think I need one of those one day soon. School is stealing my time..whine.

    @meagalayne - Thanks for the link to the blog yesterday, read it before bed and thought about it while going to sleep. I never give my body any credit. Something to think about... I'm aiming to net 1580 daily, and "ignoring" exercise cals. I've dieted enough to know that for me personally anything under 1400cals leaves me feeling tired,irritable and hungry!! I've had pretty good success with 1500-1600daily in the past and that's right where MFP put me! Unfortunately in the past I've never stuck it out, this time is different though right!!
    Ps - rustic chocolate chip banana oat with peanut butter banana glaze? SHUT UP! mmmm

    @jbars - I can surf the boards on my iphone? But it is kind of a pain. I wish we could access the forums on the app! As for the eyebrows - you could have your eyebrows tattooed with any of those options (fill in/shave & start over). For me personally, I don't have any eyebrows to start with! I have a condition called alopecia universalis which basically means I have no hair. It's an auto-immune "thing" and when I was 18 all my hair just fell out! I'm totally healthy and happy though, I wear a wig when I'm out (I have many many fabulous hair styles - when I got married I had my hair done a week before the wedding! :laugh: ) but pencilling in my eyebrows is just such a pain! And since I don't work out in a wig (i wear a bandana or headscarf) I feel that I look very, "sickly?" when I do not have any eyebrows. So I've chosen to have them tattooed. Once they're yucky scabbyness fades I will take a picture and post it! haha. I know the whole thing is kind of weird but that is me! Hopefully your friends eventually stop sabotaging you. I know for me it's hard because I've established these kind of "food loving" relationships with a lot of my friends. We all love food and eating a lot so it's just normal for them to say "we've worked really hard on this project - lets go grab a beer and some wings and our favourite place!". It's a constant willpower workout for me for sure, sounds like you're handling it well though. :)
    ps: I'm in a 4yr bachelors of science in nursing degree program. I'm currently in my 3rd year (the end is in sight!) It is a full time program. I did a bunch of part time studies before I started while I worked so that my course load wouldn't be as heavy for the first couple years. If you already have a degree you could look at an after degree program? Sometimes it's only two years?
    @mkinggraham - congrats on the loss! Way to go! Is there a jealous smiley? :grumble: haha!

    @Rachellynch83 - the nurse in me wants to ask "How long has it been since you've gone?" haha! Sometimes a few days is normal, especially if you've just started upping your fibre intake? It can be hard on your body to try and figure out what it's supposed to do. Sounds like you know what you're doing with the water, exercising. Do you drink coffee? It can sometimes help get things moving. I know suggesting prunes is pretty hilarious but it can help! And if you're quite uncomfortable you could think about using a really gentle laxitive. You can ask the pharmacist and perhaps just something like a stool softener (colace?) as opposed to a real laxative (ex-lax/senokot) which can be quite harsh. Hope things work their way out soon! hehe. :laugh: At the hospital when someone has been a bit irregular and finally goes they are soo excited. They ring the bell and call us in "Nurse! I just had a great BM!" :smile:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Meag - don't worry I ate it all back, and all healthy except for the biscotti/hot chocolate treat. Jeepers is it ever frustrating when the scale fluncuates!!! 129.8 this morning :( I crawled back into bed thinking screw the gym. After 10 mins of laying there annoyed i managed to convince myself to get up again and go and of course was glad once I was there. Even more glad when I was filling up my water bottle I read a very motivating news article posted on the wall;

    I've know muscle burns more than fat but I've never know how much it really does. This article was about busting the myth that as you get older your metabolism slows. While this is true for a lot of people, the reason isnt beyond their control, its because they workout less or stop working out all together. They lose their muscle mass and subsequently their resting metabolic rate goes down.

    Then the article gave the facts; your body burns 50-60 calories per day for every lb of muscle you have. Fat burns none. So for every 7lbs of muscle your body will burn one lb of fat over the course of 10 days. Add this to your calorie deficit and all those workouts are going to make you one lean mean fat burning machine!!!
  • fightingdissonance
    Hey all! Too bad I didn't find this a week ago when February was still beginning, but is it too late to join this group now for the month? I've been on MFP since mid-January, just skimmed through your thread and you seem like an awesome and like-minded group for motivation! If it's too far into February, no worries, I'll keep an eye out for the March thread :)
  • jbars11
    Hey all! Too bad I didn't find this a week ago when February was still beginning, but is it too late to join this group now for the month? I've been on MFP since mid-January, just skimmed through your thread and you seem like an awesome and like-minded group for motivation! If it's too far into February, no worries, I'll keep an eye out for the March thread :)

    I'm pretty new myself, but I don't think there is a deadline for joining!!! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey all! Too bad I didn't find this a week ago when February was still beginning, but is it too late to join this group now for the month? I've been on MFP since mid-January, just skimmed through your thread and you seem like an awesome and like-minded group for motivation! If it's too far into February, no worries, I'll keep an eye out for the March thread :)

    Absolutely welcome anytime! We just ask that you introduce yourself with as much or as little info as you want to give. Also come up with some goals most people include scale goals and non scale goals. This way we can motivate you and support you with healthy changes other than just a number on the scale. If you could just go back and find the most recent list of goals you can ad yourself to the bottom. Then at the end of the month we all check in with that list and see where we were. Welcome!!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I was super shocked to see such a great loss this week, but its so rewarding because I know my hard work is paying off. I am doing a competition with some co-workers (just to stay motivated) and some of them are so concerned about winning while I am working on the slow and steady because long after the competition is over I still need to a) lose weight and b) keep it off. I wish that they would realize that crash dieting might work for the couple months we do this, but the moment you put real food back in your mouth and stop exercising the game is over.

    Ok rant over! Now onto the thread-

    Meag- Looks like you are on lucky lady! My hubby is all about eating healthy and there are no complaints about what comes out of the kitchen but I wish he would get more active. I know that I can't force him but I can encourage him!

    Cait- I am sure you will kick *kitten* on your run on Wednesday- I bet we both do! I'll keep you updated on where I stand. It seems as if we are going to hit a lot of running milestones at the same time :)

    nadine- the day I realized lifting weights helped with fat loss I was so happy! I had always lifted for soccer in high school but a lot of my work out partners weren't interested so it feel to the way side. Then I saw a similar article and bam back came the weights! Also love when motivation comes in the most unexpected places!

    jbars- ugh that sucks about your ipod touch, but I know I don't mind if you aren't able to respond back to everyone. 90% of the time I can't either because I simply am not that amazing at threads.

    echoic- welcome! You will love this group!!!!

    Ok that's all I got for now! Have a great day!!

  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    @meag- you guys are too cute! are you talking marriage? how long have you been together?

    @rachel- i had a smooth move tea at breakfast yesterday & it cleared me out :o) all better, maybe try that? it's organic & only 2 calories.

    @nadine- i love that fact about the muscle burning more than fat- it's motivating on those days you just don't want to work out!

    @megan- yay, 5 pounds so far this month is awesome! :oD great job!

    So, yesterday i was just beginning to get sick. That was NOTHING compared to today. I was still functionable yesterday. Today I'm weak & exhausted & just overall beat. I get dizzy if I stand too long & my nose is so raw- it's a faucet. I skipped school today & I don't know if I'll get up the energy to do the 30 Day Shred today. I'm disappointed, but i know I am so beat at this moment, unless I feel better later, this is a lay in bed with tea, soup, & my nook day. My mom was sick like this the end of last week & I guess she gave it to me. It lasted about 3 days for her, so I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel tomorrow & hopefully being 100% by Wednesday.
    On the bright side- I've lost 2 pounds! I was right that it was just how backed up with poo I was :oD the smooth move tea I had at breakfast yesterday made me go before bed & I weighed this morning. I'm thrilled considering I haven't been doing the greatest job with my intake this week. I can't wait to get moving consistently with the 30 Day Shred. I'm taking this weight off & looking for a more fit, healthier me!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Totally a selfish post and will check in again later, but I am so excited! I was able to run 2.75 miles straight at a 6-6.2mph pace today for the first time since high school. I am proud! :) It's the little things. I did a warm up lap at 4mph, ran 2.75, and 2 cool down laps at 4mph. Now to shower and off to work for a mandatory training session. I will check in later with everyone! :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    OMG there is so much that went on the last few days on here! I don't have time to catch up sorry guys.

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!!

    Meag- Good job on starting to give yourself a break, it is hard because so much of weight loss/healthy living is mental. Part of that is giving yourself a break and really loving yourself. This is a challenge for me as well but with lots of time it has gotten easier. I promise it will for you as well.

    AFM- I am soooo tired from this crazy weekend of workouts and fun. I had too much to eat and drink yesterday, I didn't even try to track it because I knew it was over. I am going to let it go and have an amazing week no matter what :) I need to get groceries for the week and make a meal plan but honestly I am not sure I have the energy to do that today. We will see, I am going to tell my friend we have to reschedule our date night, I don't think I have the strength or will to try to go out to eat tonight and be good, or even function haha. I am just glad I made it to work lol. Well here starts a new day and another week of amazing opportunities. Lets make it count peeps!

    QOTD- What is some good lunch ideas for work?

    I seem to be stuck with either left overs or a salad. I like them don't get me wrong but I am just getting sick of them... Some ideas would be great!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Nadine - I can attest to the metabolism bit and muscle burning more than fat! I am totally a ravenous eater now that I workout like crazy and have developed quite a bit of muscle. My body just needs way more fuel - period. I eat more and still burn tons of fat. It's really remarkable how much my metabolism has changed...

    jnlynch - Marriage :laugh: Definitely not. Marriage isn't in the cards for either of us. Just not our cup of tea. Plus we're still relatively newly dating - only 7 months has passed, but it seems like we've been together forever. It's by far the most comfortable I've ever felt with someone before in my life and I couldn't be happier. My boyfriend was "married" (by default - common law here in Canada) to his ex for 5 years and so it's fair to say that he's "over" marriage and that kind of set-up for a while. We're both happy just enjoying each other and not worrying about all of that :happy: Possibly considering a move-in together this fall if I can get my *kitten* together... Thanks for asking! :blushing:

    Echo - Welcome! :flowerforyou: Definitely never too late to get started here! Hop on board, set yourself some goals, and use the group to stay accountable to yourself. It's a great motivator!

    Megan - Great attitude and good for you for wanting to do this right. It's so much better than having to do it again, and again :happy: Lose it and keep it off, once and for all! I feel so much better about how I lost weight this time around after having yo-yo'd with WW so many times in the past. Do whatever is sustainable for you. Winning some contest isn't worth nearly as much as winning back your body and your health :wink:

    Loving all the posts ladies! keep it up! :bigsmile:

    And Melissa - Try cutting a nectarine into your oats some morning with cinnamon ... Holy delicious batman. I had my oats with a nectarine, chia, cinnamon, blueberries and yogurt today and it was incredible! Definitely doing that again very, very soon :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    double post!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    double post :blushing: sorry!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    @meagalayne - Thanks for the link to the blog yesterday, read it before bed and thought about it while going to sleep. I never give my body any credit. Something to think about... I'm aiming to net 1580 daily, and "ignoring" exercise cals. I've dieted enough to know that for me personally anything under 1400cals leaves me feeling tired,irritable and hungry!! I've had pretty good success with 1500-1600daily in the past and that's right where MFP put me! Unfortunately in the past I've never stuck it out, this time is different though right!!
    When you say you're netting X calories - That includes eating your exercise calories.

    If you look on your homepage you'll see something like:
    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1500 524 - 0 524

    When you exercise it will subtract from your Net and will show you having consumed less calories - The point here is that your body is using up so much energy and needs you to replenish that fuel with good foods. So when I said you ought to Net at least 1200, I mean eating at least 1200 cals + whatever you burn. It can be confusing sometimes and seem counter-productive to eat back everything you're burning off with your work-outs, but it's really important to make sure your body is getting enough food.

    If anyone's got additional questions about this please post them or read this great post:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    @meagalayne - Thanks for the link to the blog yesterday, read it before bed and thought about it while going to sleep. I never give my body any credit. Something to think about... I'm aiming to net 1580 daily, and "ignoring" exercise cals. I've dieted enough to know that for me personally anything under 1400cals leaves me feeling tired,irritable and hungry!! I've had pretty good success with 1500-1600daily in the past and that's right where MFP put me! Unfortunately in the past I've never stuck it out, this time is different though right!!
    When you say you're netting X calories - That includes eating your exercise calories.

    If you look on your homepage you'll see something like:
    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1500 524 - 0 524

    When you exercise it will subtract from your Net and will show you having consumed less calories - The point here is that your body is using up so much energy and needs you to replenish that fuel with good foods. So when I said you ought to Net at least 1200, I mean eating at least 1200 cals + whatever you burn. It can be confusing sometimes and seem counter-productive to eat back everything you're burning off with your work-outs, but it's really important to make sure your body is getting enough food.

    If anyone's got additional questions about this please post them or read this great post:

    I can attest to what Meag is saying. For those of you that are new I had hit around a 6 week plateau and honestly I attribute it to not eating enough. Around the beginning of December I started REALLY kicking *kitten* on my workouts and was burning crazy amounts lifting and running again for the first time in years. Even though I was always netting above 1200 my body still wasnt happy. I should be netting around 1700 based on how much I want to lose, my age, and my activity level. If I eat around there every day I am slotted to lose 1lb a week. Well after lots of encouragement from Meag and Gonks I really focused on making an effort to net around 1700 (with my workouts that usually put me eating around 2000 calories or more a day- seems like a lot but with all of my exercise it really isnt) I also focused on eating all of those calories in really clean unprocessed food (personal goal/choice for me). Let me tell you not even two weeks of doing that and the lbs starting coming off again. There are days when it is still hard to break out of that "diet" mentality, but I just keep reminding myself that I am eating to fuel my body and give it energy and let me tell you it is TOTALLY working.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok, so I went missing for a few days again & now I had to go through 4 – 5 pages here!! Anyway, I always love reading all your posts but I’m going to reply only to a few of you now :)

    Meag – You both are adorable together. Looking forward to meeting you guys :D
    As for my C25K, I’m almost there…have run 2.75 miles 4 times now but last week messed things up a bit. So, now I’m hoping to be able to run 5k at least once before the 14th of this month.

    Nadine – Thanks for the info about how much fat muscle works...

    Echoicmemories – Others have already mentioned – you can join the thread anytime. Welcome to the group!!

    Mkingraham – Slow & steady is the way to go :)
    On your previous post – what I have learnt from people on this thread & my own experience that running is mostly convincing yourself that you can do it. I’m in the final weeks of C25k & the past week I wasn’t able to run even 15 min at a stretch when I have run 2.75 miles / 33min three times in the week prior to that. Not sure if I was finding excuses not to be able to do it or they were genuine. But on Saturday, before I went to the gym, I made up mind to run 3.1miles at any cost. I realized that my legs couldn’t take it so stopped at 2.75 miles but at least I got back to my max so far. Every time I have to run, I keep reminding myself hours before that this is how much I will do today; this is how much I have done previously, so at least that much can be accomplished easily. Another thing is, I decide look at the time on the treadmill after every song or 2 / 3 songs…depending on my mood. And, I usually have to have the TV on. Hope this helps. Belive in yourself & you will do it :)

    Jnlynch – Hope you get better soon. But I think you should just rest and forget about the 30 day shred or any other workout for that matter till you feel better.

    Rachellynch83 – congrats on your run. Nice pace too!

    AFM – Done with traveling for now though there’s much more coming up soon. I’m going to weigh myself today after probably 2 weeks – fingers crossed! I guess I’m eating decently too since the weekend. Will try not to eat out this weekend like we usually do since Monday we are definitely going out :D
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    old QOTD - an ideal saturday.. if i get to sleep in, not go to work, and hang out with friends!!! this saturday was crazy for me as usual. i wake up early to volunteer at a cat shelter in long beach, then go to work for a few hours, then volunteer at a dog adoption event in west hollywood, headed back home to shower and stuff, drove to pick up the guy i am dating, drove all the way to riverside for his house's party and some more driving later that night to run errands.

    QOTD - mine are usually leftovers from dinner i made the night before. can be anything from pasta to bok choy + oyster mushrooms to vegan quiches. occasionally i would make a sandwich or a vegan sausage (mc)muffin. i would love to see what people eat for lunch!

    @lostalykat - i totally blew it this weekend too.. so much food and snacks and drinking. i gained 3 lbs back, not sure if it's water weight or real weight or some of both, since i did eat high sodium foods a lot. i'm planning my meals today or tomorrow and grocery shopping tomorrow evening!

    @rachellynch - good job on the running!

    @jnlynch - i was super busy and mostly away from home this weekend but i am gonna do the shred again tonight. i'll keep you updated! congratulations on your 2-lb weight loss! just wondering, did you take your measurements before you started the shred as well? i hope you get well soon, if you are feeling too sickly, i wouldn't recommend pushing yourself too hard. lots of water + vitamins!

    @mkingraham - i'm doing a competition with the guy i'm dating too. the loser has to take the winner out on a date. i am PRETTY SURE i am going to lose, because he started at 230 lbs and i started at 145 lbs. plus he works out like 2 hours a day and he is REALLY watching what he eats (some times to the point of being unhealthy - but i always tell him that he can't under-eat like that!). it's kind of a good motivation for me but at the same time i'm pretty sure i'm gonna lose : (((

    @nadine2unfit2bque - your little muscle/fat/metabolism tidbit definitely make me wanna work out more! i also have one of those water/fat scale as well, but i never thought to use the water percentage to gauge if my weight loss/gain is water-related or not! great idea, thanks!

    @wardiemelissa - what a great waitress! congratulations on your hard work so far! and sad to hear about your dad, but he must be so proud of you right now. i hope all turns out fine with your husband!

    @meggonkgonk - yay for completing your thesis proposal & copy of the book (is it inaccurate to call it a synopsis?)!

    AFM - my car is fixed - i fixed my side mirror which was painstakingly held up by duct tape for a few months and also changed the tire with the bubble in it. car fixed.. now my wallet is broken. also my aunt insists on going to the dealership for these repairs, so you can imagine how expensive they are!

    i had a wonderful weekend in general and (not intentionally rubbing it in anyone's face) but it was an AMAZING & BEAUTIFUL day yesterday in LA.. 75 degrees or so. it's still kinda nice today but i spend all the day in the office so i can't really enjoy it. HOWEVER, food-wise it was horrid. yeah we even went to souplantation on sunday! i didn't eat as much as i usually do but it's still a lot. as mentioned, i gained 3 lbs on the scale.. ahhh. definitely gonna start exercising at least 4 times a week!

    hope everyone is having a great monday!