Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    lostalykat – If you find your neck getting tweaked a lot might be a sign your over stressing your neck/upper back. Do you stretch them much? This happened to me right before I popped a rib, which turned out was caused by a twisted vertabra pulling on the muscle. Not fun times! The physiotherapist gave me some really good stretches, I could attempt to describe them for you, and also told me to consciously think about relaxing my neck/back when I’m running.

    Melissa - Don’t ever feel bad about sharing your experiences with us, that’s what we’re all here for! Very sorry to hear about your dad, but I think that is very special you feel his presence supporting you and I am sure he would be very proud! It's hard now to worry terribly when someone you care about has a medical scare, but stay positive, sounds like they are just being precautious and it will likely all be fine. Keep us posted and glad you feel better for having gotten it out of your head. As for the rest day thing I’m with Gonks on this one. For whatever reason I am hungriest on my days off and I know if I try to restrict myself to 1200 cals I am going to cave and go on an eating frenzy. I figure its better to let myself eat the same amount as my exercise days, knowing that its going into repairing my muscles, and although I won’t be losing weight that day at least I won’t be gaining it!

    KanCrav – 12k in 2.5hrs of hiking? That’s a solid effort you should be feeling awesome! Nice work woman!! Enjoy the extra food you’ve earned  Food is often my motivation to workout, knowing that if I do I get to eat something yummy after guilt free!

    Gonks - glad to hear you’re feeling better, and my remedy for lack of energy as I’ve said before is ginseng! Good job staying on track and good luck with the weigh-in.

    AFM – Thanks for the music tips everyone! Definitely helped see me through my run having fresh tracks on my ipod. I tried to really push myself yesterday but I ended up finishing just a bit short of my planned 20k. I did 19.6km in 1:49 for an average pace of 5:35/km. I really really have my work cut out for me! My goal time is 5:00/km eek! And it wasn’t a case of I could have done better, I spent the next two hours fighting feelings of nausea. I had to get on the bus home for an hour and I was just praying to not be sick. The good news is when I was planning my meals to be on the safe side I logged my run at a much slower pace, so when I put in my actual pace instead of being over 100 cals I was under 200. Back on track!

    I weighed in this morning at 128.2lbs – that’s -1.8lbs in not quite a week! I have a WW scale that tells weight, BMI, lbs of body fat, body fat percentage and hydration. I love that it says the hydration so I know if its water loss or not, and it said I was well hydrated so I feel positive that it’s a “real” loss. As I know the scale isn’t always the most reliable I took my other measures today to keep track and set some feb goals;

    Waist 27 ½” – goal 27”
    Hips 38 ¼” – goal 37 ½”
    Thigh 23 ½” – goal 23”

    Wish me luck 
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    OY! Been a crazy whirlwind week. Got back from my trip and the second night I was back the fiance's car was hit while he was parked in front of our house. Looks like it is going to be totaled- waiting on the official word from the claims adjusters on Monday.... grrr. We walked in to town yesterday to check out the car and clean it out so that was good and then finally got a rental last night. At least we arent stranded right now. Glad that I can walk to work when I need to, but he needs to be able to get to work that is 45 minutes away. Anyway, just trying to keep my head up things are just super overwhelming right now. I know the best thing for me to do is get back in to my routine so that I feel like I have some sort of control in my life.

    Gonk-so glad to have you back! As for my running schedule its all kind of changing around since I changed my lifting around. This is what I am picturing. This week will be my first full week with this schedule so we will see how it goes and then adjust from there.

    Monday- Lifting is a Pull Day (Lats/Biceps/Legs/Lower Abs) with just a light low key walk on the treadmill to end it out
    Tuesday- Lifting is a Push Day (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Upper Abs) walk/run intervals on the treadmill
    Wednesday- no lifting. Running- this is the day I am going to try to increase my distance
    Thursday- Repeat Monday
    Friday- Repeat Tuesday
    Saturday- low key cross training (Hike, snowshoe, walk to work)
    Sunday- Rest and/or walk to work (1mile)

    We shall see how it all goes! I am sure there will be adjustments day to day and week to week as I need them.
  • kbellnurse
    Ooh Ben Folds..I have an old CD of us on my ipod and i love it, "Kate" was one of my faves in highschool and "Army" is on my workout play list for sure. I picked up the "Crash Kings" cd and also "Mother mother" and have some songs from each on my list as well. Chili Peppers : Higher Ground is a staple song, makes it on every mix I make. it and Bohemian Rhapsody, what's with that? haha
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    HI Everyone - Sorry I missed yesterday. Got busy at work and didn't have time to send a good response. But I hope you are all having a good weekend so far :)

    @ Megan - congrats on the new puppy! That's so exciting to get a new fuzzy addition to the family! Sounds like a great run too!

    @jbars - Don't get too overwhelmed - It's good practice to learn new habits when eating out! When I go out with friends, I usually get one glass of wine (my favorite) but then switch to a light beer with olives - a "North Dakota Martini". MUCH lower in calories...and includes a snack :laugh: Or, rum and diet pop works great too. When eating look for a simple salad with dressing on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing to use less and get some with every bite. Hope that helps!

    @lostalykat - nice job at the concert and staying on track! Awesome :) Also glad to hear your neck is better. Good luck on your workouts today! Take it easy :)

    @lolahippie - sorry to hear about your car!

    @Gonks - Congrats on the non MFP victories. I bet it feels great to have accomplished those things :) Also good job pulling through and staying on track. I hope easing back into your workouts goes well and wtg for training for a 1/2 marathon! Amazing :)

    @KanCrav - WHOA good hike! You should be super proud that you are able do more than you used to. It's a powerful motivator!

    @Melissa - I'm so sorry for your loss. You can always share things like that. People we love never leave us if we remember all they taught us, and it sounds like he's with you all the time. It's also a good thing that the doctors are too worried about your hubby. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts - hang in there!

    @ Meag - good luck on your race with Tyler! A sweetheart race sounds really fun! I haven't given up alcohol (love wine too much!), but it definitely feels nice to take a night off once in a while and not have to worry about all the issues with drinking. But I admire you for making a commitment like that and I'm glad you don't feel any pressure!

    @Nadine - wow sounds like an amazing run to me! Congrats on the weigh in too - great progress! What % is well-hydrated? I have a similar scale that shows body fat % and water %, but not sure what those numbers mean...

    @finncmh - Hang in there and so sorry to hear about the car...things like that can really throw you off.

    QOTD - My Ideal Saturday...spending the am having a leisurely breakfast, then a little compy time with my cat on lap, and then a busy afternoon and night with friends. I like relaxing, but I start to panic if I start wasting my saturday! I'm weird like that :)

    AFM - I had my weigh-in this morning. My jaw dropped when the scale said I lost 2 POUNDS!! Hopefully that's pretty accurate. I did well last week staying under most days and getting my workouts in. I wasn't expecting that much, but hey, I'm not complaining! Tomorrow, I have brunch with my parents and my boyfriend's parents. They are meeting for the first time! I'm nervous...his parents are really liberal and young, and mine are older and VERY conservative. I'm REALLY hoping that politics don't come up! Otherwise, it will be a lot of high-calorie foods in the morning, and of course, superbowl snack temptations at night...
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hahah had to update for a quick second - Ty picked up our race kit today and it included: ONE bib, ONE chip, and ONE ribbon to tie us together :laugh: Hilarious! Oh my, this is going to be one funny race. Poor boy is going to have to keep up if he doesn't want to be dragged behind me! LOL

    Anyway it should be great. Got in a good 3.2 miles today at 1/2 marathon pace (just under 35 mins). Felt good but the gym was wayyy too hot. Lame.

    Meg - Thanks for the luck! Should be loads of fun :bigsmile: Great loss this week!! You are rocking it. Hard work is paying dividends for you, apparently. It's such good motivation, eh?

    Cait - Sending loads of good vibes your way. Sounds like a hectic, crazy stressful week. Lots of <<hugs>> Wish I could help! Love the idea of posting your weekly workout schedule, so I'll post mine tomorrow as well. Strongly encourage everyone to share their schedules. Helps keep us accountable too!

    Nadine - Brilliant loss!! Incredible efforts = incredible payoffs. You rock lady! :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-Great job on the hike!! You should be very proud of yourself on the distance and time...that is a quick hike!(even if it wasn't as hard as you thought). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hike!!! It's nice to see that maybe there is another hiker on here...since we seem to have lots of runners already!! LOL

    Melissa-thanks! and so you know...when you put "restaurant" i thought that I may have spelled it wrong for a sec!! LOL should have read like 3 more words down the line I guess!! Glad that one of your fave places has some healthy options for you though...that def helps! Otherwise, I am sorry about your dad and wish you the best with your hubby!! Sounds like they are right on track with all of the testing though so that's a great start!! Good luck!

    Megteg-2lbs is a great start to the month!! keep up the good work!

    QOTD-ideal Saturday for me...sleep in as long as possible (usually around 1030 at the latest, cuz of my dog!), get up and get in a good workout, eat something yummy (PB and banana sandwich this morn), and then clean for a bit and get ready to go out for the night with my bf :) tonight pool and darts it is!!

    AFM-kinda bloated cuz of TOM so that sucks, but I did complete my last goal for the week and have 1125/1000 calories burned for the week so far (it ends on Wed for me). My workout schedule for the week will be: Sunday-yoga booty ballet, +arms
    Wedneday-Turbo Jam or Zumba wii, +arms, +abs
    Thursday->30minutes elliptical, +arms, +abs
    Saturday->30minutes elliptical, +arms, +abs
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    megteg - The book that came with the scale said 50-55% was the ideal hydration percentage. I was 52% this morning and I've never been over 53% and am usually at 51%. Who knows how accurate it is, Ive always wondered how it can actually tell that, but its at least something to go on.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone, Check in before my next ride hehe. Yesterday was awesome, great ride and run! I went out for sushi with my bf after for lunch, then we came home with some stuff to bbq! I had a few drinks during the day so by 8 I was falling asleep to a movie haha. I went over on my points yesterday even with my activity and extra weekly points. But todays bike ride is gonna be intense so I already tracked for it, and I will have a little overage for the superbowl game. I will just have to be as good as possible which was my game plan anyways. This weekend was rough with the food and I started into my weeklys a day early since I had a night out on thursday too. I have dinner plans on monday with a friend and I know drinks will be involved...I might need to go do a run tomorrow morning to help counter out these parties! O well if this week doesn't do so well there is always next week. Have a great sunday! Go Packers!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Megteg- good luck with the rents meeting! That’s always an interesting experience- I am sure it will be great!!! Let us know how it goes!

    Meag- I think we need a picture of the two of you racing like that! TOOO funny! Take it easy on the poor guy… hehehe. Gonks was curious bout my running schedule so I figure I might as well post the whole training schedule up. I liked when we did that last month during the last week. It was cool to see what other people are doing.

    TJ- great job on your goals! Your workout schedule sounds fun! I need to start incorporating some more variety back in to my workouts

    Aly- its really great to see you in such good spirits recently! You really seemed to have found a balance between this new lifestyle and also cutting yourself some slack when real life gets in the way. Very proud of you- enjoy yourself and keep kicking *kitten*

    AFM- weighed myself this morning and I had dropped 2.6 lbs… CRAZINESS!!!! I know its mostly from being so sick earlier in the week and whatnot. So I am not going to get to excited until next weeks weigh-in. One day at a time one day at a time. Slow and steady slow and steady. That’s what I have to keep telling myself, but it was really nice to see that loss. Especially since it puts me only 1.2lbs away from the 15lbs lost mark. I like that feeling!!! Anyway, ladies hope everyone enjoys their last day of the weekend (for those of you that don’t have to work). Any of you celebrating superbowl find the balance! Let yourself have fun within reason and don’t beat yourself up for enjoying a little. That’s my $.02 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • SeeCrystal
    Morning Everyone!!!! Did my first weigh in this week Ilost 5 pds!!!

    @meagalayne @tjradd73 I know it seems a littlle much...But i will keep you posted!!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    QOTD- my ideal saturday is sleeping in with my boyfriend, a good book on my nook, a giant mug of green tea, rolling out of bed without the stress of needing to be anywhere, & going out with my friends at night. :o)

    @meggon- i did stretch & do a little walking yesterday & i started back doing the 30 day shred today, so only 1 day off it instead of the 2 i was planning for.

    @lolahippie & rachel- any updates on how the 30 day shred is going for you?

    @crystal- awesome job with -5lbs. how are you doing it? it's been less than a week, is it just water weight?

    @finn- great job! are you feeling better now?

    @tjradd- i love that you plan your exercise daily. i'm a checklist person- so that might be a good idea for me :o)

    update: i woke up sick this morning. i'm congested & my throat is swollen & scratchy :o( yesterday ended up being a really bad food day for me (as far as calories, not nutritional choices) & friday night i ended up munching during the night with my friends (a cookie, chips & popcorn)... it was bad enough intake that i decided to go home a day early from my bf's to do day 3 of the 30 Day Shred today instead of letting myself have another day of resting & relaxing. my plan is to do the 30 Day Shred everyday this week (no matter how much it hurts) & not eat back my exercise calories unless i am really hungry to make up for the last few days. i do plan to go back to my bf's tonight & to a superbowl party, but i'm going to eat before i go & bring malibu & diet coke to drink (60 cals a glass) & hopefully won't be hungry enough to much, though i'm planning on leaving myself a few hundred calories in case there is anything i really want to eat or if we go out anywhere after. optimism- i decided to weigh even though i was expecting the scale to be awful- but instead i maintained where i am, at 128 & that is encouraging since i haven't pooped since Wednesday (sorry, tmi), so i'm expecting once i poo, i'll be a little lighter, so i haven't gained anything. anyone have any idea why i'd be so constipated? i've increased my fiber to 20g+ a day & have been diligent about getting in my minimum 8 cups of water a day... friday i took two stool softeners & nothing has happened & so today i had a smooth move tea this morning & if nothing happens by tonight i'll go buy a stimulant lax for tomorrow. i'm usually fairly regular, going every other day. i was thinking maybe because my body isn't used to getting so much fiber & consistent water?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Aly-great job baancing out your higher "party" days with the extra exercise!! that is a great plan!

    Cait-awesome loss so far...I am keeping my fingers crossed that it sticks for your definately deserve it! and variety is the only thing that keeps me interested in working out!! If i had to do the same thing every day I would totally give up! Plus they say its good for your body and muscles to switch it up...and that you continue to have higher calorie burns that way!

    Crystal-great loss so far!! I will be rooting you and your goal on for the month!! know you the best :)

    jnlynch-sounds like you have a few things preplanned for the superbowl, so great job on that! and as far as the fiber and "regularity" goes...when I upped my fiber I had this problem for a while as well! I started taking flaxseed capsules and it seems to have done the trick for now, maybe try this??!! and if you go laxative route, be may be ok for a jump start, but you don't want to get your body used to it!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick selfish kiddos are coming home soon and I missed them!!! First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the kind words...I feel a lot better and just having one of those weeks...:grumble: but tomorrow starts a new one! :drinker:

    Had a date night with my hubby last night and ate one of the yummiest meals that I have had in a LONG time! I know I went over; spicy fried calamari, spinach prosciutto soup, and fettucine with grilled salmon and diver scallops in a lemon garlic multiple glasses of wine. Woke up with a headache this morning and was worried that I wouldn't get my run in...but I did and I'm glad that I did because now my headache is gone!!! :drinker: had to settle for 8 miles on the TM due to the surprise dumping of 4 more inches of snow!

    Glad I got the extra calories too because hubby has been up smoking a brisket since 4 am...MMMM!!

    jnlynch-great job with the 30 day doesn't seem like it does much in the beginning but it is a pretty good workout! I just recently bought No More Trouble Zones to use on my strength days and I :heart: it!!! Really good weight workout! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    seecrystal-nice loss!

    Cait-nice loss also!!! I agree with you slow and steady wins the race!!! Little by little it'll all come off!!! Great job girly!!

    Aly-mmmm sushi!!!!!

    Have a great night everyone!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just quick hello to everyone!! Its been a busy day since we got the puppy this morning and just trying to get her used to everything. I woke up late and then have been spending time making sure she is adjusting so unfortunately I didn't get a workout in. I thought that might happen so I worked out extra yesterday just in case so I don't feel too guilty- plus my legs had been really tired so a rest day was probably the best idea. Any ways I'll keep you all posted! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Sundays :bigsmile: Mega selfish post today :blushing: ...

    Wow - I had SUCH an incredible weekend and I really, really wish I could share my good mood with you all -- Good vibes definitely being sent out your ways regardless! I am freaking BEAMING. So happy. This lucky lady a) got Sat off for the first time since August (!!); b) got to spend the whole weekend with her super sweet boy; and c) got to race :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: and ACTUALLY stayed under my cals EVERY day! WOA holy smokes. What a weekend :laugh: Can you tell I'm feeling happier than normal?

    Plus, I got on here and had so many wonderful, supportive, incredible messages from my MFPeeps and, as usual, it made me all warm and fuzzy inside!

    Anyway I'm not even sure where to update you folks. Right now I am working *really* hard on "me". I am trying to learn to be OK with relinquishing a little itty bit of control over my food intake and eating with others without letting it ruin my day and make me feel like a huge failure. This is a big undertaking since I've really been feeling incredibly bad the last few weeks with any minor transgression, even when I stay within my cals, and I know that it's verging on unhealthy and obsessive. Small victory today: I managed to make Ty and I a post-race meal together that i didn't have to make in 2 separate batches (one supremely healthy egg-white/low-fat/carb-free batch for me, and one 'normal' portion for him) and enjoyed it without feeling too much guilt :happy: Then we just evened it out by having raw veggies and baba ganouj for a snack later in the afternoon. I also managed to be OK with him making dinner last night - albeit he made a super healthy dinner geared toward my eating habits and not his own. Baby steps...

    The race today was a ton of fun, and on the drive home he was already talking about future races and how much he wants this to become a part of our life together, which was awesome. I know he doesn't want to take up distance running like me, but knowing I can "fun run" with him some of the time is really a sweet deal and makes me feel incredibly lucky. We also spent a great deal of the afternoon discussing the WD and meeting all the wonderful ladies that are going to be there :happy: We are very, very excited, to say the least!

    We were lucky enough to score a few pics before the race, so I figured I would share them with you. Hope you don't mind!

    Cait - Hope these pics suffice. We're pretty much attached at the hip anyway :laugh: I'll be posting my work-out schedule for the week tomorrow, once I have a better idea of my plans for the week. Thanks for sharing! Love to see what others are doing :happy:

    Have a great evening, enjoy the Superbowl parties if that's your thing, and remember as always : Tomorrow's a new start and a great time to recommit to a healthier you :wink:
    Much love, ladies :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I read this blog post today and it made me smile to think of all the positive I am doing every day to make my life the best that it can be. I just wanted to share it with you.

    I really love her list of "good choices" for her health and I think it would be a great exercise in positive self-talk if we all posted a little more often about the good choices we make in our day-to-days that help us enjoy the journey a little bit more :happy:

    What do you guys think?
  • kbellnurse
    @meagalayne - Yay for you great mood day! And for staying under your cals and not feeling guilty about eating "normal" food. Huge accomplishments in my book! Hope your mood carries on throughout the week.

    I'm pulling another selfish post (partially because I can't see anyone elses posts now that I'm on page 8!! And I didn't make notes on any previous haha)

    I'm going to try and set some goals this week and stick with them. This past week was pretty good - my cals were very close, I got workouts in 5/7 days there were no chocolate bars! This week - new goals. I want to try be within 100 calories of "limit" (not eating my exercise cals) every day. I don't usually feel too bad going a little bit over on a couple days because I'm always paranoid to get my cals too low but I just want to see if it would make any difference. I worked my butt off last week and even though my official "weigh-in" day is on tuesday based on this morning I'll be lucky to scrape off a full pound. I'm happy with slow and steady, just want to make sure I get my pound every week! I'm also "goaling" (verb of goal setting? haha) to do 2hrs of school work a night, minimum. I've really let myself get behind and i have a paper due on Valentines day that I'm VERY behind on getting going. So - no going over cals, 2hrs school work/day, finish paper (by the 14th haha), and get 6 workouts in. I think I can do it!

    And i will actually try to not keep writing selfish posts That's goal number 4! ..sorry :(

    Have a good week all.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Quick selfish post as I have a lot of meals to pre-plan and organise before my work week starts tomorrow.

    I've had a crazy active day! Got up first thing this morning and went for a quick walk. It was snowing and beautiful. When I got home and 9am I dragged my housemate out of bed (who had come home at 4am!!) to go up the mtn snowboarding with me. I went riding for 4hrs - but logged it as 1hr as I am guessing MFP means the actual time spent riding not including the chairlift. I wonder if I burnt extra calories while I was hyperventilating at the top of an icy chute I got myself stuck on. After snowboarding I did a back and shoulders workout at the gym, a 11km run and finished with yoga for 30mins. Since I earned a ridiculous amount of calories I am treating myself to a favorite treat - chocolate dipped biscotti and hot chocolate :) yum yum!! And extra yummy since it's guilt free!

    Anywho, bed time! Night all and lets kick *kitten* tomorrow!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    jnlynch- I have been having the same problem. I upped my fiber intake to at least 30 grams a day and basically stopped going to the bathroom. My calorie intake besides for yesterday(superbowl party) has been within the limits, and I gained 2 pounds. Sorry again tmi, but I was depressed about it. I know that has to be the case though because I am bloated and my stomach hurts. I don't know how I can lose weight with nothing coming out. I am hoping to keep up on the water and fiber and hopefully my body adjusts. Also going to try just running a lot this week as it tends to help me.
    So this weekend did not go as well as expected! I am going to the gym this morning and will try to start the 30 day shred today as on Friday my sister in law and 4 nieces came over, and I made supper for all of them and had no time to start the workout.
    Meag- I totally love the Oh she glows blog. I tried to subscribe to it. Hopefully I did it correctly. She is really inspiring!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    So seeing as I am so far behind I don't know how I will ever catch up this is going to be a selfish post and from here on out I promise to keep track of all of the wonderful things everyone is doing.

    Today is my official weigh-in day- down 5 pounds this week! Holy Smokes! I don't know how this happened except that the past two weeks I only lost a pound even though I had been eating and exercising at two pounds. I wonder if it just took a little bit to catch up. I am super stocked about this loss and that puts me that much closer to accomplishing my Feb weight loss goal. Got in an interval workout this morning. .25 jogging followed by .25 walking. I did this for 45 minutes completing just over 3 miles so that felt good. I have spin tomorrow and then on Wednesday I am going for the 1.5 miles without stopping.

    I techiniqually should have hit that this weekend, but due to a killer bootcamp workout on Thursday my legs were pretty much dead Friday and Saturday and with the pup I didn't get in a workout yesterday. I am ok with being a few days behind because I still have 3 weeks before the end of Feb and my goal is to be at 2 miles. I think my biggest thing with running is I let my brain get in the way. I think about how much further I have or I just fake myself out into thinking I can't do it. Have any of you ever had this issue and how did you convince yourself that you can indeed do it and no you aren't going to fall off the treadmill and need medical attention?

    Any ways I am going to ride the high of my awesome weight loss today- hope everyone's Monday is just as awesome!
