Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!!

    We're snow bound last night they closed Highway 74 from Bloomington to Galesburg and 155 from Morton to Springfield,:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: that was mayor. When we went outside this morning our Garages door were complete block by the snow. Took Mike 3 hours to clear one side of the driveway to the street, so glad the snow stoped and the winds, last night were over 58 mile per hour, this Snow storm was a MONSTER:angry::angry: :angry:

    Marie - hope you are keeping warm and the black out is over. Is Jerry doing better.

    JoAnn - you had the same or worst with the snow, take care of yourself. I hate to rubber in but I can't wait for Friday to get out of here.:glasses: :glasses: :glasses:

    Sandy - was lovily talking to you, sorry I surprise you, maybe next time we can talk longer and I will share my trip:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: so glad Daisy was able to take care of business.:laugh: :laugh:

    Gayla - How is your weather, Do you have a lot snow like us? Keep warm.

    Barbie - Is everything going to plan, during the winter month is very difficult to get things done, the weather can make things very unpleasent. You and Jake are a great couple and get things done very quickly, thinking about both of you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Take everyone and keep warm:love::love: :love:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello my fellow Eskimo i have to ask Irene how to spell that.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy you folks seems to take this better than us.I just heard the schools will be closed again tomorrow. the third day. unheard of here in Texas. I think it is to concerve our power. We just had 2 blackout today. and Jerry and I are just fine. Jerry goes to the doctor tomorrow to see what they found out if they are open. Kathy my youngest work for UPS for 25 years and they have never close. But did this time. Like lots of other business Snow again tomorrow. But we will have a wonderful weekend for the Super Bowl.

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, Going back to Mexico.? Thats great. Have a wonderful time.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe I was wondering where you were at. Be careful dring back.

    :flowerforyou: JO An You seems to be in good spirit. I haven been out since********** Had to stop and think. since last Friday.

    :flowerforyou: , Maddie. Is it coming your way.?

    :flowerforyou: Lynn Good afternoon to you.

    :flowerforyou: Ellie No they don't know how to drive on ice. I just heard they brought in some plows in to clear the words. Don't know where they came in from. Dallas may have to buy a few to be in prepared.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla , Just heard we have been below freezing now for 37 hours,How do you guys make it thru the winter

    :flowerforyou: Irene good quilting weather....................

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat. I know you are one busy gal.

    ::flowerforyou: Jeffrey . How are you? sure do miss you. How much snow did you get? Sandy is up to her ears in it. you proble are too.,

    :flowerforyou: Connie I will be rooting for the packers this Sunday.Well better get off and save some power.

    Love you all. Marie
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all, just heard on the news that we have received 92" of snow this winter and it is only Feb. 2. It looks like we will be breaking some records this winter! Keep warm and for those of you who have to shovel, don't overdo! :flowerforyou: JoAn
  • viliberty1957
    Marie...yes, you spelled Eskimo correctly. In Bethel it wasn't the really deep snow that was a problem. It usually snowed awhile, then the rest of the winter it was horizontal snow...what we had just kept blowing around. Slippery was the real problem. Getting accross the street could be a real problem. One elderly lady was seen to get on all fours and crawl across because that is the only way she could get any traction. I have lots of Alaska stories, and I was only there 12 years. Just think of the stories long-time residents could tell!

    One thing I Iiked to do there in the winter was to go out with the children (I had a daycare) and blow bubbles. The bubbles would freeze in the air. Some of them would break on the ground, but others would land intact. So fragile. So fun

    I still have two sons and several grandkids there. So I keep in touch with the Bethel scene.

    Keep warm everyone!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    The ice on the trees melted today where I live but all around me trees fell on cars and lines, power is out. We are kind of in the middle. The wind is howling though and that scares me! :sad: Everything is supposed to refreeze tonight. We did not get the kind of snow that you all are getting, not yet, anyway. Winter, please go away!!! :grumble:

    Marie: Keep me updated on your husband. Still praying for you both! :heart:

    JoAn: 92 inches, Really???? :yawn: I mean, 92 inches, Really!!!!! :noway:

    Everyone be careful. :drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ....:flowerforyou: Ellie No they don't know how to drive on ice. I just heard they brought in some plows in to clear the words. Don't know where they came in from. Dallas may have to buy a few to be in prepared.

    ...Love you all. Marie

    Marie, Your typo gave me a giggle. I guess there is so much drifting snow going around that "words" are piling up on the message board and have to be cleared!!! LOL

    Seriously, I am sorry you are having to deal with rolling blackouts. You and Sammy and Jerry will all have to hunker down under the covers if they continue.

    As soon as I post this, I am going to go check out Daisy's snow video.

    Phoebe, you are in CA...are you heading north?


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh Sandie,

    The video of Daisy was great. She looked like a big woolly bear prancing around in the snow. The still pic slide show certainly proves you have ENOUGH snow. The ones of your unshoveled driveway and the snow drift halfway up the front door sure prove one picture is worth a thousand words!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Speaking of pics, here is a funny from another MFP'r from the 50+ women's thread that I just had to share. Thank you "AliceLMS."


    These guys are attending a "global warming" protest.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Maybe Sandy should invite them to her backyard to play with Daisy!!!

    So long. Time to think about dinner.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi all, just heard on the news that we have received 92" of snow this winter and it is only Feb. 2. It looks like we will be breaking some records this winter! Keep warm and for those of you who have to shovel, don't overdo! JoAn

    Jo An I bet Texas has not had 02 inxhes of snow in 02 years.!

    Barbs Sandy have enough snow to have that many snowmen.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I wanted to pop on tonight as tomorrow is a work day and then I go to Weight Watchers. I haven't weighed but hope to see a loss, at least a little bit. I believe I have been on program all week. Neil is sick with some kind of flu but not the one immunized for I guess. I was worried about him throwing up and choking but he seems to be on the mend tonight.

    So sorry for the weather so many of you have had to deal with. That is a lot of snow at one time!! It looked like Daisy was having a lot of fun! I hope things get back to normal for you soon.

    Marie -- I hope you get good results at the Dr. tomorrow. Is Jerry's voice starting to come back at all?

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    morning everyone -

    Phoebe - how's the diet going? Those first few days are always awful hard. Also, i don't know about you - but i always know i'm going to start dieting so the few days before it's kind of a "katie barr the doors" food fest. Then i'm even MORE hungry when i get back on track.:grumble: Just stick with it! Where are you now? This time of year especially i sure don't miss driving!

    Marie - hope you get good test results for Jerry today.

    92 inches of snow by the 1st of Feb............that's gotta be some kind of record! That's like our mountains and that's 9,000 plus feet!

    I'm on a plateau this week - holding steady at 119 - hopefully it won't last too long. If it goes past Monday I'll change something up, either food or work outs. I'm eating pretty skimpy so i'm not doing much weight lifting right now - mostly cardio.

    Gayla - I hope your ww meeting is good and the scale is a fun thing today! Glad Neil is on the mend!

    Barb - i love the snowman picture! Also the visual of Daisy and them romping in the snow is pretty great:bigsmile:

    We had a beautiful purple/pink sunrise this morning with all the snow on the mountains - so pretty! AND - it's getting up to 30 today! What a relief! It feels like Spring will come!!!!!!!!

    I hope you midwesterners are all ok - and our Texas/Oklahoma friends. Man this was some storm!

    I got to see my newest grand daughter last night - i took them dinner because today is my dil's b-day and my son's was monday. She sure is a cute little peanut! These babies are just the light of my life!

    Love you all - have a happy Friday eve today!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Good morning all.None of the ice has not. Sidewwalk covered in ice melted by our house. Sidewalk still covered in Ice so one more day to stay in. Jerry does go to the doctor today.I don't think I will go with him. First he will have to call and see if they are open. So many doctors office have been closed the last few days.I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow. Have been calling to cancel and they have been close.

    It is bitter cold here. If I come in my compuror and sewing room and shut off the the rest of the house. It gets nice and cozy in here. Which I am surprise for it faces north.Also keep Sammy out. HA HA HA The rest of the house stays warm but not as warm.
    We have not had any more blackouts Just the 2 yesterday. Hope the rest of you are handling this OK. Stsy warm. We are to get some snow tonight. But not much.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    californiagramma 4293127_4606_thumb

    Joined Jan 2011

    Posts: 8

    Thu 02/03/11 09:44 AM
    I am aslo new to the sit and the thread like it so far although I am not doing too well weth the weight

    June posted this on the wrong year......hopefully I get her on the right thread.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Thx Sandy, I wondered about that post. Marie glad you are inside. Hope Jerry gets to doctor safely.
    Elli, I'm doing great on this plan and I am determined to keep it up!
    That snowman picture is so funny and appropriate! I laughed when 8 began listening to an audiobook titled 'Iced', how fitting!
    yes I got images back again,so glad. Be safe
    p.s. Barb, we are near san fransisco today. We will probably go south later today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello Phoebe. Jerry doctor ofice is closed today. So he will called again tomorrow.Seems that Dallas is just shut down. I did get in touch with my doctor and cancel my appt for Friday. I am not going to get out on these icy sidewalks. They are beginning to have fires over the town. Lots of broken bones. And I don't want any of that.

    My granddaught is having a blast here for Super bowl. I don't know if you all get her post or not but ahe has posted some amazing pictures on facebook.She is surpose to leave for St. Louis Saturday if she can get thru. Will have to wait and see about that.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, just back from outerspace. Been busy working the two jobs and looking for the third. My workout has been changed to a do what I feel than following numbers. Some parts of me are stronger than others so one weight does not fill the needs of all of me. Today was a good day almost two hours, and I feel great.
    Put on some weight again, did a stop and rethink my life for a bit. Seems that my memory banks are too full and some emotions of the past are beeing spilled into today's life. This sets me on a up and down ride in emotion and thought patterns. Not much is known about this, however a huge number of the boomers are experiencing this in their daily lives now. Some doc.'s treat for depression, but this is not about that at all. It is Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). Got to look up on the web for new information on this. For now I have to try to be in control of me, keep aware of what I am feeling or thinking and add logic to it. Some days it would be easier if I were born a Vulcan. :laugh:

    I am on BodyBuilding for now, I need some teachings on diet and exercises, and some ways to get results. I will be here when time allows, so I hope I can rejoin all you ladies and gents, and get on with a better quality of life.

    Miss all of you and have had you in my thoughts. :heart: :heart:

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    In the deep south, they have a handle for all of us who live north of the deep south, that visit. Anne Murray is one of my favorite singers...and I am dedicating these lyrics to Snowbirds! Be happy and Be warm! :D Beneath it's snowy mantle cold and clean, The unborn grass lies waiting for its coat to turn to green. The snowbird sings the song he always sings, And speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring. When I was young my heart was young then, too. And anything that it would tell me, that's the thing that I would do. But now I feel such emptiness within, For the thing that I want most in life's the thing that I can't win. Spread your tiny wings and fly away, And take the snow back with you where it came from on that day. The one I love forever is untrue, And if I could you know that I would fly away with you. The breeze along the river seems to say, That he'll only break my heart again should I decide to stay. So, little snowbird, take me with you when you go, To that land of gentle breezes where the peaceful waters flow. Spread your tiny wings and fly away, And take the snow back with you where it came from on that day. The one I love forever is untrue, And if I could you know that I would fly away with you. Yeah, if I could I know that I would fly away with you.

    This song reminds of Spring..and ole' man Winter who betrayed us by dumping snow and ice in so many peoples' path.

    Enjoy dreaming of Spring:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes bring it on Lynn.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Marilyn welcome back, always welcome back. You are still moving, that is important, and you are 'facing the enemy' that is good too.
    marie, I was really checking in for news from you, and got it! It is the smart people who stay y off bad that must mean Jerry has a good doctor!a
    Lynn, as I read the lyrics, the music just popped right into my head! Classics do that don’t they.
    Stay warm!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Summer breeze makes me feel fine.....blowin thru the jasmine of my mind......:flowerforyou: