Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Happy Valeentine Day all of you Sneakers
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FROM ME TO YOU :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    ( I won't sing it since Maddie says I sound like I have a sore throat.)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Good Morning!!! The scale moved!!! It really moved 1 whole lb. I think if I could go to the bathroom again, it would be 1.5 lbs but let's not ****er over that and I will just enjoy the moment !!!!


    Great Valentines present to yourself!!! Congratulations!!!!!
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    Elli, I looked this up on google about six months ago. It said to make a 50/50 mixture of water and rubbing alcohol. Then dampen a soft cloth, like a t-shirt, and lightly rub over your screen or keyboard. I tried it and it worked beautifully. Be sure that the cloth that you use is really clean so that it doesn't have anything on it that will scratch the screen. You only need a little of the mixture as you don't want to get the screen wet, just the cloth slightly damp. Good luck.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Valentines Day
    it's a day to treat yourself extra sweetly, whatever that might mean for you! Connie& Maddie, you both had me giggling while reading your posts! Did anyone join me, hell no! Lol!! And then all that extra fiber scooting everything out the back doorA roflol!!!
    Thanks for the chuckles.
    i cant remember a thing I was gonna say. Lucky you!
    back to work, beautiful sunny day be safe all of you
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Valentines Day
    it's a day to treat yourself extra sweetly, whatever that might mean for you! Connie& Maddie, you both had me giggling while reading your posts! Did anyone join me, hell no! Lol!! And then all that extra fiber scooting everything out the back doorA roflol!!!
    Thanks for the chuckles.
    i cant remember a thing I was gonna say. Lucky you!
    back to work, beautiful sunny day be safe all of you

    The "did anyone join me" should've been in quotation marks on my post. Loops! Sounds like i was mad coz nobody joined ME lol! That's funny too!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Xyla - thank you so much for this! I'm going to try it tonight!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Valentines Day
    it's a day to treat yourself extra sweetly, whatever that might mean for you! Connie& Maddie, you both had me giggling while reading your posts! Did anyone join me, hell no! Lol!! And then all that extra fiber scooting everything out the back doorA roflol!!!
    Thanks for the chuckles.
    i cant remember a thing I was gonna say. Lucky you!
    back to work, beautiful sunny day be safe all of you

    The "did anyone join me" should've been in quotation marks on my post. Loops! Sounds like i was mad coz nobody joined ME lol! That's funny too!

    I did, I did!! Little TMI but still very funny!!! That's one way to lose weight!!! :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You guys are so funny. Love it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I cooked me a big pot of soup. It was just a dump soup no recipes I Pkg of chopped onion , Pkg of stir fry, Canned of black beans Rinsed, I tube of cream of corn ,! can low sodium beoth. No crackers or bread. Trying to work my freezer down Soup 2 cups,,,,, For dessert 1/4 c of frozen strawberries 1/4 c of greek yogurt.Tea Now Sammy and I will have out walkThe temp just reach 70 on my Computor so time to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Looked like we are all getting focus on this thing.

    I am still working on my Quilt.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    For Dump Soup, it sure sounds good. 70! Wonderful!! Be super careful.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Today is my birthday, too. I am 835 months old today.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Golden Sneakers! First of all HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADDIE :happy:

    Last Thursday I got a call from my youngest, she's about 3 hours away, and she sounded like she just needed her Mama. So, I packed a bag and headed off to Muncie, IN where she lives. She had let things go to the point of being overwhelmed and had to work all day Friday and Saturday. So, I got plenty of exercise doing about 10 loads of laundry and a lot of cleaning. Her washer and dryer are in the basement so my knee was working overtime! But when I was done, everything looked so nice and she was so appreciative. I had fun and we had some nice "girl talk time". I LOVE being able to help my kids!

    After catching up on most of the posts and hearing some really sad stories regarding your loved ones (including the kitty) , I thought I would recommend the funniest show I have seen in a long time. When I got home Sunday, my husband took me to see the movie "Just Go With It" starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. OMG, I laughed from beginning to end and the scenery was beautiful too. So if any of you need some cheering up, I highly recommend this movie! :laugh:

    Contragulations to all of you who lost weight. Maddie, don't give up. I often go two to three weeks without any weight loss and then bam a couple of pounds just falls off. In fact, I just lost another two pounds, but won't post it until I see the weight for several days in a row.

    Thanks Buzz for the directions about notepad. I have to figure out how to print them out so I can follow them. That will make it so much easier to address each person like so many of you do. I just seem to have the worst memory for names. :cry:

    HAPPY VALENTIMES DAY TO ALL MY SNEAKER FRIENDS! :heart: I have the best valentine sweetheart there is. Dave is such a wonderful husband and friend and I thank God for him everyday. I really do give credit to God for picking this man, because after my history I never wanted to marry again. In fact, on our first date, I told him that I never wanted to fall in love again and that I didn't want anybody to fall in love with me. He said that was ok with him because he felt the exact same way. We both were pretty embarrased to have been married twice before. I married my highschool sweetheart at 19, had three wonderful children, we were together for 23 years and I finally decided there had to be more to life than what I was living with. My husband, bless his heart, was a good man but was an alcoholic. Toward the end of our marriage he also was heavily into gambling. Then at the age of 40 we divorced. I had been working at a jewelry store and my boss and I started in a relationship. I knew he drank too much, and you would have thought I would have been smarter, but I just traded one kind of drunk for another. I had Melissa when I was 42 and decided that no matter what I wouldn't have another marriage end in failure. Lo and behold after 10 years of marriage, he found someone on the internet and left me.

    I had known Dave for 10 years as he we worked together when Melissa was first born and throghout the next 10 years he was my CPA and did my taxes. When he found out that I was getting a divorce, he said he would introduce me to dating in the "90's" . So eventually after much proding from coworkers and friends, I went out on that first date thinking this will definately be purerly platonic. Somehow we fell head over heals in love, married three years later, and this June will have been married for 11 years. :love: My first husband and I kept our wonderfrul friendship that we had since I was 16, and when he died from a sudden heart attack two years ago, I was devasted not only for my kids but for losing one of the best friends I'll ever have. My second husband died at the age of 58 all alone in a shabby hotel with just his booze. Such a waste to not to have been involved in my youngest daughters life who is such a beautiful young woman. WOW, I need som kaopetic, guess I have diareha of the mouth. Don't know why I blabbed all that, guess I just feel safe here. Kind of gives you more of a feel for who I am. I apologize for the long post. Again, HAPPY VALENTINE TO ALL! JoAn
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hello everyone. Have had a really good day today. Can't remember if I told you but I joined the Women's Section of the Royal British Legion at the beginning of last year. The Legion is a charity that raises money to provide support and care for our personnel in the Armed Forces and their families. At the end of last year they asked me to join the committee, which I was proud to do, and more recently I was asked to take on the publicity for the branch. Anyway, today I had to collect the posters advertising our next fund raiser - a coffee morning - and then distribute them around the village to places like the library, the health centre and the two village halls. Then this afternoon we had a committee meeting. Today was a beautifully sunny day and quite warm for February so I walked to sort out the posters and to the committee meeting, a grand total of nearly two hours walking burning lots of lovely calories!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So hope all is well across the pond; time I was in bed on this side of the water!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    PS - hope all of the other grandmothers smile at this:

    Little Emily went home from school and told her mum that the boys kept asking her to do cartwheels because she's very good at them.
    Mum said, "You should say "No" -they only want to look at your knickers."
    Emily said, "I know they do.
    That's why I hide them in my bag"!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Connie, happy birthday to you! You dont look an inch over 834A
    joann, thank you for sharing with us. You must be a truly wonderful person to feel such compassion. For, not one, but two ex usbands! So many people cannot do that,.
    Pam, hello across the water to you too. Glad you were able to walk on such a pleasant day. We are having a warm streak over here. Some of us are. Kudos for your volunteer work!
    be safe
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Connie, happy birthday to you! You dont look an inch over 834A
    joann, thank you for sharing with us. You must be a truly wonderful person to feel such compassion. For, not one, but two ex usbands! So many people cannot do that,.
    Pam, hello across the water to you too. Glad you were able to walk on such a pleasant day. We are having a warm streak over here. Some of us are. Kudos for your volunteer work!
    be safe. Pls excuse my typos.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Phoebe, thanks for the kind words. This sounds really corny, but for me, being nice comes so much easier than being mean. I know I handled things right with my Ex's because all of my children have thanked me for loving their Dads. Also, my one daughter Suzy's first marriage ended in divorce and both her and her ex said to each other that they want to get along just like Mom did--and till this day, thankfully for the children's sake, they do.

    Just returned from a nice Valentines Day dinner with my hubby. We had prime rib, baked potatos and salad--mmmm it was a yummy dinner. Kind of blew my calories for today, but will get right back on the horse tomorrow! Have a wonderful evening everyone! Jo An
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jo An, What a great Mother you are. and a great human being. Hope you had a nice day today. We have two Dave's for husband here.

    Jerry took me out to eat last Friday for Valentine.Today was just an ordinary day around here. Except I got a few more hugs and Kisses than useally

    Phoebe are you still at home? We had a wonderful day here. except the wind blowing. This old gal better get ready for bed.
    Just saw this on the Associated Press wires thought I'd share it with the MFP This is really for buzz, She is on the right track. Keep it up girl.

    Just saw this on the Associated Press wires at work... thought I'd share it with the MFP community!

    CHICAGO (AP) - Eat more fiber and you just may live longer.
    That's the message from a new government study. It finds a link
    between high-fiber diets and lower risks of death - not only from
    heart disease but from infectious and respiratory illnesses as
    The average American eats only about 15 grams of fiber each day.
    That's much less than the current daily recommendation of 25 grams
    for women and 38 grams for men.
    In the new study, the people who met the guidelines were less
    likely to die during a nine-year follow-up period than people who
    ate the least amount of roughage.
    The research appears in Monday's Archives
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentines Day!! My wonderful husband brought me flowers, which he seldom does, but he had a toy for Daisy and I think he thought if he didn't get me something I might get upset. :laugh: They are beautiful though since I love yellow roses and the others are some sort of lily, I am not too good with naming flowers. :tongue:

    JoAn, I too stayed friends with my ex husband, he is a nice guy I just can't be married to him. :blushing: He was also and probably still is a gambler but things didn't work out for him like he had hoped and he is struggling today, thank goodness for his mother who helps him survive. I remained good friend with all the ex sisters in law and in fact when Bryanna and I go to Arizona that is where we are staying, with my ex sister in law and going to see my ex mother in law who is 95. Whenever we had a family function my current husband had no problem with my ex or his family being there, he knew they were my children's relatives, he is such a good man. :heart: :heart: You sound like you have been to Al Anon and understand the disease of alcohol. It is hard for some people to realize that we didn't cause, can't cure or control the disease, it is proven it is hereditary and is a disease as bad as cancer. Enough with my soap box, I am glad you found a wonderful new husband and hope you spend the rest of your lives together. :heart: :heart:

    Connie, I didn't get out the calculator but I do know that your "birth" date is in July so this must be a partial birthday. :happy:

    Pam, you are one busy lady who really gets involved, I am very impressed. All that walking probably burned more calories than you can imagine. I loved your little joke, and I can just see a little girl saying that to her grandma!! :laugh: :laugh:

    What a great group we are to be able to share with each other, you are the best. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Time to hit the couch and relax. We had the 5 year old for dinner and her and I spent a great deal of time blowing bubbles with our gum and trying to pop them against each others bubbles. Kids are just so funny, I love them all. :heart: :heart:

    I did exercise and so far under my calories which I expect to do even with a treat later.

    Have a good night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Buzz - on your profile is that last picture Hawaii? My best vacation place ever too!
    l, e

    Elli, actually it was off the coast of either Mexico or Costa Rica. Taken on the ONE cruise we ever took, from San Diego through
    the Panama Canal locks (breathtaking :bigsmile: ) and back to Florida! I'm not into cruising but I'd do this one again!!!
    However, you hit my heart with your feelings about Hawaii; absolutely Paradise on Earth! (Well, I've never been to Bali). I have been to Hawaii about 2o times or more. When my granddaughter was born, I went twice in that year. I love going throught that tunnel on Oahu and coming out on the Kailua side so much, I'm usually in tears when I come out to view the impossibly turquoise ocean, the deep greenery of the trees against the red earth of the mountainside. Indescribably beautiful! And then , of course, seeing my dear son and his family living in Kailua! After 35 years, he left and is now living in Cape May, NJ! I miss Hawaii so much, but truthfully, as I "matured" the trip became daunting! Elli, visit it again and again; stay at Bed and Breakfast It's the greatest way to experience the Islands and see what tourists never get to see! And meet the most marvelous people. And it won't break the bank!
    Darn, I'm feeling teary :cry: :blushing: :love:
    H A P P Y V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y, Y' A L L :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: