Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Oh Marie, I'm so happy that it is not anymore serious. Hope all goes well with the specialist and it gets taken care of once and for all :smile:

    A couple of you mentioned that you are in the mid to low 70's and one of you broke the 70's (CONGRATULATIONS!!). That's about where I am and anxiously waiting to break the 70's. I was wondering just how tall you all are. I am 5'3-1/2" tall.

    My oldest daughter has access to a timeshare that one of her fellow employees has, so she invited me to go with her and my grandaughter (13) to this timeshare property in Orlando on April 15. It will be a "girls" week. I am so looking forward to it. I don't get to see them but once or twice a year as they live in Boston. My grandaughter is of tough stock as she has had quite a few health problems in her young life. She has juvenile diabetes and Chrones disease yet she handles those obtacles so well.

    If I break the 70's I am going to treat myself to a new bathing suit. Sure would be nice if I knew a way to speed up the process. With all the snow, I can't really get out and walk too much because I'm just a bit nervous of falling and doing damage to my new knee.

    Buzz, been meaning to mention to you that I think that you have the nicest smile in your profile picture. Your smile reaches your eyes and you look so genuine (just an observation). :happy:

    Maddie, you don't need those 20 calories anyway! You probably have had at least 20 calories left most days. Am I right?? You know how you can get them back--a little more exercise! OK, enough preaching on my part, especially since I am not exerciseing at all unless you count all the stretching and bending therapy I do! Ugg!

    Well, time to go do that physical therapy so until later ladies, have a wonderful evening and God Bless! :heart: JoAn
    Go on and preach to me with your bad self! And therapy must be exercise, didn't I see that you are losing??? PS I responded to my height. 5" 6.5" or 5' 7".
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Great news Marie, although that radiation wont feel too good, will it? Glad they caught it early.
    joann, your recovery still amazes me! So glad you are looking forward to a trip to fl. It was super nice there last week, and we enjoyed walking. Buzz, maddie, sandy, all of you,havesome great days, talk to you Thursday!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Oh so glad to hear your news!!:flowerforyou:

    WHEWWW ...some news just makes one exhale...:tongue:

    Thanks, Gayla, JoAn, Phoebe, Maddie and all who wished my head to feel better. I slept last night and whoever told me that would help ...IT DID! :happy:

    I did stretches, floor excercies, took care of my 6 year-old grandson today (the one who had dental surgery in the hospital and thought he was in Heaven in recovery) cooked lunch and supper, washed clothes, cleaned up dishes and have walked 1.35 miles. I FEEL BETTER!!:laugh:
    My grandson told me today I was the best Grandmother he ever had. Of course I am the only Grandmother he has ..the other one is Granny...:laugh: :laugh:

    But I don't care, I love hearing it.:wink: One of these days little Nate will tell you that Maddie and Barbie that sweet little baby will grow up and be talking and telling all these wonderful little things that only "kids" say.
    The little 3 year old grandson has platnum blonde hair, like his mother. The other day I was putting chapstick on his lips. There was a piece of skin and he swallowed it:noway: did this big dramatic gulp and ..yep, swallowed a piece of skin. I said Grant Carver you don't swallow everything and you don't eat skin:noway: It's yucky...he said, Oh, Grandmother..I'm just a yucky man.":laugh: :laugh:
    You got to love'em!

    We have about 4 inches left on the ground but the sun was beautiful shining on the trees. They looked like crystal. My Grandson and I looked out the window at the trees and icicles and he thought they were just "beautiful!" Grandmother agrees.
    We always take time to look at the Blue Skies or The Trees. Since he was a baby I would hold him and sit at the window or in the hammock and talk to him about the blue skies, the trees and all the beautiful things there are to see. The things God created. I would sing to him about Blue SKies and Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy...and smiles. So, now he talks back and tells me all about the things we see. All my grandchildren do this. I always thought if I was ever a Grandmother I was going to be the Grandmother, I never had. I have really tried to to teach them to appreciate what is around them in their lives. I hope they will always remember that about me.:smile::love:

    Weight loss...I am still hanging in's just not moving yet...but it will. :wink:

    Thanks for "listening" to me and all your support.

    Have a good one and hope all who aren't well feel better and everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    All the newbies--Boomer-Janet-and all the ones who are new on here...I would be happy to be your friend. When I first signed on here, I took my time about asking people. I still do. All the ladies on here would be wonderful friends. I have been on here for 5 mos...I try to read all the posts but some days there is just enough time to post your diary. Barbie cat encourages us not to stay at the pc too a time ,so that we burn more calories. If you want to be friends with us just choose some and ask...I think any one on here would welcome friends...I mean who in the world doesn't want friends:noway: I remember lurking and reading 2 or 3 weeks before I got up the nerve to post anything. Connie ws one of the first friends I had. (She calls herself a cheesehead) So just dive in...that's what the rest of us did. :tongue: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sandy and some of the others keep up with birthdays...just let them know. Sandy starts this thread each month...she's the head honcho:bigsmile:

    Good Luck...
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Oops:blushing: I have goofed again. I mentioned Boomer and that was from the 50+ forum...age has nothing to do with confusion:noway: :noway: I will try to name some names again...Xyla welcome....
    I don't want to leave out Barb, Gigi, Old Bat, Buzz, and I know I am doing it again:blushing: just blame it on the hangover from migraines....not age:laugh: :laugh: See, I've not got all this down "pat." :noway:
    It's actually nice to know one is human:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • viliberty1957
    Lynn...your grandson sounds great. I love seeing the world through a little one's eyes.:bigsmile:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :blushing: Thanks, looks like I left you off too....I really have a hard time getting all the names in. So a lot of times, I just don't try...:tongue: You are one of the great ones on here. I've told you before I love to hear about your Alaska and your quilts.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from very cold Saskatchewan. It is really getting old! Bring on some heat. I had to go in to the city today to look for some new lights. I knew I would have a problem and I did! No hint of gold on any of them. The clerk showed me a few I could order but I didn't like them any better than the ones I have. She suggested waiting 3 or 4 years and styles will change and maybe they would have gold. Ouch! I can live with what I have so guess I will. Hope I have better success at the furniture store.

    Marie -- so glad to read your news. You both must be very relieved even though there will be surgery or treatment required. Have a good sleep tonight.
    You asked about the new WW. Each time they make a few changes. Now there are no points counted for fruits or vegetables except for starchy ones such as corn. However, many other foods seem to be more costly in points. They no longer have a little tool to figure out points for recipes so you really are stuck buying the WW calculator which works well. I do think it is a bit of a rip off though. I do like the plan and I think it has potential to work well. I have had kind of a bad week with way too much eating out in our torn apart house. I tried to order carefully but oi do expect to see some of those 4pounds back! It was just way too early to deal with that. Whatever, it will come off.

    Lynn -- I love that your grandson calls you Grandmother. It may be usual in your area but although we might speak of our Grandmother she was always Grandma. Other friends had Gramma, Granny, gran, Nein, Baba and on. I know you get my drift. I would read books where the children used 'grandmother' and I always thought it was formal and special. I bet you are a really great grandmother. Your grandson can't be wrong!

    Phoebe --be careful out there.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry, I didn't finish my post and couldn't get back to it.

    Thinking of you all. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla. :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Marie, I'm glad to hear that Jerry's situation is treatable......I know you'll support each other during the treatment.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad to read that Jerry's condition is not as bad as was feared, sounds like it is treatable.

    Not anytime to respond to other news, except to say, stay safe Phoebe, and hope you are home soon and able to outrun old Man Winter!!


    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Wow, a lot of stuff to read this morning! Everyone is up and at em. Update on my brother, he has a serious case of shingles. Two breakouts, he's miserable but he says he will be ok. (this is short, makes me cry everytime)

    Yesterday, I mentioned that I changed my goals with my new weight and they stole 20 calories, I know you said I didn't need them but I found a way to get them back :wink: When I used Thomas English Muffins, I measured the peanut butter and it was exactly one TBS each half. When I switched to Giant brand (cheaper, same nutrition), I didn't measure. This morning, I decided to check. Uh OH!!!! :huh: They take more than two TBS. So, all the days that I ate them, my calorie count was off and it contributed to my ticker standing still.

    But, to the point....I figure that now if I measure and I eat it right, I will have those other calories to replace the 20.....:laugh: I'll bet this doesn't work scientifically. :blushing:

    Today, I'm having lunch with my friend for my birthday. Looked up all the menu's on line with nutrition info and man, it's hard to eat out. Not so much that they don't have reduced calorie meals but the sodium will choke a horse!!! I'll just do the best I can and deal with it. :ohwell:

    I'll probably be back later to bla bla bla :happy: Have a good one and WEIGH & MEASURE. It may tip the scales in your favor!! :drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Bingo night!! :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, never worry about the future, for what you anticipate may never happen, live one day at a time and enjoy each day. :heart: My continued prayers are with Jerry, you and your family, what ever treatment Jerry gets, let's pray it is easy on him and cures him quickly.
    How are his spirits?? With you at his side I am sure he doing great, how long did you say you have been married? TO THE SAME MAN!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Connie, I am curious as to what Marie was asking you, do you mind sharing?

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I am so happy your eyes are better, who recommended this surgery, your eye doctor??

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you never cease to amaze me, no matter how busy, how tired you always get your exercise in daily.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, when are you going to retire so that job stops interferring with your social life?

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, Jeffrey come out and play!!

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope you went to the doctor and had your sinus problem taken care of. I'm with Elli, I hate remodeling but the end result is always worth it. Poor Neil, he likes his new home but loves his old home more. I will send him another card to cheer him up.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, your training is also interferring with your social life.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, my son still hasn't found a full load yet but said it should be any day. Probably a good thing since we had all this snow, just doesn't pay the bills very good when you don't have cash coming in.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, your positive attitude is very addicting, keep up the good work.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn,loved your story about your grandson, keep them coming. I would love to hear him call you Grandmother, none of my six grandchildren ever called me by that name, I am just Grandma.

    :flowerforyou: JoAn, have a wonderful trip with your daughter and granddaughter. I just booked a trip to Arizona for long weekend during Spring Break and I am taking my 16 year old granddaughter. She has always danced and could never go anywhere so we are both excited.

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, I am sure you are right about the calories and I think that might be one of my problems. I am probably eating more calories than I am recording since I don't weigh my food I just estimate. I even changed the batteries in my scale hoping that is was wrong, but I weighed the same. The scale did move a little today but not enough to make me happy but I will not give up.

    :flowerforyou: June, how is it going in your life???

    :flowerforyou: Gigi is sitting in the sunshine getting all tan, I am so jealous.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, don't get discouraged, we are both in the same situation and I think some of our problem is salt intake , which retains fluid. I notice when I eat food without so much salt ( I don't have high blood pressure so I don't watch salt that much) the weight goes down. I also like a glass of wine or two everyday while making and eating dinner so those are wasted calories. I have maintained pretty good at the weight I am, but as we said our personal goal is what we are striving for. We can do it, we just have to stay focused.
    I also read on some of the other boards that sometimes exercising too much can add weight so take a couple of days off. I do that anyway if I am too busy but that didn't help. Another board said if you don't eat enough that will make you gain weight also. You must eat all your calories and the added calories as well. I really want to reach my goal by my first trip the end of March. Let's do this!!

    :flowerforyou: Xyla we miss you come join in our fun.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone and if I did I apologize, please don't be offended.

    Have a great day!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Wow, a lot of stuff to read this morning! Everyone is up and at em. Update on my brother, he has a serious case of shingles. Two breakouts, he's miserable but he says he will be ok. (this is short, makes me cry everytime)

    I am so sorry about your brother, I had shingles once and it was just so painful. I will keep him in my prayers and hope they clear up quickly. He carries a heavy burden, may God give him strength. :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Calories are the little *kitten*
    that get into your wardrobe at night
    and sew your clothes tighter.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Goof morning sll,

    Sandy Jerry and I have been married 54 years. He is taking all of this OK.

    We had more snow last night. They said about 1/2 in. so not too bad. \It is so cold it is sticking to the roads. and we were asked to concever energy. No washing today.a nd I will not use my embroidary machine today. And not be on the PC too much. And not have My TV on. Jerry will have his on , Take his remote away from him he would have a fit. Cut out zll lightd we are not using.

    Just wantin to drop in and say Hello.
    :heart: Marie
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Good Wednesday morning everyone. When I was still in the Monday-Friday, 9 to 5 world we called this "hump" day - once you got through the day, the weekend was in sight. How sad that we spend so much of our lives waiting for time to pass instead of relishing the time we have when we have it.

    :heart: JoAnn , you asked how tall we were. I am 5'6". Used to be 5'7" but somewhere between 55 and 69 I lost an inch. And this morning my scale found that pound that I lost to put me in the 160s. So disheartening.

    :heart: Sandy, Marie was asking me about the Snipping Tool that is a Window's accessory. Some time ago I did a couple of posts on how to use it to grab bits and pieces of what you see on your screen and save them as Jpeg images. It is a tool I use so often that I keep it in my active tool bar.

    :heart: Lynn, our youngest grandchild is 12 and since our two youngest sons have never married there probably are no others on the horizon. Our son-in-law's daughter had a baby six months ago so we do have a "step" great grandson but he and his parents are in North Carolina so I only see photos and videos posted on Facebook.

    :heart: Gayla, when we bought this brand new house in 2007, our kids started a pool (betting pool) and placed wagers on how long it would take me to tear out a wall. I've never lived in a house that I haven't remodeled. I fooled them. We didn't tear out any walls but we did finish the lower level to add a fourth bed, third bath, family room and rec room. And I've added storage to the laundry room to serve as a pantry. I lived with dry-wall dust and wood shavings for months.

    I've been reading that some of you are wearing heart rate/calorie counter devices and using the calculations to log calories burned. Be careful not to take those calculations at face value. You may be giving yourself credit for calories burned where no credit is due. Our bodies naturally burn calories all day long and My Fitness Pal has already calculated these "sit still" calories into our goals. It is very easy to "double dip" where calories burned from exercise are concerned.

    You can see this for yourself with a simple experiment. Start your device, take your heart rate and then sit still for an hour. Watch TV, read a book, surf the net. Be sure to take your heart rate every 15 minutes. At the end of the hour, look at how many calories it says you've burned just sitting still. Keep that number in mind, and the next time the device says you've burned 300 calories doing an hour of housework, subtract the "sit still" calories from the total and that is the "net" amount you should log.

    It is snowing here and 16 degrees but the weather man says a warming trend will start tomorrow and we should be in the low 50s by the weekend. Our "average" February temperature is 46 degrees so this has been a really cold and snowy winter by Ozarks standards. We've had more of the white stuff in February than we've had in the last three winters combined.

    Take care everyone. Eat good food, think good thoughts and have a good day.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Wow - sure is a lot going on!!!!!

    Marie! yippeeeeeeee - SO glad the tumor was caught before it became cancerous! I'm sure the treatment won't be fun, but it will get rid of the dang thing! Wow - 54 years - like Sandy said - to the same man!!!!!!!! That's AWESOME. i love hearing that about people. My 2 best girlfriends have been married 30 years - it makes me happy and have faith in marriage even though i never figured it out. I have high hopes for both my boys. Remember when you used to love our pictures of the snow Marie?!?!?!? Probably after this winter you'll never want to see it again!!!

    Buzz - where on LI did you live? I grew up there in Huntington Station. Moved away when i was 18.

    JoAnn - your girls week in Orlando sounds like heaven! I sure hope you get to get that new bathing suit!

    Gayla - so sorry you couldn't find the lights - you knew it was bound to happen. ugh - shopping and remodeling - i'm happy if i never do either again! Connie - i can't believe you do it again and again. I'm in awe!

    Lynn - thank you for sharing your grandson stories! I'm loving having the babies but i'm looking forward to the talking/toddler time too!

    Maddie - so sorry about your brother - i hope the shingles go away friends mom had them last year - just awful.

    Sandy - so your son is now driving over the road? Is he an owner/operator or does he work for a company? Thanks for the salt suggestion - that actually could be it. Since i'm eating so little right now i DO find myself salting things more. Yesterday i felt so run down i gave in and ate a little bowl (i measured - 1/2 C) of cereal with fruit and yogurt. Oh God - it was like manna from heaven. SO delicious, and it did make me feel better. Then i went and worked out and had my littlest granddaughter added to my family tattoo. Oh, and i did lose that 1/2 pound this morning. I LOVE your quote about the calories! They SO are and they in my closest as well!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone else! Hope you're all having a great week.

  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    Marie, I am so glad that your husband's tumor is treatable. Thank goodness you caught it early. I pray that he will tolerate the treatments well and that he will soon be back to full health.

    One of the groups that I joined when I joined this one is a month long walking group. I committed to walking 28 miles in February. That is why I have a walking ticker that keeps showing up. I'm glad that I made that commitment because other wise I wouldn't be doing it! I had planned on walking one mile a day, but I missed one day and so walked two miles the next day to make up for it. I've missed a few days since then, so now I just walk two miles every chance I get to make up for the days I miss.
    Since today is the 9th, I am a little ahead of schedule.

    I hope you all have a great day - I am off to work! :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    X That sounds like a good plan. Keep it up. A real good plan. By the way glad to see you here.

    Thanks for you concerned about my husband. He is doing great. we are just waiting on the doctor to all to see what we do next. The snow has moved on East of us and the sun is coming out.

    Elli. Yes I think I have had enought snow and cold weater. This is our second year in a row to get heavy snow.
