Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone -

    Marilyn - i SO know what you mean by some days just being hard to get into the gym. I REALLY was going to go today, but i've been 4 days in a row now and i tend to get bored. I got out one of my exercise dvds, closed the curtains:embarassed: and rocked out in the living room for an hour. Good enough for today! Yea, i'm kind of liking technology challanged classic!:laugh:

    Marie - you know you and Jerry are in all our thoughts and prayers tonight. Like Phoebe, i hope you can get some rest.

    I think you guys are right - Viki just needed more than we could give her:frown: i hope she finds what it is she needs and can move forward.

    Oh my Lynn - i sure hope that darn headache is GONE:noway: 2 hours of sleep is brutal! I use melatonin every now and then when i haven't slept in awhie. It really helps me. I tend to worry about stuff at night.

    I'm going to have a yummy smart dog and some cabbage for supper.Maybe even an apple! woot hoooooooooooo:drinker:

    Have a good night all. Stay warm - we're going back down to below zero tomorrow.

    :heart: elli
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie, I need another lesson in the snipping tool. After I draw a circle around what i want to get, How do I post it somewhere???????????????????

    Marie, I'll send you instructions privately if you will contact me via email at Then you can print them out to refer to later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie, I need another lesson in the snipping tool. After I draw a circle around what i want to get, How do I post it somewhere???????????????????

    Marie, I'll send you instructions privately if you will contact me via email at Then you can print them out to refer to later.


    I tried twice and told me to look it over and see if it was correct[.Quote]
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    To all golden sneakers
    .Jerry goes to the dr. tomorrow afternoon. They called him!!! Now it has me worry .

    Marie, I hope you are sleeping soundly tonight and not thinking ahead about tomorrow
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    this is a good time to take life one day at a time and stay in the moment.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone. I am just about to get to bed but wanted to check on my peeps! I hope everyone is asleep as I write this. My exercise bike is buried so I think I will get Dave to help me get it out so I can do some exercise. I likely mentioned yesterday that I had some sinus allergy stuff going on, well it still is. I don't have a fever but Dave is pushing me to go to the Dr. We shall see tomorrow, it seems the worst in the morning. Neil had a terribly hard time going back to his home today, I think 3 days are too long so I am a little worried about what will happen while he takes time to recover here. At this home they don't have anyone there during the day. They will call someone in if one of the guys is sick but when it is going to be a longer time they don't seem to be able to cover it. Of course, I will want to keep an eye on it, nosey nurse!

    Marie -- Thoughts and prayers are with you and Jerry for tomorrow. I hope you get good news.

    Lynn -- Hope a good sleep will chase the headache away.

    Take care everyone, thinking of you all. Gayla :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good morning everyone! Little grandson, Nate, coming today. Burn baby burn! (I mean calories,not the baby!!!)

    Good luck to Jerry and Marie...we're all thinking of you.

    Gayla: I get up every morning with a face full of stuff! I think that's what weighs the extra 1/2 lb on the scale?????

    Lynn: Is the headache finally gone???

    Uh oh, can't finish....Nate here!!!

    Later, y'all
    Maddie :glasses:
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Marie, Good luck today. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Jerry! :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Praying for you and Jerry, stay strong in God's hands. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is life without friends. Pretty lonely

    You guys are the best Thank you all so much.

    we will get another winter blast tonight. We got our grocery stock up yesterday. I got a few chores to do this morning and then will work on the quilt.

    Had a nice breakfast of scramble egg, 1/2 piece od whole wheat toast /1 t of butter1/2 greek yogurt , 1/2 cup of Peaches canned in fruit juice.A big glass of ice water.That should tie me over.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Here goes, Marie, we are with you and Jerry.
    maddie, how is your brother?
    I know you're having a ton of fun with Nate, are you worn out yet, or is he? Lol
    yes I see much of the country will get it again so be cautious out there, no slippin and lidin!
    We are going to be busy for the next twenty four to thirty six hours as we try to stay ahead of the ice and snow. Then we will get a few days at home for routine things.
    so take care everyone,
  • viliberty1957
    Thinking of you Marie. :love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Be careful driving home Phoebe.

    How is nate and grandma doing? Mattie what river is that on you ticker. Lovely view.

    Gayla. that great 4 lbs your first week. How is the New Peogram on WW. I have been trying to follow the old 1969 WW program. Not to much sucess so far.

    Lynn.You are so funny. Love reading your post. I too enjoy reading the jokes The girls are posting...This is no joke. Dallas gave Michael Vick a key to our city. Why should we honor someone who torture those poor dogs. I know he serve his time but He is no

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Baby Nate has gone for the day. He had two naps, I had one....we are both tired. He's is the sweetest baby. Babies just make you feel good......:happy:

    The picture on my profile is part of the view of the Susquehanna River from the deck of our camper and the view on the ticker is in the river, a shallow section where boats park to swim. When you drive down the road from my house, you go over a hill called Chickies and at the top you can see the river spread out. I love it there! The river runs between York and Lancaster Counties. I grew up in York, growin old in Lancaster..:sad:

    Phoebe, I will be talking to my brother later today and I will post an update. Thank you for asking!

    Marie: You are one tough broad. Here you are waiting for results, getting ready for a storm and still have time to pop in and cheer us up.....:heart:

    It was suggested to me that I don't eat enough veggies. I had homemade veg soup yesterday and I'm having a salad today. I hope I don't get gassy :embarassed:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sneakers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~here is the update on Jerry.

    He has a tumor on his voice box. His docter is getting appt set up for jerry to see a specialist. and that it was caught early before it turn into cancerous. He will either have Radiations or surgery. So now we waiting on hearing from his doctor here to see when we go to this new doctor.Thats all we know now. Thanks for being with me. You will never know how much it meant to me.

    Just got a weather report and our snow is still oming tonight.

    Love Marie
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I guess we will just keep praying Marie. The two of you sound like very strong people with a lot of faith. Please keep us updated and be careful in the weather.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Hey, I changed my goals to include my current weight and they stole 20 calories from me!!! Maybe I'll just keep it a secret in the future !!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    He has a tumor on his voice box.... it was caught early before it turn into cancerous. He will either have Radiations or surgery. So now we waiting on hearing from his doctor here to see when we go to this new doctor.Thats all we know now. Thanks for being with me. You will never know how much it meant to me.
    Love Marie

    MARIE: I hope you hear the huge breath being exhaled at the news that it was caught BEFORE becoming cancerous! Our best to you both, and hope all goes well from here on! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I love it there! The river runs between York and Lancaster Counties. I grew up in York, growin old in Lancaster..:sad:

    It was suggested to me that I don't eat enough veggies. I had homemade veg soup yesterday and I'm having a salad today. I hope I don't get gassy :embarassed:

    MADDIE: we used to travel to Lancaster when living on Long Island, and it is such a treasure! You aren't growing OLD, just growing! :wink:

    I agree about the veggies...and fruits! They add bulk, fiber, and few calories. If you look at my menu suggestions on page 7, you'll note I'm supposed to eat fruit at each meal and veggies at lunch and dinner, I think 2 at each. I don't always do that! :embarassed:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hey, I changed my goals to include my current weight and they stole 20 calories from me!!! Maybe I'll just keep it a secret in the future !!!

    Go change it back to your starting weight and you'll get 'em back. Better yet, add 20 pounds to your starting weight and we'll really be impressed!!!
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Oh Marie, I'm so happy that it is not anymore serious. Hope all goes well with the specialist and it gets taken care of once and for all :smile:

    A couple of you mentioned that you are in the mid to low 70's and one of you broke the 70's (CONGRATULATIONS!!). That's about where I am and anxiously waiting to break the 70's. I was wondering just how tall you all are. I am 5'3-1/2" tall.

    My oldest daughter has access to a timeshare that one of her fellow employees has, so she invited me to go with her and my grandaughter (13) to this timeshare property in Orlando on April 15. It will be a "girls" week. I am so looking forward to it. I don't get to see them but once or twice a year as they live in Boston. My grandaughter is of tough stock as she has had quite a few health problems in her young life. She has juvenile diabetes and Chrones disease yet she handles those obtacles so well.

    If I break the 70's I am going to treat myself to a new bathing suit. Sure would be nice if I knew a way to speed up the process. With all the snow, I can't really get out and walk too much because I'm just a bit nervous of falling and doing damage to my new knee.

    Buzz, been meaning to mention to you that I think that you have the nicest smile in your profile picture. Your smile reaches your eyes and you look so genuine (just an observation). :happy:

    Maddie, you don't need those 20 calories anyway! You probably have had at least 20 calories left most days. Am I right?? You know how you can get them back--a little more exercise! OK, enough preaching on my part, especially since I am not exerciseing at all unless you count all the stretching and bending therapy I do! Ugg!

    Well, time to go do that physical therapy so until later ladies, have a wonderful evening and God Bless! :heart: JoAn