Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Welcome Mikee, Looking foward to chating with you. Glad you found us
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :wink: Hi, mikee4u, and welcome to Golden Sneakers! I'm Buzz, and I stole the senior member (agewise, only!) here from Caliecat, Marie, who held that honor till I came along! Many dear people on this board, and I think you'll enjoy it!

    I hope you can help me with my confusion: I see you are a female (69?) and you have posted the photo of a gentleman who must be very important in your life! So might I ask a bit about YOU???:wink:

    And please let us know how we can be supportive of you in meeting whatever goals you decide to make for yourself. You might consider posting a history of where you've been, and what you would like to do now that you've found us and My Fitness Pal! We all have been so happy here, and I personally have found tremendous support, and love the area where we can journal our daily FOOD menus and find what we are doing to ourselves nutritionally. WOW, have I been stunned to discover what I have learned about eating! Also, the Exercise tab, once you figure how to navigate it! We're here to help, whatever you might desire!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Previously mikee4u wrote: Hi I made a mis-stake on my profile ,how do i change the gender???? help???smile

    I don't know if this question was before or after Buzz.....what is the answer?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    I hope you can help me with my confusion: I see you are a female (69?) and you have posted the photo of a gentleman who must be very important in your life! So might I ask a bit about YOU???:wink:


    I am pretty sure Mike is a man and just hit the wrong button, but we will let him clarify that for us.

    Welcome Mike.....keep coming back and you will be happy with your results.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Ladies,:flowerforyou:
    I am in the process of implementing the use of the Notebook...This useful tool was taught to me by one: Buzz
    Hear ! HEar!! KUDOS to BUZZ!:flowerforyou:

    Irene --I hope Mariah is better..that is so scary when the little ones have to be took to the ER. I don't know about your
    Er's but at ours, you are usually there A.WHile!:tongue:
    Glad your diabetes didn't damage your eyes.

    Barb -for you and the other night-owls like me, when it gets too bad I take melatonin. I get the 2.5 or 3 grams and take really works.:smile:

    Pam -I am relatively new on here but I really don't feel you have neglected us. We all have personal lives and sometimes they
    take precedence over everything else. Your brother needed you. Maddie and I, as all others on here know how
    important brothers and other family members are. :flowerforyou: They come first. You have had a lot "to say Grace over.." that is a meaphor we use in my "neck of the woods" :wink:
    I hope your son-in-law finds a job soon..that is maximum stress. It's great to hear from you! By the way, I love the handle
    Old Bat...that made me remember you while you were gone..I kept wondering where the old bat had gone to>:bigsmile:

    Phoebe glad your are home safe and so sorry about your cat, Pudge. :brokenheart: I don't know if you can test argnine levels. I just had a lot of people (people I didn't even know) who had shingles would tell me about things and I consulted naturpathics, holistic doctors, medical doctors. I was sent to a university special hospital, as well. The foods are one thing they all agreed on. My family did a lot of research to help me kick it. I scared them.:tongue:

    Eli-sounds like the guy on the treadmill was incentive enough to stay on there..:happy:

    Sandy I hope you enjoy ur girls night out! It sounded like you did:smile: Happy Saturday to you:flowerforyou:

    Gayla- how is your nephew? have you heard anymore? I was 20 when I had my first son and 24 when I had my second. I found out after that, that I had endometriosis. I couldn't have children by the time I was 25. If I hadn't had my 2 sons at an early age, I wouldn't have them. I had a hysterectomy by the time I was 29. Sometimes, things work out for a reason, we can't understand at the time. :flowerforyou:

    Xyla-thanks for the info on the walking challenge...that will be my March goal. I believe I can do that..thanks! Also, if you would remind us..that would be great. I am like Sandy, I might not remember.:happy:

    Okay Buzz - I have cooked pintos and northern beans all my life, I knew people soaked them sometimes but that really helps
    with the "gas"?:huh:

    Judz46- How is your program doing? Is MFP helping you? I know it has really helped me to post my diary. It took awhile
    before I was really comfortable to post much..but uh...I do now!:laugh:

    Barb- glad Jake's back is better.:flowerforyou: The ferret story was sort of like a fairy tale for children..hmm that would make a good
    one to tell my grandchildren. I make up stories all the time. They love it. I have actually considered writing children's books.

    Maddie-I may not be on here to post tomorrow. I love all your funny "sayings", jokes and stories. Your family is lovely.
    but most of all :flowerforyou: ol` HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :O... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MADDIE ..HAPPY BIRT:O DAY TO YOUUU:flowerforyou: :o:flowerforyou: UUUUUU!:heart::heart: :heart: :smile:

    Marie-I am hoping that things go well with Jerry. The crocheting and quilting you do are very good stress relievers.
    I am glad you have those. And us!

    Janet--Where did you go? Do you read the posts?

    I have been stuck, like Buzz said she was, since December. I posted on my home page...the steroids are causing what I have gained to just stick like glue. I have gained and I did lose what I gained during December. Since the last of's jus sitting there. I change the calories, I change what I eat, I change my excercises..I've tried different times of the day...I am :drinker: drinking a lot more water. I haven't given up ...:noway: This site and reading all that you other ladies deal with, helps me with that...It helps anyone to know they aren't alone.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My Maddie had a 4 year birthday today. She is my only granddaughter. The mother of her and the 6-year old grandson is a photographer. The 6 year old's little girlfriend :smile: was coming for an pic appt. The 6year-old thought Maddie would embarass him. She and her Dad came here. We did a lot of stuff in 3 hours. Puzzles, games, water color painting, singing, playing guitars. cooked cheesy eggs, wheat toast, and she had to have a thmoothie(she has a lisp :smile: ). She played a cd of Alvin and Chipmunks Christmas Carols...(yeah, I know it's Valentines Day Weekend) and she sang them to the "top of her lungs." :laugh: It's a blast when they husband says it''s a 3-ring circus..but I love it!:heart:

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :laugh: I make these mistakes all the time, and thanks, Mikee, for clearing it up! We need some more men here to keep us on out toes! And though men seem to lose more quickly, I figure only 2 pounds a month mean 24 pounds lost per year, which is better than gained :ohwell:

    Yes, Maddie, My curiosity was posted before Mikee corrected his profile. Isn't it nice to have him sharing our quest for shape, health and well as warm friends?

    Elli, wasn't it you whose husband wanted a nice ham and bean soup? Did you see the recipe I posted earlier. I also posted it in the recipe section, but I couldn't tell if it was the Goldaen Sneakers recipes! Trouble navigating recipes, so forgive me if I goofed!

    The sun finally emerged though it seems a bit chilly at 63 degrees. I should NOT complain :huh:

    And thanks everyone for your encouragement; like everyone else, I surely need it!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have been stuck, like Buzz said she was, since December. I posted on my home page...the steroids are causing what I have gained to just stick like glue. I have gained and I did lose what I gained during December. Since the last of's jus sitting there. I change the calories, I change what I eat, I change my excercises..I've tried different times of the day...I am drinking a lot more water. I haven't given up ... This site and reading all that you other ladies deal with, helps me with that...It helps anyone to know they aren't alone.

    LYNN: I've just started adding more fiber daily, and that's what the bean soup was all about! I read that upping protein to 30% of daily intake, and trying to get 35 g of fiber evry day makes the fat come off more quickly! I'll try it for awhile.. It said have beans in some form every day! Probably put out by a BEAN company!!!:laugh: :explode:

  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi everyone. I have had an exciting day in London. You may or may not know that next year, 2012, the Olympics and Paralympics are going to be held in the UK. Well today I went for an interview to be a Gamesmaker 2012 (that's an Olympic volunteer to you). I applied, along with 240,000 others last autumn and was lucky enough to be one of 100,000 invited for an interview. It was a great day; I have been interviewed for the Technology team who will deal not just with the hardware but entering data, producing reports on a daily basis of the results, etc etc. I wont hear if I have been successful until the end of the year but I am just thrilled to have got this far - anything else will be a bonus but wouldn't it be wonderful to be part of this 'once in a lifetime' experience!!

    After that excitement I met with Graham and Lorna and we had a late lunch together and then went for a walk along the Embankment of the River Thames. It was beautifully sunny and a lovely day for a walk; the City of London, the river and St Paul's Cathedral look so wonderful. We walked as far as the Globe Theatre which is a reconstruction of the theatre used by William Shakespeare and his troupe of actors on or very near this particular spot. When I got home I talked to Emma (16 year old granddaughter) about it and we have decided that we would try to fit in a visit to this theatre sometime this summer. If you use the following web address you can get a virtual tour and see what I am talking about:

    Anyway, once we had done all that we had time to get into Starbucks for a quick coffee before I needed to get my train back home.

    It's 10 p.m. here so I'd better sign off - it has been quite a tiring day and I think I should try to get an early night so I get up on time for church!! I remember all of you in my prayers but will be praying especially for those amongst us who are suffering including Maddie & Lynn's brothers, Mariah and Jerry; BTW Connie, how is your husband doing these days? I hope he is making good progress.

    Mikee - welcome, whether you post every day or just now and again, we will be here for you - to support and encourage or just gossip about this and that and what is happening in our day to day lives.

    Love you all, Sneakers. Night night and God Bless xxxxx

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LYNN said:
    Okay Buzz - I have cooked pintos and northern beans all my life, I knew people soaked them sometimes but that really helps
    with the "gas"?
    :explode: :noway: :laugh:
    YES!!! I've been eating beans for 2 days now...NO GAS!!! SOAK OVERNIGHT!!! :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PAM said
    I wont hear if I have been successful until the end of the year but I am just thrilled to have got this far - anything else will be a bonus but wouldn't it be wonderful to be part of this 'once in a lifetime' experience!!
    Love you all, Sneakers

    We are so thrilled for you, and you're right about the honor of just being asked! :flowerforyou:
    ANd we love you, too, PAM. So glad you're back with us!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE: So sorry about Pudge. Pets are SO loving, and I know your kitty had a
    wonderful life with you!:sad: :heart:
    SANDY: Are you sure you're still a pisces? I heard they've changed the signs
    around since they discovered the earth has turned more than previously
    thought! :ohwell: So all of a sudden we are a different signs unless it's that new
    unpronounceable one! (I was such a comfortable Cancer, darn!) :grumble:
    LYNN: How delightful! Another Maddie Birthday! :love: which reminds me.....
    MADDIE: :heart: :heart: HAPPY BIRTHDAY luv, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and many more
    love you all, too
  • viliberty1957
    About the Beans :frown: – A nutritionist told me that, after soaking the beans, drain them and put them in bags in the freezer overnight before cooking. She said that takes the gas away. :blushing: So I soak mine all day, freeze them all night, and Voila! Ready to cook in the morning.:smile:

    I bought a few fish for my aquarium today: three tetras, one neon, and a placostamus (how do you spell that anyway?). I had two neons and two guppies already. So the tank is beginning to get more populated. The “fish man” at Petco is making sure I don’t add fish too quickly. In fact, he’s a little “bossy.” :laugh:

    I hope nobody minds that I don’t often mention individual names. I just can’t keep track of all of us, and will surely make mistakes if I try too hard. It is easier for me to post on your status pages, and be more general here. Know that I love you all!

    It looks like we may have gotten all the mice. Skip isn’t staking out the utility room like he did, so I’m hoping there aren’t any for him to hear.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Irene said:
    It looks like we may have gotten all the mice. Skip isn’t staking out the utility room like he did, so I’m hoping there aren’t any for him to hear.
    You don't have to live in an old house to have a problem with mice. Our house is only three years old but we sit in the middle of 60 acres of meadow. When the mice can't find food to eat out doors, they seem to find a way to get in the house. I think they may be coming in our dog door but I can't prove that. I've tried several different kinds of traps including humane traps and sticky boards. I've also put bait out in the garage where the dogs aren't likely to find it. Every time I think I have eradicated the little beasts I find evidence of one or two more.

    They're as hard to get rid of as the pounds.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny and MELTING Saskatchewan. I know it is only a matter of days before the cold blows in again but it is a nice reprieve for sure! I had a little all by myself time after returning Neil to his home and loved it (of course). It was Neil's day for his massage which makes him very happy. I took him out for lunch following and he choked on the juice we brought as it wasn't quite thick enough. It scared him and I couldn't get him off it so he ate very little of his beloved burger. By the time he got home he had settled down, they thickened his drink a bit more and he was fine. Prior to the choking he had had a small seizure so perhaps he was already upset prior to the choking. What a guy, if it isn't one thing it is another. I told him he could stay here overnight but he wanted to go 'home' because he really likes the staff person that was working tonight. I was happy to hear that, not that I didn't want him to stay but that he felt happy enough with his home to choose it. We are making progress!!

    Marie -- So sorry that things are once again delayed for Jerry. The waiting is so often the hardest part.

    Buzz -- You are such a kind person. I pick that up in your posts all the time. Your soup sounds delicious.

    Lynn -- I haven't heard anymore from or about my nephew. I hope they are adjusting to this new information and going ahead with their lives. Somehow I missed your post about your shingles experience. I think we posted at the same time. I did have to go back and find it. What a time you had!! I am sorry that you still have some residual nerve damage. Do they think that the nerves will continue to get better. I know they can over months but not sure beyond that. My Dr. did tell me that even though I have had shingles I should still get the immunization. Somehow I have not had that done. I see the Dr. next week and will ask about it again.

    Mikee -- Welcome here! I am looking forward to learning more about you. Are you following a specific diet plan?

    Irene -- No one will be upset if you don't do personals. That is an individual choice. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. It doesn't mean I am thinking any less about the people if I don't write. I have never heard of freezing the beans. My father in law used to suggest a little baking soda in the beans. I figured he was a cook in the navy so he should know about beans! :wink:

    Pam -- Wow! I hope you get to work with the Olympics. It would be fun, hard work and such and honour.

    Barbie -- Glad Jake is back on his feet! Good luck with the house, the buying and the selling!!

    Well, that is the end of my personals for today. I didn't go to Word and I can't remember what other comments I wanted to make!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I didn't do much formal exercise today but burned a lot of calories cleaning house all day so it will look great when the Realtor comes tomorrow to take pictures......I did take a bit of a break and take the dogs to the dog park before it started to rain. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member


    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADDIE!! FROM ALL OF US SNEAKERS !!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Welcome Mike and any other newbies that I might have overlooked!!

    In keeping with all the food ideas that are floating around here, FYII started making my own pico de gallo, and now I can't imagine using the ready made version of it from the grocery produce department. I use roma tomatoes, sweet onion, green and red peppers, a little English cucumber to make it interesting, lots of cilantro, a dash of pepper, and a little bit of jalapeño pepper.--Delicious with baked chips, and wonderful to cook with too. I did some Dover sole fillets with some of the pico on it last night and they were wonderful.

    I decided to take the plunge and join the ranks of the smartphone users, and I picked up one of the FREE Android phones that were available Friday and Saturday at T-Mobile Retail locations. If you are slapping your forehead, and saying "Why didn't I get in on that?" It is not too late. The T-Mobile website has the same deal going at least through Sunday (today), or maybe until the end of Monday--can't recall with out looking.

    I found the MFP app and convinced it to load, so that will be handy, but I didn't have the patience to try and post from the phone, so I got on here, caught up on my reading, and here I am.

    My Sprint contract doesn't expire until May, but I recently learned of a Motorola phone called the "Defy" that is waterproof, dustproof, and more forgiving about being dropped than most phones. It also has something they call "gorilla glass" on the touch screen display. I have a habit of dropping my phone, and those who have been around MFP since 2009 may recall that I once put my phone through the washing machine!!! I don't plan on doing that with this one, but from what I have read about this unit, if coffee gets spilled on it, or it gets dropped into water, it is more forgiving than most phones.

    I had pretty much decided I would get one when I could leave Sprint, but then this T-Mobile deal came up, so I investigated and found out it would only cost me $50 to end my Sprint contract. By taking advantage of the T-Mobile promo, I could save myself almost $400 by not having to buy the phone, so I zipped over to the T-Mobile outlet in our nearby shopping mall and signed my life away.:wink::smile: I figure that $50 termination fee is less than I would have to pay to get a phone if I wait until May, and now I have the ability to go on the web to look up phone numbers, and the GPS navigation that this comes with means I don't have to buy myself a GPS--one less thing to not be able to leave in the car.

    There is one part of SW Washington that Sprint has no coverage in, and it is a big pain for me every time I am there, as I have to drive about 10 miles down the peninsula to have mobile phone service. T-Mobile and Verizon both cover that area, but Verizon would have cost me more in service costs and they don't have the phone I wanted to get.

    I considered the I-phone, but the one thing I don't like about it is the battery is not removable, so when it has to be replaced, you have to send the phone to Apple to get it done. I always have two batteries, so one is always charged, in case I run out of power during the day. This new phone actually has a usb charger, besides the usual household one, so that will come in handy.

    Anyway, I spent the evening figuring everything out, and I was surprised at how easily everything is to figure out. I think the time I spent fiddling with my friend's I-phone made figuring out the navigation much easier.

    Marie, Sorry you still have to wait longer to find out the details of Jerry's treatments.

    Gayla, I'm glad Neil is settling in to his new home. That has to be a big load off you and Dave to know he is well-cared for and likes his surroundings.

    Irene, Take care of yourself. I hope the rain that they are promising us for the next few days will pass you by, as you already had your share of snow this season.

    I can't remember what else I might have intended to say, so


    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    :laugh: I make these mistakes all the time, and thanks, Mikee, for clearing it up! We need some more men here to keep us on out toes! And though men seem to lose more quickly, I figure only 2 pounds a month mean 24 pounds lost per year, which is better than gained :ohwell:

    Yes, Maddie, My curiosity was posted before Mikee corrected his profile. Isn't it nice to have him sharing our quest for shape, health and well as warm friends?

    Elli, wasn't it you whose husband wanted a nice ham and bean soup? Did you see the recipe I posted earlier. I also posted it in the recipe section, but I couldn't tell if it was the Goldaen Sneakers recipes! Trouble navigating recipes, so forgive me if I goofed!

    The sun finally emerged though it seems a bit chilly at 63 degrees. I should NOT complain :huh:

    And thanks everyone for your encouragement; like everyone else, I surely need it!
    Hey, it's me Maddie, I wanted the recipe and I thank you for it. I will pass on to my husband!! Toot Toot or NOT!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Friendship ~ None of that Sissy Stuff
    Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?
    Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.
    You will see no cute little smiley faces on this ~Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

    When you are sad ~ I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry *kitten* who made you sad.
    When you are blue ~ I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
    When you smile ~ I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.
    When you are scared ~ I will rag on you about it every chance I get until you're NOT.
    When you are worried ~ I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.
    When you are confused ~ I will try to use only little words.
    When you are sick ~ Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
    When you fall ~ I will laugh at your clumsy *kitten*, but I'll help you up.
    This is my oath .... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask ~ because you are my friend.
    Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

    Send this to 10 of your closest friends (including the one who sent it to you).

    Then get depressed because you can only think of 4.