The Randoms - February 2011

Hello Everyone!

This is a group that isn't from a certain age group, weight range, height...and so on! Not that this is a bad thing! I just wanted something different! We all have so much to offer regardless of where we are at in our journey and I just love all of the people I've been blessed to meet on this site!

You may join this thread under the following circumstances:

* You are an age. It doesn't how old!
* You weigh something. It doesn't matter what!
* You are a gender. It doesn't matter which one! (We prefer no alien presence but if you are really excited about joining we will take it to a vote!
* You want to check in every day to every couple of days to vent, encourage and chit chat!

If you are new and joining all we ask is that you introduce yourself with your name and goals! I want us to be able to talk about what we are striving towards, ask advice, vent and just chit chat! We all have things to offer one another! Generally we do a QOTD (Question of the Day) and this keeps the conversation fun and different! :o) Feel free to ask one! :o)

We started a goal list last month even though we began this group half way but I don't think I have everyone's goals on it. Monthly goals are important and we can all hold ourselves accountable for them!! If you have posted before just comment on your January goal, how you did and then add on to the February goal! :o)

Below are the goals I have for January! I'm sorry if I don't have your listed! :o)

January 2011
TaraMaria - Begin Half Marathon Training, Pilates/kickboxing 3 nights a week, Loose 3 pounds, Run 5K
Sala46 - Start my weight loss on Monday 3rd January 2011 and cut down on alcohol, only drinking a couple of drinks on Fridays and Saturdays, If at all! Start with a positive attitude and attempt to lose 2ilb a week and exercise 3 times a week!!
Mandi -
Robyn - My monthly goal is to start using my pilates DVD again on a regular basis & tone a couple more inches off my waist.
MiloBloom83 - 2 1/2 hours of spin per week(signed up for)and 3 runs of a minimum of 3 miles each. Also, no Mountain Dew for the month of January. Find a race to run in January or Feb., and break my new PR! Oh, and weigh less than 180 by the end of January.
RaeNicoll - Start training for a triathlon (want to do one before my 30th birthday in September!)
bionicdiver - Bulk up and lift heavy for the next 4 weeks plus 2 days per week of cardio. Work on perfecting my diet and staying honest with it for the entire month.
Becca -
Sara - To make the most of my personal training sessions that I just started at the gym, to use the gym 3 times a week, and to FINALLY SEE BELOW 150!!!
Bryan - Start and actually stick to a workout routine starting Monday, January 3rd when I'll be 22.
Celesalk - Complete the 30 Day Shred (or at least get to level 3... need to be realistic with my health issues, but goal is to complete). Personal - To turn my computer and TV off for one day every week and have a relaxing day away from work/school/pressures/etc.
NYIceQueen - (1) Go past the 30-pound lost mark, (2) go back to NOT having any sodas, (3) move every day, even I'm in so much pain hubby has to literally pull me onto the couch from the floor because I can't (4) drink 6 servings of water a day -- 8's unrealistic for me.
just_peachy - Taking away that glass of wine I've been letting myself have every night, this month will be dry! At least one day/wk drink my current weight (164) in ounces of water. Start half marathon training at least 3 miles at least 3x/wk. Learn to do REAL push-ups. Without the balance ball.
Mandie - GET UNDER 170!!!!!!! Keep only weighing 2 times per day...[morning & night] Exercise a minimum of 200 minutes per week, log my food & exercise everyday, Do 11 pushups everyday
Jessangel - Work out at least 4-5 times a week weather it is doing wii fit, riding my bike or going to the gym or popping in a in workout video something to get modivated by the end of January I want to say good by to the 200's for sure and hopfully close to saying goodbye to the 190's Would like to be low 190's or high 180's
MissingMinnesota - My January goal is not to gain weight on my vacation later this month.
Shinemaria - start exercising on purpose - at least 3x a week for 30 minutes
ambrchrstn - Lose 4 lbs - or atleast more than my fiance...we have a bet going, Work out 4x a week, Log my food intake, Drink 64oz of water EVERYDAY


  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    February goal: I'm having a really hard time losing the weight. I feel great, and I'm doing things right, but I don't know if setting a weight goal works. It just gets me frustrated. So here are my goals for February.

    -Drink 64 oz of water a day (That's hard for me)
    - Finish my C25k training and then start playing with speeds
    -Make my 120 mile challenge by Valentine's Day

    Hopefully with this the pounds drop off. I really don't get too depressed as long as it's a loss, but I want to see at least a pound a week and I haven't been yet, so I'm waiting. I know that a loss is a loss, but I just want to SEE some results even if it's just in my clothes. These goals are attainable, yet I still have to work hard to achieve them so they are "safe" goals. And if the pounds start to drop off, maybe I can make a March weight goal. We'll see! Happy February to you all!
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    I'm continuing with January's goal since it pretty much epically failed.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Sara - To make the most of my personal training sessions that I just started at the gym, to use the gym 3 times a week, and to FINALLY SEE BELOW 150!!!

    I think I definitely did well with the January goals. I saw 149.5 lbs on the scale for last week's weigh in (although I've still got some wedding weekend weight right now I'm dropping). My personal training sessions are TOTALLY kicking my butt in a good way, and my trainer has helped me to adjust my diet to more protein. And I've definitely hit the gym at least 3 times a week.

    February Goals:
    - Get under 147, so only 3 lbs for the month, but it's manageable and the protein and training should help. And to look fabulous for Valentine's Day with Randy :)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    just_peachy - Taking away that glass of wine I've been letting myself have every night, this month will be dry! At least one day/wk drink my current weight (164) in ounces of water. Start half marathon training at least 3 miles at least 3x/wk. Learn to do REAL push-ups. Without the balance ball.

    Didn't completely give up the wine but have cut it back a lot.
    I did really well on the water.
    I've started running again though I'm not quite training yet. Still trying to work back up to where I was pre-injury.
    I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday so hopefully by the end of this month I'll be able to do that push-up!

    February Goals-
    Get under 160
    Average 12 miles/week
    Get through Level's 1 & 2 of 30DS
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well I gained 3lbs while on vacation but worked it off in a week.

    My Feb goal is to hit the gym at least 6 times a week including at least 2 days of strength training. I only have 4 more sessions with my personal trainer so I need to keep myself accountable for doing strength training. I want to give it a month to see if I can keep it up with out her before signing up for more sessions.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm honestly not sure what my February goals are. I think they go along the lines of: NOT BEING SICK! January went something like...fall down the stairs, catch a cold, have surgery, catch a cold, get the flu. Now I'm sitting here with a snow thunder storm happening and all I can think about it surviving until its warm out!!!

    As I am still trying to get over the flu, I move that TaraMaria get excused from making goals until at least this weekend or until thinking doesn't induce vomiting or a headache. Is this motion seconded? *tiny voice in the back seconds it* The motion is carried. I now move that all of this moving and motioning and seconding count as Tara's workout for the day. All those in favor say AYE!!!!!! :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ugh Tara that sucks. Take all the time you want in coming up with a goal.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Definitely focus on getting better first, Tara! That sucks you've been sick all month :(

    I'm adding to my goal that I want to run more this month. I had a revelation last night that I can actually run comfortably, I just needed to dial the speed down A LOT!!!! Like, I was trying to run at 5.0 mph and I could do a mile, but I'd be DYING and out of breath that I'd have to stop and couldn't run at all after that. But last night I put the treadmill on 4.3 mph (I know it sounds SO slow!), and it was such an improvement! I was really excited. I even ran on a 5% incline for the first few minutes without too much difficulty. So my new goal is to focus on improving how long I can run without stopping, I don't care what the distance is on the treadmill. My heartrate is still in the 170s so I'm burning a ton of calories when I do it.

    So updated goals for me:

    February Goals:
    - Get under 147, so only 3 lbs for the month, but it's manageable and the protein and training should help. Work on running longer times, specifically run for at least 20 minutes without stopping. And to look fabulous for Valentine's Day with Randy :)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Definitely focus on getting better first, Tara! That sucks you've been sick all month :(

    I'm adding to my goal that I want to run more this month. I had a revelation last night that I can actually run comfortably, I just needed to dial the speed down A LOT!!!! Like, I was trying to run at 5.0 mph and I could do a mile, but I'd be DYING and out of breath that I'd have to stop and couldn't run at all after that. But last night I put the treadmill on 4.3 mph (I know it sounds SO slow!), and it was such an improvement! I was really excited. I even ran on a 5% incline for the first few minutes without too much difficulty. So my new goal is to focus on improving how long I can run without stopping, I don't care what the distance is on the treadmill. My heartrate is still in the 170s so I'm burning a ton of calories when I do it.

    So updated goals for me:

    February Goals:
    - Get under 147, so only 3 lbs for the month, but it's manageable and the protein and training should help. Work on running longer times, specifically run for at least 20 minutes without stopping. And to look fabulous for Valentine's Day with Randy :)
    My running is usually focused on time/distance instead of speed. I'm pretty slow myself but I'm consistant and it turns out I LOVE running! Even running slow :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Definitely focus on getting better first, Tara! That sucks you've been sick all month :(

    I'm adding to my goal that I want to run more this month. I had a revelation last night that I can actually run comfortably, I just needed to dial the speed down A LOT!!!! Like, I was trying to run at 5.0 mph and I could do a mile, but I'd be DYING and out of breath that I'd have to stop and couldn't run at all after that. But last night I put the treadmill on 4.3 mph (I know it sounds SO slow!), and it was such an improvement! I was really excited. I even ran on a 5% incline for the first few minutes without too much difficulty. So my new goal is to focus on improving how long I can run without stopping, I don't care what the distance is on the treadmill. My heartrate is still in the 170s so I'm burning a ton of calories when I do it.

    So updated goals for me:

    February Goals:
    - Get under 147, so only 3 lbs for the month, but it's manageable and the protein and training should help. Work on running longer times, specifically run for at least 20 minutes without stopping. And to look fabulous for Valentine's Day with Randy :)

    You can do it! I actually ran my fastest 5k last night at 33.13 minutes on the treadmill. I haven't been running much and just thought what the hell lets see what I can do. Before that I mainly had been walk/jogging at 4.5 with intervals of 5 - 5.5 mph.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    K girls (and guys), if you've run 5K's I have a question for you. I'm doing C25K right now. They have 3 workouts a week. Is it bad to run more than that while I'm doing this? Being at home with this snow has made it impossible to go to the gym, so I've been working out at home. I don't mind DVD's, but won't do them if I don't have to. Sometimes I'd like to run/walk but then I did a C25K workout the day before, so it scares me to run the next day in case there was a reason they only had us doing 3??? Does this make sense?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't see an issue with running more than 3 times, it's just how the program happens to be set up. I've found I like a rest day if I workout hard, but if you're feeling OK the next day, it's fine to run two days in a row or more than 3 days in a week. You can probably accelerate the program so it's less than 9 weeks (or however long it is, I forget). Just move up to the next week every 3 workouts. Great job so far!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    K girls (and guys), if you've run 5K's I have a question for you. I'm doing C25K right now. They have 3 workouts a week. Is it bad to run more than that while I'm doing this? Being at home with this snow has made it impossible to go to the gym, so I've been working out at home. I don't mind DVD's, but won't do them if I don't have to. Sometimes I'd like to run/walk but then I did a C25K workout the day before, so it scares me to run the next day in case there was a reason they only had us doing 3??? Does this make sense?

    I don't think there is any issue with running more then the 3 days it gives you. You could either just repeat the day before or do a slower longer run/walk to break things up. Maybe do a higher incline but slower speed that way you are getting more restanace and it almost makes it a strength training for your legs instead of pure cardio as running with no incline does.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I definitely ran more then three times a week when I first started running. I loosely followed C25K but wanted to run more so I ended up throwing days in there where I just ran at a slow pace for 20-30 minutes. Or threw a day of intervals in there. I think that is the reason why my endurance upped so quickly! :o)

    Today we are officially snowed in! I'm trying to take care of some non-profit business first and then out into the snow! I'm feeling much better today but still not eating a whole lot and avoiding anything that resembles working out! Except sledding...and playing in the snow! :o) I might put my HRM on just for fun to see if I get a workout in! :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Ok thanks gals! That's kind of what I thought, but I just thought I'd ask! :):) Enjoy your day! I'm off to do some laundry and maybe get an actual workout in. I scooped snow, and even though I burned 220 calories, I should still probably do something intentional.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Sigh, I need to get back into the shaaaaawing of things too. Ugh. I'm just not 100% yet. I'm thinking of putting some time in on the treadmill and just going for a walk. We'll see how that goes. I'm ready to start running again but now that we hit February, spring doesn't seem that far away. I really have started to get excited about running outside.

    QOTD: Anyone planning anything exciting with their income tax?? :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: Anyone planning anything exciting with their income tax?? :o)
    Paying off the last student loan that's hanging over my head! It may not sound like a lot of fun but I'm pretty stoked about it!

    bynsky- That stinks. A lot.