The Randoms - February 2011



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What's the biggest house project you've ever taken on? Painting? Tearing a wall down? Building your house?

    Well, I lack a house. I just have my little one bedroom apartment that I rent. But when I moved in last year, I had to get all the stuff arranged and decorate the place! It was quite the undertaking, but now I like that i have a nice looking grown up apartment. Pictures and posters framed on the walls, nice furniture, a table with a table cloth and centerpiece... haha. No more college dorm room and apartments!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I would like to join this group.

    I joined MFP in August. From August until December I did really well and lost about 20lbs. From December until now I went through some major things. In December my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child. And then in January I had a miscarriage. This last month has been been really difficult for both of us. And of course, I wasn't able to exercise because I wasn't feeling ok and my doctor told me not to. I am still dealing with the emotions and it's so hard but I think it's also time to get back into getting into shape. That might also help me deal with things emotionally too.

    So this month my goals are to continue with Insanity. I started it today. And also to not go over my calories for at least 6 days a week. I will still have a cheat day on the weekend.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I had so much crap food last night it wasn't even funny. I don't feel guilty, but I wish I felt less sluggish today. You are what you eat. LOL. Lots of water going in today. I think I've peed at least 7 times since 8:00.

    Welcome pragya! I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I have a couple of friends who have gone through that lately. One was 6 months along and it was heartbreaking when he was born. I really feel for you! We welcome you with open arms. Feel free to join the randomness!!

    Tara-I wish you could find out what's stinkin wrong with you! Our dumb bodies!!!!! I wish you felt better! On the plus side, did you guys know Tara reached her goal!!!! :happy:

    QOTD: When Sawyer was born in May 2009- My older two shared a room. They are boy and a girl and are about 3 years apart. Jaedyn was in Kindergarten, and we felt she deserved her own room. Dan created a bedroom out of her storage room. We put in an egress window, painted walls, put up wainscotting, and got her a new bed. It's a small room, but it will do for now. She loves it!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    pragya728 welcome, so sorry to hear of your miscarriage it is such a hard thing to go through. I had a miscarraige with my first pregnancy, (((HUGS)))

    taramaria thanks I sure do feel like I am old enough to have 4 grandkids LOL. especially today it is my bday. heehee. my daughter and her husband are going to name the baby Elianna and call her Ella but they are still trying to decide on a middle name I think it is narrowed down to Kate, Hope or Rae. I can't wait to meet her grandbabies are precious. Glad to hear that you were homeschooled and view it as a possitive experience my older kids were homeschooled from 7, 5 and 3rd grade until they graduated the younger ones were homeschooled from kindergarden to kindergarden , 1st and 3rd I quit homeschooling due to my health problems, I just felt like I couldnt do it anymore and give it the time and energy I did in the beginning.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you ladies. It's been such a tough time but I am really trying.
  • Yeah, I pretty much failed at my January goal. :sad: Here's to a new month, new week, new shot at it!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I signed up for the race! "Splash and Sprint" 300 m swim and 3 km run. Getting a bit nervous about the swimming portion of the race. I also need to look into transitions--I'm wondering how much and how you change after the swim.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    My name is Desirae, I live in Minneapolis, MN. I'm not new to myfitnesspal, but I've never used it to its capacity. I jump on the bandwagon for a bit, and as soon as I'm feeling good I binge on junk food.. my worst habbit is CHOCOLATE! But, any sweets will do... I crave them always! :( I was into the doctor for my yearly, and have gained 6lbs since last year. This is not good, as I have a wedding in August. I'm thinking, I have 6 months to go.. but it will fly by! My weight is generally always the same.. it doesnt fluctuate much.... but now I'm up. I am a frequent at the gym, and love to break a sweat... its the food part I cant get under control. I get nervous thinking I wont be able to enjoy the food I love (which I know isn't the case, moderation is the key.) So, I'm here.. I'm back.. I'm late to join this group but am looking for a group to join.

    Current Weight: 182
    Goal Weight: 170 (by March 15)

    February Goals: Track what I eat DAILY (even on the weekends!!!)
    Go to the gym 4x per week
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome desirae! I'm up in Minneapolis frequently throughout the year! Love it!

    Brian--It's all good! Just get back to it this month! We've missed you!

    QOTD: For those of you who get a real winter-which it looks like everybody this year :(, What's your favorite part?? I'm trying to be positive, beings that it is -35 wind chill today. I'm FREEZING!! On the up side, it's supposed to be upper 30's this weekend. Holla!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: For those of you who get a real winter-which it looks like everybody this year :(, What's your favorite part??

    Hmmm... snuggling inside where it's warm with Randy? hahaha. I'm a fan of all the winter beers that are out right now (blame Randy for influencing me on that one). I don't really like being cold or outdoors in the winter, but ice skating is fun. I don't do it often but I enjoy it when I do.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: For those of you who get a real winter-which it looks like everybody this year :(, What's your favorite part??

    Well I used to love the outdoor fun in the winter. I actually miss having a real winter. Since we only had a couple days of snow down here and wasn't equiped to really enjoy it. I love to ski, snowshoe, go tubbing, build snowmen, have snowball fights in general act like a kid. I also love coats I used to have many different wool coats in different colors that would change up my outfits. Hot cocoa with a peppermint stick in it always reminds me of good times.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Mandijo, I'm with you on that! Its so cold here I had to cut my walk with my dog in half because his paws couldn't handle it! Sledding with the kids could always be fun, this weekend when it is warmer! Although I'm a Minnesotan born and raised, I don't do many outdoor activities in the winter. But I would LoVe to go ice skating, as I have lots of great memories of doing so as a kid. I'm interested to see what others do... Would love to enjoy some outdoor activites!!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I am soooo sore today from the first day of Insanity that I started yesterday. I really can't even move. Lol. But I did push through the workout today. And it kicked my butt. But it feels so good to get a good workout.

    I can't really answer the QOTD. I live in northern CA and we have been having lovely weather here. Although, I know most people will think I am crazy for saying this but I wish it was colder here. I looove the cold weather.
  • QOTD: Looking forward to when it all melts, I hate snow and winter. :( Why did I have to be born in Illinois?
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD: My favorite part was my boyfriend planning ahead and getting snowed in with me not once but twice, once for two days with his two girls (and my own two kids) so it was a fun kid friendly get together, and then the two weeks later just him, me, and my kids for three days! I was sure he'd get tired of me but I loved every minute of it and I feel like we are getting very close:)

    I'm waiting on my Turbo Jam to arrive in the mail so I can get down with my bad self!!!!! I was doing Slim in 6, which was great and really helped me start building some muscle, but I just got bored after a while and I'm ready for some music and action!!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Yawn! Stretch! I feel like I have been frozen here on the couch working my butt off for hours and I didn't even notice how much time had gone by! Goooood heavens! I guess I can say Tuesday is almost over woot woot! I figured I would take a much needed break and come over to MFP to relax!!

    pragya - WELCOME! Sounds like you've been sticking to your guns, very admirable. In the beginning of December of 2008, I found out I was expecting our second child and then miscarried right after Christmas. I had a DNC on NYE. It was extremely hard. Even though every child is a blessing, I felt like this child was supposed to be a present for all of the hardships I had endured that year. I was right at 10 weeks along. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I think your goals are awesome and very achievable. I've always wanted to do insanity, what do you think of it? :o)

    Mandi - You and me both girlie! I had a doctors appointment today and I really hate it when they shake their heads at me! Ha ha! I have some testing at the hospital tomorrow so keep me in your prayers! Jaeydyn's room sounds adorable!!! I want to live there!! :o)

    themommie - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! And your grandbaby's name is beauuutiful!

    Bryan - No failing here! Only trying! Haha! And dude...why WERE we born in IL???? When you find out the answer let me know...

    RaeNicoll - Have you posted the question on the forums? I would almost think you have it on in layers...or something... :o)

    dezil - Welcome to our little portion of the board. I didn't really dive into the boards right away either. I added friends but that was about it! We are glad to claim you as a random! :o) Your goals make a whole lot of sense but I would make some mini goals too. Just so you really encourage yourself! Maybe when you loose your first 3-5 you get a new shirt. 5-10 pounds, a new haircut. Keep yourself excited abotu that next mini goal! I'm so excited about your wedding!!! How are the plans coming along??

    QOTD - WHEN IT MELTS! I seriously have such a hard time with the cold! Today it was bitter cold and I have had a hard time getting warm all day! I want to go sledding at some point so I'm hoping that as it warms up in the next few days we can sneak out before it melts entirely! I also used to love ice skating but started hating it when I gained weight. I'm very curious to try it again! :o)
  • Tara - After much research, I determined that someone was paid off to ensure we were born here in frigid IL.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Tara- Thank you for your kind words. I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a difficult thing to go through.

    Insanity is going really well so far. Although it has only been two days :-) I am really sore today. I will let you know how it's going as more time goes by.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    My favorite part is from the day after Thanksgiving- January 2. That's when I like snow--then it has to be gone. :happy: I LOOOOOVE Christmas. I'm a homebody however in the winter. I'd love to say I like sledding and ice skating, but truly, just in my feety pajamas or fuzzy socks and watching a movie or my tv shows would be my favorite part of winter. There is something about HAVING to stay home that makes me like winter. We are such a go, go, go family all of the time, so the winter forces us to stay home together a bit more. I'm so excited for spring though, it's not even funny. I hope the ground hog was right. Ugh!!!

    Tara- I'll be keeping you in my prayers sweetie. I really hope for good results. You deserve to be HEALTHY!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @TaraMaria: Thanks for your warm welcome! :-) I'm still feeling good, made my healthy breakfast this morning to start out a beautiful (and frigid) new day! I was thinking about my 'goals' after I had posted them... and I will by myself a new purse at 10lbs lost. As for the first 3-5 lbs.. I'm hoping those come off easy w/ just watching what I eat (because I haven't been for the past who knows how long!) Thanks for letting me join 'The Randoms'... I'm excited to share success stories and challenges with everyone! :flowerforyou:
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