The Randoms - February 2011



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    QOTD: Anyone planning anything exciting with their income tax?? :o)

    Oh yes, big plans! I've got a decent chunk of money coming my way (according to the online estimator, I'll find out this afternoon exact amount). So first, at least half is paying off some of my large student loan balance (I'm with ya just_peachy! It is exciting, I hate loans). Then another big chunk is going into my savings account for my car and vacation funds, I'm looking to get a new car at the end of this year and I want as big a down payment as possible, plus I love to travel). And the last is going to...

    A new Coach purse!!! I've got one style I love already, the Alexandra. My mom has a spend $300, get $100 off coupon for the Coach store, so I'm planning to take full advantage of it. It's been a year since I bought a new Coach purse.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Well.....we usually get a good chunk of change for our tax return. (Man, I love having 3 kids:wink: ) A big chunk of it will go to the never ending debt we seemed to have accrued. I am not paid salary as a teacher yet, so some of it will go towards my "paycheck" in the summer. The rest will be used for odds and ends, and any trip we take in the summer. Boring, maybe, but it just might fund my trip to Chicago to see Miss Tara in August! :smile: We shall see what the return is first.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to join!!! My goals for February are to get my Turbo Jam in the mail (should be any day now) and hit it at least 5 days a week. I'd also like to get to my 3rd mini goal of 155 within the next two weeks as I haven't quite hit it on my goal date!

    As for tax return money...I've already gotten mine so here's how I'm spending it....saving a little less than half of it to take me and my two kids to San Francisco this August to see my brother (first time flying or seeing a beach!), paid off some bills, ordered Turbo Jam and got a HRM!!! Don't know what I'll do with the rest but at the rate I'm going I'm gonna need to buy some new pants!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    February Goals
    Mandi - Drink 64 oz of water a day (That's hard for me), Finish my C25k training and then start playing with speeds, Make my 120 mile challenge by Valentine's Day
    Shinemaria - start exercising on purpose - at least 3x a week for 30 minutes
    Sara - Get under 147, so only 3 lbs for the month, but it's manageable and the protein and training should help. Work on running longer times, specifically run for at least 20 minutes without stopping. And to look fabulous for Valentine's Day with Randy :)
    just_peachy - Get under 160, Average 12 miles/week, Get through Level's 1 & 2 of 30DS
    Ruth - Hit the gym at least 6 times a week including at least 2 days of strength training
    Robyn - My February goal is to stay where I'm at if not a little less by my birthday (Feb 25th) - after that I plan to do the 30DS again with more gusto and with some cardio time included
    Truhvn - get my Turbo Jam in the mail (should be any day now) and hit it at least 5 days a week. I'd also like to get to my 3rd mini goal of 155 within the next two weeks as I haven't quite hit it on my goal date
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Robyn - I'm so sorry your little guys have been sick. Seriously the plague made my house his home and just settled in for the month of January so you have my sympathy completely. Plus it so sucks when our kids are sick. Grady breaks my heart when he is under the weather but he is a trooper. He is one of those like puke and go type kids where I was always the "I'm about to throw up! Get my hair into a pony tail, I need a parent to hold each of my hands...and lets say a prayer before we begin." Then I would lay there in shock afterwards. I'm sorry about your husband's cut too...

    We just found out today that we won't be getting as much back we were hoping for with my husband's income tax. I'm totally bummed about it but trying to keep a good attitude! Just trying to figure things out. There are bills that needed to be paid with it and I had planned on going to an autism convention in May. Not sure what will happen now. Sigh. :o)

    Thinking about going for a run today. Its been a LONG time since that has happened and I'm planning on doing intervals. Run for 3 minutes, walk for 5 minutes. I had the flu for almost a week and I can still feel lingering affects. I don't want to push it! :o)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I would like to join you ladies

    I am a sahm of 7 , 4 our adults so only the younger 3 at home. I have 4 grandkids and another, a girl on the way in june. I homeschooled for 10yrs did fostercare for 7 yrs, ( adopted the younger 3 from the fostercare system). Got sick with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroid. I think through taking care of everyone else and getting sick I put on alot of weight due to meds, lack of exercise and comfort eating. But I am on my way to losing weight and being healthy. I started in july and have lost 54 lbs.

    my feb goals are to do exercise 5 out of 7 days of the week..........
    I am looking forward to getting to know you ladies
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    My January goal went well and training for a triathlon began. My goal for this month is to train for my first race which is at the beginning of March. It's sort of a preliminary for the tri I want to do this summer called "Splash and Sprint". It's a 300 m swim and a 3 km run and it takes place the day after my son's first birthday--it's amazing how much changes in a year!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Well, it's 3 days into February and I've met one of my goals! I ran for 20 minutes without stopping today! Despite being unable to even sit on a toilet without holding on to something with my sore muscles. Running wasn't too bad and I had enough energy (and breath!) to go for 20 minutes at 4.2-4.3 mph. It's slow compared to what I saw on other people's treadmills, but it works great for me and my HR is around 175-178 the whole time. So... new February goal!

    Run for 30 minutes without stopping!

    That's the last week of the C25K program and I had stopped that program when I couldn't run for more than 15 or 18 minutes, but that's when I was trying to go at 4.7 or 4.8 mph. So I'm gonna keep going with the slow speed and try to work up my time a little bit each gym session to 30 minutes. My goal is to be able to run a 5K soon on the treadmill, it'll take a while since I go so slow tho!!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome Newbies! Glad to have you!

    So, I've been doing my C25K and mostly training at home on my Nordic Track. I have been able to run for 25 minutes/2 mi straight without stopping and while it's been hard, I've been able to do it no problem. I got to the gym today and thought I'd train on that treadmill today. Holy cats was there a difference. For some reason, it feels so different to run on that treadmill. Same pace, same incline, but I could literally not go further that 3/4 of a mile and now my feet have HORRIBLE blisters and my shins hurt. I don't understand why treadmills can be so different. Anyone have any advice? Has this happened to anyone else? I'm kinda bummed I can only do my training at home. :(
  • Shawnalee0703
    I am here and I plan to do my bestest to be the most wonderful RANDOM I can be! I think I fit all of the requirements ;)
    I will have to think about my February goals though...... For now it is continute my JM winning by losing circuit training! I am finishing week 4 tomorrow!!

    I am checking out for a weekend away but I will definitely check in again on Monday!! :-D
    Tara this is a great plan. You are a rock star!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Welcome Newbies! Glad to have you!

    So, I've been doing my C25K and mostly training at home on my Nordic Track. I have been able to run for 25 minutes/2 mi straight without stopping and while it's been hard, I've been able to do it no problem. I got to the gym today and thought I'd train on that treadmill today. Holy cats was there a difference. For some reason, it feels so different to run on that treadmill. Same pace, same incline, but I could literally not go further that 3/4 of a mile and now my feet have HORRIBLE blisters and my shins hurt. I don't understand why treadmills can be so different. Anyone have any advice? Has this happened to anyone else? I'm kinda bummed I can only do my training at home. :(
    Props to you for the training! I can NOT run and I want to EVENTUALLY run a 5k but I will finish my circuit training first and get some pounds off my behind.

    I have been told by most every runner I know that they actually recommend doing most of your training on ground and to not rely on the treadmill. I am the same as you and prefer to run on the treadmill BUT when I could run 8 min straight on the trreadmill and figured I would go try and get in a mile or so on a concrete trail through town... YEAH RIGHT! I ran for like 2 min and was DYING! lol I think the treadmill helps A LOT with the movement and it softens the impact. Everyone is different though. I am also determined to drill it out though! Stay focused keep at it!!!! Cross training is a great thing to mix in too, but if I remember right from the mileage forum... you are doing a few other things also. Keep it up! :-D
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Sorry I have not been around lately. Been busy busy busy at work.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: Are you going to watch the Super Bowl and with who?

    I am going to my friend Kara's and watching with her family. We might go around to different houses in her neighborhood.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: Are you going to watch the Super Bowl and with who?

    I hate football, and I haven't made any plans with people to watch it. I've got a weekend with Randy planned so I'll probably be going to the gym or something Sunday afternoon to make up for whatever I eat and drink with Randy and then checking to see when the Superbowl ends so I can watch Glee... haha. At least I don't have to worry about eating bad food because of football this weekend, not being a fan has it's benefits.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Love the new profile pic 00TRyan. You look really cute and I love the dress. Purple is one of my favorite colors.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    today is my weigh in day I weighed in at 201.1 I lost 1.4lbs this week I cant wait to see onderland. I;m almost there.

    QOTD: Are you going to watch the Super Bowl and with who? probably not I am not into football.

    My mom and daughter are coming up tonight to spend the night and then we are going to go shopping and out to lunch on sat for my birthday , My bday is on the 7th. So it should be a good weekend. and shopping offers lots of walking , Right ? LOL
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    YAY! Okay! Here to visit with my Randoms! :o)

    The Mommie - Yay! Welcome! You've accomplished SO much in your life and overcome so many obstacles! I applaud you! That is amazing! I actually was homeschooled my entire life so I really enjoyed that aspect of my upbringing. You honestly do not look old enough to have 4 grandkids and congratulations on your 5th!!! Do they have a name picked out? CONGRATS on your weight loss! Onderland is right around the corner!

    RaeNicoll - I have a slight interest in doing a tri. The one you want to do sounds like a TON of fun! And you are so right. It is amazing how much changes in a year. Its been one year since I started my weight loss journey and now I'm reliving it as the new Tara. I sorted through all of my summer clothes recently and realized I don't have one thing that will fit me! I'm excited for spring/summer as the new me!

    Sara - WOOOOOT! That is so awesome! I remember when I met that goal in December, not that long ago! I wanted to start half marathon training and in order to start I needed to be able to run a 5K or run 30 minutes straight. Well when I finally hit the 20 minute mark I was so happy I could have cried! Ha ha! You'll be surprised though about the 5K. Once I slowed things down, like I told you I did too, my endurance built up in NO time. As soon as I hit the 30 minute mark, about 2-3 weeks later I ran my first 5K at 6.0 MPH. Running slowly builds that endurance let me tell ya...

    Mandi - I know I told you for me, there is a huge difference going from the treadmill to the track. I think that there can be a difference for every runner. What speed were you going at? I literally hate the track. I'm looking forward to going outside, but I can't even do a mile on the track whereas I can do 4 miles on the treadmill. The biggest key advice is to go slow on the treadmill. Run sloooowly. Where it is almost painfully slow to run in the beginning. When I first got that advice I went PSHAW. Eventually I decided to listen because I started feeling like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Like I told Sara, your endurance just builds up so much from running slowly.

    Shawnalee - Have SO much fun on your weekend away! I'm so glad you decided to join us!!! :o) I haven't heard of that JM training...but apparently there are a few things of hers I haven't heard of...I'm behind the times. lol!

    Robyn - I'm so glad you get to be out of the house tonight! I so understand your burdens! :o( Have so much fun! Haha! And I love your secret freezer of goodies! That is hilarious! I saw someone's status on the newsfeed said something like "I'm not even going to click on 'Healthy Super Bowl Snacks' because nothing like that even exists!" Haha!

    QOTD: Tradition dictates that I have an UNsuperbowl party! :o) LOL! I have 0000000 interest in football unless the Bears are playing. The last time that happened I was pregnant with my son and fell asleep 4 minutes into the game. Hehehe. So I had 4 minutes worth of interest. WOOT! I am going to have another unsuperbowl party this year and I'm excited! :o) It should be fun! Plus I'm going to do a little shopping that day as well, so it couldn't be better! :o)
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Hello Randoms:)
    QOTD: Dunno if I'm watching the fame but if I do it'll be with my boyfriend and his kids and my two kids-- hopefully with some of his nachos to boot!!

    Had a great day today, tested out my new HRM, bought my first pair of boots to go with the first dress that I've worn in ages, and had lunch at Bangkok Gardens with a few of my girlfriends AND I managed to eat healthier than I normally would...went for a spicy shrimp, tomato, and lemongrass soup with a side of Jasmine Rice. :laugh:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hey ladies! (and gents)
    Hope you all have had a great weekend so far. We're having a superbowl party with some family and friends at someone else's place. It's a tradition. Hopefully The Pack wins. I'm a Broncos fan, but since they won't be going any time soon, I'd rather the Pack win than the Steelers....again. Happy sunday everyone.