Hurtful comments that have motivated you...



  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    "Well, you have a pretty face",,,,,,,,,"Your neck looks smaller".........=(
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I've always been a bigger girl. I'm 5'3" and I weighed about 170-175 all through high school and my highest has been 197. I've lost about 8lbs since I started doing this.

    I've had many comments, the one that stands out the most was about a year ago I think.
    My boyfriend and I were in bass Pro(his fav. Store) I was wearing this yellow dress that I LOVED, it gathered right under my chest area and then just kind of flowed down from there. I never thought it made me look horrible, I actually though it helped hide my stomach, whole reason I bought it. So, we are walking around and my stomach was hurting a bit. I wasn't holding it, but I had moved my hand over my stomach (like most people do when they have a stomach ache) and this lady that worked there walked by and goes" Oh when are you due?" I just kind of stared at her. I was like " I'm not." I have not worn that dress since then and i really can't wait to wear it this summer! I loved that dress.

    I've had many more but that one stuck out the most.
  • krisvtx8777
    Yes, my good friend told me "Well you do somewhat have what everyone calls "thunder thighs".
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    What a total *kitten*!!! Holy crap, I would have punched him so hard! Seriously?! That just makes me mad for you!!! IDIOT... I'll be ranting for a while now and I don't even know him! Gggggrrrrrrr.....
    - To the woman who's quote said that a guy wouldn't date her b/c he was afraid he'd get smothered by her stomach...
  • rottentreats
    Some of this makes me laugh... sorry.

    Be the bigger person (LOL jk) and just brush off the words. If they are harmful, that is all they are, words. No need to let them stick and bother you or even have any meaning. They are probably just jealous.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    my mamaw noticed i had lost 20 pounds . as i went to say thank you she replied, but you still got 40 more to lose. what do you say to that? so i used them words , and went on to lose 115 .
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I had company last night. For dinner I cooked 6oz steaks, baked potatoes, and salads for the guests while I had two 9 oz steaks a plain baked potato and a protein shake.

    One guest, who is in good shape, mentioned that "I wish I could eat anything and not gain weight..." then went on to complain about how annoying it was for her to see people "eat, and eat, and eat, but never gain any weight."

    I didn't respond, but I couldn't help day dreaming about saying something rude. Later in the evening we found ourselves in the game room, and she saw my weightlifting equipment.

    I was hoping she would redeem herself from the dinner comment, but no such luck. Instead, she began whining about how fit she could be if she had the spare time to go to a gym. I didn't respond then either.

  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have heard comments my whole life being on the bigger side. I know one of my crushes in high school wouldn't take me to the prom because I was "too big" for his image. It hurt deeply, but here I am 22 lbs down and more to go.

    I also like being told (which I heard multiple times) you will never lose the weight because you don't have motivation. Well, I have been proving them wrong every day for over 4 months now.

  • scribblesitm
    My friend changed her ring tone to 'I like big butts' for when I call. That and the comment she made about my cankles...
  • jadedjade24
    A couple days ago I was out with some friends and my fiance. Our best friend was sitting in the back with one of my other friends and he said 'Well, you do have a way of taking up space." I have always been sensitive about my weight. I was never one of the skinny girls, I always had a belly and what some people liked to refer to my *kitten* as a 'Ghetto Booty'. I laughed, knowing that he just called me fat but I gues it really kind of hit home when my other friend that was sitting in the back seat with him said, 'Did you just call her fat?' and he said 'uh huh' and they both broke out laughing. That stuff really hurts. Esp since him, James and I all go to the gym together to get back in shape. I never tease him about his weight, ever.

    Or when I was getting xhanged to go out dancing that same night. I was putting on my leggings in front of one of my gay friends and I said, 'Pardon my changing' and he goes, 'Its ok, Ive seen my fair share of cottage cheese for a life time, I walked in on my room mate naked on the couch this morning.'

    I know I got a little bit of a problem with my thighs that I am hoping will go away on I start to lose some weight, but that comment was enough to go and make me put them on in the bathroom.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I was thinking of doing a half marathon and one of my coworkers told me the only way I could complete a half marathon is if someone was on a bike in front of me dangling a doughnut in front of my face all the way to the finish line. I was more motivated then ever and finished my first half and made sure to dangle the medal right in his face! I have completed a total of 5 with my 6th one in two weeks!

    OMG I would have freaking punched that person at that time. Im a nice person and all, but that was a low blow. I heard alot of, "Are you crazy and "do heavier people actually run half marathons" and "do you think there will be anyone your size at the race"

    None of those comments I thought were appropriate, but because they were just stupid ignorant people, I just let them get away with it...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My friend changed her ring tone to 'I like big butts' for when I call. That and the comment she made about my cankles...

    ROFL ... ok not really funny, but that did make me laugh ... I would change your ring tone when she calls to be Family Guy "Im a tumor" thats what my best friends ex husbands ring tone is when he calls!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Ive been told I look like a trailer park owner because of my weight
    Also my husband is super skinny so about once a month I have someone tell me I "could take him" like overpower him and such.


    Every since I started losing weight the one about my husband and I have subsided. To be quite honest I havent always been big, almost half my life I was tall and lanky. I think these people can see that now, that Im not really suppose to be like this =D
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    My family has always been "rude". My brother even likes to bring up my weight at family functions in a really harassing and mean ways in front of EVERYONE. My mom has given me diet pills when I was little without my knowledge ( I was sick and asked her for medicine) because the doctor told her to watch my eating habits. I have had a customer describe me to another employee as " the fat girl" because he didn't know I was in the back room ( mind you he himself was over 300 pounds no lie) I think it was never the rude comments that got me. Over weight people are uncomfortable enough with themselves that sooner or later we will decide to loose the weight or not. Often the comment just made me sad and depressed especially when it was from family. Encouraging and supportive words made me think about my weight more yes, like as in my health and how to get healthy and what it would mean for me but it still took me a while to get the right information and get my butt into gear. Now I have a friend who is younger than me and 300 pounds with joint problems as a result. I like to send her links with the information and stuff but am never outright rude to her. She knows shes overweight and still in a bit of denial about her eating habits but she needs to come to it on her own and make the decision to get healthy.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i was teased mercilessly all throughout school. my final breaking point came in 10th grade when someone made a comment about my weight and i swear my head spun around like in the Exorcist. i literally leaped across the table and beat the crap out of him...he didn't tease me ever again because he "got beat up by a girl". and the funny thing is - i didn't even get in trouble. this was one teacher who apparently had some compassion and didn't write me up.

    in 5th grade, someone brought me a can of Slim-Fast. so, i opened it and poured it all over her head.

    some old guy asked me if i was pregnant once. i said NOPE just fat, and then asked him when he expected to regrow his hair

    reading this, i sound incredibly mean. in reality, i'm not, i promise!!