Daily Rant...



  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    hmmm, my rant for today. Mad that my 7 year old has a fricken temp of 99.4 and i didn't send him to school AND his doctor's appt. is at 2:40 this afternoon thereby f'ing up my plans for an afternoon siesta. Workouts for the day are done, just no naps for Mama. Having a cup of jo instead.
    BTW, are you a SAHM?
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    hmmm, my rant for today. Mad that my 7 year old has a fricken temp of 99.4 and i didn't send him to school AND his doctor's appt. is at 2:40 this afternoon thereby f'ing up my plans for an afternoon siesta. Workouts for the day are done, just no naps for Mama. Having a cup of jo instead.
    BTW, are you a SAHM?

    Yes I am.. I have three daughters- 20yrs, 9yrs & 7yrs....... *can hear all the men saying- holy *kitten* her poor husband- no wonder he works a lot* LOL
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    Rants for today:
    too many to post =)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm revisiting rant land because I took my 3 year old daughter and 6 month old son to the park. I pulled massive rookie move b/c I forgot to make sure my daughter went to the bathroom before I hauled my kids to the park in their wagon. So- she didn't play much, just ran around the playground holding her crotch screaming that she had to go pee. Then she demanded that I push her on the swing, that's fine, she's my darling baby, but unfortunately I couldn't b/c my baby needed to be held. I'm a clutz, I cannot push my daughter on the swing while holding my baby (he weighs around 22 lbs) very well. I *can* do it, but I was afraid I'd drop him by accident, or the chain on the swing would smack him in the face.
    So it wasn't such a grand time as my three year old had an youtube worthy type of meltdown!
    That sucked.
  • littlelionesslove

    :-( My husband works a lot - I miss adult conversations- when he comes home I'm ready to talk yet he is tired of talking all day....

    Mine's a sailor...he's somewhere in the middle of the ocean. I have no idea where. BUT he'll be home in March and if this awesome cough keeps up, I'll have abs to rival his!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    especially when they put the bananas on the bottom :grumble:
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I'm revisiting rant land because I took my 3 year old daughter and 6 month old son to the park. I pulled massive rookie move b/c I forgot to make sure my daughter went to the bathroom before I hauled my kids to the park in their wagon. So- she didn't play much, just ran around the playground holding her crotch screaming that she had to go pee. Then she demanded that I push her on the swing, that's fine, she's my darling baby, but unfortunately I couldn't b/c my baby needed to be held. I'm a clutz, I cannot push my daughter on the swing while holding my baby (he weighs around 22 lbs) very well. I *can* do it, but I was afraid I'd drop him by accident, or the chain on the swing would smack him in the face.
    So it wasn't such a grand time as my three year old had an youtube worthy type of meltdown!
    That sucked.

    This rant made me giggle... I have had experienced so many of those 'youtube worthy' meltdowns at the park... and my kids have had a few too!!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    For the 3rd time today, I have made tea, set it aside to cool, got busy at work and it's cold.

  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    My rant today...there are not enough shower scenes in movies anymore!

    I agree with the caveat that they must contain 6' 6" tall men with hard muscles and sensuous lips..and be straight...

    Does that exist??
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Just joined this site today, really noticed my bad habits already and its made me grumpy that i didnt notice before..... oh and we have auditors in the office who just generally are annoying douches!!

    Happy Tuesday everyone :-)

    Auditors suck *kitten*...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yep I'm in alberta too, and it's damn cold...people drive down the freeway like it's the Autobon...when in reality it's an ice covered death trap. I'm sick of winter, I'm sick of having to work out in my basement, I'm sick of the bland food I keep eating because I don't know how to cook. I'm tired of taking care of my step-son by myself, I'm tired of being broke and renting a stupid townhouse. I'm tired of my neighbours pounding around at all hours of the night, screaming at each other in Manderine. I'm over all really pissy today. I can't wait for Saturday, I get a hot date with my fiance, kid free! Maybe the egg donar will step up to the plate finally and take her freakin' son! Child support would be nice to but that's just a fantasy.

    Where in Alberta are you?

    I'm from Redcliff but I live in Edmonton. My sister's live in Glenwood and Blairemore so I'm in Lethbridge a lot...still don't know how to get arund though lol
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Forget it...I just pissed myself off. I'm done.

    hahah I pissed myself off too...but thanx for making me chuckle:laugh:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    My rant today...there are not enough shower scenes in movies anymore!

    I agree with the caveat that they must contain 6' 6" tall men with hard muscles and sensuous lips..and be straight...

    Does that exist??

    ..in books, why, yes it does.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Just joined this site today, really noticed my bad habits already and its made me grumpy that i didnt notice before..... oh and we have auditors in the office who just generally are annoying douches!!

    Happy Tuesday everyone :-)

    Auditors suck *kitten*...
    To put it mildly. Lol. Ours got here Monday. :grumble:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    My rant today...there are not enough shower scenes in movies anymore!

    I agree with the caveat that they must contain 6' 6" tall men with hard muscles and sensuous lips..and be straight...

    my rant is I am only 6'4" .... and 3 out of 4 just isn't good enough
  • courtneykrueger
    Rant - My husband (who is naturally fit) is losing weight almost as rapidly as me and with no effort!! AND he doesn't need to lose, he needs to gain! AND I am trying to lose weight to weigh less than him, but w ith him losing too it's not working one bit!!

    Daughter is down for the nap and the dogs keep barking at something outside... so help me if they wake her up!!

    Rave - Finished 30 day shred day 2 today. SORE, but it feels so good!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I know I need to stop ranting...but SERIOUSLY!!!! There are 3 mount-me cars (for those of you not from canada those are a funny way of saying RCMP...you know Mountie's) sitting infront of my office...each officer is pulling cars over...so three at a time..for various reasons. My boss just went out there and asked what it is they're looking for, and why there needs to be 3 of them...this isn't the only time they've done this...I usually have cops sitting here...and it's a rural street, not like it's the main drag. Here they're pulling people over for cell phone usage, and rolling stops...but do you really need 3 of them? Oh, shift change as I type! Now it's a girl...and she's not even standing outside her car, she's dinging people she sees in her side mirrors that are doing the rolling stop....i get "breaking the law" but seriously guys!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    My rant today...there are not enough shower scenes in movies anymore!

    I agree with the caveat that they must contain 6' 6" tall men with hard muscles and sensuous lips..and be straight...

    my rant is I am only 6'4" .... and 3 out of 4 just isn't good enough


    I'm going on my last rant I just had to spend 40 minutes containing my daughters insane flip out because I wanted her to calm down before I put a blanket on her. Toddlers just suck the life out of my SOUL some days. I hope my son who is still a baby, is content to play with cars and trucks, smiles and is cute with me like my oldest who is 10 and was the SWEETEST toddler ever. Now I'm going to cry because he's already ten years old...WHY CAN'T THEY STAY BABIES..............................I need tissue now.