Daily Rant...



  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I know I need to stop ranting...but SERIOUSLY!!!! There are 3 mount-me cars (for those of you not from canada those are a funny way of saying RCMP...you know Mountie's) sitting infront of my office...each officer is pulling cars over...so three at a time..for various reasons. My boss just went out there and asked what it is they're looking for, and why there needs to be 3 of them...this isn't the only time they've done this...I usually have cops sitting here...and it's a rural street, not like it's the main drag. Here they're pulling people over for cell phone usage, and rolling stops...but do you really need 3 of them? Oh, shift change as I type! Now it's a girl...and she's not even standing outside her car, she's dinging people she sees in her side mirrors that are doing the rolling stop....i get "breaking the law" but seriously guys!

    One Mountie to catch the first offender, one more to catch the second, and a third as backup for the other Mountie's. Always good to have another officer free to lend assistance for any issues (mutliple people in one vehicle, disgruntled driver) and during felony stops (say, if the person had a warrant, was armed, etc). At least that is how I would run it. The police around here use a spot vehicle and two or three chase vehicles. One works the LIDAR / RADAR and spots out the vehicles for the others to nab.

    New rant, along the lines of my last post:

    People who slow down, while still on the interstate, for an exit ramp. If you're traveling at 60-70 mph and the exit ramp is very short (50 yards), or the traffic conditions (snow/ice, HEAVY rain, long backup on the exit ramp, etc) warrant it, then by all means please slow down a little before leaving the interstate. BUT...if it is a beautiful clear day and the exit ramp is 100-150 yards long...maintain speed before leaving the interstate. Don't even think about touching those brakes. You have time. You won't die if you wait another five seconds to begin applying your brakes. Is that too much to ask?
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    New rant, along the lines of my last post:

    People who slow down, while still on the interstate, for an exit ramp. If you're traveling at 60-70 mph and the exit ramp is very short (50 yards), or the traffic conditions (snow/ice, HEAVY rain, long backup on the exit ramp, etc) warrant it, then by all means please slow down a little before leaving the interstate. BUT...if it is a beautiful clear day and the exit ramp is 100-150 yards long...maintain speed before leaving the interstate. Don't even think about touching those brakes. You have time. You won't die if you wait another five seconds to begin applying your brakes. Is that too much to ask?

    You expect way too much of people. Lol. On those lines, I can't stand people that tap their brakes everytime someone in front them does, especially when the "car in front of" is 4 or 5 car lengths ahead...in the other lane.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    New rant, along the lines of my last post:

    People who slow down, while still on the interstate, for an exit ramp. If you're traveling at 60-70 mph and the exit ramp is very short (50 yards), or the traffic conditions (snow/ice, HEAVY rain, long backup on the exit ramp, etc) warrant it, then by all means please slow down a little before leaving the interstate. BUT...if it is a beautiful clear day and the exit ramp is 100-150 yards long...maintain speed before leaving the interstate. Don't even think about touching those brakes. You have time. You won't die if you wait another five seconds to begin applying your brakes. Is that too much to ask?

    You expect way too much of people. Lol. On those lines, I can't stand people that tap their brakes everytime someone in front them does, especially when the "car in front of" is 4 or 5 car lengths ahead...in the other lane.

    Yeah, I addressed something similar in my post yesterday. Those type of things just irk me. Really, really makes me wish Washington State had lane-sharing and filtering.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    My rant today...there are not enough shower scenes in movies anymore!

    I agree with the caveat that they must contain 6' 6" tall men with hard muscles and sensuous lips..and be straight...

    my rant is I am only 6'4" .... and 3 out of 4 just isn't good enough

    I'd keep you TK XOXOXOXOX