


  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I have to say that some of this I agree with while others I do not. Not bashing, this is just how I look at it;

    Some people here say that this is not a diet site, but thats not entirely true. It may not be a diet site for YOU, but for others it is. I know that I am eating a lot less now because of counting calories than I was before. That is because I am putting myself on a diet. I eat right and I exercise as a part of a healthy diet. The very word means to watch what you eat.

    However, I do agree that people need to stop buying mirical diet pills, patches, books, magazines and figure out what works for you. Not everyone is the same so not everything will work for everyone. Find what does it for you and stick with it. THAT'S the right diet for you, not some book that was published to make someone a lot of money by preying on the overweight and diet crazed people of the world. Those people dont care about you and honestly dont care if their system works. all they want is your money.

    Well said.
  • Stop yelling at me, I'll cry. You're so mean. My feelings are hurt, and I may report you to the MFP police. :sad:

    I don't mean to poke fun...but I was serious in what I was saying, but it wasn't aimed at anyone that isn't in shape or has problems staying on track. That's my point - we all have been there. It is aimed at the "solutions" that so many people put out there and promote...whether they do so knowingly or not. And if it came across harshly, and STOP! looked like I was yelling, maybe I was, and maybe that's exactly what it's going to take to get someone's attention. It's meant to simplify and clarify the solution.

    One person who was against my post messaged me and asked for help in getting going on their program, so I'm going to put that effort forward as long as they do. I'd challenge each of you on here that are in support of my to find one person on your 'friends' list that is a chronic 'dieter' and try to change their mind. Before you know it, we'll be on and leave myfitness/ behind!
    I don't understand why people are getting their panties all in a wad :tongue:

    It is what it is! Don't over read into his post. He's just offering some great advice.

    so STOP, STOP, STOP :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • I couldn't agree more! I once had a stand up argument with a colleague who was moaning about being overweight - I told her the answer was simple, eat less and do more: she came back with "its not that simple".... erm.... YES IT IS!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    First of all - I'm on board with that bacon diet.

    Secondly - I don't think the initial poster was harsh at all. It's called honesty. How many MFP posts have you read about people who have a goal to lose 10 lbs a month for 5 or 6 months, and for every comment that says "DON'T! It's not healthy! You probably won't succeed and you'll get discouraged!" there is one that says "You can do it! Go for it! My neighbor did it!" I for one did not sign up for this to be coddled and lied to. As many people have said, this is not easy, this is not temporary, and there is no quick fix. To all my friends - PLEASE BE HONEST WITH ME! And if you have to use all caps, by all means, go ahead!
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    First of all - I'm on board with that bacon diet.

    I knew we were friends for a reason !! :0)
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    I posted this on my profile, and needed to expand my audience due to the reponse: "I am SICK of reading posts in the forums about "diets". From 'slow-carbs' to 'cottage cheese diets' to this, to that. Can we have a site dedicated to sane principles? Ones that avoid magic pill solutions to our issues of fitness? Clean eating, burning more than we take in through smart, intense (on a personal scale) exercise. That's it. That's all. There's no shortcut. No way around it. Do this or be out of shape. No excuses. No BS."

    It's not fancy. It's clean and simple. Eat good foods, if you decide to not eat good foods, do it in moderation (I enjoy foie gras, pizza, and pasta still to this's just not often, and not in copious amounts). Work out hard - by that I mean push yourself. And balance your input with your output. That's it. Nothing else to it. You don't need a book. You may need a kick in the *kitten* to get going...nothing wrong with that, we all do now and then. But please, put the Zone and Atkins and Bacon Diets, etc, etc. books publishers out of business by realizing there's no quick fix!!!

    hahaha...bacon diet...gross :)

    Well put!
  • :drinker:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    100% agreed.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
  • daniellevietti
    daniellevietti Posts: 28 Member
    You nailed it.

    People always ask, "What's the trick, what's the secret?" My answer, "Working out and eating right." There is no secret, it takes hard work!
  • Bump!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heres my daily food intake lmk what you think

    slimfast shake for breakfast
    slimfast soup for lunch
    slimfast shake for dinner
    slimfast bar for supper

    excersize usually 2 hours football (on the xbox)

    anygood? lol

    I hope you're joking. While you will lose weight like that, you won't be training yourself down. In other words, you will put weight right back on when you start eating. You have to re-train yourself how to eat what you want but you will have to learn about portion sizes, calories, etc .....
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    Well said!!!
  • raising2ells
    raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
    Took me a lot of years, but I know that there are no magic fixes. Just good old eating right (and logging it for true calories in - no guessing) and exercising. That is why I am HERE and not on some other 'magic' weight loss site.

    I'm doing this slow and steady. (Although I must admit... I do wish it was a bit faster but my body says S-L-O-W)

    Yep, a lot of years for me too. I even tried some of those fad diets and lost weight -- but of course each pound came back and brought friends! :(
    MFP is helping me do it the RIGHT way.
    Thanks for posting!
  • I didn't expect 95% positive response to my's much appreciated and makes me feel much better about the MFP community in general! We're on the right track!
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    Sensible eating, exercise...more output than input. As my husband says, "It took your 20 years to get here, it won't take you 20 days to turn it around."
  • Sensible eating, exercise...more output than input. As my husband says, "It took your 20 years to get here, it won't take you 20 days to turn it around."

    truer words...
  • And here I was expecting to get bombarded with "you're so mean" comments! Oh, and I eat my bacon - couldn't live without it on Saturday mornings - but it's usually followed by 3-6 hour bike ride with a 3500+ calorie burn!!! Thanks for the guys are what keep me on this site. Let's keep trying to put the diet book publishers out of business and change the minds of the folks on here that are destined to be fit with the right guidance!!!

    I have a rule: No food is off limits. It's all about budgeting and balancing calories in with calories burned. One of my go-to meals is a BLT wrap made with a Flat out wrap (made with flax seed and super delicious), two slices of bacon, spinach or romaine, and half a tomato.I don't use mayo, so the calorie count is about 200 calories. I'll admit I go to happy hour with my friends and eat crappy appetizers and drink beer. It's just all budgeted into the plan. I'm VERY honest with my food diary. Even on 3000 calorie days. Those days are just very few and far between.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    And here I was expecting to get bombarded with "you're so mean" comments! Oh, and I eat my bacon - couldn't live without it on Saturday mornings - but it's usually followed by 3-6 hour bike ride with a 3500+ calorie burn!!! Thanks for the guys are what keep me on this site. Let's keep trying to put the diet book publishers out of business and change the minds of the folks on here that are destined to be fit with the right guidance!!!

    I have a rule: No food is off limits. It's all about budgeting and balancing calories in with calories burned. One of my go-to meals is a BLT wrap made with a Flat out wrap (made with flax seed and super delicious), two slices of bacon, spinach or romaine, and half a tomato.I don't use mayo, so the calorie count is about 200 calories. I'll admit I go to happy hour with my friends and eat crappy appetizers and drink beer. It's just all budgeted into the plan. I'm VERY honest with my food diary. Even on 3000 calorie days. Those days are just very few and far between.

    Another pet peeve of mine. There are no "bad" foods. It is all in dosage. There are foods I need to avoid, not because they are "bad" but because if I start eating them I can't stop until they are all gone. A lot of the so called "bad" foods are fine as long as you keep the amount you eat under control, and frankly a little will go a long way for adding taste.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Clean eating is what it is all about.:flowerforyou: Stop buying the stuff in boxes and processed food they will only add to your weight gain. Fresh fruits and vegetables and for you meat lovers like me (meat). It is not a quick fix, I agree you have to work at it and I mean WORK to stay healthy. Once you are there then you can breath again and have the odd treat. Be good yourself and here! here! to u who wrote this thread. :bigsmile:
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