what do you first notice in the opposite sex?



  • RayeTaylor10
    Their eyes....their smile...their hair cut!
  • fearlessly
    fearlessly Posts: 51 Member
    Same sex here, but it's definitely smile! Nothing beats a man with a dreamy smile ;-)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Eyes....they can tell a lot about a person. Kind, caring, cold, distant, affectionate, hateful...all can be expressed with eyes.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    well i would be lying if i said I didnt notice their looks- eyes, teeth, nose, hands ( a man's hands say a lot)

    but what I really fall for is a guy's personality - funny, genuine, smart gentleman.

    i'm really looking for someone who will spoil me as much as I will spoil them :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Mine would have to be face, smile eyes then body.
    From behind it would be calves, my god a woman with a great set of them drives me up the wwall lol.

    ok calm down karl lol

    wtf? ur the first guy I ever heard say that. I would love to find a way to make mine smaller! haha
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    eyes, face, smile...in about 3/10 of a second. then boobs, then *kitten*, then back to boobs.

    I would agree but maybe not in that order. The funny thing is it doesn't matter if the boobs are big, medium, or small. Great things come in all shapes and sizes I guess. :love:

    haha love this!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Chivalry. It's a big deal for me that a man be a man (in my view) and it's a good sign of his character if he's a gentleman. It's big time points if they stand up to give an elderly person their seat, open the door for someone struggling to get through, etc.

    A sincere, great smile goes a LONG way, too! The combo? Unbeatable!

    I'm old fashioned that way, I guess. :smooched:

    OMG this is exactly how I am. CHIVALRY GUYS! CHIVALRY!

    not the kind that fades the longer ur with someone but the kind that will last throughout the relationship. I hate it when a guy pretends to be this in the beginning and as time goes by he suddenly "forgets" how to be a gentleman!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Chivalry. It's a big deal for me that a man be a man (in my view) and it's a good sign of his character if he's a gentleman. It's big time points if they stand up to give an elderly person their seat, open the door for someone struggling to get through, etc.

    A sincere, great smile goes a LONG way, too! The combo? Unbeatable!

    I'm old fashioned that way, I guess. :smooched:

    I always open the door for a lady. I get some awful glares sometimes, like i am implying they are incapable.

    ummm i dont think the glare is the way ur taking it, maybe she's just in shock that guys like u actually exist
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    sorry guys i'll stop posting so damn much! hahaha :blushing:blushing: