*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey again Snowflakers to sunshiners!

    I feel great this week, even though TOM is here. I exercised every single day and stay within my calorie intake of between 1200 – 1400, depending how much exercise I did.

    The only thing I did different, this week, is focus on what I put in my mouth. I looked for foods that will help me through my exercise…more fruits, veggies, and lean protein. I still eat a pure protein for after my workout, but before I was eating a protein bar before my workout. So doing that little change has helped me physically because I have more energy. In addition, this week, I was eating every 3 hours so I am not overly hungry (which use to lead me to binge or overeat).

    I mentally feel that from this point on I am much more focus on my overall goal (to be 60lbs lighter) . this morning I have calculated how much weight I need/have to lose in 140 days ( which is roughly 5 months – give or take). I am tired of neglecting my weight, by eating too much and telling myself “tomorrow is another day” or “I’ll start tomorrow” that kind of mindset will not usually makes me slack off and fall of the wagon. I am tired of making excuses. THIS is so hard for me to confess…that I eat excessively much and make every possible excuse for my eating habit.

    This past week I have really focused on why I am eating, to fuel myself or is it because I am bored, most of the times I was eating because I was bored. Moreover, when I realized I was bored I found myself looking for other thing to do instead of Eat. I went for a walk, got on exercise tv, or got on MFP and read some blogs or success stories. This has really helped me stay focused. I

    SO this week, I have NO EXCUSES and do what I have set out. Which is write everything down (eating and exercise wise) and do an exercise every day. For me, what works is sticking to a schedule. That is what I did…

    Doing some form of exercise: Last Chance workout, Zumba, treadmill, or find something off demandtv.

    Staying within my calorie allowance 1200.Iif I exercised and burned 300 calories..Eat 100 for every 300 calories burned.

    drinking my water (100oz a day) and keep my sodium to 1700mg..

    Those are my goals this week..
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    So today, I happily posted my .4 loss. Considering that the first few weeks of this challenge I gained and lost the same two pounds, I am glad for a .4 loss as long as the scale is heading in the right direction.

    This week will be week 3 of working out 5 days a week. I have never been this consistent with exercising this often. So I don't have any "new" goals except to keep doing what I've been doing.

    Sat--Zumba (45 minutes) and Hatha Yoga (30 minutes)
    Sun Vinyasa Yoga (50 minutes)
    Mon Zumba 45-60 minutes
    Wed Zumba 45-60 minutes
    Fri Zumba 45-60 minutes

    This last week, I went over my calories twice (-115 and -250!). My sodium was also barely under most days. So this upcoming week, many more vegetables, less sodium.
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I had a really good week in terms of eating right and exercise. I finished the 30 Day Shred yesterday!!!! I'm sooo excited about that! I lost this week, but it was 0.6 pounds. I was hoping for the full pound, but I'm happy. It's TOM so I know that that has a lot to do with it. I'm hoping that will mean that maybe I can pull a 2 pound loss next Friday! Well, a girl can dream. :smile:

    I want to start JM one month slim down and alternate 3 of her dvd's. I don't want to lose the strength that I gained doing 30DS, but I don't want to do the whole 30DS over right now b/c I don't want to get bored with it. I'll mix 30DS, Banish Fat/Boost Metab., and No More Trouble Zones for a month and see how that goes. I mainly exercised at home this week with JM, Zumba, and Just Dance. I need to get back in the gym to do some elliptical and treadmill this week.

    I started out fantastic with my water intake, but fell off on Wed and Thurs. :frown: I HAVE to get back on that!

    If anyone else wants to do the JM Slim Down with those 3 DVDs, let me know! We can cheer one another on! I found a schedule you're supposed to use. It was on a JM website.

    Have a great week, everyone!!! Congrats to everyone for sticking with it, whether the scale was up or down. We're dedicating ourselves to this and learning to make the positive changes. That deserves a big congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    help! will someone please send me the wiegh in spreadsheet link and a new brain so i can just do it each week without asking for help. thank you!! embarrassed :blushing:

    Don't feel embarred because I don't save it either...I found the link on the "weigh in thread"


    Good luck!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i'm weighing in tomorrow but i feel good about this week's weigh in. i've been eating really well despite being sick and making sure i am getting at least 1200 NET cals when i work out. i'm hoping it will pay off. we'll see! :)
  • gwen933
    I am changing my workout this week and doing Ultimate Tae Bo on Sat, Mon, Wed, and then my Walk Away the Pounds on Sun, Tues, and Thurs. Friday will be my rest day this week. I am going to stay within my calories NO MATTER WHAT and when I step on the scale and see the difference will feel the motivation again. I am not sure what is going on with me but I know I want this so this week I will work toward that. I will also be drinking my water everyday. I am also going to try and limit my diet coke addiction.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    What is this challenge and where can I find it? x
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Snowflakes :flowerforyou:

    LOST 2.6 pounds this week!!!! YEAH!!!

    I've been sticking to 1200 calories or slightly higher And My exercise is walking 6 days a week.
    My goal is to walk at least 1 hour 3 days a week and 2 hours the other 3 days. Always One day to rest. I've been doing this almost from the beginning and the weight keeps coming off. I Thank God I have not had a Plateau YET!!!!!!
    As LONG as MFP doesn't show Im in starvation mode , IM GOOD!!!! Plus I'm eating healthy, NO JUNK FOOD!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Day 6 of the Shred!! I can't believe I've come this far! No loss on the scale, but I feel SO much stronger. I'm noticing progress each time I do the Shred! It's CRAZY!! :noway:

    I'm starting to think I really WILL be able to start the C25K program in March!!

    I'm staying under calorie almost every day, and I know I'm working harder than I have in a long time during my workouts. Besides adding more veggies into my day, I can't imagine much else that I could do to get better then I am at this point right now. So, I just need to take my own advice, and stick with this until I see a loss again.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I gained for the second week in a row. Really need to push myself to try to get in exercise more often. But I also need to try to get myself to snack on some healthier choices like fruit, etc. I really want to show a loss next week and hopefully a big one to help against these 2 gains.
    Try preparing fruits and veggies for snacks ahead of time (like, the night before, or right after you buy them), and then keep them in places that you can see them, like the top of the fridge, or on the counter. :wink:
    I'm hoping to be able to get more workouts in this coming up week.. keep up with the water intake and fruits and veg. I got the jillian michaels 30 day shred video from the library and I'm going to attempt to do some of it (we'll see how well I'm able to adapt the exercises to my bad back)
    OverW8nomore... Great loss! So many people are going the Shred! I don't know how bad your back is, but I have this back pain that never really goes away. If you can do push-ups, do them on your knees for sure, to protect your back more. Be careful with the ab moves as well. Practice slowly, and get used to the proper form, rather than pushing it to keep up with the models. I really love the Shred!! I hope you will too!

    barefootbeauty... You might find that your school will offer a very nice membership weight at their gym. Keep moving! :happy:

    Krys... What you've outlined sounds like a fantastic week! Work hard; play harder!

    Mollie... THANKS FOR THAT POST! :heart: I think I'm getting there mentally after a year on MFP too! It's like something clicked this last month for me.

    I'll be back to check on you all more later!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!! I am so proud of you all for all of the losses!! We are doing amazing!! Lets keep it up!! We have already stuck to it for over a month now :happy: I however have been extremely stressed out this week and i totally forgot to weigh in this morning, so I will weigh in tomorrow but I am not expecting a loss with the crazy week I have had (taking a day off for my bday, icecream cake, and stress, not to mention i think it may be TOM) So as long as I dont see a gain I will be happy!!!

    Goals for This week:
    1) Actually wake up and do my workout before I start the day!!!
    2) 5 days of JM 6 week Six Pack (35 mins)
    3) 2 Days of Zumba(20 mins with 12 minutes of ab work( I will banish this belly!! even if it kills me :laugh: )
    4) Try not to stress :indifferent:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so for those of you that are wondering our halfway point would be St. Patrick's Day! However, I think it would be a good idea to have the mid-way pictures coincide with the weigh-in on March 18th. So that means we have about 5 weeks to make this pics look goooood :) LOL Also, this is when we will post our measurement differences...for those who took measurements in the beginning of the challenge. How excited and another little milestone to work towards Snowflakes!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Ok so for those of you that are wondering our halfway point would be St. Patrick's Day! However, I think it would be a good idea to have the mid-way pictures coincide with the weigh-in on March 18th. So that means we have about 5 weeks to make this pics look goooood :) LOL Also, this is when we will post our measurement differences...for those who took measurements in the beginning of the challenge. How excited and another little milestone to work towards Snowflakes!

    Cool!!! Are you going to tell us how to post them to the thread?
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    This was generally a good week for me. I pushed myself hard at the gym and kept my diet in check all week. I am definitely starting to notice however that the weight is not FALLING off like the first 20 lbs did and I am starting to get a little frustrated at how much effort I am putting into working out and how small the losses are.. I am thrilled to have a 1.6lb loss this week but I would be lying if I didn't say I was hoping for about a 4lb loss... I guess more than anything I need to recognize the small victories and set realistic goals. I want to lose the wait and keep it off and I know I am going about it the best way possible, albeit a little slow going. I am hoping to hit the gym hard tomorrow and Sunday and then Tuesday and Thursday as well... All I can do is just keep pushing. If anyone has any ideas of how to mix up my routine/ workouts/ diet I would certainly welcome them. I think I need to shake things up a little!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well this week I met my goal to get into the 340’s. Good by 350's forever! :bigsmile: I lost 4 pounds this week for this challenge. It is official now that I have lost 40 of the 80 pounds I gained in 2008 and 2009 respectively.

    By my one year anniversary on MFP which is 3/27/11 I want to lose at least 10 more pounds which I am on track to do before then if I stay the course I am going now.

    I challenge all Snowflakes to practice being POSITIVE this week. Everyday this week find something POSITIVE to think about. Find something POSITIVE that you did right and see what difference POSITIVE thinking can mean to you on this journey. Everyday this week or when we have time to do so post something positive that you did today or this week and pat yourself on the back for it.

    We can do this!! Congrats to everyone today!! Why everyone? Because we are all winners because we are doing this challenge and we are not giving up despite trials, tribulations, and sabotages we encounter along the way!

    Have a wonderful weekend Snowflakes! And remember to find something positive you did today!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well this week I met my goal to get into the 340’s. Good by 350's forever! :bigsmile: I lost 4 pounds this week for this challenge. It is official now that I have lost 40 of the 80 pounds I gained in 2008 and 2009 respectively.

    By my one year anniversary on MFP which is 3/27/11 I want to lose at least 10 more pounds which I am on track to do before then if I stay the course I am going now.

    I challenge all Snowflakes to practice being POSITIVE this week. Everyday this week find something POSITIVE to think about. Find something POSITIVE that you did right and see what difference POSITIVE thinking can mean to you on this journey. Everyday this week or when we have time to do so post something positive that you did today or this week and pat yourself on the back for it.

    We can do this!! Congrats to everyone today!! Why everyone? Because we are all winners because we are doing this challenge and we are not giving up despite trials, tribulations, and sabotages we encounter along the way!

    Have a wonderful weekend Snowflakes! And remember to find something positive you did today!

    What awesome motivation and kind words you bring to the group! Thank you for your consistent positive out look on things. It is really outstanding! And yes, positive thinking is crucial in this journey because getting your mind in the right place is 80% of successful weight loss, in my opinion! Thank you again and you are doing an amazing job!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    This was generally a good week for me. I pushed myself hard at the gym and kept my diet in check all week. I am definitely starting to notice however that the weight is not FALLING off like the first 20 lbs did and I am starting to get a little frustrated at how much effort I am putting into working out and how small the losses are.. I am thrilled to have a 1.6lb loss this week but I would be lying if I didn't say I was hoping for about a 4lb loss... I guess more than anything I need to recognize the small victories and set realistic goals. I want to lose the wait and keep it off and I know I am going about it the best way possible, albeit a little slow going. I am hoping to hit the gym hard tomorrow and Sunday and then Tuesday and Thursday as well... All I can do is just keep pushing. If anyone has any ideas of how to mix up my routine/ workouts/ diet I would certainly welcome them. I think I need to shake things up a little!

    What is your current routine?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    One thing I read that really inspired me on a motivational level was Bob Greene's "Keep the Connection" book. Especially the 1st chapter "Motivation", beginning with the subheading "The connection" until the end. I really recommend you all request it at your libraries, and take a peek at it.

    Positively_Me... You're making great strides in your thinking!

    leandread... Congrats on your new habit of working out!!

    Val_Gets_Fit... Congrats on the Shred!!!

    CuteMommy... I love the new photo! I didn't even realize it was you!
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    Well this week I met my goal to get into the 340’s. Good by 350's forever! :bigsmile: I lost 4 pounds this week for this challenge. It is official now that I have lost 40 of the 80 pounds I gained in 2008 and 2009 respectively.

    By my one year anniversary on MFP which is 3/27/11 I want to lose at least 10 more pounds which I am on track to do before then if I stay the course I am going now.

    I challenge all Snowflakes to practice being POSITIVE this week. Everyday this week find something POSITIVE to think about. Find something POSITIVE that you did right and see what difference POSITIVE thinking can mean to you on this journey. Everyday this week or when we have time to do so post something positive that you did today or this week and pat yourself on the back for it.

    We can do this!! Congrats to everyone today!! Why everyone? Because we are all winners because we are doing this challenge and we are not giving up despite trials, tribulations, and sabotages we encounter along the way!

    Have a wonderful weekend Snowflakes! And remember to find something positive you did today!

    What awesome motivation and kind words you bring to the group! Thank you for your consistent positive out look on things. It is really outstanding! And yes, positive thinking is crucial in this journey because getting your mind in the right place is 80% of successful weight loss, in my opinion! Thank you again and you are doing an amazing job!

    I love the encouragement and positive thoughts that I get from being a part of this challenge! I'm at the point where, in the past, I would be feeling pretty good about what I've already lost, and slack up a bit. NOT THIS TIME!!! I'm determined to make this a permanent lifestyle change, and get all the way down to my goal weight. This group challenges me to do and be my absolute best, and I'm so grateful for all of the posts . . . Finding the positive even when we gain or maintain. So, from me to all of you . . . THANKS!!!