*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for sharing all your stories!! :flowerforyou:

    ltlhmom... You're doing awesome! Keep doing what you're doing!
    I knew that I was gaining and hated buying a new size every few months and I noticed that I became meaner and more irritable, the more weight I gained. I became less sociable, although I had friends in college...I wasn't all about meeting and greeting each new person I came across.
    Krys... I found this part really interesting, cause it reminds me of myself. Just eating badly can make us feel terrible and irritable.
    Added to that, this man that I have a ridiculous crush on told me I was beautiful. :blushing: I was so surprised, I actually stuttered trying to say thank you! Now, to get from "beautiful" friend to girlfriend... :wink:
    ymamyma... NICE LOSS!! :drinker: That's so exciting!!!
    I took a picture of myself in those jeans and walked out of the store. I didn't want new jeans I wanted me back. So here I am.
    Robyn... Sounds like you have strong motivation. You sound very committed to making changes happen!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    (I'm a serious pear shape with a lot of hips! It takes about 25 pounds for me to drop a size).
    leandread... :laugh: Awesome! I'm totally in the same boat. I love my hips, but why can't they be just a little more proportionate to the rest of me?!
    But in January of this year, I completed my PhD in anthropology and realized that if I can do that I can really do amid all that drama I really can do anything, because graduate school was something I often wondered and feared that I would never finish. But I did.
    leandread... Congrats on your academic accomplishments!! :drinker:
    I just had to celebrate this with all you wonderful gals, I am wearing my 12 size jeans for the first time since 2009 and boy does butt look awesome. I feel like I should take a picture. :smile:

    I was planning on staying in all night and studying, but I think I might need to head to the mall and show off my new size 12 behind. Also, I'm going to Mexico in 2 weeks and all the shorts that fit me 3 weeks ago are too big!! What a wonderful problem to have. The only problem is that I'm reaching the part of my weight loss journey where soon all my clothes will be too big and it's going to get expensive. But I'll make it work because I'm so glad to say goodbye to size 18, 16, and now 14!! Can't wait for single digits! :smile:
    whittrusty... That is SO inspirational!!! :drinker: Congrats on the jeans! I really need to kick my butt to get into my size 16's...

    Amanda... You are one tough woman! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    (It's so late... I shouldn't be staring at this screen any longer.)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am up a little this week .8 lbs. but I still have a smile on my face because I am still under 200lbs .
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    I am up a little this week .8 lbs. but I still have a smile on my face because I am still under 200lbs .
    The day I am under 200 I may just cry my eyes out!:sad:
    Good for you! Awesome job! :happy:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! This has been such a great week for me after several mundane ones, and for more reasons that just one! I lowered my sodium goal to 1800, upped my water intake, and started cooking more. Crazy how much of a difference that makes! After weeks of the scale doing nothing much, this week I lost five pounds!

    Added to that, this man that I have a ridiculous crush on told me I was beautiful. :blushing: I was so surprised, I actually stuttered trying to say thank you! Now, to get from "beautiful" friend to girlfriend... :wink:

    I hope everyone had a fabulous week!

    Great job girl! That is awesome~ I hope we hear of the romance sparks flying soon! :flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi my name is Robyn I am 31 years old. March 20 is my 1 year wedding aniversery, I have been with my husband 6 years. I have watched my sisters and my mom yo-yo from obese to skinny my whole life.
    When I was in high school I was at a healthy weight. After high school I gain some but maintained around 185. When I was 23 I was diagnosed with hypothyroid I gained a bunch of weight, I know I was over 200lbs. I never did get the courage to get on the scale. I went on a diet that consisted mostly of chicken and vegtables, I manage to get down to 148 in 3 months. I meet my husband and have been putting on weight since. I gained about 25lbs in the first 3 months of being together. After that the weight gain slowed down. I was 203lbs at my wedding 6 months later I was up to 213.

    I was at the point where I need to go by bigger jeans. I walked into the store grabed the next size up. I was looking at myself in the mirror in the bigger pants. What I saw wasn't my body, how had this happened. Where did those hips come from. (I am apple shaped, I don't have hips.) I took a picture of myself in those jeans and walked out of the store. I didn't want new jeans I wanted me back. So here I am.

    I think I found the link to MFP in a magazine.

    Great job at not buying those jeans and fighting the battle! I hated buying bigger clothes!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I had an entire paragraph written for my introduction, got distracted then my macbook logged me out! GRRRR..

    But me in a nutshell. I was a size 18 from age 14-23. Lost 60 pounds and wore a size 14/16 (I'm a serious pear shape with a lot of hips! It takes about 25 pounds for me to drop a size). I kept that weight off for about 5 years even though my goal weight is 180 (I am six feet tall). From 2008 until January 2011, I regained that original sixty pounds after some really big life changes (a failed marriage, a 900 mile move away from the east coast city to a one-horse town, a divorce and losing touch with my stepson who I am very close to). But in January of this year, I completed my PhD in anthropology and realized that if I can do that I can really do amid all that drama I really can do anything, because graduate school was something I often wondered and feared that I would never finish. But I did. So I joined MFP late last year, did nothing, did not log on much, etc. And finally, finally finally, I got a bit more serious about wanting to be healthy again and found this wonderful challenge, with amazing women to travel this journey with. And I have a long way to go, but just like with graduate school, I am finally starting to believe that I will get there. I know I can do it because I was halfway there once, and I will see ONEderland and a healthy BMI.

    You are doing it girl! Rock on sister!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I just had to celebrate this with all you wonderful gals, I am wearing my 12 size jeans for the first time since 2009 and boy does butt look awesome. I feel like I should take a picture. :smile:

    I was planning on staying in all night and studying, but I think I might need to head to the mall and show off my new size 12 behind. Also, I'm going to Mexico in 2 weeks and all the shorts that fit me 3 weeks ago are too big!! What a wonderful problem to have. The only problem is that I'm reaching the part of my weight loss journey where soon all my clothes will be too big and it's going to get expensive. But I'll make it work because I'm so glad to say goodbye to size 18, 16, and now 14!! Can't wait for single digits! :smile:

    Woohoo girl! You are doing so awesome!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hello Snowflakes! You guys are so awesome and I am so proud to be a part of this challenge. I nearly cried when I stepped on the scale today... I finally have a decent loss. I've upped my calories to 1400 so I will at least hit 1200. How did I get started on this journey? Well for me it was kind of strange. I have almost always been a healthy weight. I am retired Air Force so I was always active. In my early thirties I started having some major health issues. Medications, lack of exercise and motivation led me to start packing on the weight. I hit 235 a couple of years ago and decided something had to change. I actually lost quite a bit but then with my ankle problems started packing it on again. I hit 206 in December of last year. Something about crossing that 200 line really tweaked me out. I started noticing that I don't like my picture taken, I don't like my clothes, and don't even like me all that much. One of my friends told me about MPF. I had already signed up for Weight Watchers so I was actually tracking points and calories. Now I am strictly tracking on MPF and I have cancelled my weight watchers account. I love the support on here, and being able to track calories from my phone when I'm not near my desk. Weight watchers helped me learn what kinds of foods to eat and it is a great program. However, MPF has a larger database of foods and has you guys! I am not looking for a diet...but a lifestyle change that I can live with and maintain.

    Injuries are hard! I also went through a time that my left ankle hurt i have to see the foot doctor and go to physical therapy. It is easy to make excuses for yourself and say I can't do that because of this but you aren't doing that! You are pushing through it and fighting for waht you want! Keep up the great work!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am up a little this week .8 lbs. but I still have a smile on my face because I am still under 200lbs .
    The day I am under 200 I may just cry my eyes out!:sad:
    Good for you! Awesome job! :happy:

    I am soooo with you on this one lol. When I see that 1 in front of the other 2 numbers OMG...that is going to be one heck of a day LOL. We will get there though girl! One day at a time!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hmm....How did I get started on this journey??

    I have struggled with my weight since i was a kid. I was like 12 years old and i was wearing a bigger size than my 21 year old sister!! I started dieting when I started high school. My sophomore year I went through something very traumatic (i dont want to go into detail) but i ended up having to change schools, where my first friend just happened to be an anorexic/bulemic...so I unfortunately got pulled into the crazy unhealthy lifestyle. So i lost a ton of weight, a very unhealthy way. Then I moved to college where I gradually put on a few pounds but not anything too crazy. Well my ex boyfriend broke my heart, like i literally had a mental break down and i put on about 30lbs in about two years....which is insane!!! Well I finally got my life in order and started dating a great guy. Then As soon as I started working out i got pregnant and i just gave up!!! I was about 170lbs when I got pregnant and I was 206lbs when I had my daughter. After I had her I tried to lose weight on my own and I actually did pretty good. I got down to 166 and got stuck. I got so frustrated after not losing weight that i gave in and just ate crap!! I gained up to 179lbs in about 4 months!! Thats when i decided i absolutely had to change, not only for myself but for my daughter, i had to change the life i was living. So I found MFP shortly after i started dieting and so far i have lost 19.5lbs!!! in just a little over 3 months, and the best thing is that I am actually working out more than i ever have in my life!! I love that I am leading a healthy lifestyle now! and I can raise my daughter with healthy eating and exercising habits :happy:

    Did you have to go to counseling for the eating disorder or were you able to break it on your own? Great job at finding the new you and loving all your positive changes that you are making for yourself to give your daughter a healthy mom! You are doing great! Keep up the great work!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am up a little this week .8 lbs. but I still have a smile on my face because I am still under 200lbs .
    The day I am under 200 I may just cry my eyes out!:sad:
    Good for you! Awesome job! :happy:

    I am soooo with you on this one lol. When I see that 1 in front of the other 2 numbers OMG...that is going to be one heck of a day LOL. We will get there though girl! One day at a time!

    Yes I can't wait for this day either! I think the whole world will be hearing me.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am up a little this week .8 lbs. but I still have a smile on my face because I am still under 200lbs .
    The day I am under 200 I may just cry my eyes out!:sad:
    Good for you! Awesome job! :happy:

    I am soooo with you on this one lol. When I see that 1 in front of the other 2 numbers OMG...that is going to be one heck of a day LOL. We will get there though girl! One day at a time!

    Yes I can't wait for this day either! I think the whole world will be hearing me.
    I feel the same way about the 180's. I don't remember that getting under 200 was such a big day for me (can't even remember it), but I know it's gonna be a great day to be 179!! Let's work it off!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    So I want us to share...how did we get here? How did we get to this point of feeling like we needed to lose weight, take our lives back, and become healthier? I know that we all have a story and different motivations for how we got to MFP. And why did we choose MFP and not Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, or Jenny Craig?
    I love all the sharing going on! You all rock!! :happy:

    My story:
    I've always been overweight. When I was a kid, and through the start of high school, I was about 245 lbs (doctors scale was the only way I knew). My earliest dabbles in weight loss were thanks to my mom. She took me to this group fitness place (and I really liked it), where I could be active with other overweight kids. It was through them that I went to fat camp (I really liked that too, although I was starving from the small amount of food they were feeding us!). I lost 4 lbs at camp, and gained them back.

    In grade 10, I tried the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet for 2 weeks and lost 10 lbs. Then gained them back. :blushing: In grades11 and 12 I lived with a really health conscious woman and babysat for her kids. I ate SO healthy when I was living there and walked 15 mins to school and back every day. That's how I lost a large portion of the 55 lbs that I lost before college! :bigsmile: I would eat really strict at her house during the week, but go home on weekends and pig out at home. So, you can see that it was bad news when I moved back home for good...

    All through school I was active, playing basketball, being in various dance classes (for 8+ years), skating, swimming, and I still managed to be overweight! Watching my eating is one of the only things that has really worked for me in the past. To stay active, I've always used my treadmill (and lost 10 lbs over 3 months once), I do workout DVDs all the time, but often lose motivation with them, and I'm still doing the occasional dance and zumba classes.

    Since high school I've now found that some of my friends are now on the heavier side, while I'm getting smaller and smaller. That's great motivation to keep on going!! In college I maintained 195 the entire time. This past year, with MFP I've made it below 185, and I now I keep bouncing around in the 180's like a pinball.

    MFP is the best site I have found, and all of you fabulous people are here too, which makes it the GREATEST!! :smooched:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    OMG. I went shopping yesterday and bought two pairs of size 12 shorts!!! And my mom (gotta love her) bought me a swimsuit that she thought I would like. Well, it fits perfectly and it looks awesome. I will feel completely comfortable in my swimsuit in Mexico, 3 weeks from today!! :smile:

    Yesterday was such a great day!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hmm....How did I get started on this journey??

    I have struggled with my weight since i was a kid. I was like 12 years old and i was wearing a bigger size than my 21 year old sister!! I started dieting when I started high school. My sophomore year I went through something very traumatic (i dont want to go into detail) but i ended up having to change schools, where my first friend just happened to be an anorexic/bulemic...so I unfortunately got pulled into the crazy unhealthy lifestyle. So i lost a ton of weight, a very unhealthy way. Then I moved to college where I gradually put on a few pounds but not anything too crazy. Well my ex boyfriend broke my heart, like i literally had a mental break down and i put on about 30lbs in about two years....which is insane!!! Well I finally got my life in order and started dating a great guy. Then As soon as I started working out i got pregnant and i just gave up!!! I was about 170lbs when I got pregnant and I was 206lbs when I had my daughter. After I had her I tried to lose weight on my own and I actually did pretty good. I got down to 166 and got stuck. I got so frustrated after not losing weight that i gave in and just ate crap!! I gained up to 179lbs in about 4 months!! Thats when i decided i absolutely had to change, not only for myself but for my daughter, i had to change the life i was living. So I found MFP shortly after i started dieting and so far i have lost 19.5lbs!!! in just a little over 3 months, and the best thing is that I am actually working out more than i ever have in my life!! I love that I am leading a healthy lifestyle now! and I can raise my daughter with healthy eating and exercising habits :happy:

    WOW! Well I am very proud of you for getting through your eating disorder! That is a HUGE accomplishment :). Kudos to you for wanting to live a healthier lifestyle for your daughter
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I am not looking for a diet...but a lifestyle change that I can live with and maintain.

    **cheering** Me too! This is not a diet, but lifelong health and healthy habits..
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    My story:
    I've always been overweight. When I was a kid, and through the start of high school, I was about 245 lbs (doctors scale was the only way I knew). My earliest dabbles in weight loss were thanks to my mom. She took me to this group fitness place (and I really liked it), where I could be active with other overweight kids. It was through them that I went to fat camp (I really liked that too, although I was starving from the small amount of food they were feeding us!). I lost 4 lbs at camp, and gained them back.

    In grade 10, I tried the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet for 2 weeks and lost 10 lbs. Then gained them back. :blushing: In grades11 and 12 I lived with a really health conscious woman and babysat for her kids. I ate SO healthy when I was living there and walked 15 mins to school and back every day. That's how I lost a large portion of the 55 lbs that I lost before college! :bigsmile: I would eat really strict at her house during the week, but go home on weekends and pig out at home. So, you can see that it was bad news when I moved back home for good...

    Steph, you are speaking my language. I remember only knowing how much I weighed through my 20s only through the doctor's scale. and yup, I did the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet too.

    Oh, and whittrusty--Enjoy that size 12 on vacation. Strut!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    OMG. I went shopping yesterday and bought two pairs of size 12 shorts!!! And my mom (gotta love her) bought me a swimsuit that she thought I would like. Well, it fits perfectly and it looks awesome. I will feel completely comfortable in my swimsuit in Mexico, 3 weeks from today!! :smile:
    That's so great!!! :drinker: Congrats!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph, you are speaking my language. I remember only knowing how much I weighed through my 20s only through the doctor's scale. and yup, I did the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet too.
    AH! No way! You mean we have more than hips in common! :laugh: