*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so I figured out my schedule for this week:

    Jogging (I did this in place)-25 minutes (A.M.)
    Zumba Sculpt and Time

    Zumba Cardio Party (P.M.)
    Zumba 20 minute Abs (A.M.)

    Jogging (Outside)-30 minutes (A.M.)
    Strength Training (Legs and Butt) (P.M.)

    Zumba Live (P.M.)


    Jogging (Outside) 30 minutes (A.M.)
    Zumba 20 Minute Abs (P.M.)

    Zumba Sculpt and Tone (A.M.)

    *I am going to have to jog around my complex because I don't want to have to drive too far early in the morning.

    I am hoping that this is a feasible schedule and something that I will see results with. I am going to have to drink LOADS of water because I know my muscles are going to be quite surprised LOL

    Wish me luck!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    So I want us to share...how did we get here? How did we get to this point of feeling like we needed to lose weight, take our lives back, and become healthier? I know that we all have a story and different motivations for how we got to MFP. And why did we choose MFP and not Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, or Jenny Craig? If you do not feel comfortable sharing yet, that is ok...definitely understandable.

    How did I get here... hmmm... This forum was recommended by a friend of mine that was using it and I instantly loved it. Everyone was more positive then other sites I've been on and everyone seemed real. I was on here and then left and then came back and I'm here to stay!

    My weight has been steadily climbing for the last five years. When I moved to the Cities I was 145lbs and rocking a size 8; before Thanksgiving of last year I was over 200 and straining to get into a 16. My rock bottom moment was a 2-part moment... First, I want to swim with my son and the local Y and I couldn't because my suit didn't fit anymore. I was too embarrassed to even admit this and I through it out. Then I was out with a few friends and a comment was made about me being a vegetarian... to which someone said "Really? I've never seen a fat vegetarian before".

    Weight Watchers never worked for me and the other programs weren't an option for me because I try not to eat processed food. A big struggle of mine is a digestive issue that I've had since I was in my early 20's. Suffice to say that I can't eat certain foods because they make me sick.

    I'm committed this time because of a few changes I'm making in my life. I'm leaving a corporate career to go back to school to study Holistic Healing and to become a Thai massage therapist.

    That's my story! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Then I was out with a few friends and a comment was made about me being a vegetarian... to which someone said "Really? I've never seen a fat vegetarian before".

    Weight Watchers never worked for me and the other programs weren't an option for me because I try not to eat processed food. A big struggle of mine is a digestive issue that I've had since I was in my early 20's. Suffice to say that I can't eat certain foods because they make me sick.

    I'm committed this time because of a few changes I'm making in my life. I'm leaving a corporate career to go back to school to study Holistic Healing and to become a Thai massage therapist.
    barefootbeauty... That's so cruel! :mad: I'm sorry you experienced that.
    About the foods making you sick... sounds like food sensitivities to me. They don't show up on an allergy test, and it's best just to avoid them if you can figure them out for sure. That's why I always like going to naturopathic doctors.
    Good for you for going back to school for Holistic Healing! That is commendable! :drinker:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!!

    It has been a long weekend. This week I plan to go to the gym at least 3 days since the weather is milder this week and Leslie Sansone the other days. I have to do damage control for poor eating today and yesterday. Back on track tomorrow.

    I will try to catch up on 2 days of posts tomorrow. Have a good week all!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for February 13, 2011

    Appreciate imperfection.

    Some of the most precious gems in the world have flaws that do not diminish their worth. When a diamond is a deep yellow or brown, it is considered more valuable. So, what you might assume is a serious flaw is really a great strength.

    Do you judge yourself by impossible standards? Do you berate yourself for lack of perfection? Your flaws make you unique and precious. Your sensitivity means you are compassionate. Not looking perfect makes you approachable. Surviving pain brings others hope. You are not a worthless rock; you are a precious gem.

    Action for the day: Think of three people you admire. How do their flaws make them unique and precious? What flaws might people appreciate in you?

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Just came back from Hockey tournament... yes I know it's almost 2 in the morning... I HATE WINTER!!!! The roads were so bad... It took us almost 6 hours to come back home!!!! Anyway my daugther's team brought back the GOLD!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    My weigh-in as of last Friday was 299.8 lbs... I was so happy to be in the 200s and to have reach my 1st mini goal!!!

    I will come back in the morning to read all your posts!

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Sending you all :heart: :heart: :heart: !!!! I'm happy that you are part of my life and I love being part of yours!!! Thank you for being there!!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Just came back from Hockey tournament... yes I know it's almost 2 in the morning... I HATE WINTER!!!! The roads were so bad... It took us almost 6 hours to come back home!!!! Anyway my daugther's team brought back the GOLD!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    My weigh-in as of last Friday was 299.8 lbs... I was so happy to be in the 200s and to have reach my 1st mini goal!!!

    I will come back in the morning to read all your posts!

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Sending you all :heart: :heart: :heart: !!!! I'm happy that you are part of my life and I love being part of yours!!! Thank you for being there!!!


    Congrats on being in the 200's!!!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    OMG. I went shopping yesterday and bought two pairs of size 12 shorts!!! And my mom (gotta love her) bought me a swimsuit that she thought I would like. Well, it fits perfectly and it looks awesome. I will feel completely comfortable in my swimsuit in Mexico, 3 weeks from today!! :smile:

    Yesterday was such a great day!

    Awesome!!! Congrats!:flowerforyou:
  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    Im really not sure how bad I did this week but I have had a rough week. I am sure I gained. My scale is broken so I cant tell for sure but I have to get motivated again. :(
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Well now that we have been getting to know each other a little better over the past month or so...I wanted to post a topic for us to get to know each other even more and grant a better understanding of our motivation.

    So I want us to share...how did we get here? How did we get to this point of feeling like we needed to lose weight, take our lives back, and become healthier? I know that we all have a story and different motivations for how we got to MFP. And why did we choose MFP and not Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, or Jenny Craig? If you do not feel comfortable sharing yet, that is ok...definitely understandable. I just want us to find other levels for us to connect on and be able to empathize or encourage each other.

    Sorry I am late doing this. Busy weekend! Happy Valentine's Day :heart:

    How did I get here? Well, a friend told me about MFP. I joined right away. Prior to MFP I had lost 30lbs doing Weight Watchers and going to Curves. Curves closed, WW was too expensive. I gained it all back over the course of a year. I am finally back down to what I was when I lost the 30lbs. Yay! MFP is something I can always do and use. Its FREE! I also learned to love to workout. I think that is key. I think you have to do some form of exercise even if its just walking to keep you going.

    I think its is also important to let yourself recognize why you let your body gain the weight. For me eatting was a big part of my family, life revolved around food. I ate when I was happy/sad/mad didnt matter. The saying eat to live not live to eat is very true for me. I am learning what foods to cook that are better and portion sizes. Prior to dieting I would think nothing of eating 2 heaping bowls of pasta. I also know that this journey isnt going to be easy. There are going to be weeks were I will maintain and weeks that I slightly gain. It's all part of the process.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes....

    I almost caved this morning. I got on the scale and was up 3 lbs. I was about to get mopey and decided to look at the source---Hmmm, its my TOM and my sodium has been over 2,500 mg. since my TOM started on Thursday. AHA! Now, instead of jumping right into my "I'm a failure" mentality, I am going to get my butt up and do zumba. I clearly have to watch my sodium and keep it moving
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    So I've decided that I'm going to train for a 10K on April 2nd! And if it goes well, I'm going to continue training for a half marathon on October 15th. I've never been a runner and I've always wanted to be. So I'm going to go for the half marathon to prove to myself that I can do it. 2011 is my year and I'm going to push myself to be all that I can be!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes....

    I almost caved this morning. I got on the scale and was up 3 lbs. I was about to get mopey and decided to look at the source---Hmmm, its my TOM and my sodium has been over 2,500 mg. since my TOM started on Thursday. AHA! Now, instead of jumping right into my "I'm a failure" mentality, I am going to get my butt up and do zumba. I clearly have to watch my sodium and keep it moving

    Thats right girl!! Just keep it moving :) its all water weight!!! Proud of you for not letting it get you down!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    So I've decided that I'm going to train for a 10K on April 2nd! And if it goes well, I'm going to continue training for a half marathon on October 15th. I've never been a runner and I've always wanted to be. So I'm going to go for the half marathon to prove to myself that I can do it. 2011 is my year and I'm going to push myself to be all that I can be!!

    That is so AWESOME!!! You have come so far!! I am so happy for you!! You truly are inspirational :)
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentine's Day My Beautiful Snowflakes :heart:

    I just want to say whether you have a valentine this year or not just remember: You are on the road to truly loving yourself :happy: Try not to eat too many chocolates today though :laugh: As for me this week I am trying something new!! I have actually changed my goal on here to lose 1lb a week so my calories increased about 200 for everyday, I am hoping this will help me to lose some more!! I am also planning on doing my 6 week 6 pack dvd everyday except Thursday :) ive decided its best to have a rest day before weigh in!!! I hope everyone enjoys their Valentines Day :happy:

    I:heart:each and every one of you!!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Just came back from Hockey tournament... yes I know it's almost 2 in the morning... I HATE WINTER!!!! The roads were so bad... It took us almost 6 hours to come back home!!!! Anyway my daugther's team brought back the GOLD!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    My weigh-in as of last Friday was 299.8 lbs... I was so happy to be in the 200s and to have reach my 1st mini goal!!!


    congrats on your mini goal and kudos to your daughter and her team!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I went for a walk yesterday, and noticed that the snow was melting big time -- just like us Snowflakes!! Happy Valentine's Day!! :heart:
    I think its is also important to let yourself recognize why you let your body gain the weight.
    ttv2004... Agreed 100%. You've got great insight. :drinker:

    whittrusty... Great commitment!! Happy training! :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey ladies!

    I am extreamly busy today. I'm going to find time today to read all the posts (i've missed) and post too.

    Miss y'all, Have a great Valentine's day!!!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey all!

    where to start... let's start at the beginning. i was always a chubby kid. always the biggest girl out of my family and friends. i was a size 12 graduating 8th grade. in high school, i felt that i looked my best. i played basketball and thinned out little bit although my pants size was still between a 13/14. i started feeling confident in my looks. then i started working at a bank. boredom at work + lack of exercise + bad eating habits = weight starting to pile on. i joined curves senior year of high school and managed to keep in semi in-check for a while. i graduated high school wearing a size 15. and then came college...

    college was the death of me. i had a BLAST but boy did i blow it. parties, eating out, the whole thing. the weight piled on. i tried diets and would lose 15lbs and then give up and gain it all back. by senior year i was in a size 18/20 and miserable. after graduation, i was in denial that i had gotten that big. for a while i didn't do anything about it. i felt like i couldn't do it. then, last july i had a doctor appointment that kinda got things going for me. my doctor wanted me to go on blood pressure medication. i DID NOT want to be 24 and on high blood pressure medication! right then and there i promised myself i'd change and get healthy. i joined MFP in the beginning of august and i have lost 36.6lbs so far. yes, my weight loss has been slow, but i am so happy i have gotten this far! i feel so much better than 6 months ago. i have gone from a super tight 18/should have been a comfortable 20 to loose fitting 16s/almost 14s so far (i have big hips too!!). i know this is something i can do for life and i am so excited to see what the future brings. i am very excited i get to share my journey with all of you.

    keep up the great work everyone!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well as some of you may know already...I will be registering to do Susan G. Komen: Race for The Cure 5k on May 7th! I am extremely excited about this because Im not a runner. But I actually start tomorrow training. So I will be starting off slow with incorporating walking/jogging into my workout schedule twice a week and then going from there.

    Then in October I will be doing the Susan G Komen: 3 Day! I thought that both of these things would be an awesome goal for me to "train" for. I am honestly, not doing it to win...I already love charity type stuff and I thought what a better way to raise money for charity and also get in some really good exercise. Whoever thought I would running or jogging ANYWHERE LOL But hey, 2011 is a new year right...and time to step out of the comfort zone!

    Also, I have two Zumba Charity Events called: Party Hearty for the American Heart Association on February 26th and March 12th....basically it is like going to a 3 Hour Zumba class for charity....nice! I figure at the end of this month I am going to give myself a 5 day mini vacation...and I will be able to sit down and map everything out for my Zumba business venture and everything else!

    So busy busy busy....but I think it is good for me, because I really want to use the things that I have learned and am still learning to help other people and motivate them to make a very achievable change in their lives.