New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    You all sound so amazing, going global! Our trips are usually restricted to our local mountains for camping and fishing. I would love to take some of the trips that you're describing! :happy:

    LOL ... Restricted? Sounds awesome to me! I love camping, and we have some beautiful areas in Michigan, but I would love to be by the mountains ... *sigh* ...
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! I hope everyone is having a great day!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I gained 1.5 pounds this week on top of 0.5 last week. Boo. I also had dinner out last night. I think I'll officially check in tomorrow. I am proud of myself for not totally beating myself up like I generally would have done in the past. I quit weighing myself regularly for a good 12-18 months because of dissapointment. I know why I gained this week - too much stress about houses, too many dinners out, too many glasses of wine, too much sodium in my dinner last night and not enough workouts to offset it. It's a science and I didn't make it work for me this week. I'm kicking off the weekend with a 10k on Saturday, so I hope to have a healthier week next week. So take that stupid 1.5 pounds.....
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I gained 1.5 pounds this week on top of 0.5 last week. Boo. I also had dinner out last night. I think I'll officially check in tomorrow. I am proud of myself for not totally beating myself up like I generally would have done in the past. I quit weighing myself regularly for a good 12-18 months because of dissapointment. I know why I gained this week - too much stress about houses, too many dinners out, too many glasses of wine, too much sodium in my dinner last night and not enough workouts to offset it. It's a science and I didn't make it work for me this week. I'm kicking off the weekend with a 10k on Saturday, so I hope to have a healthier week next week. So take that stupid 1.5 pounds.....

    Enjoy that 10k! You've got a great attitude to go forward with. Worrying over yesterday doesn't do anything except make you farther behind today. Go forward and GET IT DONE!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Can I ask the daily question? (and, no, that's not my question:tongue: )

    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    Since my ipod broke over the weekend, I have discovered that I am completely incapable of functioning without it. Everytime I go to clean or exercise or cook dinner I reach for it and it's not there. I used to be able to function before I had an ipod, but that was before my children filled my stereo with Alvin and the Chipmunks and pre-school sing alongs. I'm afraid that doesn't really get my heart pumping to workout.:tongue:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    BB2 - I'm right there with you. I have good intentions of doing things right, but it doesn't always happen. At least we know our issues. I don't get too hard on myself for not losing because I know its all in my choices. Have fun with your 10K!!! All this talk of running makes me really want to start my C25K. Moving this weekend, so sometime after that I will.

    *What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?*

    I'm not sure I have one thing I can't live without - maybe sleep? I'll have to think on this one.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Can I ask the daily question? (and, no, that's not my question:tongue: )

    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    My kitchen scales..If I didn't have them I would go WAY over on my meat portions and a veggie steamer is a must. Had the steamer in the cabinet and it got used occasionally before but now I couldn't imagine NOT having it..quick and easy veggies.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 33 years old married for 13 years (Yeah I married my hubby at 20 :) Just had an anniversary on valentines day) :) And we have a beautiful 12 year old daughter. Feel free to add me
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    My plastic reusable water bottle with a straw! Sounds silly I know but I will drink and refill and drink and refill most of the day using it. With an open way! I have tried sipper bottles too and I don't like them. I take it to the gym with me and have one running errands and picking up kids. I have 2 cups of coffee earlier in the day then nothing but water usually after that. On occasion I'll have a cup of milk with dinner.

    The other thing I couldn't do without..good shoes they make all the difference!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My have to have fitness thing is running. I am realizing how important it is to me. When things aren't right in my life, I'm not running. When they are, I am. I went through a pretty rough couple years. I didn't run. Once I got back to it, it reafirmed my life was getting back together. There is no other workout like it for me. It's a journey for me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    *What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?*

    Moisture wicking clothing! I'm a sweathog, and I'll boil if I'm exercising hard in a regular t-shirt.

    And good socks. I'm amazed at what a difference thick cushy athletic socks made to the happiness of my feet.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    To be honest.....I don't think I could do it without MFP!!! It has really helped me!! Tracking my food and having friends to support me!!!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    The MFP app for iPhone, definately. Makes it possible to log my meals even as I'm eating them - or before! - and always know if I have room for what I'm about to eat in my calorie budget.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Thanks for asking a question! =)

    That's a tough one! ... 3 come to mind ...

    - When it comes to nutrition tools, I have to agree my scales are huge ... I cook all the time and tracking nutrition would be so much difficult without it.

    - When it comes to exercise, since I run, I love my Garmin Forerunner ... it is awesome for training and tracking.

    - Putting it all together, MFP is great, and not just the tool which is great but the community as well for support and making it all fun!

    If I had to pick just one and give up the other two!? hmm .... I guess I would have to pick MFP ... for me (the analyst) tracking is like my accountability tool and I think it's something (outside prayer, and my family) that keeps me motivated the most.
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    I have two..
    I can't live without running.
    BUT I can't run without my Garmin Forerunner

    I love the runner's high. It's a feeling like no other. :love:
    I'm usually training and need the garmin to help me keep track of my pace.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Can I ask the daily question? (and, no, that's not my question )

    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    My this would be the lazy person's dream object , but with my husband gone all of the time I can't get out of the house much to excercise. I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of three kids with no treadmill in our home(at this point) so I like popping in the DVD's and get motivated by the instructors on my videos. I'm far from the type to make my own excercise thank you GOD for the tv.
  • kountrygrl27
    kountrygrl27 Posts: 107 Member
    I am 32 and gettin married this fall.... also I have a 7 and 8 yr old girls.
  • Cora0414
    Cora0414 Posts: 10 Member
    I am married and 31 plus my hubby is on here and he is 36! it is WAY easier if we do a diet together. it just doesnt work if you are eating different things. Well, we eat different things but at least they are all healthier. HA
  • Cora0414
    Cora0414 Posts: 10 Member
    I gained 1.5 pounds this week on top of 0.5 last week. Boo. I also had dinner out last night. I think I'll officially check in tomorrow. I am proud of myself for not totally beating myself up like I generally would have done in the past. I quit weighing myself regularly for a good 12-18 months because of dissapointment. I know why I gained this week - too much stress about houses, too many dinners out, too many glasses of wine, too much sodium in my dinner last night and not enough workouts to offset it. It's a science and I didn't make it work for me this week. I'm kicking off the weekend with a 10k on Saturday, so I hope to have a healthier week next week. So take that stupid 1.5 pounds.....

    You can do it!!!!! 1.5lbs is something you can work on. dieting is very hard for me because my hubby and I love to eat out and I know a lot of the "rules" for eating out on a diet but it is not that easy. keep it up!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    My favorite trip was this past Sept to Seattle to stand up for my buddy at his wedding at Mt. Raineer. We had a great time and then my wife and I went to Friday Harbor in the San Juan's it was great. No kids, love them to death but we hadn't been on a vacation by ourselves since our honeymoon in 2000.

    I probably couldnt live without my kettlebells right now, I am absolutely loving those workouts!