New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    32 Married, five kids, celebrating 3 year anniversary in April.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    36, married 12 1/2 years almost, 3 kids, 1 minivan. New here, would love "friends" (man does that sound like high school all over again!)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome to All of the New Faces!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I find it hard to follow specific groups on here, I try and remember to check in here once in awhile.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Just checking in with everyone!! I had a boring weekend.....but No one was sick!!! Which is great!!!

    Another week of not giving up or giving in!! It's been about 2 weeks since I have lost any weight...and it's hard with the scale not moving....

    I dont' think the 30 Day shred is doing it for me.......

    well...Hope everyone is doing great!!!!

    I feel I'm on the same boat. I haven't lost any additional weight either. I confided in a friend and she informed me that sometimes you have to try a new exercise routine...or as my friend put it, shock your body. The important thing is that you keep going and keep moving. We'll do this Angie :wink:
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    While I had a retreat (Walk to Emmaus) that is everything except describable in words, it is encouraging to be back! :) While one walk in my life defines me, it's this walk of weight loss that has defined me in other ways (in ways that are rounder) :) ... and I'm excited to be tracking food again ... well ... tomorrow anyway as I will once again know what I'm eating since I'll be cooking it! =) ... amazingly though I managed to stay the same weight since Thursday ... I was consciously being disciplined and using what I learned to make smart choices and it worked! :)

    Either case ... hello! :) Missed you all ...
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome back, Matt!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello everyone. My weekend was nice. The weather in KY has warmed up (for now). I had a great run with 2 of my friends and husband Saturday so that was a lot of fun. And to reward ourselves, we had some wine, watched basketball (go Cats!) and sat in the sun.

    I'm gearing up for my 10 mile race this Saturday. I did a 2 mile run last night and really struggled and my quad is bothering me still so I hope I am all rested up by Saturday. I haven'r run 10 miles in 3 years. Every time I do this race I vow to do 10 at least once before, but every time I do not. So wish me luck!

    Welcome to all the new peeps and I'm glad the retreat went well Matt. Now where's our daily question? :wink:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Welcome back Matt!!

    I just finished level 2 on the 30 day shred.....level 3 tonight!!!

    I hope everyone is having a great week........

    I have been checking my weight on the scales...kind of like a mad woman......I am thinking of asking my husband to hide the scale and only bring it out on Wendesday when I am suppose to check my weight!!!

    Sounds good??????
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Until same-sex marriage is legal (or same-sex motivational threads) I don't think a thread such as this should exsist. It's offensive and a slap in the face to people like me who try to get a friendly gay thread going.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    As a person who supports same sex marraige, I would like to personally respond to by saying it is not my intention to slap anyone in the face by responding to a thread that "singles out" married people. There are threads for lots of type of people here....people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, men, women, pregnant women, stay at home mom's, people trianing for races, people doing 30 Day Shred, etc. etc. etc. I wasn't aware that same sex motivational threads aren't allowed on MFP, and it that's the case, I think THAT is a slap in the face and unfair. The intention of this website is to motivate all people and not to exclude anyone or make anyone feel like an outsider. Just my two cents.

    I wish you luck in your journey.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member

    I completely agree with everything you just said =]
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14
    Just FYI to this group... I am not sure but I think there might be a 20 page limit to a thread.... either that or that is the conscious choice of the pregnancy group on MFP... they always have a new thread after 20 pages... so if there is a limit just a note we might have to create a new one.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member

    I wonder what will happen after 20 pages! ... no, that's not the question ;)

    Q: Do you have any pets? And if yes, let's hear about them! I'm sure there are some fun stories (or even some interesting pets!) out there somewhere!

    A: I grew up with 4 dogs (allergic to cats, and later I found out I was allergic to dogs too ... probably explained my 'seasonal' allergies that never ended!) lol ... So now? ... we (ok, Marceen) has one guppy ... lol ... we used to have fish for a while (even tried saltwater for a few years) ... beautiful, but a lot of maintenance ... so now we're down to one guppy in a one gallon (or close to it anyway) tank! Not much maintenance, best pet I ever had ;)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Q: Do you have any pets?

    We have 3 dogs. Sassy we have had 11 years. She is our outside guard dog, just a mixed breed but the smartest dog we have ever had. She's getting old and I know there is no way we will be able to replace her when she's gone. We have Sammie, he's a Maltese. He's the sweetest little thing and will not bark unless you tease him with something he really wants. We do that every once in a while just to hear him bark...he acts like it's such a chore for him! Then there is Bear, our Lhasa Apso. I should have named him Tigger because he bounces like Tigger. He was abandoned when he was just a puppy during a bad ice storm we had a couple winters ago. When we found him he was so furry and bushy I had no idea what he was, he just looked like a little teddy bear. They are all just like part of the family!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    The thread will "roll" after we fill the full 20 will just start the next one on part 2... no worries, it will even give you links to the old and new ones.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member

    As a person who supports same sex marraige, I would like to personally respond to by saying it is not my intention to slap anyone in the face by responding to a thread that "singles out" married people. There are threads for lots of type of people here....people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, men, women, pregnant women, stay at home mom's, people trianing for races, people doing 30 Day Shred, etc. etc. etc. I wasn't aware that same sex motivational threads aren't allowed on MFP, and it that's the case, I think THAT is a slap in the face and unfair. The intention of this website is to motivate all people and not to exclude anyone or make anyone feel like an outsider. Just my two cents.

    I wish you luck in your journey.

    ditto that^^ Couldn't have said it better myself so I won't...
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Gotta get my reply in before the new thread...!

    We have one cat, but he thinks he is part dog. He plays fetch, he loves socializing with people, he demands a bellyrub everytime we come home or wake up, he likes dogs (after a while). His name is Buster, and although my husband calls him MY cat, he came up with the name. My husband was actually allergic to cats, but after 6 years he could see how much I was missing having one and he said we could "try one out" for a few weeks. Well, when you bring home an adorable little orange fluff ball it's over. Buster is now 14 lbs and 39" long....He is by far the most unique cat I have ever owned or met and several people have said the same thing. Even my husband.... but he'll never admit it to you! I wish I knew how to attach pictures on here. I don't have a photobucket site.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Pets-we have had many over the years, iguana's, snakes, saltwater fish, fresh water fish, hamsters horses, dogs (numerous), cats (also several), my husband..J/K Currently we have one dog, Bogart he's 8 months a big black furry pup. He's supposed to be my sons by Lucy seems to love him the most. He is smart but also has a lot of puppy left and tends to act like a teenage boy, full of energy but no common sense. We also have a kitten Lola-also Lucy's, she's 9 months gray striped. She tolerates a lot of extra snuggling via Lucy but loves to come and snuggle with the grown ups at night when the kids go to bed. Lucy had a blue beta fish for a while but he alas is now gone, she's vying for a red one now..we'll see.