On open letter to my MFP stalker troll.....



  • Dear Stalker-

    You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette and empty profile. Your comment about my blog being about wanting attention couldn't be further from the truth. I am open and honest about my struggles. I post them with the hopes that even if just one girl/woman who is feeling the same way reads it, she will know that she is not alone. Your comments about my children are uncalled for and by now you probably know I've reported you to MFP and blocked you from sending me PM's. I will continue to report you each and every time you comment on one of my blog posts. So please, in true troll fashion, please crawl back under the rock you came out of. Thank You!

    ** For the past few days I've been getting nasty immature PM's and comments left on my blog from this particular MFP troll. I've tried ignoring it to my best ability. But she crossed a line when she left a comment about my children. It was an immature uneducated comment but it was about my kids- not cool! As you read above I've blocked her and reported her- so please don't suggest that.**

    sounds like this girl is a *kitten*, good on you girl for broadcasting this. i love this site because we all support each other its unique in regards to facebook etc. its all positive here!!!

    *kitten*...GUFAW!!! i love it!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Well done on reporting!!

    That sort of thing has no place here, and I would say to anyone reading this, that if you get anything like the original poster did that you follow her lead, and rid this great site of small minded scum.

    Lets keep this site safe for those of us who have come to face our own battles, without having to take on another like this!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member

    Those people make me question the validity of the theory of evolution.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Cheers for standing up for yourself. Some people have nothing else to do but make others feel bad about themselves. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah! What she said!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Well done on reporting!!

    That sort of thing has no place here, and I would say to anyone reading this, that if you get anything like the original poster did that you follow her lead, and rid this great site of small minded scum.

    Lets keep this site safe for those of us who have come to face our own battles, without having to take on another like this!!
    :drinker: <---here's to fighting your own battles and not hiding behind anonymity!
  • Take no notice of what they said, its completely ridiculous to use a site like this to attack others and the lowliest of the low to attack someone's children. Well done for standing up to it and for staying strong! xxxx
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    ok Wendi_S, you got me ... I'll stop ..... oh wait a minute, I am not stalking you, I was stalking Binary_Jester. :tongue:

    Sorry to see someone is that loopy about you.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Dear Stalker-

    You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette and empty profile. Your comment about my blog being about wanting attention couldn't be further from the truth. I am open and honest about my struggles. I post them with the hopes that even if just one girl/woman who is feeling the same way reads it, she will know that she is not alone. Your comments about my children are uncalled for and by now you probably know I've reported you to MFP and blocked you from sending me PM's. I will continue to report you each and every time you comment on one of my blog posts. So please, in true troll fashion, please crawl back under the rock you came out of. Thank You!

    ** For the past few days I've been getting nasty immature PM's and comments left on my blog from this particular MFP troll. I've tried ignoring it to my best ability. But she crossed a line when she left a comment about my children. It was an immature uneducated comment but it was about my kids- not cool! As you read above I've blocked her and reported her- so please don't suggest that.**

    sounds like this girl is a *kitten*, good on you girl for broadcasting this. i love this site because we all support each other its unique in regards to facebook etc. its all positive here!!!

    I love that you called her a *kitten*. Too funny.

    It's ridiculous that you had to deal with some freak messing with you on this site. I guess I was naive to think that EVERYONE on this site had good intentions and was kind and normal.
    Try not to let the actions of one *kitten* distract you from your goal to lose weight and be healthy. All of us have your back!!
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Suggestion: If you know that person's user name, you may wish to consider sending a private email to Albert and Mike Lee. Sorry you've had this unpleasant issue. We're supposed to be helping and supporting one another.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My son and I both have a certain comment that we would use for someone like the troll in a situation like this. It's, "She needs Jesus." :bigsmile:
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    +1 for making her user name public if the harassment continues!!!!!!!

    Sorry this person was so ugly to you.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I hope your stalker sees this and realizes that this community isn't going to tolerate this kind of behavior. Good luck on your journey.
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