30 Day Challenge



  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    ok, I just ordered the 30 day shred!!! I am sure this will need some motivation!! LOL
    :sad: :laugh:

    30 day shred is awesome!!! It works!! It will kick your butt but I noticed a significant change after 10 days of doing it!! BUT I get bored if I do the same things everyday but if you can do the whole 30 days you will be amazed I'm sure.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    AH motivation, thats what I need today, if I didnt have a two year old waking me up at 5 something this morning I think I would of slept all day. So this challenge comes at a good time, to motivate and encourage another I need to be in the right place. So adjusting my attitude and starting the day a little groggy but determined.

    I know what you mean, my three year old always wakes up at 7 and I sooo didn't want to get up this morning. In a way I'm glad I get up early to face the day instead of wasting the day by sleeping, but some days it would be so nice wouldn't it? One days when I feel less than motivated I still exercise and then by the end of it I feel great...put on some happy fun music and rock it out :)
    We got this!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Hi i want to join I am a little late, but My starting weight on Monday was 275, and I would like to be 265 in 30 days.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi ddakota, and welcome to our group. We have lost a few so good to have you join us:) My cousin Jessica and I are doing this 30 day challenge and we are really just getting started anyway. We are making a commitement to at least 30 mins a day of exercise, drinking 8 8 oz glasses of water a day and today our mini challenge is to motivate 3 friends. We post our challenges on the night before so look for one later on tonight for tomorrow. We can do this together:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    40 minutes of leaf raking done, 4 friends invited to MFP, half-way finished with water for the day.

    Sunny, but chilly day here in Seattle. Two dry days in a row is nice for exercise outside! I am looking around my yard and seeing nothing but exercise opportunities.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    thanks for your replys i think ill get myself the shred and see how i go still have a two glasses of water to go. iv got a hydracoach comming has anyone got one? are they any good?
    and again would just like to say (KEEP GOIING EVERYONE) x
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    40 minutes of leaf raking done, 4 friends invited to MFP, half-way finished with water for the day.

    Sunny, but chilly day here in Seattle. Two dry days in a row is nice for exercise outside! I am looking around my yard and seeing nothing but exercise opportunities.
    rock on singer! you are totally kicking butt today!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    AH motivation, thats what I need today, if I didnt have a two year old waking me up at 5 something this morning I think I would of slept all day. So this challenge comes at a good time, to motivate and encourage another I need to be in the right place. So adjusting my attitude and starting the day a little groggy but determined.

    I know what you mean, my three year old always wakes up at 7 and I sooo didn't want to get up this morning. In a way I'm glad I get up early to face the day instead of wasting the day by sleeping, but some days it would be so nice wouldn't it? One days when I feel less than motivated I still exercise and then by the end of it I feel great...put on some happy fun music and rock it out :)
    We got this!

    What's with early rising kids this am!?!? Mine was also up at 5. ugh. she's usually such a good sleeper but she's got this head cold, so all bets are off!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Olivia, hope your little girl feels better fast. You aren't quitting on us are you?? I just got home from work but did manage to get in my exercise (10 hour day at work), drink my water and motivate at least 10 people. Great work everyone? We all need motivation from time to time and what better way then to give motivation:) Just in case someone hasn't motivated you today well I say you all are doing a fantastic job! Anything easy isn't worth doing:) Hang in there!! Just wondering if any of the men were still with us? I know we had a couple but haven't heard of peep out of them! Well getting ready to figure out something quick but healthy for dinner and I'll be back in a bit to post tomorrows challenge.
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone, my kids and I have been sick with the flu all week, so I haven't gotten in much exercise but I sure have been drinking a lot of water! I hope to jump right back in this weekend and see how it goes! Good job to all of you who have been keeping up with the daily challenges!!!!! Can't wait to join you!
  • tatiana_13
    Hi everyone. Looks like everyone's going strong. I'm good with the water today. I decided not to go to the gym because it was 65 degrees, so I walked outside instead (I'm out east, and its suppose to get cold again, so I had to take advantage). About 4.5 miles. It was nice to be outside!

    But, its cloudy and back in the 40s tomorrow, so the gym is back on the agenda. I would also like to make some red lentil soup. I've been lazy with the meals...lots of veggies and scrambled eggs. Which, i do enjoy, but they are getting a little old. So, I'd like to mix it up a bit in the kitchen. So gym + kitchen should make for an exciting day.

    I also sent out some encouragment and motivation to some friends on MFP as well as to some friends at work. My workplace is built around food, food, food. And there are a few of us who are trying to lose a few pounds or just generally not focus so much on eating, so, we try to encourage each other.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Today was a good day. I just finished my 8th glass of water and completed day 5 of the 30 Day Shred. I also made sure to encourage several of my friends here on MFP. I'm feeling really good about myself today. I'm going out tonight with one of my friends, so I might as well ask this: does anyone have any advice on going to bars without negating all the hard work you put into being healthy the entire day? I'm just planning on limiting my intake, but if anyone has any pointers, I'm all ears :).

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi ceejay....well I have some advice but really not sure what you plan on drinking. If you drink beer I would suggest you drink light but I would also sip on a glass of water along with the beer and limit yourself to just a few. If you plan on having hard liquor, I would either use tonic with some lemon or lime or a diet drink as a mixer limiting yourself to just a shot or two because shots can be 100 cal easy. Have your mixer brought too you diluting your drink often. That way you are drinking with the crowd but not totally blowing all your hard work all week long either. Hope this helps and have fun with the girls:)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Glad to hear from everyone that posted tonight. I look forward from hearing from you each night to check on your progress. I'm down on the scale and feeling pretty good!! I ended up cooking some Barilla whole grain spaghetti with sauce and fixed that delicious roasted califlower recipe that Tatiana posted. Yum! I added some garlic to it and it was amazing:):) I didn't eat the garlic bread so ended up with a good meal for just over 400 calories:) Ok hope you all are ready for tomorrows challenge!! Here it is:

    *****************SATURDAYS CHALLENGE***********************
    This challenge is all about getting your metabolism going. First of all if you aren't keeping a food diary , start now. It's hard to keep track of your diet if you don't know what your calories are at the end of the day. Very important!!
    Ok for some you are going to love this if you aren't already doing this----I'm suggesting that you EAT MORE TO BURN MORE!!
    In order to have a good metabolism working, we need to be eating 3 healthy meals a day and 2 snacks. Of course, this did not come from me, all this is proven. I have done this and taught this at Curves and know it works. Below is a list of helpful hints if you are new to this:

    Don't skip breakfast By skipping meals you are actually slowing your metabolism

    Meals should consist of 300-400 calories A good lean 3 oz portion of meat/veg/salad

    Snacks should consist of 200-300 calories
    Good snacks include low fat dairy products (yogurt is great), raw veggies, low fat popcorn, a handful of nuts or seeds, fresh fruit, protein bars, whole wheat crackers, string cheese. These are just a few suggestions.

    This allows you to stay fuller longer and keeps you from being hungry. You will also notice you will eat smaller meals because you aren't as hungry but also keeps your metabolism going all day as it takes calories to burn digested food. Also, high fiber foods stay in your stomach longer and takes longer to digest keeping you fuller longer. So really this is pretty simple and if you haven't tried this.....I think you will be amazed. I have been doing this all week and I feel so much better and am not hungry like I was before. This isn't a hard challenge but is may be a little different than how you are eating now. Try this for one day at least and please give me your feedback on it tomorrow night. If you are already doing this, please let us know your results. This is going to be an awesome 30 days for us:)
  • swtchrypie
    AH motivation, thats what I need today, if I didnt have a two year old waking me up at 5 something this morning I think I would of slept all day. So this challenge comes at a good time, to motivate and encourage another I need to be in the right place. So adjusting my attitude and starting the day a little groggy but determined.

    I know what you mean, my three year old always wakes up at 7 and I sooo didn't want to get up this morning. In a way I'm glad I get up early to face the day instead of wasting the day by sleeping, but some days it would be so nice wouldn't it? One days when I feel less than motivated I still exercise and then by the end of it I feel great...put on some happy fun music and rock it out :)
    We got this!

    What's with early rising kids this am!?!? Mine was also up at 5. ugh. she's usually such a good sleeper but she's got this head cold, so all bets are off!

    Haha, maybe we should throw all our kids in a play room together so they can entertain themselves :) Now I have a third baby to take care my poor husband got his hand stuck in a wrench and split it to the bone. We have to return to the ER tomorrow to get xrays to see if his hand is crushed. AH! So my dream of running with out the kids is still that, a dream. BUT I was able to do todays challenge and get a good work out it plus my 8 billion glasses of water :) I hope everyone has a great friday night and a very full saturday!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    *****************SATURDAYS CHALLENGE***********************
    This challenge is all about getting your metabolism going. First of all if you aren't keeping a food diary , start now. It's hard to keep track of your diet if you don't know what your calories are at the end of the day. Very important!!
    Ok for some you are going to love this if you aren't already doing this----I'm suggesting that you EAT MORE TO BURN MORE!!
    In order to have a good metabolism working, we need to be eating 3 healthy meals a day and 2 snacks. Of course, this did not come from me, all this is proven. I have done this and taught this at Curves and know it works. Below is a list of helpful hints if you are new to this:

    Don't skip breakfast By skipping meals you are actually slowing your metabolism

    Meals should consist of 300-400 calories A good lean 3 oz portion of meat/veg/salad

    Snacks should consist of 200-300 calories
    Good snacks include low fat dairy products (yogurt is great), raw veggies, low fat popcorn, a handful of nuts or seeds, fresh fruit, protein bars, whole wheat crackers, string cheese. These are just a few suggestions.

    This allows you to stay fuller longer and keeps you from being hungry. You will also notice you will eat smaller meals because you aren't as hungry but also keeps your metabolism going all day as it takes calories to burn digested food. Also, high fiber foods stay in your stomach longer and takes longer to digest keeping you fuller longer. So really this is pretty simple and if you haven't tried this.....I think you will be amazed. I have been doing this all week and I feel so much better and am not hungry like I was before. This isn't a hard challenge but is may be a little different than how you are eating now. Try this for one day at least and please give me your feedback on it tomorrow night. If you are already doing this, please let us know your results. This is going to be an awesome 30 days for us:)

    This is a great reminder for me! I always forget about this helpful hint while I focus on other aspects of eating. It does work! Good luck everyone!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    i have fore children all girls, 13, 10, 2, and 0 the two little ones are up 6 am everyday without fail. weekdays its fine because we are all up but weekends its real hard to get up.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    so wiped after 5am wake up call from little one that I didn't check-in last night. Got in my water + (that one is easy for me). So tired I didn't want to work out, but I ate some crap during the day that i needed to burn off in order to have cals to heat even healthy dinner. So after I started, I just couldn't stop. Did 30 minutes jogging around the house, 10 mins kickboxing from a video, 30 mins pilates. And I did a little motivating others via posts in different places on MFP.

    Today's challenge came just in time, as I am planning my week's meals and going to the grocery store today. I had already been planning a couple of things, but this reminder helped me remember to lan for brown rice, couscous, oatmeal, etc are fibers that "stick to your ribs" and my grandma says and give you long steady energy, instead of the highs and lows of simpler carbs.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I feel for you Olivia....it's rough not getting the sleep you need. You might try getting in a little more protein throughout the day. That helps up your energy level big time and gives you more energy for your workouts:) We want to turn our bodies into fat buring machines and with today's challenge, it will help you achieve that. Oh, just read this yesterday,,, did you know that every pound of muscle in our body burns up to 35 calories a day compared to every pound of fat which just burns around 2 calories per day?.. I thought that was interesting!!! That is a huge difference!!! I'm so proud of you all for working hard and it is going to pay off for you. Just hang in there and know that you aren't going through this alone. It took most of us years to put on this extra weight so we just have to be patient, do the work and we WILL see the results!!!:) Hope everyone has a terrific weekend~
  • tatiana_13
    I have to put in a word for eating enough during the day! And planning ahead is also key for not finding yourself in a situation of being hungry and around temptation.

    And if we're recommending stick to your rib snacks...I am in love with greek yogurt. I tried for years to love yogurt. And while I loved it in savory food, I just couldn't get use to it as a sweet snack...it was the tanginess of it. But greek yogurt has no "tang" and I am in love. In love! I can't get enough. I am a fat-o-phile and prefer full fat dairy, but I have heard that the fat free variety is quite tasty and full-bodied as well.