30 Day Challenge



  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Tatiana, I've never heard of greek yogurt but absolutely love yogurt. Does it come in flavors and where can you buy it?
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I have to put in a word for eating enough during the day! And planning ahead is also key for not finding yourself in a situation of being hungry and around temptation.

    And if we're recommending stick to your rib snacks...I am in love with greek yogurt. I tried for years to love yogurt. And while I loved it in savory food, I just couldn't get use to it as a sweet snack...it was the tanginess of it. But greek yogurt has no "tang" and I am in love. In love! I can't get enough. I am a fat-o-phile and prefer full fat dairy, but I have heard that the fat free variety is quite tasty and full-bodied as well.

    Thanks for posting that. I had completely forgot how much I loved greek yogurt. I just added it to my grocery list! :)
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    count me in
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I feel for you Olivia....it's rough not getting the sleep you need. You might try getting in a little more protein throughout the day. That helps up your energy level big time and gives you more energy for your workouts:) We want to turn our bodies into fat buring machines and with today's challenge, it will help you achieve that. Oh, just read this yesterday,,, did you know that every pound of muscle in our body burns up to 35 calories a day compared to every pound of fat which just burns around 2 calories per day?.. I thought that was interesting!!! That is a huge difference!!! I'm so proud of you all for working hard and it is going to pay off for you. Just hang in there and know that you aren't going through this alone. It took most of us years to put on this extra weight so we just have to be patient, do the work and we WILL see the results!!!:) Hope everyone has a terrific weekend~

    I'm a pretty heavy protein gal. I had a hard time regulating if I go too heavy on carbs. Please take a look at my food diary and make recommendations. That's something I really need to help me hone in on good eating for life. (but disregard the cookies and taquito, those were a friday party moment-of-weakness. but the good news is that I avoided also eating cake, soda and chips with queso dip!)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Be glad to check out your food diary Olivia.....and congrats on avoiding the cake and stuff. Temptations are really hard sometimes. I'm at work but will take a look and get back with you soon:)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Be glad to check out your food diary Olivia.....and congrats on avoiding the cake and stuff. Temptations are really hard sometimes. I'm at work but will take a look and get back with you soon:)
    thanks! I just love the motivation you gals are providing here. The strong competitive side in me is fired up and in the best way possible :happy:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Olivia,, I did get to take a look at your diary and have some suggestions although you might not like some of them lol. I would definately cut out the beer and bourbon. They are really high in calories and are taking up a large portion of your calorie count for the day. The occassional glass of red wine isn't too bad though. Your breakfasts and lunches look good but you tend to eat larger dinners. Your snacks look ok too but you need to be taking in more snacks between meals so that you don't eat such a large dinner. Seems also you have a sweet tooth lol. I would recommend protein bars. They have some delicious ones that taste like a candy bar. Just check the label for calorie content. Also fiber one products are great especially the fiber one bar. They really satisfy you and will help with your sweet craving and I would look at upping your protein intake since most days you are low. That will boost your energy a lot!! Hope this helps you and anything else you need just ask and I'll try and help:)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm loving the challenge, eating small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day is crucial so we won't full like we are going without. So many people feel like they have to starve to lose weight, I used to feel like that but over the years I realized that would just cause me to binge and then go back to my old ways. Eating like Angela mentioned is a great way to do this healthy and in moderation eating for a lifetime.

    Oh and I just tried Greek yogurt the other day for the first time, Dannon Greek, and it was really good!!! I got vanilla, strawberry, and blueberry, I haven't tried the blueberry yet but the other two were great!! You should check it out Angela...it'll be in the yogurt section and it'll say Greek on it, there are different brands.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Olivia,, I did get to take a look at your diary and have some suggestions although you might not like some of them lol. I would definately cut out the beer and bourbon. They are really high in calories and are taking up a large portion of your calorie count for the day. The occassional glass of red wine isn't too bad though. Your breakfasts and lunches look good but you tend to eat larger dinners. Your snacks look ok too but you need to be taking in more snacks between meals so that you don't eat such a large dinner. Seems also you have a sweet tooth lol. I would recommend protein bars. They have some delicious ones that taste like a candy bar. Just check the label for calorie content. Also fiber one products are great especially the fiber one bar. They really satisfy you and will help with your sweet craving and I would look at upping your protein intake since most days you are low. That will boost your energy a lot!! Hope this helps you and anything else you need just ask and I'll try and help:)
    Thanks for the tips. The sweet tooth is there, which I've been taming. I find that if I give in to it a little, I'm satisfied (like kashi bars or rice cake with PB and tiny bit of hershey's) but if I try to ignore it completely I end up going overboard another time. I've avoided the protein bars because I had been told by the nutritionist that work in my office, they tend to be loaded with sugar and are almost as unhealthy as candy bars. But I'll look into the ones with high fiber and read labels to make sure I'm making good choices.

    I've cut back on my alcohol intake considerably in the last few weeks. my hubby is a beer brewer, so beer is a big part of our lives. Trying to only have 1 or 2 a week and instead enjoying an evening cocktail or 2 of bourbon and diet or wine. I'm trying to live a moderate lifestyle with regulated treats instead of all of what I want any old time :)

    I've been working out more so that I can consume more calories. Seems to be that my body really wants 1400 to 1600 cals a day, regardless of how much I workout. What are your thoughts on that?

    Thanks for the tips. They are in-line with what I'm working towards and every lil bit of advice helps.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Yesterday was a hard day for me food wise because we went to an auction and the choices were.....greasy pizza, polish sausage, hot dogs, and popcorn...yikes! I got a polish sausage and man oh man, once I logged it I couldn't believe the amount of sodium and fat...but I think that was my "best" option. Then I had a Snickers easter egg, first candy I've had in a months time....I didn't beat myself up about it though, this site keeps me in check and it's ok to have a cheat day sometimes or we would go crazy. I just do NOT want to go back to where I was a month ago and that gives me motivation to keep on and this site does too!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Olivia,, I did get to take a look at your diary and have some suggestions although you might not like some of them lol. I would definately cut out the beer and bourbon. They are really high in calories and are taking up a large portion of your calorie count for the day. The occassional glass of red wine isn't too bad though. Your breakfasts and lunches look good but you tend to eat larger dinners. Your snacks look ok too but you need to be taking in more snacks between meals so that you don't eat such a large dinner. Seems also you have a sweet tooth lol. I would recommend protein bars. They have some delicious ones that taste like a candy bar. Just check the label for calorie content. Also fiber one products are great especially the fiber one bar. They really satisfy you and will help with your sweet craving and I would look at upping your protein intake since most days you are low. That will boost your energy a lot!! Hope this helps you and anything else you need just ask and I'll try and help:)
    Thanks for the tips. The sweet tooth is there, which I've been taming. I find that if I give in to it a little, I'm satisfied (like kashi bars or rice cake with PB and tiny bit of hershey's) but if I try to ignore it completely I end up going overboard another time. I've avoided the protein bars because I had been told by the nutritionist that work in my office, they tend to be loaded with sugar and are almost as unhealthy as candy bars. But I'll look into the ones with high fiber and read labels to make sure I'm making good choices.

    I've cut back on my alcohol intake considerably in the last few weeks. my hubby is a beer brewer, so beer is a big part of our lives. Trying to only have 1 or 2 a week and instead enjoying an evening cocktail or 2 of bourbon and diet or wine. I'm trying to live a moderate lifestyle with regulated treats instead of all of what I want any old time :)

    I've been working out more so that I can consume more calories. Seems to be that my body really wants 1400 to 1600 cals a day, regardless of how much I workout. What are your thoughts on that?

    Thanks for the tips. They are in-line with what I'm working towards and every lil bit of advice helps.

    Ooooh, temptation is definitely there for you if your husband is a beer brewer!!! I like having the occasional drink sometimes too but good thing I hate beer, lol. BUT I love the fruity sweet things. I just keep it out of the house now! The only bad thing around here is the grandparents constantly bringing candy and sweets to my 3 year old. I have tried to stress in a nice way for them not to do it but they aren't getting the picture. They bring him happy meals and candy all the time, it's making it really hard to establish healthy eating habits for him now, all he wants is candy. I've gotten to the point where I do not buy it and anytime they bring the stuff I put in on top of the fridge. It's really getting to me.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Olivia, 1400-1600 calories may be about right for you. I know mine is just a little over 1200 but the younger you are, the more you need for some reason and aren't you breastfeeding too? Gosh , I can't remember if you said you were or not. Also I agree on the protein bars some are loaded with carbs, fat, just have to find a healthy one. The only thing with fiber one is that they make me gasy lol so i only eat those when I'm at home!
  • Hey ladies! Hope you weekends have started well. Sorry I don't post that much on here, but I am definitely keeping up with all the conversations, and trying my hardest on the challenges. Todays is a really good reminder for me because i rarely eat enough on the weekends.

    great job everyone!
  • Greek yogurt...first major brand to hit the US was FAGE. They are still my favorite. But, the distinguishing characteristic is that its strained so its not as watery. And everyone is getting in on the act. So its pretty common. Pretty much every major brand has a "greek" line now! So its pretty easy to find in most grocery stores. And yes, they now come flavored. Although, I always prefer buying plain and flavoring my own. But I'm a control freak, so just ignore me....:wink:

    But the control freak in me is also a fan of making my own "snacks" rather than buying bars. Not only is it cheaper, but its not really that much less convenient. Buy nuts, fruit, cheese, yogurt, and you have your own high protein snacks, without all the fillers and sugar. To cut down on compulsive snacking, I also buy things that don't taste so good on their own, but taste good when mixed with other things. So, I buy raw, unsalted nuts...taste great when mixed with cheese or fruit, but don't lend themselves to mindless snacking. I could eat a whole bag of dry roasted, salted peanuts...raw almonds? not so much. If you have the will power to do dried fruit, try raisins and dried apricots rather than "yummier" dried fruit. Myself, I tend to stay away from dried fruit unless I'm traveling. However, I will say, you all will find your own way. And there has been a lot of progress in packaged foods lateley. Many of the bars have *a lot* less sugar and *a lot* less calories than they use too. And I have been know to eat them in a pinch. So read the labels and use your judgement. We all could use a little help sometimes, and a bar or two can sometimes be really helpful!

    I find heavier snacks that are more satiating (yogurt, nuts, cheese) have really helped me TONS when it comes to hunger, avoiding temptation, and satiety. And even though they can be a little scary when you are counting calories, when you think you should be eating nothing but salads, apples and celery sticks :tongue: , believe me, you don't need to eat tons of them to feel full. An ounce of cheese, as part of a snack, can be incredibly filling.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Olivia, 1400-1600 calories may be about right for you. I know mine is just a little over 1200 but the younger you are, the more you need for some reason and aren't you breastfeeding too? Gosh , I can't remember if you said you were or not. Also I agree on the protein bars some are loaded with carbs, fat, just have to find a healthy one. The only thing with fiber one is that they make me gasy lol so i only eat those when I'm at home!
    no BF anymore, sadly. It was great work weightloss and connection with my lil gal, but my supply dropped off too much when I went back to work.

    thanks for all the advice. I'm excited about hitting the grocery store this afternoon with more ideas/new framework in mind!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I love Greek yogurt! The brand I'm currently using is Zoi, honey flavored. It's so good, I feel like it's an ice cream substitute. No high-fructose corn syrup in it either.

    Along with this attempt to lose the weight I've collected over the last 22 years (post 2nd baby), and 20 lbs over the winter, I'm also working on permanently changing my eating habits to include more whole foods (vegetables, fruits, meats), avoid most processed foods (pastrami stays, though), and get enough proteins and fats to avoid blood sugar spikes. I've managed to eat healthy foods, stay within my calorie goal, ENJOY my meals, and curb unlimited snacking for almost 2 weeks. MFP and this challenge has made all the difference, since usually my "willpower" and good intentions last about 2 days.

    My goal this time is also motivated by retirement in about a year. My plan is to move to where I can have my horse again, and I feel it's unfair to ask Knight (in my profile pic) to pack me around weighing what I do now. Once I can ride regularly, it will be easy to get my exercise doing something I love--cleaning paddocks, grooming, walking around the barn, lifting and carrying things, as well as riding.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Your welcome Olivia:) I'm thinking I need to go shopping for some greek yogurt! Can't wait to try it out. Thanks tatiana for the suggestion:) Let's eat our snacks today!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Also I agree on the protein bars some are loaded with carbs, fat, just have to find a healthy one. The only thing with fiber one is that they make me gasy lol so i only eat those when I'm at home!

    I can't eat Fiber One bars because they upset my stomach too much. Too much fiber, I guess. My protein/snack bar of choice is Larabar. The bars are fairly healthy and only have 3-4 ingredients each, like "dates, pecans, almonds." Those ingredients are for the "Pecan Pie" bar. They're all delicious and I find them perfect for a in between meals snack because they're pretty fillIng. That's my plug for Larabar. Let me know if anyone else likes or tries them.

    As far as Greek yogurt goes, I eat it almost every single day for breakfast. I like Fage 0% fat, and then I add a little honey. I fInd that when I have that as part of my breakfast, I don't get nearly as hungry before lunch. Try it out!!
  • OK so random but really exciting, today i was feeling pretty good about myself so i decided to hit the "I'm going to keep you in the back of my closet because one day I WILL fit back into your again stack-o-jeans". And guess what, they fit! Ohh yes they did I pulled em up with out having to do the jump around dance (no relation to the imagination movers for all you moms) and buttoned em up! They were a little tight BUT they fit! AH! super excited!

    So today I easily did the challege, drank my water, and amped up my workout all because of my beautiful jeans! woowho!
    I hope everyones weekend is going well!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks I will look for it
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