30 Day Challenge



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I don't think Greek yogurt comes in flavors, but most grocery stores carry it
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Just got back from shopping and bought me some blueberry greek yogurt. I"m usually not much on plain but if it's that good, I might like it. I was excited that our Walmart carried it. I buy yogurt all the time and have never noticed it. Thanks for the tip, I'll let you know how I like it! How's everyone doing with the challenge today?
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    OK so random but really exciting, today i was feeling pretty good about myself so i decided to hit the "I'm going to keep you in the back of my closet because one day I WILL fit back into your again stack-o-jeans". And guess what, they fit! Ohh yes they did I pulled em up with out having to do the jump around dance (no relation to the imagination movers for all you moms) and buttoned em up! They were a little tight BUT they fit! AH! super excited!

    So today I easily did the challege, drank my water, and amped up my workout all because of my beautiful jeans! woowho!
    I hope everyones weekend is going well!

    WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome. Such a great feeling! Keep up the great work
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I just made an amazing soup from cooking light that I thought I would share with you all. It was easy and very tasty and super low cal. Hope others can enjoy it as much as I did. Here's the link:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Today was sunny again, but chilly. I took a 20 minute, 1 mile walk doing an errand and raked leaves for 30 minutes. I've been faithfully logging in my food diary since I started and really enjoy using it to plan my meals and snacks. Packing a homemade frozen entree for dinner at work was so easy. Tonight's snack after work is already planned--a glass of milk and 20 almonds. Nearly there on the water--it's getting easier.

    Thanks to all in this challenge--you're really keeping me motivated!

  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Way to go swtchrpie!!! That is an amazing feeling getting back into clothes that were too small!!! WOOHOO~~ Tonight was challenging for me cooking dinner. My son and husband wanted Chicken chimichangas. It's a mexican tortilla filled with chicken fried in oil and smothered in cheese. Well I fixed them that but I didn't eat any. I fixed myself some california chicken salad with celery and grapes in it with plain yogurt in it instead of mayo. I had that on spinach leaves with radishes on the side. Kind of proud of myself for not giving in to temptation.
    Good job to you singer. You are really doing good with the exercise! I forgot who said the water drinking was getting easier but it sure does. Olivia, what kind of soup did you fix? I can't click the link but I probably can copy and paste it. I think our group has dwindled some but those of us that have remained are strong and we can do this. I can't wait until weigh in day on Monday because I'm sure we are all going to see some results:)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    the recipe is from cookinglight.com, it's call chicken and parsnip soup. I only had a little today (had a big brunch, so I just tried it for lunch), I made it to have a ready-to-go low cal meal for lunches this week.

    Splurged today and bought myself a digital bathroom scale. I had a dial one before and had been hating that thing for so long, as it's hard to tell what my weight actually is. Tomorrow's weight will be interesting....

    Didn't really get into the snack challenge today. It was an interesting day for me, not really very hungry all day today. Made sure I ate throughout the day so that I would be starving and trying to catch up tomorrow. Finished the day with a good # of leftover cals. I drank all my water, and then some, and did 20 min 30 day shred workout. Couldn't get ahold of new running shoes today as I had planned, so I tabled any extra exercise until tomorrow when I can hopefully get them. My heels are sore and I don't want to trigger plantar facillitis again (that's a road I never want to go down again!).

    tomorrow is another day and another challenge. I love it!
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, I managed to drink all 8 glasses of water today. Woo hoo! That has always been tough for me. Amazingly, I have already noticed one change. I have been so congested the past few days because I have a sinus infection, but I swear the water helped clear some of it out! On the down side, I have had to go to the bathroom so often that I feel like I did when I was nine months pregnant. LOL! I agree that eating the small snacks throughout the day is really helpful. But, by far the best check for me is writing it all down. My mom brought my kids Reese's Peanut Butter Cups today, which are my weakness. Just knowing I would have to add it to my diary kept me from eating it.

    You guys mentioned breastfeeding... I am still breastfeeding my 7 month old. I am sticking to my calorie goal and eating back my exercise calories, but so far I have been losing a good bit of weight. A pound almost every day. What do you think? Too much too soon?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    lesleed, the extra water WILL help with sinus congestion by giving the secretions enough water to liquify and drain. Re:breastfeeding--check around on the community--I know I read a thread recently about how to log breastfeeding as exercise calories, so you eat them back.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey everybody, great job so far!! And yay for looser jeans! I know I love that feeling. The chicken soup recipe looks to die for, I need to get some groceries tomorrow so that may be in the works for me. Angela, that's awesome that you resisted temptation, it's so dang hard, especially when you're the one who makes all the meals! I made cornish hens for the first time tonight and I'm really pleased they turned out good! It's not been too complicated here fixing the meals, I try to make something we can all eat and if not I fix myself a salad or eat what they do very lightly.

    Tomorrows challenge is an easy one, I'll take it easy on you all since it's Sunday, the day of rest! The challenge is to eat one more fruit or vegetable than you normally would. Since it's important to get those snacks in why not make it a good healthy one? I know I need to turn to fruits and veggies more often than other snacks I chose. So let's get them in!
  • swtchrypie

    You guys mentioned breastfeeding... I am still breastfeeding my 7 month old. I am sticking to my calorie goal and eating back my exercise calories, but so far I have been losing a good bit of weight. A pound almost every day. What do you think? Too much too soon?

    Im still breastfeeding as well I just found the other day that when you log in your food look up breastfeeding and it will add 300 calories to your daily total. I read somewhere (I cant remember where sorry) that when losing weight while breast feeding you have to be careful because if you lose to fast your body emits a toxin that can transfer into your milk supply. I will google it today and find the article. I honestly dont know what too much too fast is. But I will find out where I read it so you can determine for yourself. For me I try not to do more then 2 pounds a week. (which is not hard right now I am losing inches not pounds).

    As for the challenge today. I love it because I eat a lot of dairy and whole wheat but fruits and veggies seem to get over looked. Good luck everyone!!
  • swtchrypie
    OK just found it
    "Losing weight gradually through healthy, low-fat eating and moderate exercise is important. Losing weight too quickly releases toxins (PCBs and pesticides) that are stored in your body fat into the bloodstream, which, in turn, increases the amount in the milk supply."
  • tatiana_13
    ...however, if you're losing a pound a day, that's not fat loss. Most of that pound a day is probably water weight. Which is a good thing to lose...if you're losing, you sure didn't need it. So don't freak out yet that you're poisoning your baby with toxins. Your weight loss will slow down soon.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member

    You guys mentioned breastfeeding... I am still breastfeeding my 7 month old. I am sticking to my calorie goal and eating back my exercise calories, but so far I have been losing a good bit of weight. A pound almost every day. What do you think? Too much too soon?

    Im still breastfeeding as well I just found the other day that when you log in your food look up breastfeeding and it will add 300 calories to your daily total. I read somewhere (I cant remember where sorry) that when losing weight while breast feeding you have to be careful because if you lose to fast your body emits a toxin that can transfer into your milk supply. I will google it today and find the article. I honestly dont know what too much too fast is. But I will find out where I read it so you can determine for yourself. For me I try not to do more then 2 pounds a week. (which is not hard right now I am losing inches not pounds).

    As for the challenge today. I love it because I eat a lot of dairy and whole wheat but fruits and veggies seem to get over looked. Good luck everyone!!

    I learned the hard way that too much too fast is evidenced by a drop in milk supply. If you're dieting and stay-at-home-mom, so you're brining your babe to breast often, you'll probably be ok, and you'll know immediately if a drop is affecting your baby. For me, I was dieting and losing fast as well as working 40-45 hr weeks, so I was pumping. There's something about the hormones/pheramones of your baby that help keep your supply in check, and not having this was the thing that tipped us off the edge. Talk to your dr too, she/he can give you a good idea of how many cals are safe for good balance

    Just keep a close eye and you'll be fine!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Today's challenge is sweet! I'm having an off day, but still logging b/c I don't want to go too crazy. Have a date with hubby which includes a late lunch out. I have already picked my meal: seared ahi tuna salad (by far my fav dish at this place) and someone else had already submitted it to MFP, and it's a little over 400 cals and packed iwth veggies. Not too bad for a meal out! (I will have a beer or 2 though :blushing: )

    I'm not going to ruin the big weigh-in surprise number for tomorrow, but I am happy that I will be posting very good numbers, having taken a sneak-peek with my new scale this morning. Wanting the same, or better, number for tomorrow will motivate me to not go overboard today!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm glad you all like the challenge today...it's more of a continuation from Saturdays challenge about getting those snacks in, so why not make it a healthy one? :) I'm headed to the grocery store today, I went to the website where the soup was and found sone really good ones! I love love mexican food and there were a lot of low cal options!

    I can't wait for the weigh in tomorrow! My number may not be spectacular but I feel great! My fiance said I'm losing weight and he never hardly notices anything so that's good and it's funny because I'll put my hands on my hips sometimes and say WOAH, where did I go there? lol....losing inches is fabulous!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend, get in those fruits and veggies and have an awesome Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I like your challenge today Jessica but we have all worked hard this week and deserve a break from hard challenges. Eating your veggies and fruit is always good:) That's awesome Jessica about your fiance noticing. My husband also is noticing the changes in me. He asked me gosh how much have you lost already? My jeans are getting way loose and have to knotch the belt much tighter to hold them up. That is exciting! The weather here today is spectacular! Have all my windows up and loving the breeze blowing in while I'm cleaning. Have a great day everybody and talk to you all later on tonight:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    30 minutes, 1.5 mile walk in the sunshine. Getting outside when it's nice here in the often-gray Pacific Northwest is going to be one of my goals this year. Enjoy your Sunday--I'm off to work.

  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good evening:) I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and hopefully everyone had some great weather. It has been so nice here today with a high of 72. Hard to believe it is only February! I grilled out tonight and we are celebrating our son's 17th birthday today so busy busy day. I'm posting earlier than usual because expecting more company anytime. Don't forget tomorrow is weigh in day so don't forget to post your weight loss:)

    *******Monday's Challenge*********

    This one is fairly simple. It's goal setting. Have you wrote down your 30 day goal? 60 days? What do you want to accomplish? Well if you haven't, it's time to start because if you don't have a destination in mind, how are you going to get there? I have mine in a tablet but also on the fridge. Write down how many pounds, inches, clothes sizes, etc that you want to achieve, how long it is going to take you and what you are going to do different to accomplish this. If you don't hit your goal, you can always set a new one but it gives you something to strive for putting a time period on it. I have on my refrigerator a big note that says "TIme to lose weight, no excuses" and a list of things to do daily such as drink my 8 glasses of water and exercise for at least 30 mins. Put it somewhere you can see it everyday on the fridge and/or your bathroom mirror. If sweets is your weakness, (mine is carbs), put on fridge "no sweets" as a reminder. This is a great strategy to losing weight so let's set those goals and post them where we can see them everyday. Good luck everyone and have a great night:)

  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the breastfeeding info everyone. I'm sure it will be helpful. I am not looking forward to weigh in day tomorrow. I was doing great, being careful, and hadn't had any slip ups. But today was a total flop. My father-in-law died today, suddenly. I have always been an emotional eater, and I totally lost it today. I couldn't even write it all down if I wanted to, I'm not sure where I would begin. Aside from that, I have been so sick with the flu, that I haven't gotten to workout since Thursday. I really need some motivation to get going again.