


  • barefoot_nomad
    I will confess that I decided not to log one day last week. The next day, I felt really...good. I was genuinely surprised. It was the first time I felt good about the way I looked in recent memory. I don't really know what to make of it.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    so i stopped dieting because my friends all said i was too skinny. i put it on maintain weight and i had so many caories and carbs left i ate icecream...yes icecream and the worst kind the magical german chocolate cake ice cream with a scoop of mocha cheescake icecream. i have gained 4 lbs but never once gone oer my limit. so this week i am going to be really really good and work it off.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I came home a little tipsy last night and finished off about a 3rd of a box of Panda Liquorice. My tummy has been mad at me all day (although, that could be from the alcohol too I suppose ^_^) ....good thing I don't drink a lot, I make horrible food choices after I've had a few.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I ate way too much Chinese food today and didn't exercise...
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I ate way too much Chinese food today and didn't exercise...

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Chinese food. It is my weakness.
  • princess4mimi
    I hate when my husband travels - I eat and eat and eat.

    But, I avoided the Outback Steak House fries that I wanted and got a salad wrap with easy dressing instead.

    I decided not to go grocery shopping - just to avoid having lots of food in the house to eat.

    My confession - I'm a sad eater. I overeat when I am sad. It's just one of those days. I'm going to get out of this house and put my energy into the beauty in life.

    I feel like i want to eat when im sad too...and when im bored

    I have no appetite when I'm sad, but when I'm bored I just seem to keep finding things to chew or nibble on...not usually the best choices first of all because I'm not eating for hunger or need.....