Anyone have/like piercings?



  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I have both ears pierced twice in the lobe and my tongue pierced. I had my naval done until my body decided to send me a red flag that I have allergies and a dr had to remove the cyst that grew from the inside out. However my tongue and ears arent bothered by my allergy. Its weird I know. I also have 2 tattoos one on my left ankle and the other on my right calf. Will be adding 2 more, 1 after I meet my weight loss goal and the other hopefully soon when I can afford it. I am going to get a phoenix on my right ribs to signify my weight loss journey and how I have risen from the ashes to be a new me. The other is a momma tiger carrying her tiger cub for me and my son on my left calf. I am very much a tattoo person though some piercings are nice. My tongue piercing didnt hurt and believe it or not it stopped me from obsessively biting my nails lol. Its kind of screwy that way. But I would love to get as many tattoos as I could possibly afford but with my husband the only one working it makes funds a little low. Need to start hiding $50 a week or something so I can get my tattoos :) Good Luck to you but yeah dont overdue piercings it makes you want to grab pliers and rip them out of peoples faces. (just kidding)
  • metajess
    i used to have tons, now i just have/get tattoos
  • Belle_Fille
    I have several piercings. my ears are the only visible ones unless i went around flaunting the others!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I had industrial, tongue, and "bottom girl parts" as someone said lol. I very recently took my tongue ring out after 8 years. The ball was stripped and the only backup I could find was metal. It did nothing but annoy me and I was kind of over it at that point, but I loved it while I had it! The other two still remain. The industrial definitely hurt the most and took the longest to heal. It was over a year before I could sleep on that side again!!

    I have one tattoo that I got when I was 18, but I'm thinking about another. I want to get one on the back of my neck, I think.
  • romstein
    ears, tongue, nips and my frenum all pierced
    tats on my boobies and one on my forearm ( have a backpiece of my family crest planned just waiting for my tax return)
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I have 6 piercings total. 2 are my ears and one is my left nostril. I have my ear cartilage pierced as well (but I don't count those in my number of piercings since I never wear jewelry in them) on both sides.
  • YogiGirlLucy
    I'm pretty tame, 2 in each ear and my belly button. Didn't get my belly peirced until I was about 36, and I love it!!! I'll never take it out, except to put a new one in. Accidently left it out for two days once after 6 years in and could't get it back in again, so I had to go back to the piercer and have her do it. Lesson learned -- don't leave it out too long!

    Eyebrow looks cool. I thought about my nose, but I'm concerned about it getting infected up there with the boogies -- lol ;)

    Would never get my privates or toungue peirced because, well, ouch. I think it's awesome for others who like it though.

  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    Just my ears, I'm more of a tattoo person myself- i have 5 and I'd love more when I've lost the weight!
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member

    Eyebrow looks cool. I thought about my nose, but I'm concerned about it getting infected up there with the boogies -- lol ;)

    I love my nostril piercing and have had it for 8 years :) Never got infected though. As long as you keep it clean and blow your nose regularly there should never be a problem. The funniest part of having it was dipping my nose in a shot glass full of sea salt to clean it when I first had it...many disasters! lol
  • irasonrisita
    Nose, Ears, Bellybutton

    I got my nipple pierced last year, but I took it out because my nipple would be enlarged forever. But now it's back to normal lmao.
  • closermotion
    closermotion Posts: 65 Member
    I have 2 piercings in each earlobe. the upper set i currently have gauged to 4s. might go bigger, but content right now as is. i had my septum pierced for a year, but my retainer fell out and i didn't have any extras at the time so it closed up :( i will just have to get that one repierced. i also have a weakness for tattoos and piercings on boys. :)<3 musicians! lol
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have my ears 2 x 2 lobes one top of ear and my nose done, when I lose the weight I would like my belly done.
  • Peyton115
    I have my nose and tongue pierced. I absolutely LOVE my tongue. If anyone is on the fence about it, I say just go do it! It really doesn't hurt (though like some others said, no one ever believes me when I say that!) Plus, no one has to know you have a tongue ring unless you want to show them.
  • Jodie_Wilson9
    I love body art. But for me, since I seem to change my mind frequently or get bored, piercings are safer than tats. I had my tongue pierced. Pierced my navel once myself and then had it professionally done later. Both times it became infected. :( I pierced my outer conchs myself. My eyebrow and nose have been done, but I don't wear them anymore. Still have my ear lobes done. Had my cartilage done once in my right ear.
  • imogeneee
    I have 8 in my ears :)

    6 in lobes, an upper cartilidge and my daith also.

    i love the daith, it's a pretty unusual piercing to get so it makes it that little bit more unique than a rook/others ;)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have 4, ear lobes, left ear cartilage (although haven't worn anything here for ages) and belly button. Really like lip peircings and was considering it for a while but don't think I would actually have it done.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    At different times throughout the last 10 years I've had my bellybutton, nose and tongue pierced, 3 piercings in one ear and one in the other. Now I just wear a pair of studs. Maybe I grew up all of a sudden, I don't know!
  • iheartmemories
    just my nose, a tiny diamond :)
  • joemma
    joemma Posts: 22 Member
    i had my tongue pierced 4 years ago....i had to pull it out becose the bar was causing damage to my teeth...i now have a huge!!!! gap in between my front teeth uper and low..!!
    i wish i never had it done.. :((...
  • itsjustme77
    I have 16 in my ears including my industrial. I think my anti-tragus is my favorite. I know if you get your tongue pierced, it can cause your front teeth to crack.