


  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    @mami: I really need to get out to Yosemite before I leave Cali. Just REALLY dont wanna make the drive from the Sacramento area.
  • nukehiker
    @nukehiker: That profile pic you got there... standing over that drop would prob make me vomit. *shudder*

    LOL @ DJ the drop was only about 50 or so at that spot if I remember correctly.
  • nukehiker
    Would like to go Hike Zion nation park and the Narrows in Utah !! maybe the laurels In PA would be good also since its just a matter of a few hours from where i live.

  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    You folks notice there are some things (landscapes in particular) that you can be the worst photographer in the world and the pics you take are just fantastic just because thing you are taking the pic of is just that gorgeous?

    I'll have to get some Alaska pics up that I took with a Sony Cybershot WAY before I knew anything about photography.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    You folks notice there are some things (landscapes in particular) that you can be the worst photographer in the world and the pics you take are just fantastic just because thing you are taking the pic of is just that gorgeous?

    I'll have to get some Alaska pics up that I took with a Sony Cybershot WAY before I knew anything about photography.

    I still use a Canon digital point and shoot (with a lot of manual options that I take advantage of) since I have yet to convert to digital with my SLR. I think it has a lot to do with getting an "eye" for stuff and how you frame it as well as taking pictures of things that are just way to beautiful to not come out great. Lol.

    I need to get out to Colorado again and the rockies. Love it there and the hiking is awesome as soon as you get used to the altitude. :laugh: Have also wanted to do parts of the AT here, don't think I could ever commit to doing it all in one go but it would be fun to plan a different part of it every year until you'd covered the whole trail. :happy:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Great topic! Hiking is my favorite form of exercise.

    I live right by the Pacific Ocean, and there dozens of state parks near by. I love hiking the Audubon Sequoia and North Pond trails in Pescadero State Preserve (I actually hiked both trails earlier today). I like hiking Candelabra trail, which connects to Butano State Park. There are some fantastic trails that I'm just beginning to explore in the Pescadero Park Complex (there are about four county parks in it, I believe all or most of their trails connect). Heritage Park in Loma Mar is a favorite of mine - it has untouched redwood trees and they're huge! I love Wilbur's Watch in Pescadero, which is right on the ocean and has an amazing view of Pigeon Point Lighthouse the entire hike.

    I'm actually blogging about hiking in my area for a local magazine...

    I love photographing landscapes, plants, buildings, animals, and kids. I would really like to learn how to photograph birds in the wild. So far I just manage to scare them off with my big clumsy footsteps. There's a beautiful Great Blue Heron living in a field near me and he is NOT cool with me coming anywhere near him.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    @fitnesspirateninja: You just need a bigger lens maybe? Or put those ninja skills into action. :wink:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Sadly, I have the gracefulness of a drunken pirate...

    Right now I just have a crappy point and shoot that I got because my nicer point and shoot broke. If I ever get serious about the bird thing, I'll have to invest in a better camera. My mom has a friend who is traveling the world trying to find all the birds on a list, so he would probably be a good person for me to talk to about this.

    My ultimate dream photo would be to get a picture of an owl. Or a hawk - but the owl one would be a night shot which makes it even cooler.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    did someone say 'drunken pirate' ?
    (@fitnesspirateninja - i'm understanding a bit more about how you might be arguing w/ your brother on the topic of birds!! just keep it down in front of the birds!!)

    I'm not specifically a hiker, per se, since I like walking around anytime, anywhere [*] , but I would say my favorite hike was up Mt. Marcy in the Adirondacks.

    I am a hobbyist that shoots w/ a Lumix DMC-ZS3, but should really upgrade to a digital SLR for fully manual control and changeable lenses.
    Otherwise, I have an ancient Canon Powershot S45 and an even more ancient (and therefore analog) NikonFG20!!!

    Recently I've been obsessed w/ shooting moss! I'm always too slow to shoot animals! :laugh: :grumble:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    [*] = I'm more of a pedestrian/wanderer in general. I like hiking, but I also like strolling around in cities.
  • nukehiker
    I need to get me a good starter SLR that won't break the bank account, would like one with a good zoom or one that i can buy a better zoom lense for. any help would be awesome. right now i'm mainly using my iphone and a small hand held digital camera.
  • sking17
    I've backpacked the Narrows in Zion and it was the most amazing hike I've ever done. The Laurel Highlands in PA is a nice one too. They have shelters every 8-12miles that you can rent. Its a linear trail though so make sure you have a ride to get back to your. My buddy and I spent three days hiking south (the trail ends at a bar in Ohio Pyle :) ) and ended up having to rent bikes to ride the 40 miles back to our car the next day. If you plan it right you can pop out of the woods in the summer time at Seven Springs and catch a concert too. Saw BB King on his 80th b-day during that hike, and it we didn't even know he was going to be playing!!

    Favorite place to hike yearround is Gunpowder State Park in MD (where i'm from), lots of birds to photograph.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    Recently I've been obsessed w/ shooting moss! I'm always too slow to shoot animals! :laugh: :grumble:

    I like taking pictures of moss, too!
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    I need to get me a good starter SLR that won't break the bank account, would like one with a good zoom or one that i can buy a better zoom lense for. any help would be awesome. right now i'm mainly using my iphone and a small hand held digital camera.
    Most of the decent entry level dSLR cameras are gonna run ya around $600. Personally I think my Sony a33 is perfect for learning photography since it has a few cheat options on it. If you shop around you can prob get some good deals. Even better if there is a camera store nearby they usually sell decent used gear at pretty good prices.
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    Moss is fun to get pics of! Lots of textures and it doesn't move. lol
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Oooh, gosh, I have some reading to do, re: SonyA33 - translucent mirror technology?! :huh:

    Any recommendations on websites for digital camera research? I've been looking at www.dpreview.com...
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    I think dpreview.com is about the best. One thing I do is go on amazon and look at all the user reviews then decided if I can handle all the complaints about a product.

    Oh... and if you can actually see pics taken with the camera (unedited is best) then you can decide what your preference is on quality of the pics.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    @Loops - are you worried I might hurt the birds' feelings? I will try to be more sensitive.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Well, it's just that those brown birds are sooo sensitive - they can't do tricks, like turn their heads 270 degrees :laugh:
    Plus if they hear you, they'll fly away. :tongue:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I've backpacked the Narrows in Zion and it was the most amazing hike I've ever done. The Laurel Highlands in PA is a nice one too. They have shelters every 8-12miles that you can rent. Its a linear trail though so make sure you have a ride to get back to your. My buddy and I spent three days hiking south (the trail ends at a bar in Ohio Pyle :) ) and ended up having to rent bikes to ride the 40 miles back to our car the next day. If you plan it right you can pop out of the woods in the summer time at Seven Springs and catch a concert too. Saw BB King on his 80th b-day during that hike, and it we didn't even know he was going to be playing!!

    Favorite place to hike yearround is Gunpowder State Park in MD (where i'm from), lots of birds to photograph.

    I've skied at Seven Springs several times and LOVE it. Have thought about going back there soon. Never though about hiking there during the off season though. :happy:
  • DJH3
    DJH3 Posts: 243
    We got lots of hawks and a few owls here. I'll try to take some pics for ya.... (dang... means I need another lens)