Worst doctors visit EVER! In tears



  • Belle_Fille
    I'm a nurse and work frequently with orthopedic patients. Knee and hip replacements are our specialty. I don't know where you live but if its in or near Wisconsin look up Dr Lawrence. He is amazing and would never put you through an awful doctor's visit like the one you experienced. Another suggestion is to look at biking or swimming as workouts, because they are much easier on the knees than running or even walking. Keep your chin up and don't take anything that doctor told you to heart. You can do it!
    i dont think the thought of taking him seriously crossed my mind for even a second. if his advice was "real advice"....id rather be fat. i cant just NOT eat. and quite honestly, id rather be fat and die a few years early, then to die of starvation and be miserable!

    im hoping once we move we can get a gym membership at the YMCA. as of now, i dont have a bike of any kind, or a pool, and i dont think my bathtub is big enough! ;-) but ill stick to cardio, and upper body strength for now. my thighs need to lose weight and be toned, but there are a few things i can do for them, that dont hurt my knees! (leg lifts for example- anything that doesnt require a lot of bending with weight on them)
    maybe after i lose the weight my knees will be able to tolerate more. :-)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    That's terrible, and you should file a complaint with the state. Also, look at your insurance records and specifically how he codes and bills for this visit. It sounds like he did not do any type of decent exam, but I'm sure he is going to bill for a level of visit that MUST include a physical exam. You can notify and complain to the insurance and ding him for fraud. Hit him where it counts... $$$. Sorry you had this bad experience.. we aren't all like that. =)

    Haha that is a GREAT idea! :)
  • dylynn
    I have problems with my knees ( and knock kneed too) and see a rhuematologist (sp) for fibromyalgia.........been using a treadmill for past two weeks at a fast walk for 30 minutes. Seems to help me and no problems with knees. My specialist told me to try water aroebics if available easier on joints and saves from damaging and tearing any muscles or joints.
    I work at a hospital and if any doctor would have treated a patient like you were treated I can say that the nurse themselves would have reported that quack!!!! No way should he be able to practice ANYWHERE and talk to a patient like that. Report his *ss!!!! You did a great job standing up for yourself, but who says the next patient he sees will?
    Keep up the good work and remember.............in no way should anyone be treated with that kind of disrespect! God Bless
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    still in shock from reading this - all I can say right now is make an official complaint!!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    His bedside manner was atrocious. I think what he was meaning to say or should have said is that you are tying to work out too hard and need to go easy on the exercise not only because of your weight but also because of your knees. The problem lies in him being as rude as he was and telling you only one meal a day. Everyone should know that is NOT healthy at all. What a dumb *kitten*. I would just take walks and maybe do some stuff in the gym that deals more with your upper body ( arms, stomach, back) This will help build muscle and this will help you to burn more calories all day long. Have you tried wearing those wraps on your knees when walking or working out. I don't know if this would help at all but might be worth it. I am referring to the ones that lots of athletes wear when they have had knee surgeries. You can get them at just about any drug store. or even walmart in the pharmacy dept. Keep eating like you are and eat you allotted calories and you will get that weight down so that leg exercises will get easier for you. I wish you all the luck in Busting this guys balls to the wall.