5 Day Challenge - Starting Monday (2/21)



  • carollane
    carollane Posts: 39 Member
    I would love to try this challenge!! I have did the treadmill for 20mins and weight exercises for 10mins today. I hope increase the times with this challenge!!:heart:
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    I got in 30 minutes of circuit training this morning before work. Not as much as I would have liked, but a better start this week than last!
  • Floricienta
    I hit the gym in the afternoon:
    10 min elliptical trainer
    5ish min of strength training
    20 min stationary bike
    15 min on the treadmill brisky walk

    DAY 1 DONE! yay
  • blv13
    blv13 Posts: 6
    YES! Exactly what I need. I did 25 min on treadmill and 10 min on stationary bike. It was easy today, I was off. What's hard is getting up at 4:30 am to get in 30 min-45 min befre getting ready fr wrk and leaving @ 6:30. Thanks fr the challenge!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Verrry nice, everyone! To the poster who did the treadmill, snow shoveling, and P90X, you may be our winner for the day!!!! (Not that there was a competition to start with, but that is mighty impressive.)

    Also, to the person who commented that it's a better start than last week - I agree. It all adds up. Great job!
  • dlynn08
    I did Wk 3 D1 of the Couch to 5k running program. I was going to do elliptical after...but some other guy was in my tiny apartment gym and I didn't think he'd want to watch The Bachelor with me. :)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks. I usually work out 5 days a week but since I'm off this week I'm stepping it up. Healthier eating also started today. Let's see what I can do tomorrow... Good job everyone.
  • StShellie
    Okay, for Monday's Workout, I did my "Easy Walk/Jog 2" on my treadmill using the cool Runner app!! You can set up your own workouts using your own music on your itouch. So this one I created doing 2 minutes walking then 2 minutes of jogging, all for a total of 40 minutes with warm up and cool down. BUT it was not so easy!!! TOUGH!!! Maybe I need to go back to the "Easy Walk/Jog 1"!! He-He!

    Then after that, did some upper body with weights.

    My problem is that I really don't know how many calories I burned!
  • mamacath
    I did 60 minutes of Zumba .. 691 calories burned :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Okay, for Monday's Workout, I did my "Easy Walk/Jog 2" on my treadmill using the cool Runner app!! You can set up your own workouts using your own music on your itouch. So this one I created doing 2 minutes walking then 2 minutes of jogging, all for a total of 40 minutes with warm up and cool down. BUT it was not so easy!!! TOUGH!!! Maybe I need to go back to the "Easy Walk/Jog 1"!! He-He!

    Then after that, did some upper body with weights.

    My problem is that I really don't know how many calories I burned!

    I'll have to look for that app. :) I love running with my itouch! Sounds like a great workout.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    How about for tomorrow (Tuesday), in addition to posting your workout, either find someone who has said they're in (but hasn't posted anything yet) and send them an encouraging personal message .. OR... share one of your favorite motivational quotes.

    If you go for the "nudge a buddy" option, just note in your post who you encouraged. :) That will keep us from all picking on the same person, and might shame (ahem, I mean, spur) the lurkers into action! :wink:

    All in good fun.:laugh:

    Great job today people. :flowerforyou: I'm tired (but in a good way) just reading about all we've done.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    15 minutes Leslie Sansone's 1 mile jog
    20 minutes JM 30 Day Shred Level 2

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New International Version, ©2010)
    19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Monday I did JM's Cardo Kickboxing 30 minutes and walked for 20 minutes. Total 50 minutes.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Monday I did JM's Cardo Kickboxing 30 minutes and walked for 20 minutes. Total 50 minutes.

    Love JM's cardio kickbox!! Thanks for reminding me of that workout - I sort of forgot about it. Maybe I'll do that today. :)

    Do you have a quote to share or want to encourage some other peeps on the thread? (See above).

    Great job!
    I WILL DO IT !
  • Livie_Marie
    Count me in! It looks like everyone is off to a good start, so here was my Monday!

    Walking @ moderate pace for 20 minutes (my dogs had many a tangled leash debaucle, like they forgot how to walk!)
    Zumba beginning level class for 20 minutes on PS3

    Total Calories burned - 415

    The five day challenge is a good idea. I've made it a pledge to walk my dogs six out of the seven days (working up to the full seven) and start working out Monday-Friday on top of that. I had been M,W, F before. Woo! Here goes Tuesday and Thursday :)
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    My goal for this week is to walk a total of 10 miles.

    Mon(2/21) Walk 2 miles
    Tue (2/22) Walk 2 miles
    Wed (2/23) Walk 2 miles
    Thur (2/24) Walk 2 miles
    Fri (2/25) Walk 2 miles

    *Awesome idea! Great to have something to strive for collectively*
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Oops! didn't do any workouts Monday, but Tuesday is a little better
    Cardio: 30 min - Leslie Sansone's 2 mile walk - video
    Strength training: 20 min - Desiree Bartlett's Balance & Body Sculpt - video

    I can't feel my arms, but I'm happy that I did it!:love:
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Tuesday February 22
    178 cal
    Jari Love Video 40 minutes
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thank goodness for this thread. I stupidly ate Burger King (for breakfast!!!) this morning and have no desire to exercise. (Eating that crap makes a person feel like crap!) BUT, I'm not letting that stop me. My mind/will/desire is stronger than this chemical/grease induced state of lethargy and apathy. BK crap, you don't own me!!!!

    I changed into workout clothes, I'm drinking water and ready to get my zumba on. Will report back!