5 Day Challenge - Starting Monday (2/21)



  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I did JM's No More Trouble Zones this morning. :smile:
  • Livie_Marie
    Tuesday: Walking - 35 minutes
    Strength training DVD (core drills, weights, legs) - 30 mins

    Wednesday (today): Walking: Wii fit (stretching, low) 10 mins
    Walking: 30 mins
    Zumba: 25 mins
  • blv13
    blv13 Posts: 6
    Today, 30 min on stationary bike. My knee is hurting. Strength training tmorrow.
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member

    15 minutes of swift walking and about 2 hours of bowling! Different kind of "workout" but definitely fun!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Elliptical Trainer
    45 minutes
    586 cal
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm loving this challenge!

    Monday: 40 minutes on the elliptical trainer
    Tuesday: 25 minutes of weight training, 20 minutes on the elliptical
    Wednesday: 45 minutes of weight training
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I am in.

    Monday I did 45mins on the elliptical
    Tuesday I did 30 mins on the elliptical
    Wednesday I did 60mins on the elliptical
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    Wednesday - Same old hospital run, walked to work (7 minutes one way) and back.
    Today...possibility of a work out. Walking the 3 miles to and from work for sure.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :) Sorry I failed to post yesterday (Wednesday). it was a walk day, today, running on the treadmill?
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    Today I took a 30min walk in the snow and then played at the playground in the snow with my son.

    Also will have two rounds of 30 mins on the elliptical so 60mins total on the elliptical
  • purplespeckle
    I forgot to report. But all week I've done tae bo and walked on the treadmill. :)
  • crazyquilter36
    Day 4 Thursday- 40 min on gazelle =)
  • carollane
    carollane Posts: 39 Member
    Thursday 30 min on treadmill:flowerforyou:
  • DivaDLB
    DivaDLB Posts: 85 Member
    Let me know if you do another challenge. I missed two days this week. And I just joined MFP today.
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member

    30 minutes of circuit training
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Thursday: 90 minutes of P90X Yoga (not a fan) and 32 minutes on the elliptical
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    15 minutes of jump rope and im going to try to learn the stpes to a workout video!
  • leigh33ca
    leigh33ca Posts: 102 Member
    Will you be doing this again next week? If so I would be interested in joining.:wink:
    Who's interested in joining a 5 day (Monday-Friday) exercise challenge for the coming week?

    The parameters will be really loose - whatever exercise you choose, for however long you'd like, but the goal is to fit something in daily, from Monday-Friday, and report in here what you've done.

    Let's get movin! ;):flowerforyou:
  • Livie_Marie
    Thursday: 20 mins of Wii Fit in the AM (Yoga, Aerobics, Balance Games. I do it more for stretching and just for the fun of it now ^.~ I also think that even 10 minutes of it in the morning is really good so I'd say if anyone has one, try it every day or every other day for a little and sneak in some extra work out time while having fun)
    30 mins - walking the dogs
    5 mins - getting through a couple of strength drills on my DVD

    I thought maybe adding the Zumba this week drained me by Thursday, but I think I may be coming down with a cold! I couldn't get in my usual strength/calisthenic dvd if I'd wanted to. Now I am in my sweats n' pj's and off to bed. Come hell or hi water I am still walking my dogs tomorrow! (especially as Saturday it might rain quite a bit)
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Forgot to post yesterday. :embarassed:

    Thursday: JM's 30 Day Shred level 2
    Friday: JM's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (that is a tough workout!! -- but at the end I love it!)

    As I told the kids as they left the house for school this morning: Have a Fantastically, Fabulous, Fun-Filled Friday!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: