cant even believe Im going to post this issue



  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    plum juice
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Have you tried cutting out some flours. I've had IBS for a long time and have dealt with the backup before. I started eating healthier and most of my symptoms went away but was still having the "backed up" issues. In the last few weeks I have cut out bread (even my whole wheat bread) and stuck with all whole grains. I have been "emptying out" since. It could be a coincidence. I really don't know. The last time I 'emptied' like this was when I tried a colon cleanse (which I don't recommend to anyone unless you can sit at home the whole time).

    I'm still testing this theory.

    You could try a Phospho-soda. I had to drink that the day before a 'camera check' down below and that emptied me out. But it's really, really salty and hard to get down. Maybe talk with a pharmacist.

    and I've tried prunes before. They made me gassy and bloated and didn't help. And the sugar content was just too high for me to continue to eat them.

    And there are no strangers on MFP! We are all co-supporters!
  • Definitely call your doctor. If you have a bowel obstruction that you don't take care of it can be toxic. You must be so tired and just feel awful! I hope you find relief soon!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    I have had this issue alot since the surgery, moving around your insides can do a number on being regular. I normally would go every 3 days, but not I am not. But Im also not eating the things I use to eat and Im burning up calories so I just didnt know.

    I know I dont have a major issue unless it just happened but I would be doubled over.
    I have a upper and lower GI twice a yr and a colon lookie every yr.. Part of after surgery must do's.
    I just had it all done in the last 6 months.
  • ndhr3d
    ndhr3d Posts: 45 Member
    +1 on coffee, apple juice & cranberry juice. Those are all engine starters for THIS guy!
  • Go and get some Fleet depositories. Use them as directed they should work. Also sounds like you need to eat more fiber. You may want to also try something like activia it will help get you regular and keep you that way.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    thanks everyone.. Im heading to the good ol KROGERS in bit!!
  • i dont know if you want more food, but honey bunches of oats raisin medley... that gets my system running! haha. but yeah i guess apple juice if you don't want food.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    You could try drinking some "slimming" or dieter's tea. Many of them have an herbal laxative type ingredient that will stimulate the bowel. I too struggle with constipation. I eat around 50 g of fiber every day, drink 12 glasses of water, and exercise daily. I can go weeks without anything. A cup of that before bedtime (brewed very strong) invariably does the trick. You want to be careful with that type of thing though, because laxatives can be habit forming. Also your first time, you may not want to brew it too strong as it can cause cramping in some people.

    The one that works for me:

    Triple Leaf Tea (that's the brand) Super Slimming Tea.
  • MiraLax and Fiber One bars...but I wouldn't wait much longer to go to the Doc.
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    Also, you can try 'Senna' Tea - it is a tea laxative. But, you have to drink water!! I sometimes drink that when needed after dinner followed by a bottle of water and ..... by morning, all better!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    prunes dont do it for me but a full glass of prune juice will test how fast i can move! Its a shame because I genuinely like prunes and prune juice!

    I know some problems can occur because of stomach stapling including dehydration which will lead to constipation, make sure you are drinking enough...not just the 8 glasses a day thats recommended for everyone else...up your fluids and once you have it shifted this blockage up your fibre.

    Oh and forget the embarrassment, its just another POO thread...common on diet boards!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I suggest going to see a doctor as well. If Miralax hasn't done the trick... and it's been WEEKS... others that have said you could have an obstruction, etc are correct. Being constipated for THAT LONG is VERY dangerous.
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    If you haven't gone at all for 11 days I would go directly to the doctor.

    Pls notice your body is still adjusting to a a life change (exercises, different food, small portions etc) You just started (or reestarted)
    But what I suspect that is happening is that you're so used to have a full bowel movement (even if each 3 days)that now you're having small ones and think that's not normal or Your body may be trying to hold everything your putting in because it may be in starvation mode.

    Increase the fiber and do not eat too few calories. I've seen your goal is to lose 3lbs a week. That may be too much, specially consistently over a period of a couple of months.

    Another idea is to ease your body into the changes. For example for the first week u can eat 1500 cal/day, second week have 1300 cal/day and third week 1100. Also do not overexercise or if you do don;t forget to eat at least 1/2 of the calories (ideal is 3/4)

    Once you increase the fiber and don;t want to include the calories of juices in you diet, I recommend
    Herbal Tea called Easy Move
    Start with 1/2 cup at night
    If doesn't work for the first night
    go with a full cup next

    Good Luck!
  • fiber will help but call your doctor you could have a blockage. Last thing you need is to go into septic shock
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    ok this took some nerve for me to post b/c I was raised we dont talk about such an issue to strangers unless it is a Dr.
    In which I dont have insurance right now too see my Dr ( due to hubby lay off) which suxs.

    I started my workout and food plan back on 2/9/11.
    I started at 226 pounds.
    *I have had my stomach stapled so I know my digest track is not the same as others*
    I am walking , doing situps , plenty of physical movement, which thus should help to move out excess from the body(#2)

    However, not my case. Since the 9th I have went 1 time and this morning I weighed myself and Im OVER my start weight.
    I cant not put more food into my body , until having a bowel movement.
    I feel horrible but I still do my workout , even though its causing me pain
    I got some miralax yesterday thinking it would help but nothing so far.
    I did not have this issue when I had my surgery in fact, I was eating wayyy less than this, and barely working out well since I was recovering from major surgery and lost 20 pounds in a month.
    However since I am cutting our fatting and high sugar foods I dont get "dumping" .a WLS term, it makes you go really quickly after eating things like that b/c my body cant handle them in there and they just pass thru.

    anyone have a home remedy to help the bowel move?
    I hate putting all those OTC pills in my body , but I will if I have not luck..

    Prunes or prune juice before bed time.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    You can make a "poo pudding" of prune juice, applesauce, ground flax seeds and all bran mixed in a blender and then keep refridgerator. It works, guaranteed. I work with people that have compromised function and this works. I have made it for myself too. Good luck! :smile:
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    **Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, this isn't medical advice. You should speak with your doctor**

    With that being said, my husband suffered what you are going through due to medication he was on. The last ditch effort before surgery was Magnesium Sulfate (it is a drink you can get at your pharmacy for about $2) After 11 days he finally found relief in that, it is worth a shot if nothing else works.

    Just be careful please, bowel blockage is serious business and can kill you if you don't seek medical attention.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Since I started eating better and stuff I don't poo nearly as much as I used to.
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