Sin food - what HAVE you given up?



  • not2late
    not2late Posts: 98 Member
    Given up nothing as I don't understand the concept of sin food. It is all about quantity and content. It is about moderation.
  • I have given up soda/pop, potato chips, Smartfood popcorn, M&Ms, french fries, microwave popcorn, anything that has an unintelligible ingredient list (if it's not real food, it's not going in my body).
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    French fries. I haven't totally given them up, but I can't have more than one or two at a sitting. They do terrible things to me.

    I can't give up my Coke Zero, though. It is probably my worst remaining bad habit.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Nutty Bars and Cheetos. :noway:
  • Hardees bacon egg and cheese biscuits - it's like 530 calories...
  • Absolutely nothing its about moderation!
    Instead of 6 bags of crisps in one sitting maybe 1 every couple of days. If i feel like i cant have something i want it all the more and then ill binge.
    I SO agree! I really haven't given anthing up except that I don't just willy-nilly eat anything thats laying around. I plan and modify now.
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    I have stopped eating fried foods. Boy, do I feel better. I still have the chicken, potatoes, etc. that I loved fried, but now I eat them baked, grilled, broiled, etc. Just as good but much better for me.
  • Starbucks Frapps (caramel full fat) and Wendy's frosty :-)

    and yes I agree with the above posters that it's about moderation, however there are just tooo many calories in both of the above, Wendy's don't have a low fat /sugar free version, but they do have a small frosty cup, just not the same :-(

    I still eat chocolate, pizza, wine, chips, etc etc just in moderation and on special occassions.
  • jlcghs27408
    jlcghs27408 Posts: 37 Member
    I've had absolutely no coffee or espresso for 7 or 8 weeks now. This is a huge personal decision for me. I've cut out bread with wheat, cheese (with a couple of exceptions in the last month or two), and most dairy. I'd love to cut out red meat & it's a goal for me, but I love it and it's very easy to give in to having a couple of bites of steak.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I have given up COFFEE and my daily dose of chocolate. And I dont drink anything but green tea and water! I believe that everything is ok in Moderation! I will eat some chocolate, just not everyday! If I am craving it enough than I will eat it, but the healthier I eat the less my body craves junk food! :happy:
  • chocolate chip cookies ... no wait, had that with an orange for breakfast ... pizza gave that up, I think ... wait, nope I had sugar snap peas on one the other day ... I did give up on finding the knife I used to spread peanut butter on my english muffins ... so I gave up my peanut butter knife ... until I find it ... so for now I gave up peanut butter ... which I MISS !!! ALOT !!! wait, its my birthday ... I can have peanut butter ... I'll try spreading it with a spoon ... no that would be dangerous ... I'll use a fork or chop sticks ...
  • I haven't had an M&M McFlurry since I started on MFP. I also went from having several medium McD's Mocha Frappes a week to a few drinks of my husbands on a sunday morning.

    I gave up my pepsis and root beers for diet pepsis and root beers, but from reading these posts, I may have to give those up, too.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Potato chips and buffalo wings because those are two things that I can NOT eat in moderation. Everything else like cookies, I can have just one and move on.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Diet Coke and McDonald's french fries. Pretty much everything else I can eat in moderation, but these are two foods I can't handle. They turn me into a madwoman.
  • hollyd1986
    hollyd1986 Posts: 39 Member
    Absolutely nothing its about moderation!
    Instead of 6 bags of crisps in one sitting maybe 1 every couple of days. If i feel like i cant have something i want it all the more and then ill binge.


    Although I have stopped drinking 2/3 cans of full fat coke a week and stopped buying HUGE bags of flumps and stuffing them all in one sitting, also not having a whole bag (125g) of sweets from the sweet box at work 2/3 times a week!!

    BUT I still have sweets, just in moderation, I have a mcdonalds once, maybe twice a week (usually at weekends) and I have still lost 12lbs in 7 weeks! :-) Its all about moderation, and dont have to cut out anything, just cut back!!

    Have half a pizza instead of a whole one
    Have 2 slices of bread instead of 4
    Skimmed milk instead of semi or full fat
    Weigh your foods out, only eat foods you can calorie count on!!
    DONT starve yourself and always have 3 meals!!

    The only thing I have found hard at times is the exercise bike, that can get difficult on days when im low on energy but have only been like that a handful of days out of the 50odd since I started!!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I've stopped having soda, that's probably the only thing i've given up completely.

    For Lent though I'm going to try giving up cheese, which very well may kill me, but we'll see
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I gave up soda because I hate how it makes me feel. I also gave up processed sugars per doctor's orders. I find alternatives when I want something fizzy I go with sparkling water. When I want sugar/carbs I go with fresh fruit or granola. I refused to give up what I liked about the foods I don't eat anymore, just found healthy alternatives.
  • JaredTheGeek
    JaredTheGeek Posts: 26 Member
    I have dumped all fast foods, pasta, bread and basically all junk food. I cook every meal I eat except for my designated cheat day.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Not banned anything, but since I started I have only had alcohol on 2 occasions, eat very little bread now, only have boiled or jacket potatoes, meat free sausages instead of the real thing. Hardly ever use butter, my olive oil bottle is at the same level as at Xmas..ah yes given up mayonnaise..but I do eat a little salad cream instead.
    Try to have light chocolate drinks instead of chocolate itself.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Oh man...I have given up a whole lot in the last 3 months.
    I have given up all grains no matter what form they comes in: Bread, cereal, oats, cookies, crackers, pasta, flour etc..
    I have given up table sugar(white) artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols
    I have given up all processed foods
    No store bought fruit juices (high in sugar and other crap)

    I now consume:
    fresh wholesome veggies like: Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, caulifloer, spinach, asparagus, sweet potatoes
    fresh fruits (the least amount of sugar is bessed) Grapefruit, mixed berries, strawberries, pineapple
    lean beef (prefer grassfed beef/grazing) and Organic non-homogenized full fat milk.
    free range poultry and their eggs (egglands best or organic)
    uncured, nitrate free pork
    fish high in omega 3 (prefer wild caught instead of farmed): Salmon, Mackarel, Halibut, Tuna, Cod, Pollack
    Nuts (no soy, no peanuts, no cashews)

    There are better way to make your own "grain type" foods without the use of grains...they are gluten free as well
    if interested let me know :-)
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