Angry! Your messing up the food database!!



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I so agree!! I used Loseit! before MFP and their database management was MUCH better. When you do a search you can search 'my foods' that was a list of foods you had used in the past. There is a broken version of that in MFP, we should be building our own customized food database as we enter foods. I only want to see results from the whole database when I am searching for a new item.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Ya'll do realize that food is entered into the system from all over the world, right?

    The same food will have different nutrient counts in those different countries.

    In companies change recipes from time to time...therefor the need for more new DB entries.

    Get off your high horse and deal with it!

    It's not a high horse, it's called frustration. Oh wait my bad. I forgot you don't get upset about anything or have a problem with anything.

    Just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean I am wrong for having it bother me, so you get off your high horse, please.

    It wasn't directed at just you, FYI. But everyone responding to the thread needs to know that not all of the entries are 'wrong' because they are not what you have directly in front of you on your packaging. Items vary from region to region, state to state, country to country. It's simple.
  • omgitsgarry
    I agree with this! I was trying to figure out how many shrimp is 4 ounces (I quick add everything, because the database and me don't get along to begin with) and found shrimp with either two low a calorie content (150 calories for fried shrimp? Give me a break, I didn't just become obese yesterday) or way to high (but that could just be a really fatty brand). I FINALLY found what I was looking for, but I could have found it so much faster if I didn't have to hunt for it through so many bogus entry's.
  • chazsucks
    wow thanks for this post - Im still quite new and I didnt know that people were putting down wrong info!

    I did notice the other day somethng came up as 10 calories when really it should of being over 100 calories but thought it was just a typing error - shame on all those confusng us new folk!!

    Thanks for the heads up!!
    Same :( I get really confused...
  • toloseme
    toloseme Posts: 40 Member
    Don't forget too that sometimes the label is inaccurate - for example, Hamburger Helper nutrition info is given using ground beef and whole milk. Those of us who use ground turkey/chicken/pork/veggie crumbles and skim milk, soy/almond/rice milk, may be adding our versions of the foods to the database because the package calories, fat, etc are wrong. If you don't like it, don't correct it, just dont' use it. You do NOT know why it has been listed that way. You could be correcting something that IS correct based on how the food was prepared!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I feel your pain. But, I know that its probably not on purpose that there are so many different entries. My personal idea would be to have a "favorites" list of foods that I've searched for, confirmed, and can add to my own personal database. That way I don't have to search through tons, I can search through just my favorites, which could be edited at anytime, and added/deleted from my favorites list. YEAH????!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Here's some of my observations as to why there are so many entries:

    1) Nutritional information on the back of the box differs a lot depending on what country you are purchasing. It must have to do with their food regulations or something. But, I grew up near Canada, and the serving sizes and calorie count was different on a Canadian box of Corn Flakes than an American box. I've noticed some of these differences in the database. Have you ever seen a "Canadian version" listed behind an entry in the database or "UK version"? Some sweet little Canadian has a different nutrition label than we do and rather than flip through 15 "American" listings they created their own. Its an international site.

    2) Some companies change their ingredients in the food. For example: Skippy Natural Peanut Butter recently changed some of the ingredients in their Skippy Natural Chunky peanut butter and it altered the calorie/fat/protein/sugar count in the product. OR some companies will change their serving size. From 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon.'t even get me started on restaurants! I swear everytime I walk into Chilis or Applebees or something they've got something new on their menu!! Or, they've changed something! Can't even order a "regular" order anymore!! hahahaha What happened to the triple thick, double cheese, extra mayo, no lettuce, fried onion burger I used to get??? Haha...just kiddin'! (Gotta lighten the mood...right?!)

    3) Some brands have multiple types of a similar product. Sometimes we may find something similar in the database and think its the one we're looking for...but its not. Popcorn is an example I've seen where I didn't look precisely on the box I was using to compare. :huh:

    4) Maybe I'm the only one who's ever noticed that some companies confuse the heck out of us when they put their nutrtional labels on their product. For example: Sara Lee bread says "70 calories" per SLICE of bread. But, for 2 slices, its "150". Now I'm not mathematician...but that math doesn't make any sense!! I want to give their label- person a Jeff Foxworthy "Here's your sign"!! :noway:

    Anyways...those are just some insights as to why some of the information may be incorrect in the database. I know what you mean can be a pain to flip through each entry to find one that matches what you used. Which is why I would LOVE to have my own food database :love: that I can save my more popular foods in a "Favorites" list. I eat more foods than the top 25 it saves for me. I eat a lot. food...yummmm..
  • mopw
    mopw Posts: 1
    I am fairly new to this sight so I didn't even realize this was going on.

    Thanks for the heads up. I will now be diligent in watching for them.
  • serenityseeker78
    Where's the LIKE button?



    That's great! Double like...;)

    I am new to I normally don't have the food packages or labels next to me. I assumed that the program does it for you, so thanks for the info I will look from now on. I do however add my own recipes, just to save for me. Even if I add a recipe I still have to look through a drop down for the "ingredient" so I guess I will have to look and "edit" so I will have to figure that part out.
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    i just fixed 4 things today! one thing the calories were WAY to high and the sodium was extremely low!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I feel your pain. But, I know that its probably not on purpose that there are so many different entries. My personal idea would be to have a "favorites" list of foods that I've searched for, confirmed, and can add to my own personal database. That way I don't have to search through tons, I can search through just my favorites, which could be edited at anytime, and added/deleted from my favorites list. YEAH????!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Here's some of my observations as to why there are so many entries:

    1) Nutritional information on the back of the box differs a lot depending on what country you are purchasing. It must have to do with their food regulations or something. But, I grew up near Canada, and the serving sizes and calorie count was different on a Canadian box of Corn Flakes than an American box. I've noticed some of these differences in the database. Have you ever seen a "Canadian version" listed behind an entry in the database or "UK version"? Some sweet little Canadian has a different nutrition label than we do and rather than flip through 15 "American" listings they created their own. Its an international site.

    2) Some companies change their ingredients in the food. For example: Skippy Natural Peanut Butter recently changed some of the ingredients in their Skippy Natural Chunky peanut butter and it altered the calorie/fat/protein/sugar count in the product. OR some companies will change their serving size. From 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon.'t even get me started on restaurants! I swear everytime I walk into Chilis or Applebees or something they've got something new on their menu!! Or, they've changed something! Can't even order a "regular" order anymore!! hahahaha What happened to the triple thick, double cheese, extra mayo, no lettuce, fried onion burger I used to get??? Haha...just kiddin'! (Gotta lighten the mood...right?!)

    3) Some brands have multiple types of a similar product. Sometimes we may find something similar in the database and think its the one we're looking for...but its not. Popcorn is an example I've seen where I didn't look precisely on the box I was using to compare. :huh:

    4) Maybe I'm the only one who's ever noticed that some companies confuse the heck out of us when they put their nutrtional labels on their product. For example: Sara Lee bread says "70 calories" per SLICE of bread. But, for 2 slices, its "150". Now I'm not mathematician...but that math doesn't make any sense!! I want to give their label- person a Jeff Foxworthy "Here's your sign"!! :noway:

    Anyways...those are just some insights as to why some of the information may be incorrect in the database. I know what you mean can be a pain to flip through each entry to find one that matches what you used. Which is why I would LOVE to have my own food database :love: that I can save my more popular foods in a "Favorites" list. I eat more foods than the top 25 it saves for me. I eat a lot. food...yummmm..

    Oh thank said what I was trying to say and didn't come off as an uber B*tch.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    agree i know little to none about nutritional value in foods. if i have a label and what i search doesnt compare i just quick add the calories. and if i have no clue how many calories, since there are so many that say the same thing but different calories i just click whichever says the most calories.... only because like i said im ignorant on what the truth is and id rather not over eat my calories.

    But in doing that you're missing out on other important information such as sodium, sugar, proten,'s not only about calories.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    ok everyone is going to hate me for this but i am new but smart enough to read a label so instead of saying it might be new people food does very depending on brand amount all different things that is probably why so take it for what u want but if u do not like the way it is put in put in yourself
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    The site administrator has entered all basic food items - and they are entered correctly, and with all the nutrients and varying measurement choices. For instance, I prefer to use grams instead of ounces, and I track Potassium. Most people are entering their foods with ounces or cups and no one enters Potassium.

    I am the same weigh, I weigh (and enter in info) in grams. And It drives me crazy when people don't enter in ALL of the info. There's more than just calories, people!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    If I can't find an item with nutritional value that matches the label in front of me, I always add it as a new item with (Canada) in brackets. I have yet to click on an item that has said (Canada - or any variation) be wrong so far - so I really do think it's a combination of regional / portion ....

    There are times when there are just so many entries for one item, I just add the item and not share it with the database so I know at least I have the write values without clogging up the database...

    and just to reiterate what has been mentioned earlier - not all countries have the same nutritional elements on them (no potassium on Canadian labels...)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Ya'll do realize that food is entered into the system from all over the world, right?

    The same food will have different nutrient counts in those different countries.

    In companies change recipes from time to time...therefor the need for more new DB entries.

    Get off your high horse and deal with it!

    A little harsh. no?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Ya'll do realize that food is entered into the system from all over the world, right?

    The same food will have different nutrient counts in those different countries.

    In companies change recipes from time to time...therefor the need for more new DB entries.

    Get off your high horse and deal with it!

    A little harsh. no?

    Maybe...but this is the umpteenth time I've responed to a thread like this. It just grates my nerves that people don't always think through the process that it's not just as simple as one entry being needed.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    ok everyone is going to hate me for this but i am new but smart enough to read a label so instead of saying it might be new people food does very depending on brand amount all different things that is probably why so take it for what u want but if u do not like the way it is put in put in yourself

    I dont hate you and most sensible people wont either :) I sit like you with the package then you KNOW that its right for the food you are eating :)
  • cat364
    cat364 Posts: 14
    As much as I agree with you, if the food product is not in the database I shall continue to add it as per the details on the packet/jar etc. I am sure you will agree that I have the right to ensure that I am eating the correct amount of calories, however as it frustrates the pants out of me too, I also amend figures!!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Be careful though, I've noticed lots of food that's different in Canada than it is in the US...there should be some sort of management system...that's why I always confirm the entry if I find a good one.

    Ditto for the UK
    Portions are also different.
    Sticks in one country with no weight added or sachet in another with grammes on them.
    we either need everything in grams so you add the weight or we need country specific versions.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    If I am using something for the first time I always keep the nutrition label, in the UK labels are strictly controlled and have amounts per 100g and also per pack/serving/slice etc. I get annoyed when I see that people have entered something wrongly, often it is a simple mistake, like entering the amount PER SERVING as the WHOLE amount, and I know that the law in the US allows manufacturers to not put calorie content on labels if it is below a certain amount per SERVING, hence a can of diet coke being TWO servings...seriously!! In the UK a can has 4 calories, because of this law in the US people on here are thinking that things have less calories/no calories when they do. I always look on the labels or go to the manufacturers UK site for my information.