Small rant. Warning! Uncensored swear words. Lots.



  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    I love water and drink **** loads of it every day, but seriously, if I feel like a coke, I have one! Yes it is important to be healthy, but the minute it becomes a huge chore we will all start to give in. Now go and listen to that coke whisper that it loves you when you open it.
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    I hear ya! I've cut out corn syrup from my diet which removed pretty much all soft drinks from my diet. Shortly after I did this, my hubby and I took a trip to Atlanta (the birthplace of Coca-Cola), and took a tour in the coke factory. After that, I had such a craving that I spend $18 on a few overpriced souvenir glass bottles "made from real sugar." I then rationed those bottles- drinking one per week.
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    I weaned myself from cola and other sweet drinks by drinking cranberry or grape juice mixed 50:50 with sparkling water, and adding a squeeze of lime. Gradually I decreased the juice and increased the sparkling water, and finally switched to Calistoga sparkling water with fruit essence, which I found very refreshing. I alternated that with icy cold tap water (put bottles in freezer till ice crystals start to form) which minimizes my perception of the taste. Once I was off cola, it tasted gross to try it again. Now I drink water almost exclusively.

    It helps that our municipal water tastes pretty good. This has not been true other places I have lived...

    OOPS, this was supposed to be a RANT, wasn't it???

  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for my laugh don't have to stay away from your sodas. Just add the Coke into your diary like I add in my Bud Light, vodka, sound just like my sister who joined MFP just this week......I have been trying to get her to drink water for years but she swears that it tastes bad..... I said, "water has no taste, dude", but she can't stand it. When she wants a soda, she'll yell "I need some ACID, D$%^&t!!!!!....... I am glad to know that she's not the only one. You guys need to be friends for real!! Quick tip....Do you drink plain tap water(Yuuuuuck!!!!!) If so, try putting a jug of it in the freezer, let it get nice and cold and THEN drink it.....If I go too long without it, I have serious problems....I dehydrate easily....I am a coffee tea, beer, and liquor drinker, (hence the easy dehydration situation)....... but I drink more water than them all!!!!!!!..You don't have to deprive yourself like can throw you into a binge...I learned that the hard should see my diary from a couple of days ago.....I went STONED CRAZY!!!!!!..........but I'm feeling much better now.............:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I only really want water while I am exercising and sweating! I gained over 30 pounds in a year just from drinking coke and eat B $ J ice cream. Not good, now I'm having to get it all off! Yes, I miss coke too, but it's not worth the calories. I do drink Diet mountain Dew though every so often! Can't help myself, I will never stop drinking soda!
  • I drink caffeine free diet soda all day long.... compromise! But don't give up the water. I don't drink near as much as I should...I guess that is why I am not here ranting with
  • Thanks for making me smile. I needed that. I actually like water, but it is a drag counting how much you drink. When you get that big gulp of Coke make sure its a Coke Zero. They taste better than diet coke. I prefer diet Dr. Pepper myself.:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    You made me spit got it........WATER all over my computer screen. NOT funny:mad:

    razzin frazzin stinking water..........:grumble:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    racing to 7-11 to get a BIG GULP for that poor lady.....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ok I know it gets used WAAAAY too much but .....................LOL
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    Just drink the 90 calorie real freaking coke once in awhile and smile. You can walk it off:drinker:
  • I could be wrong but I thought we were here to support each other, not make another person feel bad. We all have struggles and deal with them in different ways. Laughter is great medicine. Happy people tend to be healthier people. Next time you look in the mirror try a smile and then try a frown and see which one makes you look and feel better.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    When it comes to soda/pop/coke, it's funny because when they first came out, people didn't drink them in 60oz cups! They had 8oz of soda and then had other fluids...

    I say, if you want a dang Coke, then drink it. Preferably the regular Coke as diet soda is just....not good for ya. They sell the CUTEST little cans of Coke. That may curb your craving!

    Also, with the water thing, I have a 32oz cup that I got at the zoo...I fill it up twice a day and drink it all. It seems to work and it's much easier (in my brain) than 8 glasses.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Just to claer things up...It was a RANT! As in I don't always feel that way,but I am strongly feeling that way now. To the random few who troll the message boards looking for ways to tear each other down- I think you are lost or confused. This is My Fitness Pal and not CafeMom. Go torture those people. We do not like your kind here. My screen name is superhippiechik. Not superperfectchick or bornahippiechik. Before I educated myself I smoked a pack of cigarettes and a half ounce of pot every day. I drank a pot of coffee with white sugar and powdered creamer at work before my fast food lunch. I would stop and buy a Big Gulp on the way home from work and go back for another one,and a six pack of beer after my fried processed food dinner.
    I do not do those things anymore but it does not make me like them any less. I just know better now. So having said all of that and because I am a SUPER Hippie Chik, I won't tell you haters to go **** yourself.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Just to claer things up...It was a RANT! As in I don't always feel that way,but I am strongly feeling that way now. To the random few who troll the message boards looking for ways to tear each other down- I think you are lost or confused. This is My Fitness Pal and not CafeMom. Go torture those people. We do not like your kind here. My screen name is superhippiechik. Not superperfectchick or bornahippiechik. Before I educated myself I smoked a pack of cigarettes and a half ounce of pot every day. I drank a pot of coffee with white sugar and powdered creamer at work before my fast food lunch. I would stop and buy a Big Gulp on the way home from work and go back for another one,and a six pack of beer after my fried processed food dinner.
    I do not do those things anymore but it does not make me like them any less. I just know better now. So having said all of that and because I am a SUPER Hippie Chik, I won't tell you haters to go **** yourself.

    do NOT explain yourself to those people. i've seen enough of this crap the past few weeks to give me the sh*ts. it's ignorant. it's almost better to just ignore them than to feed into their need for controversy. some people just need a hobby...

    ps. i still eat that way. and i'm still "super", too:)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Just to claer things up...It was a RANT! As in I don't always feel that way,but I am strongly feeling that way now. To the random few who troll the message boards looking for ways to tear each other down- I think you are lost or confused. This is My Fitness Pal and not CafeMom. Go torture those people. We do not like your kind here. My screen name is superhippiechik. Not superperfectchick or bornahippiechik. Before I educated myself I smoked a pack of cigarettes and a half ounce of pot every day. I drank a pot of coffee with white sugar and powdered creamer at work before my fast food lunch. I would stop and buy a Big Gulp on the way home from work and go back for another one,and a six pack of beer after my fried processed food dinner.
    I do not do those things anymore but it does not make me like them any less. I just know better now. So having said all of that and because I am a SUPER Hippie Chik, I won't tell you haters to go **** yourself.

    do NOT explain yourself to those people. i've seen enough of this crap the past few weeks to give me the sh*ts. it's ignorant. it's almost better to just ignore them than to feed into their need for controversy. some people just need a hobby...

    ps. i still eat that way. and i'm still "super", too:)

    Thank YOu! I think you are super and I slip up and eat Taco Bell,too.
    P.S. I drank a 32oz of coke yesterday and still came in under calorie goal. Score one for me!
  • mattie11
    mattie11 Posts: 13 Member
    hells yeah! :smile:
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I'll never understand why so many people hate drinking water... :tongue:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Why do I have to drink a gallon of water to be healthy?

    Years ago I went to a nutritionist... She said 1 glass of water for every 25lbs of body weight is just fine....
    So don't worry about force feeding my self gallons of water a day. I've got a 32oz cup at work which is a breeze to get thru between lunch and the end of the day. Between that my morning coffee & what I drink in the evening I figure I'm doing okay.

    She also said the cola, coffee and tea DO NOT DEHYDRATE YOU... the do however hydrate you less than water.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    ^^ the figure i heard was to take your body weight in pounds, halve that number and then drink that number in ounces.

    a person 150lbs should drink 75oz of water, roughly 9 cups of water.

    a cup is barely anything, really. all you have to do is drink a cup of water every couple hours. even if you are 300lbs, then that still is only a cup every hour or two cups every couple hours.

    like regular sized cups - a coffee mug, even. :)

    oh, and please don't drink bottled water unless your tapwater is severely diseased, in which case you should probably be cooking with bottled water, too.
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