*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/

DISCLAIMER: This group is unfortunately no longer open to new participants. We thank you for taking a peek at what this group has achieved thus far..and wish you nothing but success on your own weight loss journey :)

Ok everyone! What a week, what a week...Well at least it has been for me :)

For those who loss: What did you do this week as far as eating and exercise. Share your successes in order to give others ideas going into next week.

For those who gained: Where do you feel you could have done better? Was it bad food choices or lack of exercise. Or was it things out of your control: sick, TOM, stress, etc?

For those who maintained; Did you feel like with what you did do this week with eating and exercise that you should have lost or do you feel like with the amount of work you put in...this was a reasonable result.

For Everyone: What's the plan for next week? How are you going to improve, whether you lost, gained or maintained...what area(s) do you feel like you can improve in. As sometimes, even when we are losing, there are areas in which we feel we should improve in order to reach optimal weight loss.

So let's chat it up and see if we can help our fellow Snowflakes with ideas, suggestions and support. Cheers to a new week and Congrats to everyone for sticking It out another week :drinker:


  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    For me, plain and simple I just was NOT myself this week! TOM coming unexpectedly really messed me up and took me for a ride. However, I am ok with that. I know where I went wrong and I know how to fix it. I know that I have hit a plateau and I have been doing some research about what to do when your weight loss stalls...so I will be zig-zagging calories this week and switching up my workout routine.

    I will still be doing C25K 3x a week, Zumba 4x a week, strength training 3x a week and incorporating my Jackie Warner circuit training DVD. Food wise...no more candy binges LOL but I am going to keep everything else pretty much the same. There are just days where I will be doubling up on portions or adding a few more calories in the day for purposes of zig-zagging.

    I am hoping this helps with my plateau and I AM going to stick with whatever schedule I decide to put together. 3 more weeks until halfway pics and measurements and I HAVE to be ready and rock it out for these 3 weeks!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes !! :flowerforyou:

    Im just dropping in to say Hi!!! Hope you all have a GREAT Week!!

    Lost 4 pounds this week, My weigh in today is 168.2. YAY!!!!! :drinker:

    Im sticking to my same game plan And thats WALKING Every Morning 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours a day and eating the same healthy 1200 calories a day.

    I Definitely need to ADD weights to my routine, my arms are very lose UGH!!!!

    Come on Girls You can DO THIS!!!! LUV YA!!!!!
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    This has been a good week!!! Made it to the 10lb mark and had several people told me I looked thinner.....most of all I am learning how to eat and exercise without taking it to the extremes. I am noting my weaknesses and how I want to make them into strengths. Had a conversation with my husband on the way home from work last night...I have always known that I stress eat and that I want my comfort foods....Now it is dealing with stress differently (hopefully exercising) and not eating because I am full of anxiety and frustration. That is one of my major goals.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Not gonna be happy about the scale this week :angry:
    'However, I also know what happend... brutal cold, no motivation and WAY too much partying last weekend... all together not a receipe for sucess. But no excuses, i made bad choices and I know it's not going to be good on the scale... Just gotta stick with it and drink H2O!
    I also need to do a MAJOR grocery order this weekend cause having nothing in the house leads to me picking junk EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


    However, I must move on!!!
    So for this week:
    Ifound an AWESOME 6 week yoga plan that requires 30 mins 3 times a week so I want to start that
    I hear ya Teresa, I need to add weights too - so I am thinking some resistance band work this week..
    Of course getting back on the C25K wagon (since i am doing it Monday-Monday as my week I could even get 6 runs in by the time i post next week... note that said COULD! :laugh: )

    My goal was 155 by March 1.... so we will see how it all goes... No matter what, 145 by April 1!!!

    WOOT WOOT!!!

    Keep it up ladies!!!
    Hope everyone had better weeks then me so I can steal your plans :wink:

    xoxo -S
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    4.2 lbs loss this week... not much credit goes to extra effort from my part because I was sick all week but I helped my mother with renovations and managed to be under calorie goal everyday so I will take that 4.2 lbs loss...

    Reached my halfway mark with this week loss... less than 20 lbs to go for June 1st!!!

    Keep it up Snowflakes... Spring is just around the corner...

    We can do this!

    Daughter is gone for school... heading back to bed... sore throat and headache are hitting full force this morning... gggrrrrrrr.....

  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    This week was terrible for me - as a matter of fact, I haven't even weighed in and just posted my weight from last week because I am in the midst of PMS and woke up so bloated I could barely make a fist.

    Food was very carb-loaded and I went over my calories nearly every day. My eating was bad because of my stress over work and my stress over wanting to be under 180. My son was sick and the weather has been terrible.

    Exercise is still "pending". Hopefully I can get the green light from my doctor this week to start exercising. I bought the 30 Day Shred and as soon as the ice is off the sidewalks I want to start the C25K. On Sunday I begin my Thai Yoga training, so at least I'll be getting some exercise and I'm trying to save enough to start my yoga teacher training this summer.

    I realized a few days ago that I lost my original measurements, so I'm going to measure myself either today or tomorrow and use those as my starting numbers.

    Overall, I'm working to shake the "blahs" that I have had for the past two weeks and use that stress energy to be productive and not crawl under a blanket and never come out. :)


    PS. Feel free to 'friend' me if you haven't already!! :)
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    I'm down 1.4 last week. My strategy this week was to exercise more consistently, watch my sodium, and drink plenty of water. I managed to exercise every day, although some days weren't much. The sodium, well... I'm still working on that. I'm going to try to reduce the amount of processed foods I eat. The last couple of weeks were really bad for eating fast food. This week, I plan on planning better! The water, I'm still doing well with.

    I did start C25K this week. Today is w1d2. I'm hoping it's nice so I can go walking/running outside.

    Have a great week everyone. Keep on keeping on and you will get to your goals!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    bumping for later :flowerforyou:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Down one pound and totally excited-finally hit that long awaited 10 pound mark! It has taken me a while to hit it. I started this in November, so it has been quite the journey to get there! But-I feel like I am finally beginning to understand my body more, what I need, etc. I am getting more water and more exercise-so that always helps. Focusing on what I eat-not just calories, but the content of fiber and sodium and protein-that is helping also. TOTALLY EXCITED!! ( A little scared that I am going on a mini-vacation next week-but I already bought my own snacks to hopefully stay on track)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    Well I did gain 1 pound this week. I know my routine was way off this week, stress over bad weather, too much sodium and actually below my calories a couple of days. For some reason I really seem to do better when I eat at least 1200+ calories after my exercise calories are figured in...I did not have enough water intake either this week. My exercise was pretty much what I have been doing, definitely time to bump that up and get some weights added in. I look forward to a very successful week next week (fingers crossed) - :drinker: :drinker: - Best of luck to everyone!!! :bigsmile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Lost 4 lbs this week and I really think its from eating clean. I got Clean Eating Magazine from Barnes and Noble and it has a ton of delicious recipes in it! I would highly suggest it! I think that along with keeping up my exercise routine of 6 days a week has really pushed me over the edge! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Lost 4 lbs this week and I really think its from eating clean. I got Clean Eating Magazine from Barnes and Noble and it has a ton of delicious recipes in it! I would highly suggest it! I think that along with keeping up my exercise routine of 6 days a week has really pushed me over the edge! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Wow-that is an impressive loss! Good job!!!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I'm down 1.4 last week. My strategy this week was to exercise more consistently, watch my sodium, and drink plenty of water. I managed to exercise every day, although some days weren't much. The sodium, well... I'm still working on that. I'm going to try to reduce the amount of processed foods I eat. The last couple of weeks were really bad for eating fast food. This week, I plan on planning better! The water, I'm still doing well with.

    I did start C25K this week. Today is w1d2. I'm hoping it's nice so I can go walking/running outside.

    Have a great week everyone. Keep on keeping on and you will get to your goals!

    When I stopped eating as much processed foods-my sodium went way down. It still goes up every now and again-but I can say, watching that number has helped.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Its TOM and I am now 188.4 instead of 187.It sucks. I just posted my weight. I hope it reflects well next time. My strategy for this week to continue my C25K and elliptical.
  • forgiven4life
    Well hello Snowflakes!!

    This past week was just horrible for me. I pretty much ate what I wanted and I am surprised I even maintained. I guess because I did have some exercise in there. My plan for this week it to try to get in at least 95 oz of water a day. That is half my body weight in oz. That's about 6 bottles of water. To me that sounds impossible!! I am just not a drinker. It's very hard for me to drink anything if I am not eating. It's almost 10 am where I am and I am only just starting on my first bottle!
    I'm going to continue with my exercise and make sure I log everything, trying to log ahead of time. I also plan to try to eat cleaner this week and see how I feel. I've got the food to do it, but just have to prepare ahead of time.

    I see a lot of us on here are doing/starting C25K. I've been doing it as well and am on Week 3. I had to do my day 2 of this week on the treadmill last night and by the time I finished I thought I was going to die! It was hot in the room I had to run and I think if I would have had to run one more circuit last night I would have passed out. :noway: I'm only on the run 90 seconds, walk 2 minutes circuit, but it's getting very difficult. I will push through though. This is one thing I want to be successful at and finish.

    Good luck to everyone this week! WE can do it!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm down 0.8 lbs this week. Considering my poor decisions earlier in the week, I'll take it! I'm don't think I'm going to hit my goal of under 190 by my 25th Birthday (Tuesday), BUT I'm wearing a size 12 and I think that's more important than what the scale says!!

    Hope everyone had a good week, let's make this one even better!
  • bhonniered
    Hi All! :flowerforyou:

    Well down .2 lbs - a little, but I will take it! For this week:

    Watch the sodium - it can get out of control quick for me!
    Better food choices - I get to go grocery shopping today!
    Be more consistant with my exercises.

    Saturday - 2 classes (Turbo & a class called 24 SET)
    Sunday - Tae Bo
    Monday - 30 DS & Pilates or a class called 24 Lift
    Tuesday - Tae Bo
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday- Yoga
    Friday- 30 DS & Pilates
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    wow! everyone is doing so great already!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Lost 4 lbs this week and I really think its from eating clean. I got Clean Eating Magazine from Barnes and Noble and it has a ton of delicious recipes in it! I would highly suggest it! I think that along with keeping up my exercise routine of 6 days a week has really pushed me over the edge! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Eating clean is HUGE especially if you were the type of person that ate a lot of processed foods. Good for you and wonderful loss!