*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/



  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Congrats to everyone this week, whether you lost, gained or maintained! The thing we should be most proud of is that we're sticking to this, week after week.

    My eating has been better lately and the scale is showing it, I'm already down a little more from Friday. My original mini goal was to be in the 180s by my 25th birthday (Tuesday), so every little bit will get me closer! I think it would take a miracle to reach it (I've still got 3.2 lbs to go) but I knew it was a lofty goal when I set it and I'm just proud that I got so close!

    I ran 5 miles today for my 10K training run. It felt awesome. I'm so glad I decided to push myself to train for this 10K. I'm capable of a lot more than I expected, what a great way to boost my self-esteem AND kick my workouts into high gear! After this 10K, I'm going to continue training because I've got a half marathon to run in October and for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I can do it! :smile:

    I hope everyone is doing well this week! I should get back to studying...even though Tuesday is my birthday, I have two tests. There's no test make up in Med School. :smile:
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    Hi, there is no way I will be down 40 by June, it seems I am going backward instead of forward. Having said that, I am still in the race to the finish. I looked back at my first week diary and noticed that when I lost the most, I had really cut back on the carbs. So, this week I am going to repeat that way of eating and see if it helps.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I fit in size 8 jeans today!!! :love: I know sizes have changed, because I am still quite a bit heavier than I was 24 years ago, but to fit in an 8 is just amazing. I didn't buy the pairs I tried on because I didn't like the way they fit/looked, but I got them on, zipped and buttoned! I have never in my life fit in a size 6, but it seems that will be what I will end up wearing when I reach my goal, possibly even some 4's since I plan to lose 24 more pounds. That simply amazes me. I weighed 132 and wore sizes 8/10 when I got married, and this summer we celebrate our 25th anniversary and I plan to be thin enough I could fit back in my wedding dress ( a size 8, but luckily a ballgown style so the extra width in my hips won't matter.:laugh:) I'm so happy I found this site and joined this challenge, because I really credit all of you with keeping me on track. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I was away and didn't get my exercise in and made some bad food choices that is where I went wrong! But it is a new week I just needs to get out of the 200's.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I fit in size 8 jeans today!!! :love: I know sizes have changed, because I am still quite a bit heavier than I was 24 years ago, but to fit in an 8 is just amazing. I didn't buy the pairs I tried on because I didn't like the way they fit/looked, but I got them on, zipped and buttoned! I have never in my life fit in a size 6, but it seems that will be what I will end up wearing when I reach my goal, possibly even some 4's since I plan to lose 24 more pounds. That simply amazes me. I weighed 132 and wore sizes 8/10 when I got married, and this summer we celebrate our 25th anniversary and I plan to be thin enough I could fit back in my wedding dress ( a size 8, but luckily a ballgown style so the extra width in my hips won't matter.:laugh:) I'm so happy I found this site and joined this challenge, because I really credit all of you with keeping me on track. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Woohoo! Congrats! That is super awesome!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I fit in size 8 jeans today!!! :love: I know sizes have changed, because I am still quite a bit heavier than I was 24 years ago, but to fit in an 8 is just amazing. I didn't buy the pairs I tried on because I didn't like the way they fit/looked, but I got them on, zipped and buttoned! I have never in my life fit in a size 6, but it seems that will be what I will end up wearing when I reach my goal, possibly even some 4's since I plan to lose 24 more pounds. That simply amazes me. I weighed 132 and wore sizes 8/10 when I got married, and this summer we celebrate our 25th anniversary and I plan to be thin enough I could fit back in my wedding dress ( a size 8, but luckily a ballgown style so the extra width in my hips won't matter.:laugh:) I'm so happy I found this site and joined this challenge, because I really credit all of you with keeping me on track. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    That is so awesome! I am way proud of you...I know the feeling of fitting into a pair of pants that you thought you would never see again...and there you are after all of your hard work!!! WOW! I'm so happy that you decided to join the challenge! :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I was away and didn't get my exercise in and made some bad food choices that is where I went wrong! But it is a new week I just needs to get out of the 200's.

    You are right...this is a new week! And I'm right here with you...last week is in the past...let's make this one count!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi, there is no way I will be down 40 by June, it seems I am going backward instead of forward. Having said that, I am still in the race to the finish. I looked back at my first week diary and noticed that when I lost the most, I had really cut back on the carbs. So, this week I am going to repeat that way of eating and see if it helps.

    Don't look at it like that...just remember that you may not make it to 40lbs by June, but you are having a great time doing it and with some amazing women! This is how I look at it...I want people to lose more weight with the group than they would have been able to do alone. That is what will make me happy! You can do this...just keep going and dig deep!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Congrats to everyone this week, whether you lost, gained or maintained! The thing we should be most proud of is that we're sticking to this, week after week.

    My eating has been better lately and the scale is showing it, I'm already down a little more from Friday. My original mini goal was to be in the 180s by my 25th birthday (Tuesday), so every little bit will get me closer! I think it would take a miracle to reach it (I've still got 3.2 lbs to go) but I knew it was a lofty goal when I set it and I'm just proud that I got so close!

    I ran 5 miles today for my 10K training run. It felt awesome. I'm so glad I decided to push myself to train for this 10K. I'm capable of a lot more than I expected, what a great way to boost my self-esteem AND kick my workouts into high gear! After this 10K, I'm going to continue training because I've got a half marathon to run in October and for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I can do it! :smile:

    I hope everyone is doing well this week! I should get back to studying...even though Tuesday is my birthday, I have two tests. There's no test make up in Med School. :smile:

    5 miles!!! WoW girl you are amazing! I am tired just thinking about it lol. Way to push yourself! Like I always say, "If you never push yourself..how will you ever know how far you can go!". Keep it up and you will be ready for that 10K in no time!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I started out my week really good. I made a workout schedual that was going to work out well for me (and my husband.). 3 days of C25K, 3 days Zumba, 3 Days 30 day shred, 3 days of Turbo fire, and one day for p90x legs and back. I had it all set up for 3 weeks of hard working out and one week of less intense.
    I made it 4 days into my plan when I got sick. I had the flu for a couple of days, now I have bronchitis. So the last 5 days I have done nothing. Went to the Dr and was put on antibiotics so atleast I am on the mend. This is the first day that I have felt some-what human.

    Ok I am done ranting,
    My plan for the week is walk on
    treadmill for 10 min the next 2 days. (sun, mon)
    treadmill for 20 min (tue, wed)
    treadmill for 30 min (thur, friday) If I am feeling good I might try D1W1 of C25K

    No problem! I know the feeling! But you have your plan of attack with this week so just stick with it and push yourself one day at a time! I am starting C25K this week as well! I'm excited and nervous at the same time because I really don't like running! LOL. But WE can do it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My TOM is next week, so I have been wanting to eat like crazy! Will be so happy when it gets here and I lighten up. Aside from TOM, I have maintained for 3 weeks now, so I feel like I need to change things up a bit. Congrats to all who had a great week. To those that didn't, chin up!

    I know what you mean...gotta switch up your workout or eating...that's what I am having to do this week to break the halt! But you can do it...I am going to try and post some things about hitting plateaus.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok everyone...well I have decided, to become an Independent BeachBody Coach! Another one of my MFP friends is one and happened to message me and ask me to look into because she thought that I would be good at it. And after about a month of thinking about it...I have decided to do it. It is very similar to what I try to already do: keep others accountable, motivate and inspire, help others live a healthier lifestyle, sell BeachBody products, etc. I figured what better thing to have work alongside me being a Zumba Instructor.

    I want to help people, and if I can make this a lucrative business at the same time...it would be great. I want to go to back to school to be an RN and once you are in the program...you have to quit whatever job you have. So if I can make this my "career" while I am in school, we won't have to live off of one income while I'm in school.

    I just feel like in this point in my life "paying it forward" is so important and I hate to see or hear people say that they CAN'T do something. I have been "thin" and obese and I know how both feel. So its not like I am a skinny person saying, "This is what you need to do to be skinny!". I want people to relate to me and know that they can achieve ANYTHING that they want to. So I'm looking for different ways to market myself and appeal to a larger crowd.

    So I am just crossing my fingers that this all works out the way I am envisioning it! I know that the sky is the limit! And I want to thank every single one of you for inspiring me every day and for sending your kind words, because it is this very reason that I have felt empowered to help even more people...but the Snowflakes will always be on the top of my list...because this is where the new Krystle was reborn :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Down one pound and totally excited-finally hit that long awaited 10 pound mark! It has taken me a while to hit it. I started this in November, so it has been quite the journey to get there! But-I feel like I am finally beginning to understand my body more, what I need, etc. I am getting more water and more exercise-so that always helps. Focusing on what I eat-not just calories, but the content of fiber and sodium and protein-that is helping also. TOTALLY EXCITED!! ( A little scared that I am going on a mini-vacation next week-but I already bought my own snacks to hopefully stay on track)

  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    For me, plain and simple I just was NOT myself this week! TOM coming unexpectedly really messed me up and took me for a ride. However, I am ok with that. I know where I went wrong and I know how to fix it. I know that I have hit a plateau and I have been doing some research about what to do when your weight loss stalls...so I will be zig-zagging calories this week and switching up my workout routine.

    I will still be doing C25K 3x a week, Zumba 4x a week, strength training 3x a week and incorporating my Jackie Warner circuit training DVD. Food wise...no more candy binges LOL but I am going to keep everything else pretty much the same. There are just days where I will be doubling up on portions or adding a few more calories in the day for purposes of zig-zagging.

    I am hoping this helps with my plateau and I AM going to stick with whatever schedule I decide to put together.* 3 more weeks until halfway pics and measurements and I HAVE to be ready and rock it out for these 3 weeks!*

    You are doing great Krystle! You always have a great attitude and a plan of action! This will help you know and in the long run! Thanks for being so inspiring!:flowerforyou:

    I just about choked when I saw we only have 3 weeks until half way pics and measurements....GULP! I'm where I started at. I guess I better hit the ground running...and quick!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Hoping today is a new day for me to stay focused and get back on track. I have had several days ,(since last Thursday) of making bad choices and not exercising. Thursdays workout really pushed me to the limit and today my legs are still a little sore. I am focusing today on good choices and getting myexercise in. Hard to believe we are half way!!! I am able to get into my skinny jeans, but they are tight!! I will post new pics the end of the week (After a few days of hard workouts :blushing: ) Congrats everyone!!!! Hope all has a great week!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies!!

    My plans for this week: 2/28 - 3/4
    Eat 1200 calories
    Keep may carbs @ 120g, fat @ 40g, protein @ 90g, and fiber @ 25
    Do more cardio ( 5 -6 days) and less strength (maybe 2 -3 days).
    Drink 100oz water
    And to stay positive and focused on my goal!

    Have a great day ladies!!

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Does anyone have the link to the spreadsheet? My link doesn't seem to be working right or something! Thanks :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    my data for this week didn't post to the sheet...
  • bhonniered
    So my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) kicked in bad this weekend and I am still recovering - feels like somebody took a bat to my knee and hip! However, I am not going to let that slow me down!
    My Dr. had said that exercise in moderation is good for it! So back on track this morning! A surprising thing for me is that I have found a love of Yoga. That is what kept me moving this weekend (along with pain meds :ohwell: )