*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    my data for this week didn't post to the sheet...

    It doesn't post instantaneously, it is done manually each week :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I lost 1 big pound for the month of February.:ohwell: I am just glad I did not go up with all the yo-yoing I did on the weekends.:happy: Most of them were crazy gross and like this weekend, I even got sick to my stomach a few times because of the garbage I was putting in. :grumble: Last week I got very sick from a smothered meat I had that I had not had in over 10 years at least. I thought I was going to die afterwards.:embarassed: It was so good going down and I continued to eat it because it was delicious. Boy did I pay for that one for about 4 or more hours past dinner. So needless to say it will be a long time before I order that again IF ever. :grumble: I had been doing good just having one or two from someone else's plate. So I am going to go back to just a taste. My body did not like it at all in a large quantity.

    February was a rough month for me. My plan for March is to focus on eating right and clean, and to work on maintaining my weight loss over the weekends. This has been a problem for me in the past for sure. I can easily blow my good week over a weekend. So this month that is my primary focus. I have the activity down pat. I have my normal support group meetings coming up and looking forward to them for sure.

    March means spring is around the corner. Can you smell the flowers?:flowerforyou: I can and I am so ready for spring!! Boy is the year going fast!

    Whatever your goals are stay focused, be encouraged and inspired and think positive thoughts. Have a good week everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    So my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) kicked in bad this weekend and I am still recovering - feels like somebody took a bat to my knee and hip! However, I am not going to let that slow me down!
    My Dr. had said that exercise in moderation is good for it! So back on track this morning! A surprising thing for me is that I have found a love of Yoga. That is what kept me moving this weekend (along with pain meds :ohwell: )

    I :heart: YOGA too. May its amazing benefits help take the pain down a notch...along with the meds:wink:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have binged terriably these last 2 weekends. Can't tell you which one was worst.

    I still managed to lose 1 big pound for the month of February. I am just glad I did not go up with all the yo-yoing I did on the weekends. Most of them were crazy gross and like this weekend, I even got sick to my stomach a few times because of the garbage I was putting in. Last week I got very sick from a smothered meat I had that I had not had in over 10 years at least. I thought I was going to die afterwards. It was so good going down and I continued to eat it because it was delicious. Boy did I pay for that one for about 4 or more hours past dinner. So needless to say it will be a long time before I order that again IF ever. I had been doing good just having one or two from someone else's plate. So I am going to go back to just a taste. My body did not like it at all in a large quantity.

    February was a rough month for me. My plan for March is to focus on eating right and clean, and to work on maintaining my weight loss over the weekends. This has been a problem for me in the past for sure. I can easily blow my good week over a weekend. So this month that is my primary focus. I have the activity down pat. I have my normal support group meetings coming up and looking forward to them for sure.

    March means spring is around the corner. Can you smell the flowers? I can and I am so ready for spring!! Boy is the year going fast!

    Whatever your goals are stay focused, be encouraged and inspired and think positive thoughts. Have a good week everyone.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i am officially in a size 14 pants COMFORTABLY! i can't believe it! well... i can, cuz they fit, but i wasn't expecting them to just yet! i ordered a pair of 14s online to get ready to go down a size soon and when they arrived at my house after my AWESOME weigh in this weekend i decided hey, what the hell, i'm gonna try them on and see if they fit! and sure enough! fit like a glove! i mean, i didn't even have to struggle to get them on which means i am that much closer to gettin my booty into a 12! i am so so SOOO excited! my confidence in myself has gone up tremendously in the past two weeks. it feels so great to see big results after plateauing for like a month!

    to all those who have gained, or plateaued... do NOT give up! i know its hard and you want to because you're frustrated, but i'm telling you, KEEP GOING! mix up your routine, try eating more (if you're plateaued), and STAY POSITIVE! i found eating a lot of high protein & high fiber foods helped me. last week i even was over my calorie goal a few days and i netted about 1200 the other days and i still lost (which makes me wonder if MFP sets their deficit too low?). but anyway, just keep going!

    i just want to add, THANK YOU all for having my back! it's so great to have positive people who are going through the same journey in my life. i couldn't be doing this without all of your support!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Wow... Please check if your name is down there, cause chances are that I've responded to you.
    Congrats, Steph!! I love those NSVs so much! :flowerforyou: I think preplanning meals is such a great idea, but I haven't been able to manage that yet. :laugh: Great job following through with that!!! I hope your interview went well!!! :happy:
    Thanks Val!! I think my interview went so well!! Fingers crossed that I get in (teacher's college)!! :bigsmile:

    robynrae... Way to work around difficulties!!

    Leela... I'm sooo sick of the same old recipes... Yet, I find that if I stick with what worked in the past (cereal, sandwich, and something funky for dinner, with fruits and veggies for snacks), that it seems to work for weight loss, despite being a bit boring... I need some new recipes... Whenever I run out of food, I feel like I don't even know what to buy... I have a rutabaga sitting on my counter that needs to be cooked up!! And yams... If you find any fun recipes, please share! :bigsmile:

    whittrusty... Happy early b-day! Mine is Thursday. :laugh: It's so great that you got so close to your goal!! I'm not at all close to mine, but just to be in the 170s would be a gift to myself! Awesome with the running!! :drinker:

    Kaylasmom... Great job on being observant! I really hope you see some progress by going back to what you were doing!! Just remember that you're not the only one whose body is taking her sweet time getting to where you want it to be! :laugh:

    givprayz... CONGRATS on the pants!! :drinker:

    ltlhmom... You're gonna get there for sure! Keep on going!

    Krys... That's AWESOME!! :drinker: Your life is taking you in so many amazing directions! Keep on stepping through doors that open for you! You've got a great business mindset as far as I can tall!

    Jacki... I'm worried that my pics will still look the same now as they did then, but oh well! Keep moving forward! :flowerforyou: Deadlines can stress me out so I try not to think about them. Also, there's still lost of time before June 1st! We just have to use our time wisely TODAY, or else tomorrow will be here before we've even begun!!

    bhonniered... Do you take glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM? My mom takes those for her arthritis, and I take them when my joins are hurting from hard workouts. You can sometimes buy them together as well. You might want to look into those if you don't already take them. Maybe check with your doctor, if you are already taking pain medication. That's great that you and Yoga have found each other!! :bigsmile:

    Mollie... Sounds like a tough week! I hope you feel better now! :flowerforyou: Maybe take a moment to see if you can come up with anything motivating you can do to keep you going strong over the weekends. Some things I might do are: belly dance, watch The Biggest Loser or some other type of weight loss show, try on some smaller clothes and see if you fit them yet, say positive affirmations (ie "Every day, in every way, I'm getting fitter and fitter, YES!"), and don't underestimate the power of pre-planning your weekend meals! :drinker:

    miss_amy... That's AWESOME about the 14 pants!! :laugh: Now you need to order a size 12!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Snowflakes, great to hear all your accomplishments. For the past 3 days I didnt workout and my intake wasnt great either. But today I have done something, which I never did before. I did my C25K- W6D1 - finished 3.1 miles under 44 mins. Did 10 min run and 2 min walk intervals. I am slowly gaining confidence that may be I could run. Have a great day.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    i am officially in a size 14 pants COMFORTABLY! i can't believe it! well... i can, cuz they fit, but i wasn't expecting them to just yet! i ordered a pair of 14s online to get ready to go down a size soon and when they arrived at my house after my AWESOME weigh in this weekend i decided hey, what the hell, i'm gonna try them on and see if they fit! and sure enough! fit like a glove! i mean, i didn't even have to struggle to get them on which means i am that much closer to gettin my booty into a 12! i am so so SOOO excited! my confidence in myself has gone up tremendously in the past two weeks. it feels so great to see big results after plateauing for like a month!

    to all those who have gained, or plateaued... do NOT give up! i know its hard and you want to because you're frustrated, but i'm telling you, KEEP GOING! mix up your routine, try eating more (if you're plateaued), and STAY POSITIVE! i found eating a lot of high protein & high fiber foods helped me. last week i even was over my calorie goal a few days and i netted about 1200 the other days and i still lost (which makes me wonder if MFP sets their deficit too low?). but anyway, just keep going!

    i just want to add, THANK YOU all for having my back! it's so great to have positive people who are going through the same journey in my life. i couldn't be doing this without all of your support!


    Isn't that such an awesome feeling...good for you! That is the same way I felt when I got into some 14s! It was like, "Yes! That much closer to not shopping in the plus size store.". Good for you girly...keep up the great work!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi Snowflakes, great to hear all your accomplishments. For the past 3 days I didnt workout and my intake wasnt great either. But today I have done something, which I never did before. I did my C25K- W6D1 - finished 3.1 miles under 44 mins. Did 10 min run and 2 min walk intervals. I am slowly gaining confidence that may be I could run. Have a great day.

    Great job! That is awesome! I can't wait to get to that point of jogging the whole 5K
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm about to strap on my shape ups and doing more walking laps in the house. I am determined more than ever to break through this plateau this week!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so my schedule for this week,,,

    Tuesday-C25K and Zumba 20 Minute Express and 20 Minute Abs

    Wednesday- Zumba Cardio Party

    Thursday- C25K and Strength Training

    Friday- Zumba Sculpt and Tone

    Saturday- C25K

    My goals for this week:

    Stay focused and don't look at the scale before Friday.
    Keep my water up
    Stick to the above schedule...NO MATTER WHAT
    Oh and try to net as close to 1200 calories a day as possible. This is going to be the hardest one for me, but I know that I can do it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) kicked in bad this weekend and I am still recovering - feels like somebody took a bat to my knee and hip! However, I am not going to let that slow me down!
    My Dr. had said that exercise in moderation is good for it! So back on track this morning! A surprising thing for me is that I have found a love of Yoga. That is what kept me moving this weekend (along with pain meds :ohwell: )

    Great attitude! Don't let anything stop you...let your body rest, and at the same time keep it moving as much as its tolerable. :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Krys... That's AWESOME!! :drinker: Your life is taking you in so many amazing directions! Keep on stepping through doors that open for you! You've got a great business mindset as far as I can tall

    Thanks so much girl! Yeah, this is all kind of crazy to me lol...but I just really want to be able to help people and reach a large amount of people. Taking control of your own health is the best thing a person can ever do...and it can be hard...but so doable. And I know how it feels to feel like no one around you knows how or cares enough to help.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    A few ups and downs on my part...

    Krys, I'm so happy for you! You are the right person to help people!!!! Good luck in all your new ventures.

    My daughter will be 10 years old tomorrow! (no money to celebrate her birthday the way she's used too but will try to make it up during March break... she understand the situation) On a brighter note my husband is starting his new/old job back tonight but now he is the manager. YEAH! a little pay increase... not much but will take it!

    Went to the clinic yesterday and they say that there is so many cases of mono that they don't want and need to make the test since I have mostly all of the symptoms. I need to sleep, rest and and no contact sports to make sure my spleen doesn't get ruptured... DAH! She says to give it at least 6 to 10 weeks... OMG!!!! I will get better before then!!! I hope... I need my energy back! I was doing so well before Xmas...

    OK time to go for a walk outside since It's only minus 7 this morning... YEAH! At least I won't fall asleep walking!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Chantal :flowerforyou:
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!

    There's a 2 hour Zumba-Thon going on at the campus recreational facility on Friday. And its only $3! I got so excited when I saw it, but then of course, I got super nervous. The negative thoughts ran through my mind, about being this "old" lady faculty member doing zumba with a bunch of undergrads, whether I could make it for 2 hours and how I've never actually done Zumba in public. But hey, I am going to go for it anyway. Whether I make it or not, I am already proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone. I love Zumba so how could I not love it?
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    Well - feeling so much better now only mild pain from the RA. I slept in this morning which was great, but that means exercise tonight!

    leandread - Yoga has really helped I am amazed!

    Steph_135 - I am going to check into those. I only take the meds when the pain is overwhelming. Most of the time I just deal with it - so those might be some great alternatives! Thanks

    Krys_T - thanks for the encouraging words! they are always greatly appreciated!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    leandread... There are TONS of mature students at every campus! You hardly pass as an old lady. You're gonna fit right in! There was a REALY old lady when I was at the gym last, and she was doing her thing like it was nobodies business!! It's gonna be so much fun!!! AND THE PRICES!!! :love:

    bhonniered... Yeah, hope it helps!! :flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    A few ups and downs on my part...

    Krys, I'm so happy for you! You are the right person to help people!!!! Good luck in all your new ventures.

    My daughter will be 10 years old tomorrow! (no money to celebrate her birthday the way she's used too but will try to make it up during March break... she understand the situation) On a brighter note my husband is starting his new/old job back tonight but now he is the manager. YEAH! a little pay increase... not much but will take it!

    Went to the clinic yesterday and they say that there is so many cases of mono that they don't want and need to make the test since I have mostly all of the symptoms. I need to sleep, rest and and no contact sports to make sure my spleen doesn't get ruptured... DAH! She says to give it at least 6 to 10 weeks... OMG!!!! I will get better before then!!! I hope... I need my energy back! I was doing so well before Xmas...

    OK time to go for a walk outside since It's only minus 7 this morning... YEAH! At least I won't fall asleep walking!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Chantal :flowerforyou:

    Oh no MONO...I had that back when I first started college. OMG it was horrible I couldn't even swallow my own saliva! I had had it for about a month before they were able to give me a steroid shot to bring the swelling down. And it did take a good minute to feel 100% but just get A LOT of rest! It helps and really the only thing you can do.

    No worries about the daughter's b-day, I know as a mom you want to do a big thing...but its awesome that your daughter has the understanding of what's going on.

    Yeah, for the hubby getting a pay increase...every little bit helps, I know all too well! Everything will come together soon :).
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday Snowflakes!

    There's a 2 hour Zumba-Thon going on at the campus recreational facility on Friday. And its only $3! I got so excited when I saw it, but then of course, I got super nervous. The negative thoughts ran through my mind, about being this "old" lady faculty member doing zumba with a bunch of undergrads, whether I could make it for 2 hours and how I've never actually done Zumba in public. But hey, I am going to go for it anyway. Whether I make it or not, I am already proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone. I love Zumba so how could I not love it?

    Girl, you better go and shake your money maker lol. Show those undergrads how its done! LOL...but I'm sure there will be a wide range of people there since Zumba is so popular! Have fun girl and you will be just fine! :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    A few ups and downs on my part...

    Krys, I'm so happy for you! You are the right person to help people!!!! Good luck in all your new ventures.

    My daughter will be 10 years old tomorrow! (no money to celebrate her birthday the way she's used too but will try to make it up during March break... she understand the situation) On a brighter note my husband is starting his new/old job back tonight but now he is the manager. YEAH! a little pay increase... not much but will take it!

    Went to the clinic yesterday and they say that there is so many cases of mono that they don't want and need to make the test since I have mostly all of the symptoms. I need to sleep, rest and and no contact sports to make sure my spleen doesn't get ruptured... DAH! She says to give it at least 6 to 10 weeks... OMG!!!! I will get better before then!!! I hope... I need my energy back! I was doing so well before Xmas...

    OK time to go for a walk outside since It's only minus 7 this morning... YEAH! At least I won't fall asleep walking!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Chantal :flowerforyou:

    Sending postive vibes and Hugs your way Chantal! :flowerforyou: Feel better soon and be patient.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: