New Challenge - 1st of the month!



  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    I was sick a while ago with sickness and diaorrhea (sp) for 5 days and I didnt want to start eating as I just didnt feel hungry where I hadnt eaten for so long. I knew I had to start eating again so I just took it very slowly. I made sure I ate at every meal time but just started small so a banana for breakfast, a slice of toast for lunch and a bowl of soup for dinner after a couple of days I was back into eating as normal as my body has started working properly again so try that rather than something so heavy as pasta to begin with just to get your body used to receiving food again :)

  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    cowandmonkey, hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    tldabney, I have been sick for the past month, still not 100% but during the first 2 weeks of this I had no appetite at all. I tried to eat foods like nuts, just to up my calories, but I was still under for quite a while. So if you can eat something high in cals like nuts, or maybe try a meal replacement drink if you can? If you still can't manage to eat much just take it easy. Hope you feel better soon!

    I have near 500 calories left for the day, i'm very tempted to have a cookie. Normally i'd have a smoothie but my blender has broken!
  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member

    My name is Steve and I just started on MFP this week. I have done challenges on other webs sites and I find them very motivating, so I was really happy to see this one. Two years ago I lost 40 pounds over about 4 months, but went on a trip
    over the 4th of July holiday and since then have slowly gained it all back. This is a new attempt at getting back to a more healthy lifestyle.

    My workouts are not very regular but are sort of like this:

    Mon: Cross trainer machine at the gym - 52 min
    Tue: walk 30 -60 min
    Thu: walk 30-60 min
    Fri: Cross trainer machine at the gym - 52 min
    Sat: long walk, 90-120 min

    I am working up to walking a half marathon at the end of June, so the walks are getting longer little by little.
    I need to add some strength training into this process somehow.

    I have the most trouble with snacking in the evening, say from 9pm until I go to bed. Even when I plan my meals and workouts, I find that I don't stick to the plan all that well. This week has been good, though, and I feel more motivated even now since I started this challenge!

    It is fun to read all of your posts and I'm looking forward to the next 4 weeks.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    Monday-walked/jogged 4 miles
    Thurs-3.5 miles on treadmill
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    well, I'm still under my calories for the day, but the food I ate was not good food! Pasta for lunch and Taco Bell for supper... I miss the regular routine my kids and I had going, it was so much easier, and SO MUCH BETTER for us when I was cooking at home every evening! Sports and fundraisers are kicking my dieting butt right now!

    But I did start feeling better this afternoon finally, and got a little active and cleaned the house, even vacuumed! So that's all I'm logging for exercise for today, because after the last couple days of being sick that's all the energy I could muster for the day I think!

    But typically, I do cardio every week day, in the form of one of my many workout DVD's that I have... I just pick and choose and whichever seems fun that day and do it right here in my living room! I walk most days, weather permitting, with my youngest in her stroller, about 1 1/2 moiles every day. And when I'm cooking at home daily, like I usually do, I almost always stay about 200 calories under my daily goal!
  • stickybumpz
    stickybumpz Posts: 18 Member
    Wanting to join the 30 day challenge.

    CW 205.2 - 1st March 2011
    GW 197.2 - 1st April 2011

    Yeah Boyee!
  • Wannalose60
    Wannalose60 Posts: 24 Member
    Weighed in at the gym... 3 pounds more than I thought I was.

    The plan is to follow the plan and stay away from alcohol.

    Any weight loss will be appreciated. I will weigh in again on the 12th!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    ok ladies and gents,
    I'm having a hard time and need some help/advice!
    I've been sick for 3 or 4 days now, and due to that I have just had no appetite and no energy, although I did keep trying to work out. I went to the doctor yesterday and turns out I have a sinus infection, double ear infections, and the beginnings of strep, yay lol! But that's not the problem totally... From being sick I just have no appetite, I guess because my body is in total loverload trying to fight off the infections... Last night I started feeling better and got hungry, but it was LATE, so I didn't eat, I drank a big glass of ice water instead, just to put something in my stomach to make the growling stop. I thought since I was hungry last night, I would be hungry this morning, but nope! I could not eat this morning, nothing looked good, I couldn't even convince myself to drink a special k protein shake, and I really love those things! When I made my daughters lunch (leftover pizza hut pasta from my neighbor who has been babying my kids and I while I'm sick lol) I decided I HAVE to eat something, so I made myself a plate as well, and I had to really force myself to eat it all. I had 1 cup of pasta and half a bread stick... less then 200 calories so far for the day and it's 1:15.
    I'm a nurse and I know well enough that if I'm not eating right, I'm actually going to lose less weight, and I also know that if I'm getting less then 500 calories in me each day, I definitely shouldn't be trying to work out because that's bad for my body.
    What I don't know is how I can get this back in order, how the heck do I get my appetite back under control so I can eat and exercise like I want to? HELP!

    Awww man Im so sorry to hear u r so sick - I have had a lot of problems in the ear/nose/throat area in my life and I know how much it can just drag u down!

    Sorry I cant be much help to u, but my advice would be - just try and eat something - n e thing even if it is just soup filled with veg but liquidice it so its runny and easy to swollow! xxx

    I hope u feel better soon darling xxxx
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Thank you all, I'm feeling much much better today! My appetite is back to normal and I have energy this morning, I love it!

    I'm spending the weekend in my small hometown in Texas and I'm super excited! It's rodeo time, and for those of you familiar with small town Texas, you know this is a big deal! I am going to stay away from the carnival food, no matter what! And this year my oldest is going with me to the rodeo, so that also means mommy will not be drinking, so no nasty alcohol calories for me either! Now, if I can convince my mother-in-law not to cook the most fattening, typical southern food we've all ever seen while we're there is a completely different story, LOL! I will stay strong and I will stay under my calorie goals!
    I will not be around a computer again until late Tuesday afternoon, I'll only be able to log calories on my phone, so I will check in with my weight when we get home! Wish me luck!
  • tayloracobb
    i'm in!
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    How's everyone doing this weekend?

    Me, i'm struggling. Birthdays are not conducive to weight loss, a meal with cake today and again on Friday, hopefully without the cake (never thought i'd say that!). I've also got a mass of university work on and still feeling under the weather, all this is making me feel like I might just say 'shove it' and eat whatever I want. But i'll do my best not to :wink:
  • merinac
    merinac Posts: 4
    how did you lose so much so quick. what did you do
  • merinac
    merinac Posts: 4
    can i still be in the challenge?
  • merinac
    merinac Posts: 4
    SW- 145.7lbs
    CW- 146 lbs (03/05/2011)
    GW- 140 lbs (04/01/2011)
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    How's everyone doing this weekend?

    Me, i'm struggling. Birthdays are not conducive to weight loss, a meal with cake today and again on Friday, hopefully without the cake (never thought i'd say that!). I've also got a mass of university work on and still feeling under the weather, all this is making me feel like I might just say 'shove it' and eat whatever I want. But i'll do my best not to :wink:

    I've had a lot of friends birthday's lately. Whenever I have one, I'll plan ahead and make sure to get in a really good workout in the AM. If they restaurants menu is online I will try and pick what I'm going to eat and plug it into my diary so I can see what I need to do for exercise for the day to stay on track.
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Today was HORRIBLE! I was down to 132.8 this morning, but have eaten like a cow today!! Today was my off day (yesterday was too), but I am planning to get on the treadmill for a while when the little one goes to sleep. Hopefully I can drink enough water to compensate for eating so much!!

    Is weigh in Monday?
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    My throat is killing me! It has progressively gotten worse all week. Starts out scratchy in the morning and then goes away. Today it never went away and it only is getting worse. Usually I reach for the ice cream to make it feel better. I haven't yet!

    Other than that I had a fantastic workout yesterday and today!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member

    Is weigh in Monday?

    Can't remember but I am weighing in Monday :)
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I've gone over the past couple of days....Friday was hubby's birthday and we went out to eat. I did manage to find the meal that I had but I still went over and was too tired to work out again when I got home. I'm trying my best to make up for it now.....I just changed my goals...I think for me if I up my consumed calories a bit it might make things a little more easy and realistic for me...We'll see how it goes. Next weigh in is March 8 right?:embarassed: :ohwell:
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow people.

    Hope we have all done OK.