Why are some members so mean here?



  • Compared to the gaming forums I read, this one is all sweetness and light.

    A thick skin is often required if you're going to stick your head above the parapet on almost any online forum. Just remember to take anything that's said with a pinch of salt. But obviously not literally, because it's bad for you :laugh:
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Hmmmm I went through the posts, I am just that lazy today lol and quite frankly I did not see any mean comments. I wish I knew what one you were refering to. Can you please tell us what one it was?
  • which post are you talking about?

    It was the post that explained my new insight on the whole eating back your calories topic. I have since become enlightened, but there was one poster who kept saying I wasn’t getting it and well, it just set me off a little.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I have to chime in here and say that I have yet come across any mean people/postings so far. Knock on wood...

    Having said that, when I was on Weight Watchers Facebook fan page...OMG...They were EVERYWHERE and ohhhhhhh sooooooo offensive. They drove people out of there that someone actually started a Private Weight Watchers fan page cause it got that bad...

    I love the community here personally, but I'm sure it's all in due time that some "troll" will surface....And to that I say..."Off with their heads"!!! :)
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I looked at the thread I think you were talking about, and didn't see anything that really seemed mean. The issue is kinda on that's been talked to death on here so some long time members might be a little frustrated with the topic (there are multiple new posts a day) but all the replies seemed like the members were just trying to explain their own experiences rather than attack you.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    which post are you talking about?

    It was the post that explained my new insight on the whole eating back your calories topic. I have since become enlightened, but there was one poster who kept saying I wasn’t getting it and well, it just set me off a little.

    You're right though. There are a few folks who have a hard time not being jerks. I know of one active poster in particular (not gonna name names) that is quite knowledgeable & experienced and I admit I'll benefit from some of his posts. But I once took a look at all his recent posts (had plenty of spare time) and couldn't find ONE that didn't at least have a hint of condescension in it.

    Just don't let it get to you. :flowerforyou:
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I saw no one being mean to you...actually I saw them being quite patient when trying to explain it to you.
  • which post are you talking about?

    It was the post that explained my new insight on the whole eating back your calories topic. I have since become enlightened, but there was one poster who kept saying I wasn’t getting it and well, it just set me off a little.


    What you have to realize is that 'excercise calories' is a hot topic and a well beaten horse around MFP. Realize when I make this observation I am in no way criticising your right to post about it or wish to share your thoughts about it on the forums. Talking about excercise calories when you first join MFP, in the forums, is like being on a politcal forum and running in on your first day saying "So here's my treatise on abortion!' and yes, it can be that devisive in this community.

    Like others have said, this forum is on the lighter side in terms of people getting flamed or harrassed. I've been on many forums- gamer, pregnancy ones, parenting ones and this is the most even keel one I've seen! Parenting/pregnancy ones are about a million times worse than this.

    There should be if there isn't a guide for newbs to forums on the internet and it should inform people that they should get their bearings before they barrel in with topics that have been discussed repeatedly etc.

    The real issue I see is that the forums are not organized efficiently..but that's another story :)

    A thicker skin is a necessity on the net...not to excuse anyone being outright rude to you.
  • which post are you talking about?

    It was the post that explained my new insight on the whole eating back your calories topic. I have since become enlightened, but there was one poster who kept saying I wasn’t getting it and well, it just set me off a little.

    You're right though. There are a few folks who have a hard time not being jerks. I know of one active poster in particular (not gonna name names) that is quite knowledgeable & experienced and I admit I'll benefit from some of his posts. But I once took a look at all his recent posts (had plenty of spare time) and couldn't find ONE that didn't at least have a hint of condescension in it.

    Just don't let it get to you. :flowerforyou:

    Yes! Name, names. Just kidding:)
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I recently started a new topic and one particular member immediately attacked what I thought at the time was “good advice” I then I made a suggestion on how to improve MFP and again received a sarcastic reply.

    I am curious to know if anyone has ever felt that you were under siege for making a suggestion or comment on this website?

    I don't think the post you're taking as offensive is that bad. . the person was just posting a link that has the info you were talking about. . MFP can't make people read. . .
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Although there are a few that can be a bit rude, I think most folks here are pretty cool. And remember, just because you have a disagreement or discussion going on doesn't necessarily mean they are being mean to you. Just food for thought. :flowerforyou:
  • Some people are just *kitten*.
    My first post here on the forums (welcome forums introducing myself)

    I had someone go off at me and tell me i had no right to use this site and i dont belong here because im already thin :|
    People are just idiots. But its their opinions.

    I know im guilty of being a bit sarcastic and rude in forums sometimes.
    Its because i get angr y really easily >.< usually i reply with a sorry after tho hahah
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    which post are you talking about?

    It was the post that explained my new insight on the whole eating back your calories topic. I have since become enlightened, but there was one poster who kept saying I wasn’t getting it and well, it just set me off a little.


    What you have to realize is that 'excercise calories' is a hot topic and a well beaten horse around MFP. Realize when I make this observation I am in no way criticising your right to post about it or wish to share your thoughts about it on the forums. Talking about excercise calories when you first join MFP, in the forums, is like being on a politcal forum and running in on your first day saying "So here's my treatise on abortion!' and yes, it can be that devisive in this community.

    Like others have said, this forum is on the lighter side in terms of people getting flamed or harrassed. I've been on many forums- gamer, pregnancy ones, parenting ones and this is the most even keel one I've seen! Parenting/pregnancy ones are about a million times worse than this.

    There should be if there isn't a guide for newbs to forums on the internet and it should inform people that they should get their bearings before they barrel in with topics that have been discussed repeatedly etc.

    The real issue I see is that the forums are not organized efficiently..but that's another story :)

    A thicker skin is a necessity on the net...not to excuse anyone being outright rude to you.

    many a true word well said
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I've seen the exercise calorie post many many times before.

    Instead of trying to explain it using math and whatnot, I've come up with a simpler plan that works quite well for me.

    If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not, I don't.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I agree with a lot that has been said here, most people are positive and supporting, and there are few bad apples, but running accross one of those few can ruin your experience. I know I myself don't post much because I tend to be sarcastic, and that doesn't always come accross well on a written forum.

    I have been reading forums for ages (back to in college before graphic browsers when they were called bulletin board services, or BBSs). One general rule of thumb I try to go by is to when I'm not sure what the intent of the poster was, to always give them the benefit of the doubt first. When a particular post rubs me the wrong way, I read it again and see if there could have been a different intent than how I took it initially. If there was, I give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I hear you! There's one member on here I can't stand. She's a mean old lady with short hair. lol. All I know is that I would never friend her. I haven't seen her on her in a while so maybe she dropped off the face of the earth.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    You are always going to get trolls on any forum you visit. It's just the internet. Actually this site is very tame compared to the aussie site I was on, Some real doozies over there.

    Just ignore them
  • I hear you! There's one member on here I can't stand. She's a mean old lady with short hair. lol. All I know is that I would never friend her. I haven't seen her on her in a while so maybe she dropped off the face of the earth.

  • I hear you! There's one member on here I can't stand. She's a mean old lady with short hair. lol. All I know is that I would never friend her. I haven't seen her on her in a while so maybe she dropped off the face of the earth.

    I just changed my avatar and grew my hair out :wink:
  • Trolls, do not feed them. :happy:
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