Why are some members so mean here?



  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I hear you! There's one member on here I can't stand. She's a mean old lady with short hair. lol. All I know is that I would never friend her. I haven't seen her on her in a while so maybe she dropped off the face of the earth.

    I just changed my avatar and grew my hair out :wink:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Cant the same thing be said as to why people are so sensitive here? :huh:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    This site isn't all that different from other online communities I've been apart of. In fact, it's not that different from any community in general. Most people are nice and helpful. A few are dynamic, and even fewer are A-holes, and some of us are class clowns. It is what it is. I just deal with it.

    There have been a few times, I've had to go back and delete what I wrote because it didn't come across the way I intended....and I'm usually sarcastic which doesn't tranlate well. Even with this:bigsmile:

    I've got to the point where I don't even read EC Posts.
  • LornaW
    LornaW Posts: 27
    I do think that some people dont realise that they have to word things differently online. It is easy to take things personally when you cant see or hear the actual person, but I agree if someone is being abnoxious and nasty then you report them and get them off the site....
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Ha! My status yesterday said something pretty much along these lines! :laugh:
  • callipygianchronicle
    I’d also say that age and experience on the internet are major factors in (a) how people respond to posts and (b) how people interpret forum responses. If you have been hanging around in internet chat rooms, blogs, digg, reddit, or any other forum where people are obsessed with a singular topic—weight, games, pregnancy, baby names, infertility, celebrity gossip—for 15+ years (like I’ll admit I have), you can get used to a certain kind of rapid-fire, deliver-answers-make-friends-later style of conversation. If most of your internet use has been personal (a la Facebook) this style of conversation can rub you the wrong way.

    I’m a geek, but a former English major, and I try hard to balanced, thoughtful, and articulate in my responses—but that in no way means that other people read my words the way I intend them. Discussing things in the impersonal world of the internet requires a thicker skin, but it doesn’t have to be so thick here on MFP.

    All in all, this is hands down the most loving internet community I have ever participated in (get pregnant and hang out at babycenter.com and you will encounter some of the craziest posters to ever grace the internet). But, it is true that there isn’t really great guidance for new people. There’s a general assumption (probably because the sites creators are geeks) that you know how to read FAQs, search forums, and crawl through al the sticky posts before you log a single food or post a single thread.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    You also have to think that some of us (especially myself) are just joking. We are funny, sarcastic and hope that other people know how to take a joke.

    I haven't read the thread but I've been accused of this recently. I'm not being mean to anyone it's just poking a little fun and should be taken in jest.
  • ugogirl1234
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I’d also say that age and experience on the internet are major factors in (a) how people respond to posts and (b) how people interpret forum responses. If you have been hanging around in internet chat rooms, blogs, digg, reddit, or any other forum where people are obsessed with a singular topic—weight, games, pregnancy, baby names, infertility, celebrity gossip—for 15+ years (like I’ll admit I have), you can get used to a certain kind of rapid-fire, deliver-answers-make-friends-later style of conversation. If most of your internet use has been personal (a la Facebook) this style of conversation can rub you the wrong way.

    I’m a geek, but a former English major, and I try hard to balanced, thoughtful, and articulate in my responses—but that in no way means that other people read my words the way I intend them. Discussing things in the impersonal world of the internet requires a thicker skin, but it doesn’t have to be so thick here on MFP.

    All in all, this is hands down the most loving internet community I have ever participated in (get pregnant and hang out at babycenter.com and you will encounter some of the craziest posters to ever grace the internet). But, it is true that there isn’t really great guidance for new people. There’s a general assumption (probably because the sites creators are geeks) that you know how to read FAQs, search forums, and crawl through al the sticky posts before you log a single food or post a single thread.

    How eloquently put...
  • Scarletblue
    If I am sick of a topic I just don't read it, and just because it is a repeated question is no excuse for anyone to be rude about it. New people join everyday and they are going to ask the same beginner questions.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    It's a diet site,maybe they are just crabby from being hungry LOL :) Honestly though there are mean people everywhere, especially on sites where there are a lot of women.
  • sylvia1970
    perhaps they were having a bad day?

    lets face it, we're all on here for a reason; doesn't justify arguments or nasty comments i know but think about the thousands of people that are decent, nice and take a real interest.

    some people ask for help but really know the answer themselves and they are just ignoring the facts and they become very rude and destructive in communication so they take it out on others.

    don't rise to it. ignore it and don't take it personal.

    You wanna watch Benidorm on ITV for cheek
  • ugogirl1234
    It's a diet site,maybe they are just crabby from being hungry LOL :) Honestly though there are mean people everywhere, especially on sites where there are a lot of women.

  • lkkyer
    lkkyer Posts: 38 Member
    I hear you! There's one member on here I can't stand. She's a mean old lady with short hair. lol. All I know is that I would never friend her. I haven't seen her on her in a while so maybe she dropped off the face of the earth.

    I just changed my avatar and grew my hair out :wink:
    LMAO, that's hilarious!
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    If I am sick of a topic I just don't read it, and just because it is a repeated question is no excuse for anyone to be rude about it. New people join everyday and they are going to ask the same beginner questions.

    Wholeheartedly agree.
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    It's a diet site,maybe they are just crabby from being hungry LOL :) Honestly though there are mean people everywhere, especially on sites where there are a lot of women.

    Funny but so so true :laugh:
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    The person that commented on that suggestion has been a member since 2007. I bet they have seen similar questions or suggestions thousands of times and sometimes seeing the same thing over and over can make people irritable. :devil:

    Don't worry, most people are nice most of the time. You just have to hope none of us are posting before we've had our coffee for the morning! :tongue:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The person that commented on that suggestion has been a member since 2007. I bet they have seen similar questions or suggestions thousands of times and sometimes seeing the same thing over and over can make people irritable. :devil:

    Don't worry, most people are nice most of the time. You just have to hope none of us are posting before we've had our coffee for the morning! :tongue:

    How long you have been here does not give you a free pass to being a jerk lol infact why even comment if the topic annoys you to the point of coming off like a jerk